Acess the SDPA-GMP solver from mpmath - gmp

I do have code in mpmath that does the main part of what i do, except soling a semidefinite programming in arbitrary precision.
For that, i might be able to use SDPA-GMP, a C++ piece of software that solves a SDP in arbitrary precision using GMP as base arbitrary precision library.
Do you know if there are possibilities to call this from python ? On the over hand, is there somewhere a converter that passed from mpmath objcts to gmp ?

You might have found a solution but here is one: you can use the interface PICOS, save the problem with the extension 'dat-s' and then feed that to SDPA-GMP. This works perfectly and it's rather easy to use.


How do I use such a line in Kotlin?

I use Python, but I don't know how it works in Kotlin. This is an example
example => exec("""print("hello")""") output => hello
exec("""print("hello")""") output => hello
Kotlin supports JSR-223. You can use the jvm scripting engine to eval kts files.
val engine = ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension("kts")
You need JSR-223 library dependency. Refer to example
Short answer: this isn't practical in Kotlin.
Technically, there may be ways, but they're likely to be far more trouble than they're worth; you're far better looking for a different approach to your problem.
Unlike a dynamic (‘scripting’) language like Python, Kotlin is statically-compiled. In the case of Kotlin/JVM, you run the Kotlin compiler to generate .class files with Java bytecode, which is then run by a JVM.
So if you really need to convert a string into code and run it, you'd have to find a way to ensure that a Kotlin compiler is available on the platform where your code is running (which it often won't be; compiled bytecode can run on any platform with a JVM, and most of those won't have Kotlin installed too). You'd then have to find a way to run the compiler; this will probably mean writing your source code out to a file, starting up the compiler program as a separate process (as I don't think there's an API for calling it directly), and checking the results. Then you'd have find the resulting bytecode and load into the JVM, which will probably mean setting up a separate classloader instance.
All of which is likely to be slow, fragile, and very awkward.
(See these previous questions which cover some of the same ground.)
(The details will be different for Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/Native, but I think the principles are roughly the same.)
In general, each computer language has its own approach, its own mind-set and ways of doing things, and it's best to try to understand that and accept that patterns and techniques from one language don't always translate well into another. (In the Olden Days™, it used to be said that a determined programmer could write FORTRAN programs in any language — but only in satire.)
Perhaps if you could explain why you want to do this, and what sort of problem you're trying to solve (probably as a separate question), we might be able to suggest more natural solutions in Kotlin.

User-specified function in mpfit

I have been an IDL programmer for sometime now and looking to transition to Python. I find that MPFIT's IDL version exists in Python. However, I am looking for MPFITFUN version in Python ( or something similar.
Basically, I am looking for a Python function that takes a user-defined function and uses like Levenberg-Marquardt least-squared fit (like MPFIT).
There are fitting functions built into SciPy but I do not know of any which account for uncertainties in data as MPFITFUN does.
I have found Sherpa to be an excellent modeling and fitting package for Python which accounts for uncertainties and replaces MPFITFUN:
Since Sherpa is produced by astronomers it has a lot of built in astrophysical models, but you can build your own function to fit with Sherpa's Levenberg-Marquardt, Nelder-Mead or Monte Carlo algorithms. I used the template from the pysherpa blog: is available from and an older version hosted at
A good alternative is lmfit:,,
I accidentally found that there also exists the MPFITEXPR in Python. Here's the link to the code. You can also download it via Astrolibpy project.

Is it easy to achieve -O3 level of optimization with using LLVM directly?

