Use image to open record in another form - vba

I am really struggling and wondered if someone could help please? I am trying to set up a database with images which I have done and used the file path of my pictures. It works well and that is great, but the next step is to have a form that just displays the pictures from each record to act as a catalogue and then When you click on a particular picture in that form it opens up another form that contains all the records and goes directly to that specified record. We have managed to get it to work for the first picture and record but can't work out how to make it go to the next record for the next image. I am trying to use a multi line form for this and only have the picture visible. I am just using a basic code as I have only just started with VBA but I believe this may not work. Can someone please help advise me?
I have used the following code which was suggested online for working with pictures and then there are a couple of other vba code to add to it. I need to create a catalogue inventory but we want to click on the picture of the inventory item which then opens a form with all the detail. I have found a work around with using the continous form and transparent buttons which take you to the specific record but you can't seem to change the layout. Ideally I am looking to have a form with just the images in a grid style going across the page and not just a list going down the page...if that makes sense?
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function DisplayImage(ctlImageControl As Control, strImagePath As Variant) As String
On Error GoTo Err_DisplayImage
Dim strResult As String
Dim strDatabasePath As String
Dim intSlashLocation As Integer
With ctlImageControl
If IsNull(strImagePath) Then
.Visible = False
strResult = "No image name specified."
If InStr(1, strImagePath, "\") = 0 Then
' Path is relative
strDatabasePath = CurrentProject.FullName
intSlashLocation = InStrRev(strDatabasePath, "\", Len(strDatabasePath))
strDatabasePath = Left(strDatabasePath, intSlashLocation)
strImagePath = strDatabasePath & strImagePath
End If
.Visible = True
.Picture = strImagePath
strResult = "Image found and displayed."
End If
End With
DisplayImage = strResult
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 2220 ' Can't find the picture.
ctlImageControl.Visible = False
strResult = "Can't find image in the specified name."
Resume Exit_DisplayImage:
Case Else ' Some other error.
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
strResult = "An error occurred displaying image."
Resume Exit_DisplayImage:
End Select
End Function


Cannot validate activex textboxes in form (not a userform) just a form in the Word document itself

I've looked all over for the solution to this, finally figured I would just ask.
I have a form I've created in Word. It is not a formal "userform1" type form as in a VB project. It is written all in the Word document itself.
I am going to have a lead person email my this report every evening. I have been able to successfully have the user click the submit button and email the form (MS Word (NighlyReport.DOCM)).
In the final stages now, I am "trying with no success" to validate all of my textboxes with no luck.
I want to make each textbox required and if the user does not enter a value, I would like the "setFocus" to return the user back to the textbox. Since I am not using an official "userform" I do not seem to have this method available to me - to return the user back to the form. I have tried
All of these work fine as long as I am inside the textbox. None of them sends the user back to it.
Does anybody know a way to do this. I wanted a straightforward nice looking form to fill out and attach to outlook (which I've done). Just need to validate the textboxes. I would be willing to validate all of them with a commandbutton as well, but still cannot get the focus back to the textbox that was not filled out by the user.
For the sake of simplicity, I am posting just two textboxes here and my basic validation that is not working. To be clear, I am not using the userform grid, maybe that makes all of this impossible to do.
Thanks ahead:
Private Sub txt1_Change()
If txt1.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "need your input"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txt2_Change()
If txt2.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "need your input"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Try something along the lines of:
Dim iShp As InlineShape, StrOut As String
For Each iShp In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
With iShp
If .Type = wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject Then
If .OLEFormat.ClassType Like "Forms.TextBox.*" Then
If Trim(.OLEFormat.Object) = "" Then StrOut = StrOut & vbCr & .OLEFormat.Object.Name
End If
End If
End With
If StrOut <> "" Then
MsgBox "The following controls have not been completed: " & StrOut
Exit Sub
End If

The control could not be found by id. SAP GUI bug?

