How to update oracle table with long string in where clause - sql

I am using bulk copy to insert data from datatable(got data from oracle database) to sql table. So that is good and I do not have any problem whith that. So after this job when data inserted correctly I am trying to update a field of oracle database table with key of above datatable. the schema to my approach shows below.
update table1 set column1=1 where id in ( all keys of above datatable)
It is not working and oracle do not run that because string literal too long.
how to can I solve that? I do not want to create a temp table in oracle because this service working all time.

I'd consider using a subquery instead, e.g.
update table1 set
column1 = 1
where id in (select key
from above_datatable


add id column on INSERT INTO statement

I need to have a AI ID column added when I do a:
SELECT * INTO newTable FROM(...
I am doing it from a query with multiple joins and need to have a ID generated for every row that gets inserted into a new table that is being created from the query.
I am using SSMS 2012
In SQL SERVER we have IDENTITY function
Is used only in a SELECT statement with an INTO table clause to insert
an identity column into a new table. Although similar, the IDENTITY
function is not the IDENTITY property that is used with CREATE TABLE
Try something like this
SELECT identity(int,1,1) as ID_Num,*
INTO newTable

How to insert generated id into a results table

I have the following query
SELECT q.pol_id
FROM quot q
,fgn_clm_hist fch
WHERE q.quot_id = fch.quot_id
SELECT q.pol_id
FROM tdb2wccu.quot q
WHERE q.nr_prr_ls_yr_cov IS NOT NULL
For every row in that result set, I want to create a new row in another table (call it table1) and update pol_id in the quot table (from the above result set) with the generated primary key from the inserted row in table1.
table1 has two columns. id and timestamp.
I'm using db2 10.1.
I've tried numerous things and have been unsuccessful for quite a while. Thanks!
Simple solution: create a new table for the result set of your query, which has an identity column in it. Then, after running your query, update the pol_id field with the newly generated ID in your result table.
Alteratively, you can do it more manually by using the the ROW_NUMBER() OLAP function, which I often found convenient for creating IDs. For this it is convenient to use a stored procedure which does the following:
get the maximum old id from Table1 and write it into a variable old_max_id.
after generating the result set, write the row-numbers into the table1, maybe by something like
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY <primary-key> ORDER BY <whatever-you-want>)
FROM (<here comes your SQL query>)
Either write the result set into a table or return a cursor to it. Here you should either use the same ROW_NUMBER statement as above or directly use the ID from Table1.

merging data from old table into new for a monthly archive

I have a sql statement to insert data into a table for archiving, but I need a merge statement to run on a monthyl basis to update the new table(2) with any data that changed in the old table(1) that should now be moved into archive.
Part of the issue is to remove the moved data from the old table. My insert is not doing that, but I need to have it to where the saved data is purged from the original table.
Is there a single sql statement that will move data out of one table into another in this way? Or does it need to be a two step operation?
the initial statement moved data depending on age and a few other relative factors.
insert is:
INSERT /*+ append */
INTO tab1
FROM tab2
WHERE (Postingdate < TO_DATE ('2001/07/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
OR jobname IS NULL)
AND STATUS <> '45';
All help appreciated...
The merge statement will let you do this in one statement by adding a delete statement in the update clause. See Oracle Documentation on Merge.
I think you should try this with a partition table. My idea is to create table which have range partition on date:
create table(id number primary key,name varchar,J_date date )
partition by range(J_date)(PARTITION one_mnth VALUES LESS THAN(sysdate-30)),
partition by range(J_date)(PARTITION one_mnth VALUES LESS THAN(maxvalue)));
then move that partition in to another table and and truncate that partition

Copy data from table of one db into table of another db using query (both tables have same structure)

I have two database in the same schema. My db is in Postgres. I want to copy data of any table (i.e product) of my 1st db into the same table of the 2nd db.
Is it possible to do so using query?
Can't do it as a single SQL command (at least not without dblink), but the easiest way is probably to just use a pipe between two psql's - use COPY on both ends, one sending the data out in CSV format the other one receiving it.
insert into db1.table1 select * from db2.table2
It's not possible in vanilla PostgreSQL installation.
If you are able to install contrib modules, use dblink:
INTO product
FROM dblink
FROM product
) AS p (id INT, column1 INT, column2 TEXT, …)
This should be run in the target database.

Using SQL Server DTS Package to Conditionally Insert / Update Rows in Destination Table

I want to create a DTS Package to pull data from an Oracle table into a SQL2K
table. How can I insert rows that are not already in the SQL2K table and
update rows that already exist in the SQL2K table?
I guess I could truncate and repopulate the entire table or create a
temporary table and then do updates/inserts from the temp table into the
destination table.
Is there any easier way using DTS?
You can do that in a DTS package using two data driven query tasks: one for the inserts and one for the updates. The data driven query tasks are a bit of a pain to use, but they work. I've also done this (a "merge") in sql server 2000 with an AS/400 database using a dynamic t-sql. You'd write a t-sql script that outputs psql and runs it againt a linked server to the Oracle database.
A DTS "data driven query task" will let you insert|update data from the sql server connection in DTS to an oracle server connection in DTS w/o a temp table or a linked server.
Update2; here's some more info on what I mean:
Are you keeping the same primary key values?
If you are you have a number of options, some versions of SQL support the MERGE statement which will update or insert just like you require.
Or you can write your own.
Something along the lines of loading all the rows into a staging table in your SQL database and row by row checking for the existence of your primary key in your main SQL table. If the key exists update the row and if not insert it.
Yes, the primary key values in the source and destination will match.
I was hoping to accomplish this task without the use of a temporary (staging) table.
Also, I am using sql server 2000 so the MERGE statement is not available.
DELETE FROM dbo.WhateverTable WHERE WhateverTableID IN (SELECT WhateverTableID FROM MySource)
It might be pretty slow, use join instead:
Delete a
from firstTable a join secondTable b on =
There's no way with TSQL to do a INSERT or UPDATE in the same statement, but you could very easily do it in two statements (as you mentioned above).
Statement 1:
DELETE FROM dbo.WhateverTable
WHERE WhateverTableID IN (SELECT WhateverTableID FROM MySource)
Statement 2:
INSERT INTO dbo.WhateverTable
Also, is there any reason why you don't want to use a temp table?