hashcat [CommandLine Error: Option 'polly' registered more than once! & LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options] - hashcat

root#kali:~/Downloads/Compressed/hashcat-6.0.0# ./hashcat.bin -I
hashcat (v6.0.0) starting...
: CommandLine Error: Option 'polly' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
I don't know how to fix this?

Remove Libre Office, or roll it back to a previous version.
I don't know the finer details, but I noticed the current version has a bug that seems to interfere with OpenCL compatible software.
Not an ideal solution, but it's all I got at the moment.
My only clue was this post.


SystemTap semantic error when trying to run dvorak-qwerty script

I found this repo with a systemtap script for letting me use QWERTY ctrl-shortcuts on my dvorak layout. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, but I don't think it has to do with the script itself. I'm running Pop OS and I think that it's because the linux-image I need with all the debug symbols doesn't exist.
The script says I need to install linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-image-$(uname -r)-dbg
For me, this turns into linux-headers-5.11.0-7620-generic linux-image-5.11.0-7620-generic-dbg
linux-headers-5.11.0-7620-generic exists and I'm able to download it using apt-get.
linux-image-5.11.0-7620-generic-dbg can't be installed using apt-get. I can install
linux-image-5.11.0-7620-generic, but that's not the same thing. I've spent time looking online for it and adding different keys to apt-get, but I haven't been able to find anything with that name. If the problem is not having the correct linux-image package installed, I need help being pointed in the right direction as to where I can get it.
I tried following the directions here, and I've also searched this to no avail. I tried downloading and installing linux-image-4.4.0-142-generic-dbgsym_4.4.0-142.168_amd64.ddeb but that also didn't work.
If this isn't the problem, I've provided the output of the script. Any help is appreciated.
peyton#pop-os:~/scripts$ sudo stap -g -v dvorak-qwerty.stp
Pass 1: parsed user script and 477 library scripts using 116428virt/91336res/7612shr/83628data kb, in 140usr/30sys/168real ms.
semantic error: resolution failed in DWARF builder
semantic error: resolution failed in DWARF builder
semantic error: while resolving probe point: identifier 'module' at dvorak-qwerty.stp:152:7
source: probe module("evdev").function("evdev_events") {
semantic error: no match
semantic error: resolution failed in DWARF builder
Pass 2: analyzed script: 2 probes, 0 functions, 1 embed, 0 globals using 119016virt/94812res/8680shr/86216data kb, in 10usr/0sys/7real ms.
Pass 2: analysis failed. [man error::pass2]
Tip: /usr/share/doc/systemtap/README.Debian should help you get started.
Yes, debuginfo downloading has been a pain on many distros. However, if you're running Debian kernels, see: https://wiki.debian.org/Debuginfod for instructions on using a new automated system. Generally: https://sourceware.org/elfutils/Debuginfod.html .

Tensorflow Lite and edgetpu_compiler: Compiling for version 10 gives "Internal compiler error. Aborting!"

I am attempting to compile the code at this Coral example on Colab to run on runtime version 10, since I have a Coral USB Accelerator connected to a customized build for Raspberry Pi Zero W.
The command I'd like to get working is
edgetpu_compiler --min_runtime_version 10 [.TFLITE file]
It always ends with an internal error; unknown to me why that would be...? The error is:
Edge TPU Compiler version 2.1.302470888
Internal compiler error. Aborting!
To reproduce this, you should do the import, preparation, build, and first training steps. No need to fine-tune: results are the same.
I understand that certain operations are not available for lower runtimes, but I am at a loss at what exactly would need to change in the demo so as to compile it successfully.
Does anyone know what might be missing, or otherwise provide guidance?
just got a chance to check this out, looks like there is actually a bug preventing compilation at older runtime version...
This is fixed as I'm able to compile this model with -m 10 form the code base, it'll be fixed for you by next release. For now here is a work around (essentially checking out an older compiler version to compile the model):
$ git clone https://github.com/google-coral/edgetpu.git && cd edgetpu
$ git checkout 657d2b6
$ ./compiler/x86_64/edgetpu_compiler -s -m 10 /path/to/model
This should works, although with an older runtime, many ops weren't supported then so you may not see the performance increase that you would with the current runtime version!

