Vue stored valued through props not being reactive - vue.js

So I pass value using [props] and stored it in child component's data. However, when passing [props] value changes from parent, it's not updating in child component's data. Is there a fix for this..?
Here is the link to w3 test (I tried to clarify the problem as much as possible here)
<div id='app'>
<div id='parent'>
<button #click='current_value()'>Click to see parent value</button>
<button #click='change_value($event)'>{{ txt }}</button>
<child-comp :test-prop='passing_data'></child-comp>
<center><code>As you can see, this methods is <b>NOT</b> reactive!</code></center>
new Vue({
el: "#parent",
data: {
passing_data: 'Value',
txt: 'Click to change value'
methods: {
this.passing_data = 'New Vaule!!';
this.txt = 'Now click above button again to see new value'; = 'red'; = 'white';
components: {
"child-comp": {
template: `
<button #click='test()'>Click here to see child (stored) value</button>
props: ['test-prop'],
return {
stored_data: this.testProp
methods: {
watch: {
this.stored_data = this.testProp;

Props have one way data flow, that's why it doesn't react when you update it from the parent component. Define a clone of your prop at data to make it reactive, and then you can change the value within the child component.

Short answer: you don't need stored_data. Use alert(this.testProp) directly.
Long answer: when child component is created, stored_data get it's value from this.testProp. But data is local, it won't change automatically. That's why you need to watch testProp and set it again. But is not working because of a simple mistake, your watch should be:
watch: {
testProp(){ // here was the mistake
this.stored_data = this.testProp;


How could I change an image in a child page when pressing a button in its parent page?

I have a DefaultLayout component with a dark mode toggle button which is its own component. One if its children (DefaultLayout's) is About.vue where I want a specific image to change its src depending on a localStorage value that can be set to either 'dark' or 'light'.
I've managed to read the localStorage value but the image does not change unless I refresh the page.
I'm new to Vue so I'm lost on how I can create a method to do this in DefaultLayout and change a variable in its child. I've tried to use an emit with no luck.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Yes, the local storage is for keeping data not propagate events.
The simplest way for you is to make a prop in child component and pass the value by this prop. But if you want to implement it as global variable the suggested way is by Pinia.
Below is a simple example
Vue.component('About', {
name: 'About',
template: `<div>
<div v-if="mode==='dark'">Dark</div>
<div v-else>Light</div>
data() {
return {
mode: 'light',
mounted() {
this.setMode('white'); // In realtime use `this.getMode()` instead of 'white'
methods: {
setMode(val) {
this.mode = val;
getMode() {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mode'));
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
template: `<div>
<input type="checkbox" v-model="toggler" #input="setVal" />
<About ref="about" />
data() {
return {
toggler: false,
methods: {
setVal() {
const mode = this.toggler === false ? 'dark' : 'light';
// localStorage.setItem('mode', mode); // In realtime uncomment this line
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

Vue: Updating a data property triggers re-evaluation of entire data?

I've been working on Vue project for almost a year, and I've just observed unexpected behavior below for the first time today...
Here is a link to code sandbox:
And a code snippet from above link:
<input v-model="a" />
export default {
data() {
return {
a: 'a',
b: 'b',
computed: {
translator: function() {
return function(value) {
console.log(`translated...: ${value}`)
return value
Now every time I hit the key on input, the translator is triggered.
Is this a correct behavior?
If so, what is the cause of this problem or a background reasoning of this behavior?
Note that my vue version is 2.6.14(latest).
Your original issue is that you were attempting to use a method to render parts of your template. Methods used like this will execute for every update cycle, regardless of what changed.
The better solution is to use a computed property. Here's a somewhat dynamic example that wraps each of your data properties with a computed translator_x property
<div>{{ a }}</div>
<div>{{ translator_b }}</div>
<input v-model="a" />
const defaultData = {
a: "a",
b: "b"
export default {
data: () => ({ ...defaultData }),
computed: Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(defaultData).map(k => [
vm => {
console.log("translated...", k)
return vm[k]
Each translator_x property will only be evaluated if the underlying data property is changed.

