Calculate sum of duration SQL - sql

I use the following sql to calculate the duration in the first query.
CDate(TimeSerial(Val([EndTime])\100,Val([EndTime]) Mod 100,0)-TimeSerial(Val([StartTime])\100,Val([StartTime]) Mod 100,0))) AS Duration
And get the following which is good
And now, I would like to further calculate the total time of different lessons within a week in another query. Something like sum(iif(lesson="math",duration,0))
But since it's time data type sql server doesn't let me use the sum function.
I tried the following sql.
sum(hour(duration) + minute(duration)) AS Total_time
But it isn't what I expect because I would like to keep the original format with some criteria.
Is there a neat way to do so? Thank you.

First, just get the numeric duration:
TimeSerial(Val([EndTime])\100,Val([EndTime]) Mod 100,0)-TimeSerial(Val([StartTime])\100,Val([StartTime]) Mod 100,0) AS Duration
This you can sum and convert to DateTime:
CDate(Sum([duration])) AS Total_time
TimeSerial(Val([EndTime])\100,Val([EndTime]) Mod 100,0)-TimeSerial(Val([StartTime])\100,Val([StartTime]) Mod 100,0) AS Duration
Count(*) AS Slots,
CDate(Sum([Duration])) AS TotalHours

I would recommend just accepting the total time in seconds or decimal hours:
select datediff("s", starttime, endtime) as diff_seconds,
datediff("s", starttime, endtime) / (60 * 60.0) as diff_hours


how to get sum of time as float

A table has a time column in float datatype is given as:
How can I sum these values to get it in hours and minutes?
You could use Gordon's answer, which directly leverages SQL Server's built in time ability. An alternative would be the "brute force" approach of computing the number of hours and minutes represented by the sum of your time column:
WITH cte AS (
-- strip off 'm' units and convert to numbers
SELECT CONVERT(int, REPLACE(time, 'm', '')) AS time
FROM yourTable
CONVERT(varchar(10), FLOOR(SUM(time) / 60)) + ':' +
CONVERT(varchar(10), FLOOR(SUM(time) % 60)) AS timestamp
FROM cte;
The demo shows that the logic holds up even if the number of minutes in your column should exceed 24 hours.
You can use dateadd() and then cast the result back to a time:
select cast(dateadd(minute, sum(col), 0) as time)
from t;
Note: This only works up to 23:59:00. The SQL Server time type does not support larger values.
Here is a rextester.

Average Timestamp oracle with milliseconds

Hello everyOne I need to get the AVERAGE of difference of two dates (timestamp)
I tried this
select AVG((sva.endTime - sva.startTime)) as seconds from SVATable sva;
but I got an error
ORA-00932: Inconsistent data types; expected: NUMBER; got: INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
You may use EXTRACT to get AVG seconds.
SELECT AVG (EXTRACT (SECOND FROM (sva.endTime - sva.startTime)))
AS avg_seconds
FROM SVATable sva;
This is an insidious problem in Oracle. Your calculation would work with the date data type, but it does not work with timestamps.
One solution is to extract the days, hours, minutes, and seconds from the interval. Another is to use date arithmetic. You can get fractions of a day by using:
select (date '2000-01-01' + (sva.endTime - sva.startTime)) - date '2000-01-01'
You can use the average and convert to seconds:
select avg( (date '2000-01-01' + (sva.endTime - sva.startTime)) - date '2000-01-01') * (60*60*24)

