Kotlin `object` initialization order leads to unexpected null instance - kotlin

Consider the following code:
sealed class DataType<T : Any> {
abstract fun inputToType(input: String): T
abstract fun typeToSql(value: T): String
companion object {
val all = listOf(StringDt, LongDt)
object StringDt : DataType<String>() {
override fun inputToType(input: String) = input
override fun typeToSql(value: String) = "\"${value}\""
object LongDt : DataType<Long>() {
override fun inputToType(input: String) = input.toLong()
override fun typeToSql(value: Long) = value.toString()
val dataTypeList = listOfNotNull(StringDt, LongDt)
Things to consider:
object as per documentation (and my understanding as well) is singleton and always instantiated
the two objects (StringDt and LongDt) are quite similar
The result of println(DataType.all) shows that one of the objects are not initialized. How is that possible? I would expect all the list elements to be initialized.
IntelliJ version: CE 2020.2
Kotlin plugin version: 1.4.0-release-IJ2020.2-1
Here's a running example which shows that the static list has a null element, while the non-static one contains both objects initialized.

It happens due to cyclical static initializations. It's pretty hard to explain this problem in two words but you can read about it here.
To fix this behavior you can change all initialization like this:
val all by lazy { listOf(StringDt, LongDt) }


Can I omit type in generics? - Kotlin

If I have a following interface:
interface BaseDataRemote<T, in Params> {
fun getData(params: Params? = null): Single<T>
Would it be possible have implementation of this interface that does not take Params?
To have effectively something like:
interface BaseDataRemote<T> {
fun getData(): Single<T>
Implementation is as follows:
class RemoteSellerDataSource #Inject constructor(
private val sellerApi: SellerApi,
#Named("LANG") private val lang: String
) : BaseDataRemote<SellerEntity, Nothing> {
override fun getData(params: Nothing?): Single<SellerEntity> {
return sellerApi.getSeller(lang).map { it.fromApiEntity() }
I use Dagger 2 to module to bind this implementation:
internal interface RemoteModule {
fun bindsSellerRemote(remoteSellerDataSource: RemoteSellerDataSource): BaseDataRemote<SellerEntity, Nothing>
I tried using Nothing as second type parameter, but it does not seem to work
(I'm getting required: class or interface without bounds error
Full error message:
RemoteSellerDataSource.java:6: error: unexpected type
public final class RemoteSellerDataSource implements com.bigchangedev.stamps.business.sdk.data.base.data.BaseDataRemote<SellerEntity, ?> {
required: class or interface without bounds
EDIT: the original answer was a pure Kotlin answer because the OP didn't mention Dagger.
Using Nothing is correct and works in pure Kotlin. However, Dagger seems to convert your code to Java, and in doing so it uses wildcards for the generics (which it doesn't like because it wants exact type matches). To avoid this issue, you can try using #JvmSuppressWildcards on your generic type parameters:
class RemoteSellerDataSource #Inject constructor(
private val sellerApi: SellerApi,
#Named("LANG") private val lang: String
) : BaseDataRemote<SellerEntity, #JvmSuppressWildcards Nothing> {
override fun getData(params: Nothing?): Single<SellerEntity> {
return sellerApi.getSeller(lang).map { it.fromApiEntity() }
Although I'm not sure what will happen in Java with Nothing in that case. I guess this should have the same effect on the Java code as removing the in variance for the second type param in the interface declaration, but without weakening your Kotlin types.
Another workaround would be to use Unit instead of Nothing, which Dagger will most likely convert to Void in this case. This is not great for your types, though.
Original answer:
You can technically already call getData() without arguments thanks to the default value. An implementation that doesn't care about the params argument can simply expect null all the time.
The Kotlin type that only contains null and no other value is technically Nothing?, and since getData is defined with Params? (note the ?) as input, it should be correct to specify Nothing (even without ?) as second type argument. So you should be able to define an implementation like this:
interface BaseDataRemote<T, in Params> {
fun getData(params: Params? = null): Single<T>
class ImplementationWithoutParams<T> : BaseDataRemote<T, Nothing> {
override fun getData(params: Nothing?): Single<T> {
// params will always be null here
To avoid confusion for the users, this implementation may additionally provide a getData() method without arguments at all:
class ImplementationWithoutParams<T> : BaseDataRemote<T, Nothing> {
override fun getData(params: Nothing?): Single<T> = getData()
fun getData(): Single<T> {

