Group Sql query by month number and year number - sql

I have written a query which is bring following data:
I want to further group it by month and year to bring total quiz and total pass for each month in the result set, I am stuck and i need help with this,
thank you

You can group by multiple columns
select QuizMont, QuizYear, .. aggregate values here
group by QuizMont, QuizYear


Count records in each month using Month(dateField) in SQL

I have a large table containing c650,000 records. They are individuals with email addresses and one of the fields is 'dateOfApplication'. I have been asked for a breakdown of how many people signed up in each month.
I'd like the results to look something like
Month Year Total
1 2017 50763
2 2017 34725
And have made a target table in this format to put the results in. I've been able to use Month(dateOfApplication) to get the month component of the date using
WHERE MONTH([UG_Master].dateOfApplication) = '6') as Total
To return particular months, but don't really know how to get one row for each month it finds.
but don't really know how to get one row for each month it finds.
You can use GROUP BY :
SELECT MONTH([UG_Master].dateOfApplication), COUNT(1)
FROM [UG_Master]
GROUP BY MONTH([UG_Master].dateOfApplication);
If you want year wise months then include year also :
SELECT YEAR([UG_Master].dateOfApplication), MONTH([UG_Master].dateOfApplication), COUNT(1)
FROM [UG_Master]
GROUP BY YEAR([UG_Master].dateOfApplication), MONTH([UG_Master].dateOfApplication);

Year wise Average days SQL

Today i have below problem while perform an sql query. Please find below data.
I perform SQL query on my table and get the below resulted output. i perform Group by on ID, Name, Week, Year, Days now i want the Days column as average of All Days based on year column. means there is multiple value of year is exist so i need Avg of Days data in all rows of DAYS for particular row. expected result as per below.
Thanks in Advance!!!
Write in comment if you have any query.
You can use OVER:
Note: Just grouped by year (2016)

Working with dates in tsql query

I want to create a report that gives me a total for sales by month so
select customer,month(dated), sum(invtotal)
from salestable
group by customer,dated
gives me the my result but I get multiple lines returned if a customer had three orders for a particular month.
I was expecting the month(dated) to strip out the day part of the date and just return everything for a particular month as one whole, it does not appear to do that.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
select customer, month(dated), sum(invtotal)
from salestable
group by customer, month(dated)

Crosstab Query Month YTD

I am looking for a solution to convert the individual monthly averages to monthly averages from the beginning of the year. In other words from January to said month.
I used the cross tab wizard to group the rating of an employee into months in the column header. Employees are in the row header. The values of the ratings is then averaged.
My issue is this just shows the average rating of an employee for each month. I need a solution that would show me the average of each month if it included all results from the begging of the year (i.e. February would include January's and February's ratings).
TRANSFORM Avg(CSS_Table.[Emp_Rating]) AS AvgOfEmp_Rating
SELECT CSS_Table.[Emp]
FROM Rating_Table
GROUP BY Rating_Table.[Emp]
PIVOT Format([Survey_Date],"mmm") In ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
One possible strategy to attack this
Create one query for each month that calculates the monthly YTD Average.
Create a Union query that joins them all together (i.e. make sure to use the same column names for each query).
Feed the union query into the Pivot.

Querying SQLITE DB for Data from One Column Based On Another Column

I hope the title of this post makes sense.
The db in question has two columns that are related to my issue, a date column that follows the format xx/xx/xxxx and price a column. What I want to do is get a sum of the prices in the price column based on the month and year in which they occurred, but that data is in the other aforementioned column. Doing so will allow me to determine the total for a given month of a given year. The problem is I have no idea how to construct a query that would do what I need. I have done some reading on the web, but I'm not really sure how to go about this. Can anyone provide some advice/tips?
Thanks for your time!
I was able to find a solution using a LIKE clause:
SELECT sum(price) FROM purchases WHERE date LIKE '11%1234%'
The "11" could be any 2-digit month and the "1234" is any 4 digit year. The % sign acts as a wildcard. This query, for example, returns the sum of any prices that were from month 11 of year 1234 in the db.
Thanks for your input!
You cannot use the built-in date functions on these date values because you have stored them formatted for displaing instead of in one of the supported date formats.
If the month and day fields always have two digits, you can use substr:
SELECT substr(MyDate, 7, 4) AS Year,
substr(MyDate, 1, 2) AS Month,
FROM Purchases
So, the goal is to get an aggregate grouping by the month?
select strftime('%m', mydate), sum(price)
from mytable
group by strftime('%m', mydate)
Look into group by