Run-Time error 3075 Access Syntax Error for combobox Search in Access - sql

I am learning about how to create a searchbox with combo box. I was learning with a video in youtube :
Access: How to Create Search Form Using Combo box Part 1
However, when I do my code it doesn't work. :/ I get the Run-Time error 3075 Access Syntax Error.
Private Sub cboVendorSearch_AfterUpdate()
Dim MyVendor As String
MyVendor = "Select * from Vendors where ([vend_name] = " & Me.cboVendorSearch & ")"
Me.Invoices_subform.Form.RecordSource = MyVendor
End Sub

Assuming vend_name is a text field, need apostrophe delimiters.
MyVendor = "SELECT * FROM Vendors WHERE [vend_name] = '" & Me.cboVendorSearch & "';"
Instead of setting RecordSource, an alternative is to set Filter property.
Me.Invoices_subform.Form.Filter = "[vend_name] = '" & Me.cboVendorSearch & "'"
Me.Invoices_subform.Form.FilterOn = True
Would probably be better to use vendor ID for search criteria. Explore multi-column combobox where the ID field is a hidden column but combobox uses the hidden column for its Value yet displays vend_name to user.


Setting Form Field to autopopulate with previous record entry for text, date, and combo box

I am still very new to most vba coding. I'm trying to do pretty much the exact same thing as with this post:
Microsoft Access Form Setting Default Value to Previous Entry for Both Text Boxes and Drop Down Lists
but nothing from it seems to be working for me. I want to populate each field in the form with the previous record's data via a button Autofill_Click()
Private Sub Autofill_Click()
Me!DateTimeID.DefaultValue = Me![DateTimeID].Value
Me.frmDate.DefaultValue = "#" & Me.frmDate & "#"
Me.Location.DefaultValue = "'" & Me.Location & "'"
End Sub
I'm receiving the error code "type mismatch" for the first line with DateTimeID, as well as an error code "There is an invalid use of the . or ! operator or invalid parentheses." for the second line with frmDate. The third line isn't even throwing an error code, but it isn't populating the desired field (or any field, for that matter) with what I want.
Any help would be much appreciated.
For text:
Me.[DateTimeID].DefaultValue = "'" & Me.[DateTimeID] & "'"
For date/time:
Me.frmDate.DefaultValue = "#" & Me.frmDate & "#"
For number:
Me.Quantity.DefaultValue = Me.Quantity
Code is usually put in control's AfterUpdate event so user doesn't have to do anything other than normal data entry/edit.

MS Access - Main menu form with 2 text boxes used to open and filter a different form - getting a type mismatch (Run error 13)

I have a main menu where users type in a name of a station (text box) and the name of a cohort (text box) and it would open a new form based on these values. For example, if "New York" was entered for a station and "1b" was entered for cohort, then the form would filter to only show data that have both. However, I am getting a data mismatch error.
The fields text boxed at my main menu are called "detailed_s_station" and "detailed_s_cohort". The names of the respective fields in the form I want to filter these values are called "station" and "cohort".
I can get this to work if there are only one set of criteria (e.g., if I just search for the cohort or just search for the station), however something is going on with my AND here. Any help is appreciated to help me get rid of this data mismatch error.
Private Sub Command41_Click()
Dim stDocName22 As String
Dim stLinkCriteria22 As String
stDocName22 = "frm_scans"
stLinkCriteria22 = "[station] ='" & Me![detailed_s_station] & "'" And "[cohort] ='" & Me![detailed_s_cohort] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName22, , , stLinkCriteria22, acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
End Sub
The problem that you are having is how you are joining the string together. Instead try:
Private Sub Command41_Click()
Dim stDocName22 As String
Dim stLinkCriteria22 As String
stDocName22 = "frm_scans"
stLinkCriteria22 = "[station] ='" & Me![detailed_s_station] & "' And [cohort] ='" & Me![detailed_s_cohort] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName22, , , stLinkCriteria22, acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
End Sub
If you ever have problems like this in future, a quick Debug.Print strLinkCriteria22 would show you the contents of the string that is causing problems.

When setting user permissions to open up a particular form for a particular user I am getting a Runtime error from the DLookup statement

I am trying to restrict the availability of a form to be opened by a user. the following code picks up on the correct user access type and the correct form name, however i am getting the runtime error 2471. I would appreciate some help here as i cannot see what is wrong?
The error statement in this case is: Run-Time error '2471': The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: 'Stock'. When i go to debug it brings me to the DLookup and i cannot see what is wrong.
Watch expression:Watch : : "Employeeaccesstype =" & cable & " " & "AND FormName=" & thisform : "Employeeaccesstype =0 AND FormName=Stock" : String : Form_Stock.Form_Load
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim cable As String
cable = TempVars("AccessType")
Dim thisform As String
thisform = Me.Form.Name
If DLookup("Hasaccess", "tblemployeeaccess", "Employeeaccesstype =" & cable & " " & "AND FormName=" & thisform) = False Then
MsgBox "You Do Not Have Access"
End If
End Sub
All help will be most appreciated as i am on a deadline to finish this
If your fields Employeeaccesstype and FormName are text, then the values in the Dlookup need to be wrapped in single quotes. Additionally, you should cater for the possibility that the record doesn't exist in the table (returning a Null value from the DLookup):
If Nz(DLookup("Hasaccess", "tblemployeeaccess", "Employeeaccesstype ='" & cable & "' AND FormName='" & thisform & "'"),False) = False Then
You should also consider not actually allowing them to open the form in the first place.
I changed tack here and went for a different approach. I created a new table to hold user login details and a query to join details on tables and referenced that on the Dlookup rather than trying to reference the login form through a variable. Witth those changes made i changed the DLookup to
If DLookup("Hasaccess", "AccessQuery", "HasAccess =false and Formname = 'Part' ") =
False Then
MsgBox "You Do Not Have Access"
End If
This is now working correctly. Many thanks o Applecore for the assistance with this problem

