MS Access SQL - Removing Duplicates From Query - sql

MS Access SQL - This is a generic performance-related duplicates question. So, I don't have a specific example query, but I believe I have explained the situation below clearly and simply in 3 statements.
I have a standard/complex SQL query that Selects many columns; some computed, some with asterisk, and some by name - e.g. (tab1.*, (tab2.co1 & tab2.col2) as computedFld1, tab3.col4, etc).
This query Joins about 10 tables. And the Where clause is based on user specified filters that could be based on any of the fields present in all 10 tables.
Based on these filters, I can sometimes get records with the same tab4.ID value.
Question: What is the best way to eliminate duplicate result rows with the same tab4.ID value. I don't care which rows get eliminated. They will differ in non-important ways.
Or, if important, they will differ in that they will have different tab5.ID values; and I want to keep the result rows with the LARGEST tab5.ID values.
But if the first query performs better than the second, then I really don't care which rows get eliminated. The performance is more important.
I have worked on this most of the morning and I am afraid that the answer to this is above my pay scale. I have tried Group By tab4.ID, but can't use "*" in Select clause; and many other things that I just keep bumping my head against a wall.

Access does not support CTEs but you can do something similar with saved queries.
So first alias the columns that have same names in your query, something like:
SELECT tab4.ID AS tab4_id, tab5.ID AS tab5_id, ........
and then save your query for example as myquery.
Then you can use this saved query like this:
FROM myquery AS q1
WHERE q1.tab5_id = (SELECT MAX(q2.tab5_id) FROM myquery AS q2 WHERE q2.tab4_id = q1.tab4_id)
This will return 1 row for each tab4_id if there are no duplicate tab5_ids for each tab4_id.
If there are duplicates then you must provide additional conditions.


Row Order in SQL

I wanted to know if the row order returned by a query mattered?
I'm not using a SQL service yet, just working with plain tables and Excel.
For example if I do a left join on two tables, my take is that all the rows from the left or first table to be mentioned will be the first ones in my resulting table, whether there are coincidences on the right one or not. But a classmate ordered the results so he placed the rows with coincidences first and the ones without, with null values, at the end.
SQL tables represent unordered sets. SQL results sets are unordered unless you explicitly have an ORDER BY for the outermost SELECT.
This is always true and is a fundamental part of the language. Your class should have covered this on day 1.
The results from a query without an ORDER BY may look like they are in a particular order. However, you should not depend on that -- or, you depend on that at your peril. The rule is simple: without an ORDER BY, you do not know the ordering of the result set.

Inconsistent results from BigQuery: same query, different number of rows

I noticed today that one my query was having inconsistent results: every time I run it I have a different number of rows returned (cache deactivated).
Basically the query looks like this:
FROM mydataset.table1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN EACH mydataset.table2 AS t2
ON t1.deviceId=t2.deviceId
LEFT JOIN EACH mydataset.table3 AS t3
AND ( IS NULL OR DATE_ADD(, 5000, 'MINUTE')<TIMESTAMP('2016-07-27 15:20:11') )
The tables are not updated between each query. So I'm wondering if you also have noticed that kind of behaviour.
I usually make queries that return a lot of rows (>1000) so a few missing rows here and there is hardly noticeable. But this query return a few row, and it varies everytime between 10 and 20 rows :-/
If a Google engineer is reading this, here are two Job ID of the same query with different results:
Unless I'm missing something, the query that you provide is completely deterministic and so should give the same result every time you execute it. But you say it's "basically" the same as your real query, so this may be due to something you changed.
There's a couple of things you can do to try to find the cause:
replace select * by an explicit selection of fields from your tables (a combination of fields that uniquely determine each row)
order the table by these fields, so that the order becomes the same each time you execute the query
simplify your query. In the above query, you can remove the first condition and turn the two left outer joins into inner joins and get the same result. After that, you could start removing tables and conditions one by one.
After each step, check if you still get different result sets. Then when you have found the critical step, try to understand why it causes your problem. (Or ask here.)

How do I optimize DB2 query - joining million rows with one row

I have a db2 query which joins a fact table (300M rows) with a date table (1 row). The dates from the date table is used on the where condition to fetch only that date's data. But the query for 3 hours.
Select * from fact, date
where fact.procdate between date.lastdate and date.currdate
Is there a way to optimize this query without using plsql?
If you feed that query to db2expln you will see that all 300M lines get evaluated, probably several times. You are asking DB2 to build cartesian product, and after that evaluate the where clause.
In any case, that query might not even give you the results you are expecting. You should study the output more carefully to determine that. You more likely want to do something like
Select * from fact
where fact.procdate between DATE("firstdate") and DATE("seconddate")
The firstdate and seconddate you should supply from your application logic (probably separate queries to the table date). Alternatively you could set up subqueries to retrieve the beginning and end dates.

