Install v8js on windows laravel/yii2 - vue.js

I installed v8js by click but it does not work, the project on laravel does not see v8js, please tell me how to properly connect it to the project


Vue Project not working after ubuntu customization

I have created a project using vue.js at the frontend and flask at the backend, It was working perfectly. But, after I customized my ubuntu OS, suddenly I am unable to run the project, my flask and every other framework and library was uninstalled and I am unable to reinstall vue and I get this error message when I try to install vue again:
Can someone tell me how to resolve this issue?
By Customization, I installed some extensions and then some wallpapers, icon packs etc..
As a user has mentioned in the replies earlier, what you are trying to do is installing a global package, and the error displayed there clearly stated that you lacked permissions, and the customizations you mentioned should not have any impact on this.
Since you are using Ubuntu, just add a sudo in front of the command that you are trying to execute and it should be fixed.

SignalR: Cannot get js libraries in Visual Studio 2017 project

Trying to following this tutorial to get basic SignalR working:
I am using Visual Studio 15.9.7
the tutorial includes the instructions below, but when I follow them, the modal window disappears without any kind of message and I do not have the signalr javascript libraries anywhere. The lib/signalr folder isn't extracted into my application. Nothing.
I looked around to try and figure out where to download them manually. Nothing.
I tried running all the Package Console commands to try and get signalR. like this one: npm install #aspnet/signalr
Is there an easy and proven way to just get these js libraries?
In Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and select Add > Client-Side Library.
In the Add Client-Side Library dialog, for Provider select unpkg.
For Library, enter #aspnet/signalr#1, and select the latest version that isn't preview.
Add Client-Side Library dialog - select library
Select Choose specific files, expand the dist/browser folder, and select signalr.js and signalr.min.js.
Set Target Location to wwwroot/lib/signalr/, and select Install.
Add Client-Side Library dialog - select files and destination
LibMan creates a wwwroot/lib/signalr folder and copies the selected files to it.
Firstly, you can try to update your Visual Studio and check if it can help fix the issue.
Besides, to add the SignalR client library to the project, we can also use LibMan Cli command.
Run the following command to install LibMan (if not installed it before)
dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Web.LibraryManager.Cli
Run the following command to get the SignalR client library
libman install #aspnet/signalr -p unpkg -d wwwroot/lib/signalr --files dist/browser/signalr.js --files dist/browser/signalr.min.js

ibm mobile first development server .. run as options missing sometimes.. unable to start application

Build and deploy settings are missing from ibm mobile first development server hybrid project.
After clicking on Run as(as in attachment) even from a newly created project..not finding any options. Unable to start application.
Please let me know why it is happening, if any have faced this error before. The image below shows that there's nothing in "Run As...".
Something is wrong with your installation.
Try again in a new Eclipse workspace.
If it fails as well, re-install the Studio plug-in in a fresh Eclipse instance.

Cannot install Apache Flex SDK 4.11

I tried to install Apache Flex SDK 4.11 to my Flash builder 4.7. I downloaded the installer from and installed the installer.
Then, I run the installer, the first page let me choose Flex, AIR, and player version. On the next page, it ask me to select folder to install. I tried to select "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\sdks" or even any other folder, and it stuck there. I cannot click on "Next" button. When I mouse over the field, it says "Invalid Flex SDK directory selected".
How can I get Flex SDK to be installed? Is there any alternative or manual way to do it? What is the valid directory should I select?
Thank you.
The problem is that the directory you chose requires admin access. Either run the installer as administrator, or install to a different location, like C:\FlexSDKs or something.
The Installer expects an empty directory. So just create a dir for 4.11 and point to it in the Installer.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Dojo library uses localhost after deploy

I have a Worklight 6.0 project that uses the new Dojo 1.9 libs, I created an external dojo project, like the documentation suggested, then, in the main project properties, under "Dojo toolkit", it references this dojo19 project.
The project works on the local server, then I did "Run As" | "Build for Remote Server...", and entered the correct domain:port and context path, clicked Build, the *.wlapp files were updated. (I've also updated the settings for publicWorkLightHostname / publicWorkLightPort / publicWorkLightProtocol in the "Environment Entries for Web Modules" in the installed war to match the remote server names/port/protocol.)
But, after deploying both war and -all.wlapp file, accessing the app I get JS errors when it tries to refer to the dojo19 library:
The page at
https://<myIP>:9443/<myproject>/apps/services/www/ /mobilewebapp/default/IODMobile.html
ran insecure content from http://localhost:64441/dojo19/<myproject>/IODMobile/mobilewebapp/dojo/nls/core-web-layer_en-us.js.
The dojo19 is the project name in my Worklight developer workspace that I referred to above.
Why is it trying localhost? Seems there's a missing step here in deploying the dojo library project into Worklight.
Where are you trying to preview the application when you get the error message?
See the changes in Dojo in Worklight 6.0
If launching the application in emulator/simulator/device, see Billy Rowe's answer in this question
Partial copy/paste:
Step 1: Verify your application works in the Mobile Browser Simulator
with Provide Library Resources checked. If the Console log is showing
resources being served from the server, then these have to be copied
to your application before deploying to AVD or a device
Step 2: After you think you have all Dojo/resources within your
project, uncheck Provide Library Resources and test it again in MBS.
If it fails in MBS, then something is missing in your application that
is in the library/server. You can check Provide Library Resources and
retest to see if it shows you what that is. Not all resources are
shown, e.g. if there's a missing CSS file.
Also I would suggest to do all of this in the Development environment (that is, in Eclipse) before starting to deploy the .war file and .wlapp file etc... (which, BTW, I hope you're doing based on the new instructions for Worklight 6.0)
In the information center, it will show you how to uncheck the Provide Library Resources in the Console Log.
I think what you're running into is:
1) Something is being served from the Dojo Library/Server
2) A bug in 6.0 that used "localhost" instead of the IP of the host (your machine running eclipse). This is fixed in the 6.0 iFix. With this fix, you can run your app external to Studio and still use the Dojo Library/Server. Without this fix, you must have everything you need within your app.
Can you install the iFix and let us know if that fixed the problem?