extends in Gitlab-ci pipeline - gitlab-ci

I'm trying to include a file in which I declare some repetitive jobs, I'm using extends.
I always have this error did not find expected key while parsing a block
this is the template file
stage: deploy
image: nexus
- ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" sellerbot#sb-dev -p 10290 'sudo systemctl restart mail.service'
- dev
this is the main file
- project: 'sellerbot/gitlab-ci'
ref: master
file: 'deploy.yml'
extends: .deploy_dev
Can anyone help me please

It looks like just stage: deploy has to be indented. In this case it's a good idea to use gilab CI line tool to check if CI pipeline code is valid or just YAML validator. When I checked section from template file in yaml linter I've got
(<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3 column 8


Append the package.json version number to my build artifact in aws-codebuild

I really dont know if this is a simple (must be), common or complex task.
I have a buildspec.yml file in my codebuild project, and i am trying to append the version written in package.json file to the output artifact.
I have already seen a lot of tutorials that teach how to append the date (not really useful to me), and others that tell me to execute a version.sh file with this
echo $(sed -nr 's/^\s*"version": "([0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,}.*)",$/\1/p' package.json)
and set it in a variable (it doesn't work).
i'm ending up with a build folder called: "my-project-$(version.sh)"
codebuild environment uses ubuntu and nodejs
Update (solved):
my version.sh file:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $(sed -nr 's/^\s*\"version": "([0-9]{1,}\.[0-9]{1,}.*)",$/\1/p' package.json)
Then, i just found out 2 things:
Allow access to your version.sh file:
git update-index --add --chmod=+x version.sh
Declare a variable in any phase in buildspec, i dit in in build phase (just to make sure repository is already copied in environment)
then reference it in artifact versioned name:
- '**/*'
name: workover-frontend-$TAG
As result, my build artifact's name: myproject-1.0.0
In my case this script do not want to fetch data from package.json. On my local machine it working great but on AWS doesn't. I had to use chmod in different way, because i got message that i don't have right permissions. My buildspec:
version: 0.2
latestTag: ""
- "echo sed version"
- sed --version
- chmod +x version.sh
- latestTag=$($CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/version.sh)
- "echo $latestTag"
- '**/*'
discard-paths: yes
And results in console:
I also have to mark that when i paste only for example echo 222 into version.sh file i got right answer in CodeBuild console.

Drone CI - How to set pipeline env var to result of CLI output

I recognize that within a pipeline step I can run a simple export, like:
- export MY_ENV_VAR=$(my-command)
...but if I want to use this env var throughout the whole pipeline, is it possible to do something like this:
MY_ENV_VAR: $(my-command)
When I do this, I get yaml: unmarshal errors: line 23: cannot unmarshal !!seq into map[string]*yaml.Variable which suggests this isn't possible. My end goal is to write a drone plugin that accepts the output of $(...) as one if it's settings. I'd prefer to have the drone plugin not run the command, but just use the output.
I've also attempted to use step dependencies to export an env var, however it's state doesn't carry over between steps:
- name: export
image: bash
- export MY_VAR=$(my-command)
- name: echo
image: bash
- export
- echo $MY_VAR // empty
Writing the command output to a script file might be a better way to do what you want, since filesystem changes are persisted between individual steps.
kind: pipeline
type: docker
- name: generate-script
image: bash
# - my-command > plugin-script.sh
- printf "echo Fetching Google;\n\ncurl -I https://google.com/" > plugin-script.sh
- name: test-script-1
image: curlimages/curl
- sh plugin-script.sh
- name: test-script-2
image: curlimages/curl
- sh plugin-script.sh
From Drone's Docker pipeline documentation:
Drone automatically creates a temporary volume, known as your workspace, where it clones your repository. The workspace is the current working directory for each step in your pipeline.
Because the workspace is a volume, filesystem changes are persisted between pipeline steps. In other words, individual steps can communicate and share state using the filesystem.
⚠ Workspace volumes are ephemeral. They are created when the pipeline starts and destroyed after the pipeline completes.
if cant execute command in environment period.
maybe you can define a "command string" in "environment" block, like:
MY_ENV_VAR: 'echo "this is command to execute"' # note the single quote
then in commands block,
- eval $MY_ENV_VAR
worth a try

how to config lfs.fetchinclude in gitlabci

I want to git lfs fetch only in some dir in the gitlab CI. but failed
the gitlab-runner was 11.8.0~beta.1077
i config like this:
# Please edit to your GitLab project
- git config lfs.fetchinclude "xxx/xxx/, test/"
but ci erro:
root config contains unknown keys: script
how to fix it?
The first part is your syntax error - the script key must be part of a job, e.g. like this:
stage: build
- git config ...
However, I think the CI runner will fetch LFS files automatically, and the script is only run after cloning.
So I think you have to disable automatic fetching before, & then this might work:
stage: build
- git config lfs.fetchinclude "xxx/xxx/, test/"
- git lfs pull

How to run a script from file in another project using include in GitLab CI?