SQL - Using MAX in a WHERE clause

Assume value is an int and the following query is valid:
FROM table
WHERE attribute = value
Though MAX(expression) returns int, the following is not valid:
FROM table
WHERE attribute = MAX(expression)
OF course the desired effect can be achieved using a subquery, but my question is why was SQL designed this way - is there some reason why this sort of thing is not allowed? Students coming from programming languages where you can always replace a data-type by a function call that returns that type find this issue confusing. Is there an explanation one can give them rather than just saying "that's the way it is"?
It's just because of the order of operations of a query.
FROM clause
WHERE clause
GROUP BY clause
HAVING clause
SELECT clause
ORDER BY clause
WHERE just filters the rows returned by FROM. An aggregate function like MAX() can't have a result returned because it hasn't even been applied to anything.
That's also the reason, why you can't use aliases defined in the SELECT clause in a WHERE clause, but you can use aliases defined in FROM clause.
A where clause checks every row to see if it matches the conditions specified.
A max computes a single value from a row set. If you put a max, or any other aggregate function into a where clause, how can SQL server figure out what rows the max function can use until the where clause has finished it filter?
This deals with the order that SQL Server processes commands in. It runs the WHERE clause before a GROUP BY or any aggregate. Since a where clause runs first, SQL Server can't tell if a row will be included in an aggregate until it processes the where. That is what the HAVING clause is for. HAVING runs after the GROUP BY and the WHERE and can include MAX since you have already filtered out the rows you don't want to use. See for a good explanation of the order in which SQL commands run.
Maybe this work
FROM table
WHERE attribute = (SELECT MAX(expresion) FROM table1)
The WHERE clause is specifically designed to test conditions against raw data (individual rows of the table). However, MAX is an aggregate function over multiple rows of data. Basically, without a sub-select, the WHERE clause knows nothing about any rows in the table except for the current row. So how can you determine the maximum value over a whole bunch of rows when you don't even know what those rows are?
Yes, it's a little bit of a simplification, especially when dealing with joins, but the same principle applies. WHERE is always row-by-row, so that's all it really knows about.
Even if you have a GROUP BY clause, the WHERE clause still only processes one row at a time in the raw data before grouping. It doesn't know the value of a column in any other rows, so it has no way of knowing which row has the maximum value.
Assuming this is MS SQL Server, the following would work.
FROM table
ORDER BY expression DESC

Fast Way To Estimate Rows By Criteria

I have seen a few posts detailing fast ways to "estimate" the number of rows in a given SQL table without using COUNT(*). However, none of them seem to really solve the problem if you need to estimate the number of rows which satisfy a given criteria. I am trying to get a way of estimating the number of rows which satisfy a given criteria, but the information for these criteria is scattered around two or three tables. Of course a SELECT COUNT(*) with the NOLOCK hint and a few joins will do, and I can afford under- or over-estimating the total records. The probem is that this kind of query will be running every 5-10 minutes or so, and since I don't need the actual number-only an estimate-I would like to trade-off accuracy for speed.
The solution, if any, may be "SQL Server"-specific. In fact, it must be compatible with SQL Server 2005. Any hints?
There is no easy way to do this. You can get an estimate for the total number of rows in a table, e.g. from system catalog views.
But there's no way to do this for a given set of criteria in a WHERE clause - either you would have to keep counts for each set of criteria and the values, or you'd have to use black magic to find that out. The only place that SQL Server keeps something that would go into that direction is the statistics it keeps on the indices. Those will have certain information about what kind of values occur how frequently in an index - but I quite honestly don't have any idea if (and how) you could leverage the information in the statistics in your own queries......
If you really must know the number of rows matching a certain criteria, you need to do a count of some sort - either a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.YourTable WHERE (yourcriteria) or something else.
Something else could be something like this:
wrap your SELECT statement into a CTE (Common Table Expression)
define a ROW_NUMBER() in that CTE ordering your data by some column (or set of columns)
add a second ROW_NUMBER() to that CTE that orders your data by the same column (or columns) - but in the opposite direction (DESC vs. ASC)
Something like this:
SELECT (list of columns you need),
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY <your column>) AS 'RowNum',
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY <your column> DESC) AS 'RowNum2'
<your conditions here>
Doing this, you would get the following effect:
your first row in your result set will contain your usual data columns
the first ROW_NUMBER() will contain the value 1
the second ROW_NUMBER() will contain the total number of row that match that criteria set
It's surprisingly good at dealing with small to mid-size result sets - I haven't tried yet how it'll hold up with really large result sets - but it might be something to investigate and see if it works.
Possible solutions:
If the count number is big in comparison to the total number of rows in the table, then adding indexes that cover where condition will help and the query will be very fast.
If the result number is close to the total number of rows in the table, indexes will not help much. You could implement a trigger that would maintain a 'conditional count table'. So whenever row matching condition added you would increment the value in the table, and when row is deleted you would decrement the value. So you will query this small 'summary count table'.