Getting started with Vue Storefront - vue.js

I am trying to build multi vendor eCommerce progressive web application and I came across vue storefront. Although the documentation is very helpful I want to hear if I have made the right choice and where I could find some resources to build. Thanks in adavnce.

We had an e-commerce website built using Magento 2. Recently we decided to build our frontend using Vue Storefront PWA. It is feature rich but we've faced lots of issues regarding customizations. So my suggestion is to you that if your project doesn't need highly customization then go for it.


Can we develop plugins for shopify using MERN stack?

I checked on various blogging site or on google but I did not get the answer of this question. So can anyone tell me if we can create plugin or POS type application for shopify websites using MERN stack?
If yes, can you please share links which will help me to look more into the same topic? It would be great help.
Thank you
You can create any kind of app you want with your stack. There is nothing special about that stack that would prevent you from developing a web application with it. It is after all suitable since you get a database, web server, and the scripting to tie it all into an API-driven platform.
I have built hundreds of Shopify Apps, and some have used MongoDB, some have used Express, and some have used React, so clearly, to me at least, if I have done it in production, you can too!

Pass Data From Shopify App To The Shopify Front-End

I am starting to create my first app using PHP laravel and osiset.
I have created a partner account and created an app as well. I have integrated the library also. Done with app installation and authorization.
Now I am stuck for the next step. I don't understand how can I link my code and settings implemented on my app to Shopify frontend. How can I link the app database to Shopify website?
I save all the customized data in the app and how can I link that data with Shopify website?
I am able to make a standalone app with PHP but don't understand how its data can be linked to Shopify website. How my app database can be used in shopify website?
I am new here. Any help is very much appreciated.
You have two main choices in 2022.
App Proxy
Theme App Extension
Also, Post-Purchase extensions, for checkout stuff, but I digress. You should have no trouble injecting your special content using #1 or #2.

How to make a website multilingual using VueJS and Strapi?

I'm coding a website that uses VueJS 2 for frontend and Strapi for CMS and api management. What I am wondering here is that I am limited in terms of algorithms to make them work, hoping to get some help from experienced people who have done this before.
You can try out the utility libraries for vue for localization.
vue-i18n or vue-multilanguage.
Here is a list of libraries that support localization

is it correct to use "Netlify CMS" as cms for an e-commerce store?

I'm new to JAMstack development, so this question arose. I found only one example of using Netlify CMS for e-commerce store:
Netlify CMS is great for managing and editing content that is stored in your git repository alongside your code as yaml, toml, json, or markdown files.
If it's a good choice for your usecase depends how you want to build your e-commerce store:
If you build your site and online store from scratch with a site
generator (like gatsby, nextjs, hugo, jekyll...) and want to store
your product information in your git repo, Netlify CMS could be a
good choice.
If you use a site generator but manage your products in a proprietary
e-commerce platform like Shopify, you could use Netlify CMS for
managing other pages on your website or your blog
I checked Fullstack Rocket here and here, there are no updates on their blog since April 2020, so I would ask if their products are up to date.

How to manage VUE routing builiding a MPA webpage?

I'm new using Vue.js. I'm trying to build the frond-end design for a large system for a company. In this system the users have an account where they can access multiple pages to administrate their accounts, interactuate with other accounts, make appoinments, administrate or delete other users, etc. I think that since is a big system, I should use a MPA aproach, because I've read that SPA should not be used for webpages as blogs or online shops because those webpages that are constantly getting updated (as this system will be).
My question is: I can't find a propper guide to configure MPA on vue, is there one guide for this?
I already followed up this stackoverflow anwser by PJ.Wanderson: multiple pages in Vue.js CLI
but is still have doubts.
Should I still be using the vue router? What kind of configuration should I use there?
How can I handle routes with parameters in this case? Should I use SSR too in this case?
Thanks in advance.
If you want to build a MPA in Vuejs, your best bet is building it in Nuxt. Nuxt wil handle all the SSR for you. I'm wondering why even build it in Vue in the first place? The reason there isn't that much information on MPA's with Vuejs is because most people build SPA's with it. Another alternative would be to build a SPA in Vuejs and deploy that on a subdomain. Then have al your marketing and other relevant pages on a simple wordpress site. Hope this helped.