Kotlin class generics without duplication

Consider an abstract class:
abstract class PubSubSubscriber<T : Any>(private val topic: KClass<T>) : BackgroundFunction<PubSubMessage> {
abstract fun consume(payload: T)
override fun accept(message: PubSubMessage, context: Context) {
val json = String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(message.data.toByteArray()))
val payload = objectMapper.readValue(json, topic.java)
And implementation:
class MySubscriber : PubSubSubscriber<Payload>(Payload::class) {
Is there a way to define such abstract class so that I don't have to repeat twice the Payload and Payload::class in the class definition?
Yes, with some reflection.
At construction time, we can extract the type parameter and assign it to a property that no longer needs to be given to the constructor:
abstract class PubSubSubscriber<T : Any> {
val topic: KClass<T> = extractTypeParam<T>(0).kotlin
private fun <X> extractTypeParam(paramIdx: Int): Class<X> {
require(PubSubSubscriber::class.java == javaClass.superclass) {
"PubSubSubscriber subclass $javaClass should directly extend PubSubSubscriber"
return (javaClass.genericSuperclass as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments[paramIdx] as Class<X>
abstract fun consume(payload: T)
override fun accept(message: PubSubMessage, context: Context) {
val json = String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(message.data.toByteArray()))
val payload = objectMapper.readValue(json, topic.java)
Note the following limitations:
A) this solution works only if MySubscriber directly extends from PubSubSubscriber. However, the given code can detect if that's not the case and warn about it (at runtime). In such cases, there are the following solutions:
MySubscriber falls back to providing a duplicate argument (essentially what you already had)
the direct superclass of MySubscriber can provide a similar detection mechanism
B) You call reflection code every time a MySubscriber instance is created. This may be too slow in certain contexts, but for many this is unproblematic.

Kotlin lazy initialization in subclass

I'm trying to build a string with properties that are initialized in a subclass.
I read about lazy initialization but somehow this doesn't work as I expected.
abstract class SubProcessFullNameBuilder(technicalDomain: TechnicalDomainEnumeration) {
protected val moduleName = "td.${technicalDomain.value().toLowerCase()}.shared"
private val packageName by lazy { packageName() }
private val processName by lazy { processName() }
val processFullName: String = "$moduleName/$packageName.$processName"
protected abstract fun packageName(): String
protected abstract fun processName(): String
class WorkerFullNameBuilder(
private val jmsDirection: JmsDirectionEnumeration,
technicalDomain: TechnicalDomainEnumeration,
private val cdmCode: String) : SubProcessFullNameBuilder(technicalDomain) {
override fun packageName() = "$moduleName.workers.${jmsDirection.value().toLowerCase()}.${cdmCode.toLowerCase()}"
override fun processName() = "Worker"
Since I have overridden the packageName() and processName() properties, I would expect that on calling the packageName property it would use the implementation from the subclass.
But when I call the processFullName property, it throws a java.lang.NullPointerException.
val builder = WorkerFullNameBuilder(JmsDirectionEnumeration.ESB_IN, TechnicalDomainEnumeration.INFOR, "ccmd")
val name = builder.processFullName
How can I initialize the packageName and processName properties in a proper way?
This is a case of calling a non-final method in a constructor and thus accessing uninitialized variables.
This line is still evaluated eagerly, at the time when the base class is constructed:
val processFullName: String = "$moduleName/$packageName.$processName"
To get the values of the two lazy properties, this will make calls to the abstract methods, of which packageName() refers to jmsDirection and cdmCode to return its value - these properties are not initialized yet, because their values are set after the superclass constructor runs. Here's a simplified version of the subclass' constructor, decompiled back to Java:
public WorkerFullNameBuilder(#NotNull JmsDirectionEnumeration jmsDirection, #NotNull TechnicalDomainEnumeration technicalDomain, #NotNull String cdmCode) {
this.jmsDirection = jmsDirection;
this.cdmCode = cdmCode;
As a demonstration, if you don't refer to these, for example, if you return constants in both of the subclass methods, your code will actually run fine:
override fun packageName() = "foo"
override fun processName() = "Worker"
However, the solution you need here is most likely to make the processFullName property itself lazy instead of the two values it uses (which you're evaluating at constructor time right now anyway, so you're not making use of them being lazy). This means you don't even need those two as separate properties:
abstract class SubProcessFullNameBuilder(technicalDomain: TechnicalDomainEnumeration) {
protected val moduleName = "td.${technicalDomain.value().toLowerCase()}.shared"
val processFullName by lazy { "$moduleName/${packageName()}.${processName()}" }
protected abstract fun packageName(): String
protected abstract fun processName(): String