How to clone props object and make it non-reactive [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?
(67 answers)
Closed 12 days ago.
I have some form data which I share with children components through props. Now I want to clone the prop object and make it non-reactive. In my case I want the user to be able to modify the props value without actually changing the cloned value. The cloned value should only be there to show the user what the form was when editing. Below code shows this:
<div v-if="computedFormData">
original prop title: {{orgData.title}}
new title:
<input type="text" v-model="formData.title"/>
//changing data here will also change orgData.title
export default {
props: ['formData'],
data() {
return {
orgData: [],
computed: {
computedFormData: function () {
this.orgData = this.formData;
return this.orgData;
methods: {
I have tried with Object.freeze(testData); but it doesnt work, both testData and orgData are reactive. Note also that using mounted or created property does not render orgData so I'm forced to use the computed property.
Try copying the prop values with Object.assign. No more issue with reactivity since the new, assigned values are just the copy instead of the reference to the source.
If your data object is a lot more complex, I'd recommend deepmerge in place of Object.assign.
Vue.component('FormData', {
template: `
<div v-if="testData">
<p>Original prop title: <strong>{{orgData.title}}</strong></p>
<p>Cloned prop title:</p>
<input type="text" v-model="testData.title" />
props: ['orgData'],
data() {
return {
testData: Object.assign({}, this.orgData)
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
dummyForm: {
title: 'Some title'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<form-data :org-data="dummyForm"></form-data>
Not entirely sure why but using Object.assign on a computed property did not work for me. I solved it by using a watch property for the props value:
this.orgData = Object.assign({}, this.formData)
Object.assign is merely a shallow copy. If you have a copy consists that of only primitive data types (string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, symbol, and null) it's ok. It to remove its reactivity. But, if you have a copy that has reference types you can’t shallow clone it to remove its reactivity.
For depping clone you can use the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) pattern. But keep in mind that is going to work if your data consists of supported JSON data types.
props: ['orgData'],
data() {
return {
cloneOrgData: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.orgData))

can not assign props to data

This is a simple component. I'm trying to assign props to data as docs said so. (the initialData comes from vuex and database)
{{ initialData }}
{{ privateData }}
export default {
name: 'someName',
props: [
data() {
return {
privateData: this.initialData
But, the problem is initialData is OK, but privateData is just an empty object {}.
Weirdest thing is, if I save my file again, so webpack hot reloads stuff, privateData also gets the proper data I need.
Here is the parent:
<section v-if="initialData">
<child :initial-data="initialData"></micro-movies>
export default {
name: 'parentName',
data() {
return {};
computed: {
initialData() {
return this.$store.state.initialData;
components: {
I know that it's about getting data dynamically . because if I change initialData in parent to some object manually, it works fine.
The data function is only ever called once at component creation. If initialData is not populated at that point in time, then privateData will always be null. That is why you probably want to use a computed property, or watch the property.

How to send updated values from Parent component to child component in Vue JS?

I am passing a variable from parent component to child component through props. But with some operation, the value of that variable is getting changed i.e. on click of some button in parent component but I did not know how to pass that updated value to child? suppose the value of one variable is false initially and there is Edit button in parent component. i am changing the value of this variable on click of Edit button and want to pass the updated value from parent to child component.
Your property's value should be updated dynamically when using props between parent and child components. Based on your example and the initial state of the property being false, it's possible that the value was not properly passed into the child component. Please confirm that your syntax is correct. You can check here for reference.
However, if you want to perform a set of actions anytime the property's value changes, then you can use a watcher.
Here's an example using both props and watchers:
<div id="app">
<child-component :title="name"></child-component>
Vue.component('child-component', {
props: ['title'],
watch: {
// This would be called anytime the value of title changes
title(newValue, oldValue) {
// you can do anything here with the new value or old/previous value
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
name: 'Bob'
created() {
// changing the value after a period of time would propagate to the child
setTimeout(() => { = 'John' }, 2000);
watch: {
// You can also set up a watcher for name here if you like
name() { ... }
You can watch a (props) variable with the vue watch.
for example:
export default {
props: ['chatrooms', 'newmessage'],
watch : {
newmessage : function (value) {...}
created() {
I hope this will solve your problem. :)
Properties, where the value is an object, can be especially tricky. If you change an attribute in that object, the state is not changed. Thus, the child component doesn't get updated.
Check this example:
// ParentComponent.vue
<child-component :some-prop="anObject" />
<button type="button" #click="setObjectAttribute">Click me</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
anObject: {},
methods: {
setObjectAttribute() {
this.anObject.attribute = 'someValue';
// ChildComponent.vue
<strong>Attribute value is:</strong>
{{ someProp.attribute ? someProp.attribute : '(empty)' }}
export default {
props: [
When the user clicks on the "Click me" button, the local object is updated. However, since the object itself is the same -- only its attribute was changed -- a state change is not dispatched.
To fix that, the setObjectAttribute could be changed this way:
setObjectAttribute() {
// using ES6's spread operator
this.anObject = { ...this.anObject, attribute: 'someValue' };
// -- OR --
// using Object.assign
this.anObject = Object.assign({}, this.anObject, { attribute: 'someValue' });
By doing this, the anObject data attribute is receiving a new object reference. Then, the state is changed and the child component will receive that event.
You can use Dynamic Props.
This will pass data dynamically from the parent to the child component as you want.