I have a dataframe looks like:
group, rate
How can I transpose this to a wide data frame. This is what I expect to get:
group, rate_1, rate_2
The number of records in each group is the same and also how to create a consistent column name with prefix or suffix while transposing?
Do you know which function I can use?
Try with groupBy, collect_list then dynamically split the array column as new columns.
#| A| 0.1|
#| A| 0.2|
#| B| 0.3|
#| B| 0.1|
arr_size = 2
exprs=['group']+[expr('lst[' + str(x) + ']').alias('rate_'+str(x+1)) for x in range(0, arr_size)]
#| B| 0.3| 0.1|
#| A| 0.1| 0.2|
For Preserver Order in collect_list():
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql import *
filter(col("snr") == 1).\
#|group| lst|
#| B|[0.3, 0.1]|
#| A|[0.1, 0.2]|
arr_size = 2
exprs=['group']+[expr('lst[' + str(x) + ']').alias('rate_'+str(x+1)) for x in range(0, arr_size)]
| B| 0.3| 0.1|
| A| 0.1| 0.2|
I would create a column to rank your "rate" column and then pivot:
First create a "rank" column and concatenate the string "rate_" to the row_number:
from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, first, lit, row_number
from pyspark.sql import Window
df = df.withColumn(
#|group|rate| rank|
#| B| 0.1|rate_1|
#| B| 0.3|rate_2|
#| C| 0.1|rate_1|
#| C| 0.2|rate_2|
#| A| 0.1|rate_1|
#| A| 0.2|rate_2|
Now group by the "group" column and pivot on the "rank" column. Since you need an aggregation, use first.
#| B| 0.1| 0.3|
#| C| 0.1| 0.2|
#| A| 0.1| 0.2|
The above does not depend on knowing the number of records in each group ahead of time.
However if (like you said) you know the number of records in each group you can make the pivot more efficient by passing in the values
num_records = 2
values = ["rate_" + str(i+1) for i in range(num_records)]
df.groupBy("group").pivot("rank", values=values).agg(first("rate")).show()
#| B| 0.1| 0.3|
#| C| 0.1| 0.2|
#| A| 0.1| 0.2|
Let me explain my question using an example:
I have a dataframe:
pd_1 = pd.DataFrame({'day':[1,2,3,2,1,3],
'code': [10, 10, 20,20,30,30],
'A': [44, 55, 66,77,88,99],
'B':['a',None,'c',None,'d', None],
'C':[None,None,'12',None,None, None]
df_1 = sc.createDataFrame(pd_1)
|day|code| A| B| C|
| 1| 10| 44| a|null|
| 2| 10| 55|null|null|
| 3| 20| 66| c| 12|
| 2| 20| 77|null|null|
| 1| 30| 88| d|null|
| 3| 30| 99|null|null|
What I want to achieve is a new dataframe, each row corresponds to a code, and for each column I want to have the most recent non-null value (with highest day).
In pandas, I can simply do
pd_2 = pd_1.sort_values('day', ascending=True).groupby('code').last()
to get
code day A B C
0 10 2 55 a None
1 20 3 66 c 12
2 30 3 99 d None
My question is, how can I do it in pyspark (preferably version < 3)?
What I have tried so far is:
from pyspark.sql import Window
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
w = Window.partitionBy('code').orderBy(F.desc('day')).rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
## Update: after applying #Steven's idea to remove for loop:
df_1 = df_1 .select([F.collect_list(x).over(w).getItem(0).alias(x) for x in df_.columns])
##for x in df_1.columns:
## df_1 = df_1.withColumn(x, F.collect_list(x).over(w).getItem(0))
df_1 = df_1.distinct()
|day|code| A| B| C|
| 2| 10| 55| a|null|
| 3| 30| 99| d|null|
| 3| 20| 66| c| 12|
Which I'm not very happy with, especially due to the for loop.
