Why generic sortBy in Kotlin not compiling? - kotlin

Why it won't compile? It tells there's some error in list.sortBy
fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.sortBy(vararg selectors: (T) -> R): List<T> {
return this.sortedWith(compareBy(*selectors))
fun main() {
class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
val list = listOf(Person("Alex", 20))
val sorted = list.sortBy({ it.name }, { it.age })
The error
Type parameter bound for R in
fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.sortBy
vararg selectors: (T) → R
: List<T>
is not satisfied: inferred type Any is not a subtype of Comparable<Any>

When it tries to infer the type R from the first lambda, it's a Comparable<String>. The second lambda returns an Int or Comparable<Int>, which is not a Comparable<String>, so it fails.
You can use star projection for the Comparable type since it doesn't matter if they match.
fun <T> Iterable<T>.sortBy(vararg selectors: (T) -> Comparable<*>): List<T> {
return this.sortedWith(compareBy(*selectors))


why lambda function parameter's type is Nothing on generic type with asterisk in kotlin?

when i call some api, i wished use multiple callback with generic parameter.
so i defined CallBackData class
class CallBackData<T>(val func: (T?) -> Boolean, val params: T?)
it not data class. because it super class of other callbacks.
and i define Array<CallBackData<*>> variable for multiple callback.
val callbackDts : Array<CallBackData<*>> = arrayOf(
CallBackData(::sampleCallback1, SomeClass(1)),
CallBackData(::sampleCallback2, "hello"),
CallBackData(::sampleCallback3, -1),
but when i call func, it say error
Type mismatch.
Required: Nothing?
Found: Any?
i don't get it. why? isn't same it.params type T is same of it.func(param(T))? right? why is Nothing Type? why is not same?
this is full code
fun start(){
val callbackDts : Array<CallBackData<*>> = arrayOf(
CallBackData(::sampleCallback1, SomeClass(1)),
CallBackData(::sampleCallback2, "hello"),
CallBackData(::sampleCallback3, -1),
fun callApi(callbacks : Array<CallBackData<*>>){
fun sampleCallback1(params: SomeClass?) : Boolean {
println("sampleCallback1 ${params.toString()}")
return true
fun sampleCallback2(params: String?) : Boolean {
println("sampleCallback2 $params")
return true
fun sampleCallback3(params: Int?) : Boolean {
println("sampleCallback3 $params")
return true
data class SomeClass(val i:Int)
class CallBackData<T>(val func : (T?) -> Boolean, val params: T?)
i tried convert to like this (using out keyword), but it's failed same.(Lambda's parameter type is Nothing?)
fun start(){
val callbackDts : Array<CallBackData<out Any?>> = arrayOf(
CallBackData(::sampleCallback1, SomeClass(1)),
CallBackData(::sampleCallback2, "hello"),
CallBackData(::sampleCallback3, -1),
fun callApi(callbacks : Array<CallBackData<out Any?>>){
fun sampleCallback1(params: SomeClass?) : Boolean {
println("sampleCallback1 ${params.toString()}")
return true
fun sampleCallback2(params: String?) : Boolean {
println("sampleCallback2 $params")
return true
fun sampleCallback3(params: Int?) : Boolean {
println("sampleCallback3 $params")
return true
data class SomeClass(val i:Int)
class CallBackData<T>(val func : (T?) -> Boolean, val params: T?)
i look forward to your reply. thanks!
Unfortunately, the type information of T is gone once you projected a CallbackData<T> to CallbackData<*>. It is no longer known that it.func takes the same type as it.params.
But you do know that they are the same type in the CallBackData class itself, don't you? So you can just add a call method
class CallBackData<T>(val func : (T?) -> Boolean, var params: T?) {
fun call() = func(params)
Or you can overload the invoke operator:
operator fun invoke() = func(params)
You would then be able to do it() directly.
Even if you don't have control over CallBackData, you can still add an extension function:
operator fun <T> CallBackData<T>.invoke() = func(params)
Adding to other answers: if this is the only reason why you defined the CallBackData, then you don't really need this class. Kotlin has support for closures, so we don't need to intercept functions and parameters separately:
fun start(){
val callbackDts = arrayOf<() -> Unit>(
{ sampleCallback1(SomeClass(1)) },
{ sampleCallback2("hello") },
{ sampleCallback3(-1) },
fun callApi(callbacks : Array<() -> Unit>){
You can define a function
fun <T> CallBackData<T>.call() = func(params)
and then callApi can be changed to:
fun callApi(callbacks : Array<CallBackData<*>>){
callbacks.forEach{ it.call() }
Then Kotlin does not have a problem to infer that the types of func and params match for each CallBackData.

