How to make SnakeYAML to serialise objects without explicit annotations? - kotlin

I made to_yaml function for the SnakeYAML but it doesn't print the YAML, it prints instead !!Portfolio {}. The code
fun to_yaml(v: Any): String {
val yaml = Yaml()
val writer = StringWriter()
yaml.dump(v, writer)
return writer.toString()
How to update it so it would print any object as just a key/value collection, like JSON for JS object?
Without the need to specially annotate that class? Also, ideally avoid print the class name, only the content of the object, just like how JSON works in JavaScript.
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
fun to_yaml(v: Any): String {
val yaml = Yaml()
val writer = StringWriter()
yaml.dump(v, writer)
return writer.toString()
fun main() {
val portfolio = Portfolio(
class Portfolio(
val account_id: String,
val positions: List<PortfolioPosition>
class PortfolioPosition (
val position: Int,
val average_cost: Double,
val contract: PortfolioContract
interface PortfolioContract
enum class ContractType { stock, option }
class PortfolioStockContract (
val symbol: String
) : PortfolioContract {
val type = ContractType.stock


Type initialization with jackson?

I'm working on data class extension with polymorphic property. Here's the dataclass:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo
data class CarModelResponse(
val models: List<CarType> = listOf(),
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "type")
JsonSubTypes.Type(MercedesType::class, name = "mercedes"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(OpelType::class, name = "opel"),
abstract class CarType(open val type: String) {
abstract fun getCarFeature(): Any
data class MercedesType(
val comfortClass: Int
) : CarType("mercedes") {
override fun getCarFeature(): Int = comfortClass
data class OpelType(
val coupon: String
) : CarType("opel") {
override fun getCarFeature(): String = coupon
and also i have a test, where i'm trying to get a typed car variable:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class CarResponseTest {
fun getCarFeatures() {
val json: String = """
"models": [
"type": "mercedes",
"comfortClass": 1
"type": "opel",
"coupon": "Buy Opel and win a Mercedes! Coupon #1."
val response = jacksonObjectMapper().readValue<CarModelResponse>(json)
val comfortClass: Int = (response.models.first() as MercedesType).getCarFeature()
val couppon: String = (response.models.last() as OpelType).getCarFeature()
Deserialization works fine, but I need to retrieve car's feature without casting with as at last two lines of code, but I'm a little stuck how to do that. Could anyone advice how can I get rid of it?
You can't do it with no casting, because compiler needs to know what type must be assigned, however in this case you can avoid casting to MercedesType or OpelType:
val comfortClass: Int = response.models.first().getCarFeature() as Int
val coupon: String = response.models.last().getCarFeature() as String

Convert String referential datatype to real referential datatypes

I have the following dataclasses:
data class JsonNpc(
val name: String,
val neighbours: JsonPreferences
data class JsonPreferences(
val loves: List<String>,
val hates: List<String>
I have a list of these, and they reference each other through strings like:
note that a likes b does not mean b likes a
I also have the Dataclasses
data class Npc(
val name: String,
val neighbours: NeighbourPreferences,
data class NeighbourPreferences(
val loves: List<Npc>,
val hates: List<Npc>
And I want to convert the String reference types to the normal reference types.
What I have tried:
recursively creating the npcs (and excluding any that are already in the chain, as that would lead to infinite recursion):
Does not work, as the Npc can not be fully created and the List is immutable (I dont want it to be mutable)
I have managed to find a way to do this. It did not work with Npc as a data class, as I needed a real constructor
fun parseNpcs(map: Map<String, JsonNpc>): Map<String, Npc> {
val resultMap: MutableMap<String, Npc> = mutableMapOf()
for (value in map.values) {
Npc(value, map, resultMap)
return resultMap
class Npc(jsonNpc: JsonNpc, infoList: Map<String, JsonNpc>, resultMap: MutableMap<String, Npc>) {
val name: String
val neighbourPreferences: NeighbourPreferences
init { =
resultMap[name] = this
val lovesNpc = {
resultMap[it] ?: Npc(infoList[it] ?: error("Missing an Npc"), infoList, resultMap)
val hatesNpc = {
resultMap[it] ?: Npc(infoList[it] ?: error("Missing an Npc"), infoList, resultMap)
this.neighbourPreferences = NeighbourPreferences(
lovesNpc, hatesNpc
data class NeighbourPreferences(
val loves: List<Npc>,
val hates: List<Npc>
checking in the debugger, the people carry the same references for each Neighbour, so the Guide is always one Npc instance.