I think your current solution is quite nice. If you want another solution, you can try using first/last window functions :
from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window
w = Window.partitionBy("code").orderBy(F.col("day").desc())
df2 = (
F.first(F.col(col), ignorenulls=True)
.over(w.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing))
for col in ("A", "B", "C")
.where("rwnb = 1")
and the result :
|day|code| A| B| C|
| 2| 10| 55| a|null|
| 3| 30| 99| d|null|
| 3| 20| 66| c| 12|
Here's another way of doing by using array functions and struct ordering instead of Window:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
other_cols = ["day", "A", "B", "C"]
df_1 = df_1.groupBy("code").agg(
*[f"array_max(filter(values, x-> x.{c} is not null))['{c}'] as {c}" for c in other_cols]
#|code|day| A| B| C|
#| 10| 2| 55| a|null|
#| 30| 3| 99| d|null|
#| 20| 3| 66| c| 12|
I have a dataframe like this:
Using PySpark, I want to remove all the duplicates. However, if there is a duplicate in which the p1 column is not null I want to remove the null one. For example, I want to remove the first occurrence of id 2 and either of id 4. Right now I am splitting the dataframe into two dataframes as such:
Removing the duplicates from both, then adding the ones which are not in the first dataframe back. Like that I get this dataframe.
This is what I have so far:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('test').getOrCreate()
d = spark.createDataFrame(
["id", "p"]
d1 = d.filter(d.p.isNull())
d2 = d.filter(d.p.isNotNull())
d1 = d1.dropDuplicates()
d2 = d2.dropDuplicates()
d3 = d1.join(d2, "id", 'left_anti')
d4 = d2.unionByName(d3)
Is there a more beautiful way of doing this? It really feels redundant like this but I can't come up with a better way. I tried using groupby but couldn't achieve it. Any ideas? Thanks.
(df1.sort(col('p1').desc())#sort column descending and will put nulls low in list
.dropDuplicates(subset = ['id']).show()#Drop duplicates on column id
| id| p1|
| 1| A|
| 2| C|
| 3| B|
| 4|null|
Use window row_number() function and sort by "p" column descending.
#| id| p|
#| 1| A|
#| 2|null|
#| 3| B|
#| 4|null|
#| 4|null|
#| 2| C|
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, row_number
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
#| id| p|
#| 1| A|
#| 3| B|
#| 2| C|
#| 4|null|
I need help to convert below code in Pyspark code or Pyspark sql code.
df["full_name"] = df.apply(lambda x: "_".join(sorted((x["first"], x["last"]))), axis=1)
Its basically adding one new column name full_name which have to concatenate values of the columns first and last in a sorted way.
I have done below code but don't know how to apply to sort in a columns text value.
df= df.withColumn('full_name', f.concat(f.col('first'),f.lit('_'), f.col('last')))
From Spark-2.4+:
We can use array_join, array_sort functions for this case.
#| a| b|
#| e| c|
#| d| a|
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
#first we create array of first,last columns then apply sort and join on array
#| a| b| a_b|
#| e| c| c_e|
#| d| a| a_d|
Can I compute a discounted future cumulative sum using spark sql? Below is an example that computes the undiscounted cum future sum using window functions, and I hard coded in what I mean by the discounted cum sum:
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
def undiscountedCummulativeFutureReward(df):
windowSpec = Window \
.partitionBy('user') \
.orderBy('time') \
.rangeBetween(0, Window.unboundedFollowing)
tot_reward = F.sum('reward').over(windowSpec)
df_tot_reward = df.withColumn('undiscounted', tot_reward)
return df_tot_reward
def makeData(spark, gamma=0.5):
data = [{'user': 'bob', 'time': 3, 'reward': 10, 'discounted_cum': 10 + (gamma * 9) + ((gamma ** 2) * 11)},
{'user': 'bob', 'time': 4, 'reward': 9, 'discounted_cum': 9 + gamma * 11},
{'user': 'bob', 'time': 5, 'reward': 11, 'discounted_cum': 11.0},
{'user': 'jo', 'time': 4, 'reward': 6, 'discounted_cum': 6 + gamma * 7},
{'user': 'jo', 'time': 5, 'reward': 7, 'discounted_cum': 7.0},
schema = T.StructType([T.StructField('user', T.StringType(), False),
T.StructField('time', T.IntegerType(), False),
T.StructField('reward', T.IntegerType(), False),
T.StructField('discounted_cum', T.FloatType(), False)])
return spark.createDataFrame(data=data, schema=schema)
def main(spark):
df = makeData(spark)
df = undiscountedCummulativeFutureReward(df)
df.orderBy('user', 'time').show()
return df
When you run it you get:
| bob| 3| 10| 17.25| 30|
| bob| 4| 9| 14.5| 20|
| bob| 5| 11| 11.0| 11|
| jo| 4| 6| 9.5| 13|
| jo| 5| 7| 7.0| 7|
That is discounted is sum \gamma^k r_k for k=0 to \infinity
I'm wondering if I can compute the discounted column with Window functions, like introduce a column with the rank, a literal with gamma, multiply things together - but still not quite clear - I suppose I can do it with some kind of UDF, but I think I'd have to first collect_as_list all the users, return a new list with the cum discounted sum, and then explode the list.