I'm trying to run a shell script from my template file located in another project via my include.
How should this be configured to work? Below scripts are simplified versions of my code.
Project A
- chmod +x ./.run.sh
- source ./.run.sh
Project B
- project: 'project-a'
ref: master
file: '/template.yml'
- deploy
Clearly, the commands are actually being run from ProjectB and not ProjectA where the template resides. This can further be confirmed by adding ls -a in the template file.
So how should we be calling run.sh? Both projects are on the same GitLab instance under different groups.
If you have access project A and B, you can use multi-project pipelines. You trigger a pipeline in project A from project B.
In project A, you clone project B and run your script.
Project B
job 1:
project: project-a
strategy: depend
Project A
job 2:
- git clone -b "${RELEASE_BRANCH}" --depth 50 https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}#${CI_SERVER_HOST}/${PROJECT_PATH}.git $(basename ${PROJECT_PATH})
- cd $(basename ${PROJECT_PATH})
- chmod +x ../.run.sh
- source ../.run.sh
We've also run into this problem, and kinda wish Gitlab allowed includes to "import" non-yaml files. Nevertheless the simplest workaround we've found is to build a small docker image in repo A, which contains the script you want to run, and then repo B's job uses that docker image as the image, so the file run.sh is available :)
Minimal Dockerfile:
FROM bash:latest
COPY run.sh /usr/local/bin/
CMD run.sh
(Note: make sure you chmod +x run.sh before building your image, or add a RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/run.sh step)
Then, you'd just add this to your Project B's .gitlab-ci.yml:
- deploy
image: registry.gitlab.com/... # Wherever you pushed your docker image to
script: run.sh
it's also possible to request a script by curl instead of copying a whole repository:
- curl -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$PRIVATE_TOKEN" --create-dirs "$CI_API_V4_URL/projects/$CI_DEPLOY_PROJECT_ID/repository/archive?path=pathToFolderWithScripts" -o $TEMP_DIR/archive.tar.gz
- tar zxvf $TEMP_DIR/archive.tar.gz -C $TEMP_DIR --strip-components 3
- bash $TEMP_DIR/run.sh
to make a curl request
to archive a folder with scripts
to unzip scripts in a temporary folder
to execute sh
ref This :: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/repository_files.html#get-file-from-repository
GET /projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path/raw
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/13083/repository/files/app%2Fmodels%2Fkey%2Erb?ref=master"
it will display the file
to download this file just add >>
as below
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/13083/repository/files/app%2Fmodels%2Fkey%2Erb?ref=master" >> file.extension
As hinted by the answer above, multi project pipelines is the right approach for it.
Here's how it worked for me:
GroupX/ProjectA - contains reusable code
# .gitlab-ci.yml
- deploy
stage: deploy
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline"' # run only if triggered by a pipeline
- bash ./src/run.sh $UPSTREAM_CUSTOM_VARIABLE
GroupY/ProjectB - job that will reuse a code
# .gitlab-ci.yml
- deploy
stage: deploy
UPSTREAM_CUSTOM_VARIABLE: CUSTOM_VARIABLE # pass this variable to downstream job
trigger: groupx/projecta

BitBucket deployment using SSH keys to remote server

I am trying to write a YAML pipeline script to deploy files that have been altered from my bitbucket repository to my remote server using ssh keys. The document that I have in place at the moment was copied from bitbucket itself and has errors:
- step:
name: Deploy to test
deployment: test
- pipe: atlassian/sftp-deploy:0.3.1
- variables:
I am getting the following error
Configuration error
There is an error in your bitbucket-pipelines.yml at [pipelines > default > 0 > step > script > 1]. To be precise: Missing or empty command string. Each item in this list should either be a single command string or a map defining a pipe invocation.
My ssh public and private keys are setup in bitbucket along with the fingerprint and host. The variables have also been setup.
How do I go about setting up my YAML deploy script to connect to my remote server via ssh and transfer the files?
Try to update the variables section become:
- variables:
Here is am example about how to set variables: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/configure-bitbucket-pipelines-yml-792298910.html#Configurebitbucket-pipelines.yml-ci_variablesvariables
Your directive - step has to be intended.
I have bitbucket-pipelines.yml like that (using rsync instead of ssh):
# This is a sample build configuration for PHP.
# Check our guides at https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/e8YWN for more examples.
# Only use spaces to indent your .yml configuration.
# -----
# You can specify a custom docker image from Docker Hub as your build environment.
image: php:7.2.1-fpm
- step:
- apt-get update
- apt-get install zip -y
- apt-get install unzip -y
- apt-get install libgmp3-dev -y
- curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
- composer install
- cp .env.example .env
#- vendor/bin/phpunit
- pipe: atlassian/rsync-deploy:0.2.0
I suggest to use their online editor in repository for editing bitbucket-pipelines.yml, it checks all formal yml structure and you can't commit invalid file.
Even if you check file on some other yaml editor, it may look fine, but not necessary according to bitbucket specification. Their online editor does fine job.
Also, I suggest to visit their community on atlasian community as it's very active, sometimes their staff members are providing answers.
However, I struggle with plenty dependencies needed to run tests properly. (actual bitbucket-pipelines.yml is becoming bigger and bigger).
Maybe there is some nicely prepared Docker image for this job.