Use Kotlin's data class in service-proxy of Vert.x

I'm trying to pass data class to the service-proxy of Vert.x like this:
data class Entity(val field: String)
public interface DatabaseService {
DatabaseService createEntity(Entity entity, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler);
However, the service-proxy requires a DataObject as the parameter type.
Below are what I've tried so far.
First, I rewrite the data class as:
data class Entity(val field: String) {
constructor(json: JsonObject) : this(
fun toJson(): JsonObject = JsonObject.mapFrom(this)
Although this works, the code is redundant, so I tried the kapt with the following generator:
override fun process(annotations: Set<TypeElement>, roundEnv: RoundEnvironment): Boolean {
roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith( { el ->
val className = el.simpleName.toString()
val pack = processingEnv.elementUtils.getPackageOf(el).toString()
val filename = "Proxy$className"
val classBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(filename)
val primaryConstructorBuilder = FunSpec.constructorBuilder()
val secondaryConstructorBuilder = FunSpec.constructorBuilder().addParameter("json", JsonObject::class)
val secondaryConstructorCodeBlocks = mutableListOf<CodeBlock>()
el.enclosedElements.forEach {
if (it.kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
val name = it.simpleName.toString()
val kClass = getClass(it) // get the corresponding Kotlin class
val jsonTypeName = getJsonTypeName(it) // get the corresponding type name in methods of JsonObject
classBuilder.addProperty(PropertySpec.builder(name, kClass).initializer(name).build())
primaryConstructorBuilder.addParameter(name, kClass)
FunSpec.builder("toJson").returns(JsonObject::class).addStatement("return JsonObject.mapFrom(this)").build()
val generatedFile = FileSpec.builder(pack, filename).addType(
return true
Then I can get the correct generated file by simply writing the original data class, but when I execute the building after cleaning, I still get the following error:
Could not generate model for DatabaseService#createEntity(ProxyEntity,io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<java.lang.Void>>): type ProxyEntity is not legal for use for a parameter in proxy
It seems that the generated annotation #DataObject is not processed.
So what should I do? Is there a better solution?

Map Key Values to Dataclass in Kotlin

how can I set properties of a dataclass by its name. For example, I have a raw HTTP GET response
and a data class in Kotlin
data class Test(var propA: String = "", var propB: String = ""){}
in my code i have an function that splits the response to a key value array
val test: Test = Test()
rawResp?.split('\n')?.forEach { item: String ->
run {
val keyValue = item.split('=')
In JavaScript I can do the following
response.split('\n').forEach(item => {
let keyValue = item.split('=');
this.test[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1];
Is there a similar way in Kotlin?
You cannot readily do this in Kotlin the same way you would in JavaScript (unless you are prepared to handle reflection yourself), but there is a possibility of using a Kotlin feature called Delegated Properties (particularly, a use case Storing Properties in a Map of that feature).
Here is an example specific to code in your original question:
class Test(private val map: Map<String, String>) {
val propA: String by map
val propB: String by map
override fun toString() = "${javaClass.simpleName}(propA=$propA,propB=$propB)"
fun main() {
val rawResp: String? = """
val props = rawResp?.split('\n')?.map { item ->
val (key, value) = item.split('=')
key to value
}?.toMap() ?: emptyMap()
val test = Test(props)
println("Property 'propA' of test is: ${test.propA}")
println("Or using toString: $test")
This outputs:
Property 'propA' of test is: valueA
Or using toString: Test(propA=valueA,propB=valueB)
Unfortunately, you cannot use data classes with property delegation the way you would expect, so you have to 'pay the price' and define the overridden methods (toString, equals, hashCode) on your own if you need them.
By the question, it was not clear for me if each line represents a Test instance or not. So
If not.
fun parse(rawResp: String): Test = rawResp.split("\n").flatMap { it.split("=") }.let { Test(it[0], it[1]) }
If yes.
fun parse(rawResp: String): List<Test> = rawResp.split("\n").map { it.split("=") }.map { Test(it[0], it[1]) }
For null safe alternative you can use nullableString.orEmpty()...

Custom serializer with polymorphic kotlinx serialization

With kotlinx.serialization polymorphism, I want to get
but I get
I use the following models
interface Vehicle {
val owner: String
data class PassengerCar(
override val owner: String,
val numberOfSeats: Int
) : Vehicle
data class Truck(
override val owner: String,
val body: Body
) : Vehicle {
data class Body(
val bodyType: String,
val carryingCapacityInTons: Int,
val detachable: Boolean
//a lot of other fields
I apply the following Json
inline val VehicleJson: Json get() = Json(context = SerializersModule {
polymorphic(Vehicle::class) {
PassengerCar::class with PassengerCar.serializer()
Truck::class with TruckKSerializer
I use serializer TruckKSerializer because the server adopts a flat structure. At the same time, in the application I want to use an object Truck.Body. For flatten I override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, obj : T) and fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): T in Serializator using JsonOutput and JsonInput according to the documentation in these classes.
object TruckKSerializer : KSerializer<Truck> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = SerialClassDescImpl("Truck")
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, obj: Truck) {
val output = encoder as? JsonOutput ?: throw SerializationException("This class can be saved only by Json")
output.encodeJson(json { to obj.owner
encoder.json.toJson(Truck.Body.serializer(), obj.body)
.forEach { (name, value) ->
name to value
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): Truck {
val input = decoder as? JsonInput
?: throw SerializationException("This class can be loaded only by Json")
val tree = input.decodeJson() as? JsonObject
?: throw SerializationException("Expected JsonObject")
return Truck(
And finally, I use stringify(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, obj: T)
owner = "Ivan",
body = Truck.Body(
bodyType = "cistern",
carryingCapacityInTons = 5,
detachable = false
I end up with {"type":"kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap", ...}, but I need {"type":"veh_t", ...}
How do I get the right type? I want using polymorphism for Vehicle and encode Body object with Truck.Body.serializer() to flatten.
With this serialization, the PassengerCar class runs fine.
owner = "Oleg",
numberOfSeats = 4
Result is correct:
I think the problem is the custom serializer TruckKSerializer.
And I noticed if I use in my overridden fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, obj : T) next code
.apply {
I get the correct type but cannot flatten the object Truck.Body using its serializer.
the correct way to open and close a composite {}
is this code
val composite = encoder.beginStructure(descriptor)
// use composite instead of encoder here
and you should be able to serialize Body using .encodeSerializable(Body.serializer(), body)
and always pass the descriptor along otherwise it will fall back to stuff like that LinkedhashMap for the json dictionary