Can EarlGrey be used as test tool only having ipa file? - automation

Hello Stack Overflow community,
I'm planning to develop a UI test automation for an iOS application.
The problem is that I don't have access to the source code but only the finished ipa file of the app.
Is there a possibility to write UI tests with EarlGrey or do I need the source code of the app?
With Appium it should be possible to write UI tests without the source code.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Original EarlGrey by Google required access to iOS project, you can check here the setup.
The new EarlGrey 2 is actually has a similar concept and you need to have source code to use it.
Appium can use developer-signed .app file on simulator. If you want to run tests on real device you need have developer-signed .ipa file plus re-sign WebDriverAgent with the same iOS developer account.
So technically Appium does not require source code, but you need to have access to iOS developer certificates that been used for build


Can I make react native project without using android studio?

I'm using onedrive from my school, and unfortunately I made my name of onedrive in korean(my country language). And It made lots of error in Android studio.. I can't start my react-native project since 2 weeks ago. Is it unpossible to make React-Native without Android Studio?
If It's not possible, I would buy another onedrive..
I don't know what you have tried already, but you might try Expo. It lets you test your apps on a real device by scanning a QR code with the Expo Go Mobile App without manual building for iOS or Android.
This article has some useful steps.
The official Website his here.
I also recommend not using OneDrive (if possible). You should use a source control provider like GitHub to store and save your code. This will solve all your problems with OneDrive, and it is free. It will also let you use Android Studio as long as your folders and files have their names in Latin/ASCII characters.
If you use OneDrive, you will run into problems with huge files taking up all of your storage after you build your app for the first time.

ios appium automation queries

Can we perform automation on preinstalled app like Facebook on ios real device using appium without having ipa/app file?
Can we perform automation on real ios device without having developer team id for a ios app for which we have ipa/app file?
Yes, you can specify the app bundleId in the desired capabilities and attach Appium to the pre-installed application.
No. You need to build and sign the appium-webdriveragent app with your developer certificate to be able to install it on the real iOS device.
Yes you can automate pre installed apps in your phone. But make sure following configurations are already done:
"noReset" capability should be set to true. It won't install your app on every run.
You will need apple developer account if you want to automate it on Real Device. If you are running on simulator, developer account is not needed.

Calabash Automation Testing

I am new in Automating the apps for testing Android and i like to advance to this level... I have researched for Appium and Calabash... but knowing the difference pretty complicated.. There are my questions:
1: For Calabash, do we need the source code, i mean can i have APK and give test cases and so on? or do I NEED the source code even if im using the elements from app?
2: I heard i can use the Appium with cucumber, and same question do i need source code for that?
I have researched about it and all i get is for Apple apps... but nothing much for android...
You don't need source code. All you need is apk file, packageName and ActivityName to launch the app.
In Appium framework, all you need is app file (for android it will be simply .apk file).
Source code will be never needed, all elements from UI that you would like to interact with, can be simply get from Appium Inspector.
For both calabash and Appium you don't need to source code. you can automate application using apk file.
Yes you can use Appium with cucumber.
To find object locators of application use calabash console and Android UI Viewer, Appium GUI.

Upload a prebuilt file to Crashlytics

I am trying to automate our build/release process. I am specifically concerned with the Android app at the moment, but I may also need to extend similar support for our iOs app.
Until now, all uploads to Crashlytics have been triggered with crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease. However we are now building and testing the apk first, then looking to upload that same pre-built apk to Crashlytics. The new process means we need a way of uploading the apk to Crashlytics directly, without having any dependencies on rebuilding or being within the project's directory.
I can see that I can do this through Android Studio by dragging and dropping the apk. Is there a command line tool or script that I can use to automate something similar from our build machine?
This operation is not currently supported. See my comment above for the response from the Crashlytics team

How to test Phonegap application on Phonegap emulator

I am using Phonegap build to generate executable files for each platform. Each time I make changes in my code, I have to upload the code on phonegap build and generate new Apk file (for android). I don't want to test on real device, How can I test my code on phonegap emulator??
Getting started guides are very confusing for beginners like me. Please help me out.
You can download the AVD from Click on DOWNLOAD FOR OTHER PLATFORMS and choose installer_r22.2.1-windows.exe if you are a windows user. Once you have installed it go to the install dir and execute SDK Manager.exe and download the virtual device images you need. Then execute AVD Manager.exe, create a virtual device and you are ready to go.
I Know I'm late but you can use this to test, then generate your apk when you're done.
Only for chrome