Browser Back Button in vue-router doesn't do anything - vue.js

Is the vue router in hash mode supposed to react when you hit the back button in the browser?
I’m using the most current package, and I’ve searched and searched and I have seen this bug reported elsewhere, but I’ve never seen it resolved. If this is working as intended then I don’t need to try to debug my code
Thanks for any help

FYI - We ended up just switching to history mode.
According to this git commit though, updating to vue-router#3.4.9 should fix it
I haven't tested this but I thought I would leave what solution I found


Trusted Web Activity shows address bar after switching between different Apps

I'm having a really weird behaviour with my TWA. When I am launching the app, the address bar is not shown and the app is running in standalone mode as expected.
But when I am switching between Apps (putting the app in the background), and coming back to it, something weird happens: the page reloads, and the address bar is shown at the top of my app. I am not really sure to understand what's happening here. Even more strange, it looks like this weird behaviour is not happening all the time.
Does anybody here encountered similar issues ?
I checked my assetlinks file, it's accessible and valid, app bundle and so on, everything looks fine. The fact that the app is not showing the bar at launch also seems to confirm that the problem is not coming from the certificate or a configuration issue. What else could cause the problem ?
First launch (looking perfect):
Back from background:
We have seen this occasionally as well.
Which version of Chrome Custom Tabs are you using? Seems like most articles/tutorials use e446d08 which is quite outdated. Suggest trying a newer/latest version of it:
Their last commit comment suggests that they are still testing things:
There's definitely more we can test, but this is a start.

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 shows code completion ctrl+space hints and dissapear after 0.5 sec

I'm working with IDEA 2018.2, and when I use intellisense/autocomplete, hints dissapears after about 0.5 sec. I use ctrl+space, see hints and I can't even read them all when it's gone.
It all started when I began new project in React Native, in my Java projects everything works fine.
I looked in Settings->Editor->Code Completion and didin't find anything.
Also I can mention that since i began React Native project, on my bottom bar file indexation blinks for a while every 2 sec. (that's another problem for another topic, but it might be connected).
CrazyCoder's solution fixed my problem.
I updated my IntelliJ to newest version (EAP), and it resolved both problem, with blinking indexing and broken intellisense.
Reposting link for community:
Had the same problem File > Invalidate Caches / Restart fixed it for me.

react-native-router-flux - Resetting navigation stack in tab

What we want
We use react-native-router-flux in our application and find ourself in a situation where we need to reset the navigation stack (at least) for one tab. This is our scene structure:
Concretely, our application lets users create and view recordings. There's a listTab, with two sub-scenes (list of recordings and view a single recording) and a tab for creating (creationTab) recordings with several steps (recordView, descriptionView, publishView). After the last step, the recording is published and we redirect to the viewRecording scene for that recording in the listTab.
When pressing the creationTab again, we would like to get back to the first scene of the creation process again, but instead we of course land on the last step (publishView) again.
What we tried
After reading through the documentation and issues connected to this, we figured the option reset might help us. However, if we try to add type='reset' to the props of creationTab, when pressing the tab, all other tab icons disappear (as documented in this issue).
So instead, we then tried to set the type of our push from publishView to recordingView to reset, but that also did not work (although the right action is dispatched and the back button is removed on the new scene, when hitting the recordingTab icon again, we still get back to our old publishView).
We also though about using Switches, to unmount the components but it doesn't seem like this is how they were intended to be used...
react-native: 0.30.0
react-native-router-flux: 3.32.0
We're now getting a bit desperate after days spent on issues like this and similar ones and I am not sure how we should proceed. Has anybody experienced similar problems or found a solution?
I faced the same issue. As a temporary workaround, I do not use the reset option but instead follow the redirection immediately with a pop action.
In my case, my view is only one level deep so this is not too dirty. I'll look for a cleaner solution but I hope it can help in the meantime.
react-native: 0.35.0-rc
react-native-router-flux: 3.35.0

Changing Taskbar menu icon in nodewebkit app dynamically

I am working on a nodewebkit app. Looking for a functionality where in I can change task-bar icon of app to notify users, similar to what Skype does when a new message is received by user.
Is there any way it can be done in Nodewebkit?
Initially I tried changing window.icon in package.json file, but then I came to know that it is used only once, i.e. on app load. So that did not work.
Anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance
Window.requestAttention(Boolean attention) is what I was looking for.
It worked for me.
Thanks to Dhiraj, It gave me an additional feature for icon.

Facebook login button showing "Undefined" instead of "Login"

The facebook login button implemented in my website was showing the text as "undefined" instead of "Login" in firefox latest version in Windows 7. So to fix that i went to get the latest code from the Plugin page at
Its showing "undefined" in the preview button also. What should be done to get it fixed?
I am ready to use the latest code given but it looks like a problem with facebook JS to me.
Sorry! I don't have enough rep to post an image :P
I reported it to fb and referenced Ravi's screenshot. Here's my bug report, if you want to subscribe -
This problem once frustrated me and i searched for the solution in many sites. I find one site to be very helpful for me as my problem is solved and solution is easy to understand. so i am sharing with you guys. just go to and get your problem solved.