Systemtap libdwfl error on Linux

I am tying to work/setup the Systemtap tool for profiling OS procesess, on a Virtual Linux. I am using VirtualBox to run the image. Via
rpm -q kernel
cat /proc/version
The version obtained is:
Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian 2.6.32-48squeeze4)
I have correctly downloaded and installed the tool and wrote a simple program (.stp). However I keep getting the same error, which I have searched information in many places without success:
After executing:
sudo stap my_profiler.stp
I get:
semantic error: libdwfl failure (all kernel modules found): no error
Pass 3: translation failed. Try again with another '--vp 001' option.
According to https://sourceware.org/systemtap/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/errors.html
⁠semantic error: libdwfl failure
There was a problem processing the debugging information. In most cases, this error results from the installation of a kernel-debuginfo package whose version does not match the probed kernel exactly. The installed kernel-debuginfo package itself may have some consistency or correctness problems.
I have found no relevant information on the "kernel-debuginfo" package. I have also tried the verbose option without benefit. I even tried with an old Snapshot of the VM. Any ideas?
The code of the .stp program I ran:
probe timer.profile{
printf("Process: %s\n", execname())
printf("Process ID: %d\n", pid())
Found the problem!!!! It seemed that I was using the wrong version of the Linux Kernel. I was using the default kernel supplied by the version I wrote in the question. It seems that that version (the 2.6.32-5-686 one) has problems with the debug-info so all I did was try the same with another version (the Linux version 3.9.6 with gcc version 4.7.2 Debian 4.7.2-5) and it worked without trouble :)

Unable to solve this error: error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1112) -- any ideas on what to try?

This error arose while I was trying to deploy to aws. It turns out this is an issue on my machine that others are no experiencing.
jkazil#jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $ vagrant up --provider=aws
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'aws' provider...
[default] Box 'ubuntu_aws' was not found. Fetching box from specified URL for
the provider 'aws'. Note that if the URL does not have
a box for this provider, you should interrupt Vagrant now and add
the box yourself. Otherwise Vagrant will attempt to download the
full box prior to discovering this error.
Downloading or copying the box...
An error occurred while executing multiple actions in parallel.
Any errors that occurred are shown below.
An error occurred while executing the action on the 'default'
machine. Please handle this error then try again:
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try
error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1112)
jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $
I found a couple of things on the internets that said I should look at my version of openssl. At first, it was 0.9.8, but I had 1.0.1f in homebrew. So I found this: Update OpenSSL on OS X with Homebrew and followed it. And I was was able to update OpenSSL.
jkazil#jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $ openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $
But that didn't fix the issue. Just to clarify, this is not an aws issue, but an me issue. Here is me trying to pull a machine down locally. I am using the insecure flag to try to push it through, but it didn't work with or without.
jkazil#jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $ vagrant box add dummy https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws/raw/master/dummy.box --insecure
Downloading or copying the box...
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try
error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1112)
jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $
Lastly, I wanted to share my PATH, just in case someone had that question.
jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $ echo $PATH
jlk:~/Projects/code/geoq-chef-repo [git master] $
Any suggestions?
This is going to be sad answer, but the resolution to this was to update to 10.9. Then the problem went away. I know that this is not the answer that people want to here, but I thought I would try after banging my head against the wall for awhile.
Thank you everyone for your help!
P.S. VAGRANT_LOG=info was help also in getting set up.
I found a couple of things on the internets that said I should look at my version
of openssl. At first, it was 0.9.8, but I had 1.0.1f in homebrew. So I found this:
OpenSSL Version MacOSX Homebrew and followed it. And I was was able to update OpenSSL.
Mac OS X will do as much as it can to load 0.9.8 in /usr/lib:
$ find /usr/ -iname libssl*
You will need to ensure you are loading the expected version of OpenSSL. If you can get it under gdb, issue info shared and see what version of OpenSSL actually loaded.
A few things about OS X and its linker: (1) it ignores rpath's; (2) it ignores requests like -Bstatic; (3) more generally, it always links to the shared object if available (even on iOS where the only thing you are suppose to use is an archive); (4) LD_PRELOAD is not honored.
You might have some luck with using DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.
If you can't get OS X to use 1.0.1f, then you will have to re-build the components in question. But instead of specifying -L/usr/local/ssl -lssl -lcrypto, you will need to omit the flags and specify the full archive like /usr/local/ssl/lib/libssl.a (without the -l).
Don't buy into the claims you don't have to do these things on OS X (claims like "use -L and -lssl because that's what your suppose to use"). I suffered them for years on Apple's gear, and I know for certain it does not work (and the people making the claims apparently don't use OS X). OS X is a real bastard at times.
One cause for this error could be an old version of OpenSSL trying to connect to a server which uses HTTPS with SNI:
Try setting the log level higher (e.g. VAGRANT_LOG=debug vagrant up – see the Vagrant debugging guide) to see the URL in question and test it by hand using curl to confirm the failure.

Code Injection using mach_star

I was trying to inject code into the Finder process using mach_inject . I am currently using given the source given here
The code seems to get the PID of the finder process correctly. There is a bundle mach_inject_bundle which is to be injected.
The following error comes every time I run the injector.
mach_inject failing.. (os/kern) invalid address
error: (os/kern) invalid address
I am running the build using sudo from the terminal. I am using Snow Leopard MAC OS X 10.6.8.
I found some similar issues reported by others here . But no solution seems to work.
Can someone please help me out ??
In the Architectures setting for the project just set x86_64.