Kotlin - Generic Conflict in Type Hierarchy

I'm trying to build a type hierarchy of query parameters; an object designed to:
Hold a reference to the value to be queried.
Generate an expression of the query to perform over the specified value.
The base class is defined as such:
sealed class QueryParam<V> {
abstract val value: V
From the base class, I want to be able to sub-class specific query types; for example...
class EqualToQueryParam<V>(override val value: V) : QueryParam<V>() {
fun <T, R> toExpression(
property: KProperty1<T, R>,
projection: (V) -> R
): CriteriaExpression<T, Boolean> {
// equal is bound to KProperty1<T, R>
return property.equal(projection(value))
class GreaterThanQueryParam<V>(override val value: V) : QueryParam<V>() {
fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> toExpression(
property: KProperty1<T, R>,
projection: (V) -> R
): CriteriaExpression<T, Boolean> {
// greaterThan is bound to KProperty1<T, R : Comparable<R>>
return property.greaterThan(projection(value))
class BetweenQueryParam<V : Comparable<V>>(override val value: ClosedRange<V>) : QueryParam<ClosedRange<V>>() {
fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> toExpression(
property: KProperty1<T, R>,
projection: (V) -> R
): CriteriaExpression<T, Boolean> {
// Projection in this case doesn't actually make a great deal of sense
// Ideally the projector needs to be removed.
// More than likely in this case V and R are the same thing.
val start = projection(value.start)
val end = projection(value.endInclusive)
// between is bound to KProperty1<T, R : Comparable<R>>
return property.between(start, end)
The problem is that I have no way of calling toExpression from the base class, essentially rendering this hierarchy useless.
I've tried...
unchecked casts to Comparable<R>
elevating <R> to the class level, rather than the function level, but this isn't useful because then the consumer of the QueryParam needs to know the implementors intention under the hood (it becomes a leaky abstraction).

How to get around Type mismatch Required: Foo<Type>, Found: Foo<Type?>

Given the following Kotlin code:
class Foo<T>(val t : T?)
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Foo<T?>.transform(transformer : (T) -> R) : Foo<R?> {
return when (t) {
null -> Foo(null)
else -> Foo(transformer(t))
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
val foo = Foo(args.firstOrNull())
val bar = foo.transform<String, Int> { t -> t.length }
val baz = bar.transform<Int, IntRange> { t -> t..(t + 1) }
Why do I get the following error:
Type mismatch. Required: Foo<String?> Found: Foo<String>
If I remove the ? from the extension function to be Foo<T>.transform I instead get the following error:
Type mismatch. Required: Foo<Int> Found: Foo<Int?>
I can understand the second error, because you cannot assign Int? to Int, but the first doesn't make any sense, as you can assign String to String?
I have modified the class Foo<T> to be class Foo<out T> and this works for me as the value t will only ever be read after the initial assignment. With this option I do not need to define the type parameters at the call site of transform.
Another option I have found that I think is a bit messy (and not sure why it makes a difference) is adding a third type parameter to the extension function as follows:
fun <T : Any, U : T?, R : Any> Foo<U>.transform(transformer : (T) -> R) : Foo<R?>
The call site of this on the other hand I find a bit odd. Looking at the above code the call of foo.transform MUST NOT include the type parameters, but the call of bar.transform<Int, Int?, IntRange> MUST include the type parameters in order to work.
This option allows setting the value t at some later point if it were a var instead of val. But it also removes the smart casting on t in the transform function. Although that can be gotten around with a !! if you are not worried about race conditions or (with some additional effort) ?: or ?. if you are worried about race conditions.
You can change your Foo<T> class to be not invariant (see https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/generics.html):
class Foo<out T>(val t : T?)
fun <T : Any, R : Any> Foo<T?>.transform(transformer : (T) -> R) : Foo<R?> {
return when (t) {
null -> Foo(null)
else -> Foo(transformer(t))
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
val foo = Foo(args.firstOrNull())
val bar = foo.transform<String, Int> { t -> t.length }
val baz = bar.transform<Int, IntRange> { t -> t..(t + 1) }
The out T specifies precisely the behavior you want.
Since you specify the property t in the constructor as T? you don't need to specify Foo<T?> as receiver and Foo<R?> as return type. Instead use Foo<T> and Foo<R> and it will work.
class Foo<T>(val t : T?)
fun <T: Any, R: Any> Foo<T>.transform(transformer : (T) -> R) : Foo<R> {
return when (t) {
null -> Foo(null)
else -> Foo(transformer(t))
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
val foo = Foo(args.firstOrNull())
val bar = foo.transform { t -> t.length }
val baz = bar.transform { t -> t..(t + 1) }
Note: You don't need to specify the generic types for transform because they can be inferred (at least in this example).