Suppose you were starting with the following DataFrame:
#| bob| 3| 10|
#| bob| 4| 9|
#| bob| 5| 11|
#| jo| 4| 6|
#| jo| 5| 7|
You can join this DataFrame to itself on the user column, and keep only those rows where the time column of the right table is greater than or equal to the time column of the left table. We make this easier by aliasing the DataFrames l and r.
After the join, you can group by user, time and reward from the left table and aggregate the reward column from the right table. However it seems that a groupBy followed by an orderBy is not guaranteed to maintain that order, so you should use a Window to be explicit.
from pyspark.sql import Window, functions as f
w = Window.partitionBy("user", "l.time", "l.reward").orderBy("r.time")
df = df.alias("l").join(df.alias("r"), on="user")\
#|user|time|reward| rewards|
#| jo| 4| 6| [6]|
#| jo| 4| 6| [6, 7]|
#| jo| 5| 7| [7]|
#| bob| 3| 10| [10]|
#| bob| 3| 10| [10, 9]|
#| bob| 3| 10|[10, 9, 11]|
#| bob| 4| 9| [9]|
#| bob| 4| 9| [9, 11]|
#| bob| 5| 11| [11]|
Now you have all of the elements required to compute your discounted_cum column.
Spark 2.1 and above:
You can use pyspark.sql.functions.posexplode to explode the rewards array along with the index in the list. This will make a new row for each value in the rewards array. Use distinct to drop duplicates that were introduced by using the Window function (instead of groupBy).
We'll call the index k and the reward rk. Now you can apply your function using pyspark.sql.functions.pow
gamma = 0.5
df.select("user", "time", "reward", f.posexplode("rewards").alias("k", "rk"))\
.withColumn("discounted", f.pow(f.lit(gamma), f.col("k"))*f.col("rk"))\
.groupBy("user", "time")\
.agg(f.first("reward").alias("reward"), f.sum("discounted").alias("discounted_cum"))\
#| bob| 3| 10| 17.25|
#| bob| 4| 9| 14.5|
#| bob| 5| 11| 11.0|
#| jo| 4| 6| 9.5|
#| jo| 5| 7| 7.0|
Older Versions of Spark
For older versions of spark, you'll have to use row_number()-1 to get the values for k after using explode:
df.select("user", "time", "reward", f.explode("rewards").alias("rk"))\
f.row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("user", "time").orderBy("time"))-1
.withColumn("discounted", f.pow(f.lit(gamma), f.col("k"))*f.col("rk"))\
.groupBy("user", "time")\
.agg(f.first("reward").alias("reward"), f.sum("discounted").alias("discounted_cum"))\
#| jo| 4| 6| 9.5|
#| jo| 5| 7| 7.0|
#| bob| 3| 10| 17.25|
#| bob| 4| 9| 14.5|
#| bob| 5| 11| 11.0|
I have a table in HIVE/PySpark with A, B and C columns.
I want to get unique values for each of the column like
{A: [1, 2, 3], B:[a, b], C:[10, 20]}
in any format (dataframe, table, etc.)
How to do this efficiently (in parallel for each column) in HIVE or PySpark?
Current approach that I have does this for each column separately and thus is taking a lot of time.
We can use collect_set() from the pyspark.sql.functions module,
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,'a',10),(2,'a',20),(3,'b',10)],['A','B','C'])
>>> df.show()
| A| B| C|
| 1| a| 10|
| 2| a| 20|
| 3| b| 10|
>>> from pyspark.sql import functions as F
>>> df.select([F.collect_set(x).alias(x) for x in df.columns]).show()
| A| B| C|
|[1, 2, 3]|[b, a]|[20, 10]|