Show average difference between two time fields as MM:SS in SQL

I am using SQL Server 2008. I have several rows of start_time and end_time. I want to calculate the average difference between these two times in a MM:SS format.
start_time | end_time
10:15:30 | 10:15:45
10:45:00 | 10:47:30
Row 1 would be a difference of 00:15, and row 2 would be a difference of 02:30. The average of the entire dataset would be 01:23 (1 minute and 23 seconds).
The code I'm using looks like the following, but only returns an integer.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You're close, but you should use DateDiff() to get the average number of seconds between the two fields, rather than the average number of minutes.
With SQL Server 2008 R2, you don't have access to TIMEFROMPARTS() which would simplify the display greatly, so you'll have to convert this into a VARCHAR to get the format you want.
;With AverageSeconds As
Select Avg(DateDiff(Second, Start_Time, End_Time))) AvgSec
From YourTable
Select Right('00' + Convert(Varchar, (AvgSec / 60)), 2)
+ ':'
+ Right('00' + Convert(Varchar, (AvgSec % 60)), 2)
From AverageSeconds
You can convert the dates in unixtimestamp and then convert the seconds in a string.
right(convert(varchar(20), Dateadd(second, Avg(Datediff(second, Start_Time, End_Time)), 0), 120), 5)

How to Sum (Time(n)) in Sql Server?

How want to use the sum of the time(n) operator so that i can calculate the overall total of the time but Sql server saying can't add the Time(n) column
i have a casted column which contain difference of two dates, and being casted as Time(n) by me. Now i want to add those column to get how much time i had used in total How much hours minute and seconds so i apply
select Sum(cast ((date1-date2) as Time(0))) from ABC_tbl
where date1 is reaching time and date2 is startingtime in Date format and i want to total of all hours
Convert the time to an integer value before you sum it (for example, seconds):
datediff(second, '00:00:00', [TimeCol])
Replace [TimeCol] with the name of the Time(n) column. This gives you the total time in seconds, which you can then easily convert to minutes, hours, etc...
Hope this example help you.
1505 | 25
select Sum(DATEDIFF(Minute,date1,date2)) AS TIME from ABC_tbl
u have to calculate the date difference with DATEDIFF function then use SUM function to calculate your sum of time.
you can change Minute to Second-Hour-month etc..
Try this:
#MidnightTime TIME = '00:00:00.0000000',
#MidnightDateTime DATETIME2 = '0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000';
SELECT SumOfTime = DATEADD(SECOND, SUM ( DATEDIFF(SECOND, #MidnightTime, x.Col1) ), #MidnightDateTime)
(1, CONVERT(TIME, '10:10:10.0000001')),
(2, CONVERT(TIME, '00:00:05.0000002')),
(3, CONVERT(TIME, '23:59:59.0000003'))
) x(ID, Col1)
0001-01-02 10:10:14.0000000 = 1 day (!), 10 hours, 10 minutes, 14 seconds
Note: instead of SECOND you could use another precision: MINUTE, HOUR or ... NANOSECOND (see section Arguments > datepart). Using a higher precision could leads to Arithmetic overflow errors (use CONVERT(BIGINT|NUMERIC(...,0), ...).
Note #2: because the precision is SECOND the result (SumOfTime) has 0000000 nanoseconds.

How to get Date diffrence in hh:mm format In Select Query Sql 2005

I am trying to get the the result of in time and out time from dates
but it returns only hours using following select Query as follows
SELECT DATEDIFF(Hh,InTime,OutTime) as Diff_time from EmpLogTable
and i need result in HH:MM
Suppose my in time is 11 am and out is 5.49pm so o/p would be 6.49 but
using above select query i am getting o/p as 7 only
if any body has a solution then please let me know
Thanking you in Advance
Umesh Rakhe
The DATEDIFF function returns an INT so it will not work as you like, your best bet is to subtract InTime from OutTime or use DATEDIFF with minutes (n) instead.
you should probably do UI formatting on the client, not the database
you can use diff = datediff(mi, intime, outtime) to get the difference in minutes
then divide diff by 60 to get the hours
and take the modulus diff % 60 to get the remaining minutes
then turn into strings and you're good to go
SELECT Outime - InTime as Diff_time from EmpLogTable
DATEDIFF measures day, hour etc boundaries: you're asking for a true date/time difference. In this case, I'd simply subtract the values rather than using a complex nested DATEDIFF. Or do it in the client.
If you have a interval > 24 hours though, then you'd need a nested DATEDIFF to get 25 hours: my answer would give one day and one hour.
The hh:nn:ss format can be done via CONVERT with style 108, but again I'd do this in the client