Can functions be default parameter values?

Kotlin docs states that "functions are first-class". I'm trying to use a function as a default value of a function extension. However the compiler isn't having any of it:
fun <T> identity(x: T): T = x
fun <T, P> Channel<T>.dedupe(by: (T) -> P = ::identity): ReceiveChannel<T>
The error is Function invocation 'identity(...)' expected which kinda indicates Kotlin isn't really understanding what I want to do at all.
Is there a way?
I don't know why you get this error message, but the problem is type mismatch: the default value must make sense for any type parameters (subject to bounds). I.e. you need a (T) -> P, but ::identity can give you (T) -> T or (P) -> P.
Proof: if you change to
fun <T, P> identity(x: T): P = throw Exception()
fun <T, P> List<T>.dedupe(by: (T) -> P = ::identity): Unit {}
it compiles.
Answer (which came out in comments below):
If P is changed to Any?, we should be able to use ::identity because (T) -> T is a subtype of (T) -> Any?. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, but using a lambda instead of a function reference does:
fun <T> identity(x: T): T = x
fun <T> Channel<T>.dedupe(by: (T) -> Any? = { it }): ReceiveChannel<T>

Simpler or more functional way of chaining objects in Kotlin

I have created a helper method buildChain which essentially creates a
chain of objects given that they implement the interface IChain<T>
and set the contracts next member
The Code
interface Chain<T> {
var next: T?
operator fun plus(next: T): T?
fun <T : Chain<T>> buildChain(first: T, vararg members: T): T {
var next: T? = null
members.forEachIndexed { i, t ->
if (i == 0) {
next = first + t
} else {
next = next?.run { this + t }
return first
Implementation example
data class Person(val name: String) : Chain<Person> {
override var next: Person? = null
override fun plus(next: Person): Person? {
this.next = next
return next
fun createPersonChain()
= buildChain(Person("Bob"), Person("Bitzy"), Person("Blitzy"))
Implementaion output example
#JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var first = createPersonChain()
// first.name = "Bob"
// first.next.name = "Bitzy"
// first.next.next.name = "Blitzy"
Is there a functional or simpler way for acheiving the code above keeping the implementaion usage the same?
A functional idiom fold suits your needs well: it takes an initial item and then iterates over the other items, maintaining an accumulated value, which is updated on each item being processed with the function you provide.
In Kotlin, it is fold extension function for Iterable, Sequence or Array.
You can use it in the following way:
fun <T : Chain<T>> buildChain(first: T, vararg members: T): T {
members.fold(first as T?) { acc, i -> acc?.let { it + i } }
return first
Here first as T? cast is needed for the accumulator type to be inferred as nullable T?, because plus in your Chain<T> returns nullable value (by the way, is it necessary?).
You can also use foldRight, which just iterates in the opposite order:
fun <T : Chain<T>> buildChain(first: T, vararg members: T): T? =
(listOf(first) + members)
.foldRight(null as T?) { i, acc -> acc?.let { i + acc }; i }
And there are reduce and reduceRight with similar semantics but using the first and the last item respectively for the accumulator's initial value. Here's the example with reduceRight:
fun <T : Chain<T>> buildChain(first: T, vararg members: T): T? =
(listOf(first) + members).reduceRight { i, acc -> i.apply { plus(acc) } }
Try apply{}. In the {} block pass your methods separated with ';'
Object().apply{ method1(); signUp(user) }