div component in form generation (by schema) not working as expected - vuejs2

In a sample project, I placed the "Flexbox Wrapper" code sample here (picking from the drop-down list)
The code below is meant to create 2 columns for the children form components of cheese options and toppings:
...preceding code...
"component": "div",
"class": "flex-wrapper",
"children": [
However it shows both as one column (see image attached.) I have absolutely no other styling asides the header link pointing to the default snow.min.css at by CDN.
This is so basic, surprised it's not working as documented. Is there any implicit step I have missed to get this working?
Also not sure why the heading, represented by an 'h3' component in the schema, is appearing as a different font.


vuejs set a layout in js and run that in template

Title sounds a bit weird but let me explain.
I made a component that allows me to generate dynamic input fields based on a json list.
Only some fields I would like to have next to each other and that is not possible in the current construction. So I came up with an idea to make a JSON "layout template" with rows and columns and which ID field belongs where.
For example "layout template":
"row": {
field: {id:"ID-FIELD-1",type:"text"}
"row": {
field: {id:"ID-FIELD-2",type:"phone"},
field: {id:"ID-FIELD-3",type:"email"}
"row": {
field: {id:"ID-FIELD-4",type:"text"}
Now I can make a JSON "layout template" and put an "input component" in each field. This "input component" then loops to the correct type of input field. Only this seems a bit too much to go through the input list every time looking for the right type for each field.
So I've been looking for ways in javascript to setup/format the whole template in a "string" like way and have it picked up by Vuejs as if it were a standard ....
Then I dont have to loop the whole field section every time.
I don't know if this is possible or if there are other ways to do this?

PyVis Graph shows some nodes colour as green and some as yellow even though the nodes are assigned with colour green

I have generated a PyVis graph but the graph output has just one problem and seems i can't find the reason and lost to no ideas anymore, i am not sure if it is a bug in PyVis drawing or I have made an error in generating the graph. Please advise, i am keen to know the cause here.
The PyVis graph I have generated contains 196 nodes and 367 edges exactly.
Of those 196 nodes, certain group of nodes are assigned with specific colours. About 42 nodes are assigned with colour "green" (using hex colour code #00ff00) and their shape has been changed to be a Square here for easy visual in an attempt to show my problem.
Of those 42 nodes, 13 of them are not showing green but instead show yellow as their colour, even though the source code still have those nodes colour as green (in hex code), however the visual shows yellow.
Below one line code is me trying to point to the source code line of one node and its color is set to #00ff00.
{"color": "#00ff00", "font": {"color": "white", "face": "Verdana", "size": 90}, "group": "gp_b", "id": "node__120", "label": "node__120", "level": 3, "shape": "square", "size": 500} ,
The graph's full html code example is provided here linked to jsfiddle, please see if you can help me locate the problem and a fix. Thanks in advance.
Additional info:-
Basically, the graph is first created using Python. I used NetworkX version 2.8.5, added nodes and edges and their attributes, and then imported that into PyVis all within Python. PyVis version i am using is 0.2.1. And the graph is generated/saved as html file from PyVis.
The vis.js vis-network library requires groups to be defined in the options as descibred in the documentation here. All square nodes are added to a group named gp_b however this isn't present in the vis-network options. It is odd that this results in the behaviour being seen, but it could be resolved in a number of ways described below.
As per the PyVis documentation here the options passed to vis.js can be configured which as is needed for some options below.
Adding Group to Options
Adding the group gp_b to the options without any styling defined fixes the issue, for example:
var options = {
useDefaultGroups: true,
gp_b:{ }
// Other options
Adding Group to Options With Styles
Alternatively the styling could be removed from the nodes and instead placed on the group, for example:
var options = {
useDefaultGroups: true,
color: '#00ff00'
// Other options
Removing Group from Nodes
The group could also be removed from the nodes, this way they are not expecing style information from the group and will just the color they have defined.

Is it possible to use yadcf "ranger_number_slider" in server side processed datatables?