Is it easy to achieve high level of optimization with LLVM?
To give a concrete example let's assume that I have a simple lanuage that I want to write a compiler for.
simple functions
simple structs
pointers (with arithmetic)
control structures
I can quite easily create compilation-to-C backend and rely on clang -O3.
Is it as easy to use LLVM API for that purpose?
Except perhaps for a few high-level (as in, aware of high-level language features or details that aren't encoded in LLVM IR) optimizations, Clang's backend does little more than generate straightforward IR and run some set of LLVM optimization passes on it. All of these (or at least most) should be available trough the opt command and also as API calls when using the C++ libraries that all LLVM tools are built on. See the tutorial for a simple example. I see several advantages:
LLVM IR is far simpler than C and there's already a convenient API for generating it programatically. To generate C, you either have lots of ugly and unreliable string fiddling or have to build an AST for the C language yourself. Or both.
You get to choose the set of optimizations yourself (it's quite possible that Clang's set of passes isn't ideal for the code the language supports and the IR representation your compiler generates). This also means you can, during development, just run the passes checking for IR wellformedness (uncovering compiler bugs faster). You can just copy Clang's pass order, but if you feel like it, you can also experiment.
It will allow better compile times. Clang is fast for a C compiler, but you'd be adding unnecessary overhead: You generate C code, then Clang parses it, converts it to IR, and goes on to do pretty much what you could do right away.
You may have access to a broader range of features, or at least you'd get them easier (i.e. without having to incorporate #defines, obscure pragmas, instrincts or command line options) to provide them. I'm talking about like vectors, guaranteed (well, more than in C anyway - AFAIK, some code generators ignore them) tail calls, pure/readonly functions, more control over memory layout and type conversions (for instance zero extending vs. sign extending). Granted, you may not need most of them.
LLVM has built-in optimization passes so that you can achieve O3-like optimizations using API.

Who does non-decimal bignums with floating radix point?

Nice as the Tcl libraries math::bignum and math::bigfloat are, the middle ground between the two needs to be addressed. Namely, bignums which are in different radices and have a radix point.
At present math::bignum only handles integers (afaict) and math::bigfloat won't let you specify different radices to math::bigfloat::fromstr (ditto).
Does anyone know of a library, for any of the major scripting languages (e.g. Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua) or less major ones (newLISP for example), which implements bignums in different radices with handling for radix point?
bignumber.js is a Javascript library that handles numbers with a radix point in bases from 2 to 36.
I couldn't find any libraries for this, but I haven't looked for long.
But you can work around the problem similar to what you would do if you want 64-bit datatypes, but only 32-bit datatypes are available. With the libraries you already have, you should be able to represent a number in base b like this:
can be split to the two bignums ABCDEF and GHIJKLMN. GHIJKLMN in fact is representing GHIJLMN / pow(b, length(GHIJKLMN)) => GHIJKLM / pow(b, 8). Now you can overwrite the operators you need which should be possible for things like +, -, *, /. If you need more things like sqrt, log or pow, this workaround will get too complex and you should really look for a library.
Your best bet is to use GMP (libgmp).
I myself have looked long and hard for a .NET version without luck.

Is there a system where executing a program and calling a function is unified?

I would like to be able to do one or more of the following from the shell:
- call any function from the program not only the main
- pass parameters that are not only strings (not only argv)
- have a program return not only int (the return code from main)
- assign returned values to shell-level variables to be able to pass them to other programs
You get the idea.
For instance python toplevel allow this for python programs.
What about C++?
Or a ELF replacement on linux that would allow that?
If you looking for an operating system that does this - the vxWorks shell/C interpreter does this.
But, it's vxWorks - a realtime operating system (no GUI).
It's not too difficult to come up with an app that allows you to call certain functions by name from dynamic libraries such as DLLs under Windows, provided those functions take only a limited selection of parameter types such as ints, floats and fixed strings.
However, for most C++ programs this is not sufficient. For example, suppose your C++ function takes s std::map of dynamic string to socket as a parameter - how are you going to create the map, to say nothing of its contents in your shell?
But if you can forgo C++, there is one language cum operating system that does exactly what you suggest - Smalltalk. If you are interested in this paradigm, take a look at Squeak, which is free software.
Under Windows, there is RUNDLL32 to call DLL function, eg
RUNDLL32.EXE USER32.DLL,SwapMouseButton
Have you looked at c-repl?
The system would have to be completely interpreted, right? And how would you know the function signatures of the things you were calling?