Is it possible to avoid code repetition when an object should return a modified copy of itself?

I'm currently writing some classes that represent symbolic mathematical expressions. All of these are immutable.
However, I found myself often repeating the same kind of structure, so I created an interface to avoid repetition, but find myself unable to avoid duplicating the "substituteInside" method (see below), which returns a copy of the object with components corresponding to "find" replaced with "replace".
This behavior is the same for all instances of this interface.
In my current solution, the interface requires implementing a method createOp which returns the modified copy of the object.
interface UnarySymbolicOp<InType : Any,
OutType : Any,
OpType : UnarySymbolicOp<InType,OutType,OpType>> :
Symbolic<OutType> {
// Arg may be a complex expression
val arg: Symbolic<InType>
fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<InType>) : OpType
override val variables
get() = arg.variables
override fun <V : Any> substituteInside(find: Symbolic<V>, replace: Symbolic<V>): OpType {
return createOp(arg.substitute(find, replace))
The interface can then be implemented as follows: these classes represent the operation of getting some component of an expression.
data class GetX(override val arg: Symbolic<Vector3d>) : UnarySymbolicOp<Vector3d, Double, GetX> {
override fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<Vector3d>) = GetX(arg)
override fun eval() = arg.eval().x
data class GetY(override val arg: Symbolic<Vector3d>) : UnarySymbolicOp<Vector3d, Double, GetY> {
override fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<Vector3d>) = GetY(arg)
override fun eval() = arg.eval().y
data class GetZ(override val arg: Symbolic<Vector3d>) : UnarySymbolicOp<Vector3d, Double, GetZ> {
override fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<Vector3d>) = GetZ(arg)
override fun eval() = arg.eval().z
This improves things as other methods returning a copy of the object can use that method and thus can live in the interface, but I still have to copy this method everywhere, while it basically always does the same thing.

Instantiating a generic type in Kotlin

What's the best way to get an instance of a generic type in Kotlin? I am hoping to find the best approximation of the following C# code:
public T GetValue<T>() where T : new() {
return new T();
EDIT: As mentioned in comments, this is probably a bad idea. Accepting a () -> T is probably the most reasonable way of achieving this. That said, the following technique will achieve what you're looking for, if not necessarily in the most idiomatic way.
Unfortunately, you can't achieve that directly: Kotlin is hamstrung by its Java ancestry, so generics are erased at run time, meaning T is no longer available to use directly. Using reflection and inline functions, you can work around this, though:
/* We have no way to guarantee that an empty constructor exists, so must return T? instead of T */
inline fun <reified T : Any> getValue(): T? {
val primaryConstructor = T::class.constructors.find { it.parameters.isEmpty() }
return primaryConstructor?.call()
If we add some sample classes, you can see that this will return an instance when an empty constructor exists, or null otherwise:
class Foo() {}
class Bar(val label: String) { constructor() : this("bar")}
class Baz(val label: String)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
System.out.println("Foo: ${getValue<Foo>()}") // Foo#...
// No need to specify the type when it can be inferred
val foo : Foo? = getValue()
System.out.println("Foo: ${foo}") // Foo#...
System.out.println("Bar: ${getValue<Bar>()}") // Prints Bar#...
System.out.println("Baz: ${getValue<Baz>()}") // null