I need some help.
I have a server side processed jquery.datatable. One of the columns is a numeric col with values between 0 and 180.
I would like to filter this column with yadcf ranger_number_slider. I set the yadcf like this:
column_number: 14,
filter_type: 'range_number_slider',
filter_container_id: 'external_filter_container_ZZ'
But I am faced with some problems:
On the first page of the datatable (paging size is 10, number of entries is roundabout 10.000), the values of this specific column are (accidentally) only from 0 to 30. The ranger_number_slider shown in the div "external_filter_container_ZZ" is as shown below:
As you see in the image, the slider is set from 0 on the left side to 30 on the right side. It seems, that the slider doesn´t get all values from the server side processing for this specific column.
Furthermore: If I try to select some values in the slider, the result in the table is always empty, and the slider disappears!
Is anybody able to give some hints for this behaviour?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards
Not only that its possible, its available on the showcase page - see here, you must do some reading in the docs / showcase (source on github too) and you will find all the needed docs for that, in short: in addition to your table data that is sent form server to client you must provide yadcf with its data as well - populate the yadcf_data_COL_NUM with the relevant data,
aaData:[["Trident", "Internet Explorer 4.0", "Win 95+", "7/24/2015", "1"],…]
yadcf_data_0:[{value: "Trident", label: "Trident Eng'"}, {value: "Tasman", label: "Tasman Eng'"},…]
yadcf_data_1:["Nintendo DS browser", "Netscape Browser 8", "All others", "Lynx", "Mozilla 1.6", "Mozilla 1.5",…]
yadcf_data_2:["N800", "Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2", "S60", "KDE 3.5", "Win XP SP2+", "KDE 3.3", "OSX.3", "KDE 3.1",…]
yadcf_data_4:["134", "0"] <- this is for range slider filter tips
From showcase docs
//In case that you want to populate your select / auto_complete
filters with values //you have to add to your current JSON the
following attributes yadcf_data_0 / yadcf_data_1 / etc' //where each
attribute contains a list of strings //For example:

view with drop-down howto

For a view, I need to define a size, a drop-down with data, set its size and get the chosen value for input in some function.
loadGui: func [] [
view layout [
Dropd_urls: drop-down (getUrlsEnd Urls)
What is a logic behind a style or a facet? Define a word, than the facet then the size, alignment and other properties, then a block for on-action? And what about the (getUrlsEnd Urls) that gets evaluated, where should it be placed? If someone could provide a thorough example on the drop-down, it would be great.
And another question. I'm aware of the help system/..., but cannot get useful information about the logic of how to accomplish what was stated above. Where do you go to get to know how to build the view constructs? A howto? Normally, I read the howtos provided by Nick Antonnacio, but there's more to view than what is shown in his documents.
the demo on atronixengineering.com/r3/demo.r has also a dropdown list under widgets. You could generate your dropdown list with compose/deep.
view layout compose/deep [
Dropd_urls: drop-down [
(getUrlsEnd Urls)
or with different actions depending of the choice of the dropdown list
view layout [
Dropd_urls: drop-down [
] on-action [print face/facets/text]
did you read Cross Platform App Development with Rebol 3 Saphir ?

mvc4 jquery autocomplete items showing up as asterisks instead of readable data

I got my autocomplete stuff working well enough to see that it's returning some data when I type in a field--but the data shown in the dropdown below the textbox is just a vertical column of asterisks or list item bullets. (I can't really tell what they are.)
When I query the web service directly in the browser, it returns a Json array as expected which looks like this where, for example ?term=chi (I've added some line breaks for readability)
{"Name":"Chinese Crested"},
{"Name":"Chinese Shar-Pei"},
{"Name":"Japanese Chin"},
My JavaScript looks like this:
$(function() {
source: "#Url.Action("BreedList", "Patient")"
like I say, my textbox in question (#Breed) does respond sort of like an autocomplete box, but the dropdown data is weird. Any ideas?
Although I did have a CSS bundling problem (somehow I had omitted the jquery ui css from my bundle), a bigger issue was that the Json returned by my service needed a lower case "value" property for each item. I was using the column name as cased on my Linq query. The tip that pointed me in the right direction on this came from the answer here: jQueryUI autoComplete returns back empty list