Unable to find my outlook addin on Android and IOS outlook app - outlook-addin

Our manifest file for an Office 365 Outlook recently got approved and added to the office store.
When I try to look for our add-in under the Add-ins section on either Outlook for Android or Outlook for iOS, the add-in isn't visible.
Interestingly it shows up on these apps if added previously from Outlook for Web.
During submission, we tick marked both Android and iOS and supplied Apple Dev Id.
The manifest file contains the MobileFormFactor tag.
The minimum requirement set in manifest file is 1.5 (supported for Outlook for iOS / Android)
Appreciate any advise on what I might have missed.


Missing Android platform(s) detected: 'android-27'

I update my android studio to 3.1.3 but I cannot use platform 27 now
when I click "install platform and sync project" it pop up a download window and then disappear. But the error still exist. SDK Platforms is following:
expand SDK:
For anyone get this issue, you should uninstall Android SDK 27 then re-install it from SDK download manager.
#TrongHiue's answer didn't work for me. (Mac user, Android 3.2.1).
I had to close the IDE, go to Library/Android/sdk and rename the 'sdk' folder to 'sdk2'. Then reopen Android Studio - it will prompt you to tell you it can't find the old sdk folder but will automatically use sdk2. Hit ok. Then, let Android Studio re-index. It will now find platform 27 and you should be able to launch your app.
If you want to change your sdk folder back from skd2 to sdk, close the IDE, rename back to 'sdk', re-open the IDE, update the SDK location in File -> Project Structure, and make sure local.properties is pointing to 'sdk' folder and not 'sdk2'.
In my case, I fixed it by click "Edit" (Next to Android SDK Location) and install SDK platform at SDK Setup window.
Click here to see image
For me neither options worked.
I've updated to SKD 29 and Android Studio 3.6.
What did help was going to the SDK Manager and click the "Edit" link next to Android SDK Location. In the next screen you will see a message saying that an existing Android SDK was detected and only missing or outdated SDK components will be downloaded. Click Next and problem solved!
Ran into same problem but with API 26 and (win) studio 3.5.1. XavierDominguez solution was close to what I had to do to fix it. Close IDE, renamed Sdk to Sdk2, reopened studio, problem persisted so closed IDE, renamed it back to Sdk, reopened and worked this time around. Posted in case someone ran across same problem.
This usually happens when popup for update tools and you click on Update and after some time before finishing Update you Cancel It.
Simply Go to FIle--> Invalidate Caches/Restart
This can happen when your sdk location directory has space in it.
Change directory without space and re-build the project. It worked for me.
Old SDK Location: "C:\Users\DELL 15\android-sdks"
New Location: "C:\Users\android-sdks"

Get the Storage location of Powerpoint add-ins Mac

I have to add the powerpoint Add-in to Powerpoint Mac from my cocoa application.I already adding the .ppam file from my cocoa application through below code
NSString *pluginPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"Kahani2016" ofType:#"ppam"];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:pluginPath];
Its working with most of powerpoint.
We can view the added powerpoint add-in from powerpoint
But some systems Its showing below error message
I am trying to fix this issue. I tried to fix this issue by adding digital signature with .ppam file . but its not help to solve the issue.
I just confused because I tried to recreate this issue in another machine with same OSX and Powerpoint version but its working fine in another machine.
My configurations
Powerpoint 15.29.1 Mac
So if I get the location of the powerpoint-Addin , then I can try to copy my add-ins to the location and fix the issue.

OSX How to display only one icon in dockbar for same application launched from 2 different locations

I have an application with FinderSync extension support.
I want to achieve silent update for this application. The only approach that I came up with at this moment, is installing the new version of the app into ~/Library/Application Support/../..., and whenever clicks the app from /Applications, redirect the user to Application Support one.
That means I will end up with two versions for the same app. One in /Applications and the other one in Application Support.
I have some issues after launching the application from both above locations.
If the user first starts the App from /Applications, selects Keep in dock, closes the app, updates the app by copying the new app to App Support and after that starts the app from App Support, I will end up with two dock icons.
Whenever I start the application, the FinderSync extension is automatically installed by the OS. It can be viewed in System Preferences->Extensions. Once the user quits the app and deletes the bundle, the OS automatically deletes the extension, so is no longer available in Extensions pref pane. However if I opened the application from both above locations, deleting the app from /Applications does not remove entirely the FinderSync extension from Extensions pref pane. Only after I remove the second application(the one from App Support), the FinderSync extension is removed from Extensions pref pane.
Are there any ways to overcome the above issues?
Please note that I have another question posted on a similar topic, while attempting to get rid of the above behavior using another technique, but I gave up using that approach a while ago:
OSX two dock icons for same application

Worklight: Do the legal documents gets installed with the app?

Environment: Worklight
We have created a hybrid app using Worklight 6.1 for android, iOS and windows8 platform. We would like to include license documents and notices files as part of the app. To do this, we would like to know, if including these documents inside the "legal" folder (under application name folder) and installing the app on the device, will also install these license documents on the device ?
I browse through the android app, but didn't found these documents as part of the build.
The legal folder is not part of the generated Android project because it has no value there. The native project will become your .apk - the file that you distribute to your end-users. The license is of no use there; your customer cannot see it.

Distributing a pref pane which includes a background app on the Mac App Store

My app is a pref pane which includes a background application in its bundle.
I wonder if anybody has already figured out the best practice for distributing a "pref pane only" app via the Mac App Store. Are there already any pref pane apps in the store?
Apple states apps containing preference panes are not "self-contained", they install code or resources in a shared location that is not allowed by the guidelines hence in violation of both 2.15 and 2.30 in https://developer.apple.com/appstore/mac/resources/approval/guidelines.html
Let me start by saying that I have not submitted any apps that contain system preference panes (in fact I have not submit any apps to the Mac App Store, only the iOS App Store). This answers is based on my reading of the guidelines and my understanding of how OS X works.
I've read the Mac App Store guidelines and I don't see that they preclude system preference panes. 2.15 says:
Apps must be self-contained, single application installation bundles, and cannot install code or resources in shared locations
Finder treats a .prefpane file like any other file - Finder launches the app which handles files of this type (i.e. System Preferences.app) and opens that app and passes the file as an argument. When a .prefpane file is opened System Preferences.app asks the user were to install it (in the System Library or the Users Library). It is System Preference.app that is 'installing' the .prefpane.
If an app were to include a .prefPane in its bundle and a mechanism for allowing the user to open file in Finder then I do not think the above guideline would have been contravened.
I find it hard to believe that Apple wants developers to cluttered up users menu bars with unnecessary icons when they have already provided a much better solution.
I'd like to know if anyone has tried to submit an app that provides an option to install a system preference pane. I'd also like to know if I've missed some documentation from Apple which discuss this (besides the guidelines quoted above).