Access 2016 - Multiple text fields - Search as you type not working

I have an Access 2016 Form with 5 text boxes labeled txtprod, txtpri, txtcnt, txtph, txtmfg. I also have a query for my table for the product name, price, count, phone and manufacturer fields.
In my forms 5 text boxes, I would like to be able to auto-search as you type and have my list auto-populate.
I followed these tutorials
My form has a form load:
*Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim task As String
task = "SELECT * FROM pricingdata"
Me!details.RowSource = task
End Sub*
And my text box name has this event "on change"
*Private Sub txtprod_Change()
Dim task As String
task = "SELECT * FROM [pricingdata] WHERE ([Product Name] LIKE '" & Me.txtprod.Text & "');"
Me!details.RowSource = task
End Sub*
Search as I type works perfectly fine with just 1 text box. But when I add the following code to my Manufacturer text box event "on change" it doesn't work as intended.
*Private Sub txtmfg_Change()
Dim task As String
task = "SELECT * FROM [pricingdata] WHERE ([Manufacturer] LIKE '" & Me.txtmfg.Text & "');"
Me!details.RowSource = task
End Sub*
Now when I type in my Product name text box, it searched products just fine. When I start typing in my Manufacturers text box, it completely disregards anything I've put into the Product name text box and starts searching as I type only for text in the Manufacturers text box field.
How can I get this setup so all text in all 5 text box fields contribute to the search filter being applied to my list?
Something like this . . .
Private Sub ComboSelect_Change()
' You need to use String delimiters if you want to use a Text Field like:
' Me.Filter "[ATextFieldInRecordSource] = """ & Me.FilterComboBox & """"
' For a Numeric Field, use something like this:
' Me.Filter "[ANumericFieldInRecordSource] = " & Me.FilterComboBox
' Me.FilterOn = True
Me.[Customer_Query subform1].Form.Filter = "[Company_Name] Like '*" &
Replace(Me.ComboSelect.Text, "'", "''") & "*'"
Me.[Customer_Query subform1].Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Notice a few things:
The subform is named Customer_Query subform1’
The combobox is named ComboSelect’
Finally, the ‘like clause’ is used in combination with the wildcard character.
Like '*" & Replace(Me.ComboSelect.Text, "'", "''") & "*'"
When you type text into the combobox, the results in the subform are dynamically re-queried.

Access 2013: Getting error message "Method 'Open' of object' _Recordset' failed " when trying to populate text boxes with data in a form

I'm having an issue with this piece of VBA code. I'm trying to populate text boxes on a form in Access 2013 with data from a table called Module. Once a user selects an available module from a combo box and clicks a button called 'btnSelectmodule', the relevant data should feed into the text boxes. Instead I'm getting an error; " Method 'Open' of object' _Recordset' failed "
Private Sub btnSelectmodule_Click()
Dim strmoduleid As String
Dim rstmodule As New ADODB.Recordset
strmoduleid = CVar(cmbSelectmodule)
rstmodule.Open "SELECT Module.ModuleID, Module.ModuleName,
Module.ModuleShortCode, Module.Level, Module.Semester, Module.CATPoints,
Module.FacultyCode, Module.Active, Module.Type FROM [Module]
WHERE (((CVar([ModuleID]))='" & CVar(strmoduleid) & "'));",
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
If (rstmodule("ModuleID") <> "") Then
txtmoduleid.Value = rstmodule("ModuleID")
txtmodulename.Value = rstmodule("ModuleName")
txtmoduleshortcode.Value = rstmodule("ModuleShortCode")
cmblevel.Value = rstmodule("Level")
cmbsemester.Value = rstmodule("Semester")
cmbcatpoints.Value = rstmodule("CATPoints")
Active.Value = rstmodule("Active")
txttype.Value = rstmodule("Type")
End If
End Sub
This code works perfectly on three of my other forms. They populate data from different tables though. Could the problem have anything to do with the table being called Module? Because I've used [ ] in the SQL statement but still no joy? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Inside the SQL string, you need to either :
a) change your table name to not be a keyword
b) surround all references in the SQL to Module with square brackets
c) use an alias: Select m.* FROM [Module] as m
d) change your table name to not be a keyword.