I am trying to automate SAP data extraction using scripting. The problem I am facing is a recorded script in SAP isn't working when I'm running it, when I use findById("id") method it comes out that cannot be found, however the tabs are there.
The idea is to move between the tabs (using session.findById("id").Select) to extract info in that panels. Use a list of Purchase Orders (PO's), make a loop and extract the information, it's simple.
However, these tabs aren't found randomly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it is not found. All PO's (if I do it manually) have tabs with the data, but in the script it doesn't work.
For example:
The red box is the tabs that I am trying to select
Output of the recorded script (just moving between tabs):
If Not IsObject(application) Then
Set SapGuiAuto = GetObject("SAPGUI")
Set application = SapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngine
End If
If Not IsObject(connection) Then
Set connection = application.Children(0)
End If
If Not IsObject(session) Then
Set session = connection.Children(0)
End If
If IsObject(WScript) Then
WScript.ConnectObject session, "on"
WScript.ConnectObject application, "on"
End If
session.findById("wnd[0]").resizeWorkingPane 183,24,false
' Extract info
' Extract info
' Extract info
The control could not be found by id.
I'm using:
My theory, the tab is hidden and doesn't find it, that I would have to use the arrows to move, however when I use the arrows at the time of making the script recording, it simply doesn't add them to the code.
Sorry for my English, and thanks in advance for your time.
I can only offer a workaround on this phenomenon.
for example:
for i = 1 to 99
on error resume next
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:00" & right("0" & cstr(i),2) & "/subSUB3:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1301/subSUB2:SAPLMEGUI:1303/tabsITEM_DETAIL/tabpTABIDT13").select
if err.number = 0 then exit for
on error goto 0
on error goto 0
' Extract info
for i = 1 to 99
on error resume next
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:00" & right("0" & cstr(i),2) & "/subSUB3:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1301/subSUB2:SAPLMEGUI:1303/tabsITEM_DETAIL/tabpTABIDT15").select
if err.number = 0 then exit for
on error goto 0
on error goto 0
' Extract info
for i = 1 to 99
on error resume next
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB0:SAPLMEGUI:00" & right("0" & cstr(i),2) & "/subSUB3:SAPLMEVIEWS:1100/subSUB2:SAPLMEVIEWS:1200/subSUB1:SAPLMEGUI:1301/subSUB2:SAPLMEGUI:1303/tabsITEM_DETAIL/tabpTABIDT18").select
if err.number = 0 then exit for
on error goto 0
on error goto 0
' Extract info
Ah yes, my favorite SAP screen: ME23N. Who knows what the SAPLMEGUI:00XX will be! But, if you find the element by it's name you'll never run into this problem. Additionally, this solves the problem of the tab you want not being there; because, depending on the line item of the PO, who knows what tabs will be available.
Here's how I get over this every time, without fail.
In your sub procedure use the function below. If the tab is there it will select it and return true and you can continue extracting your data. You need the tab text and the name of the tab strip.
You can find the name of the tab strip easily. Look at what has been recorded. It has the "tabs" prefix.
Public Sub Main()
If IsTabThere("ITEM_DETAIL", "Account Assignment") = True Then
' Extract info
End If
If IsTabThere("ITEM_DETAIL", "Purchase Order History") = True Then
' Extract info
End If
End Sub
Public Function IsTabThere(ByVal tabStripName As String, ByVal tabText As String) As Boolean
Dim userArea As Object
Dim tabStrip As Object
Dim tabToSelect As Object
Set userArea = session.FindById("wnd[0]/usr")
Set tabStrip = userArea.FindByName(tabStripName, "GuiTabStrip").Children
For Each tabToSelect In tabStrip
If tabToSelect.Text = tabText Then
IsTabThere = True
' Will exit here if the tab was selected and return true
Exit Function
End If
IsTabThere = False
End Function
Hope this makes your day. Good luck!
If your interested in making your script more dynamic checkout my answer on this post. I explain how to get started using the SAP GUI Scripting API.

How to refill combobox with similar records based on what user types

I'm currently building a form where a user can look up a tool based on the description or part number.
I want user to be able to type any letters into the combobox that I have tied to a query listing all my tools and the combobox will repopulate itself with the tools most similar to what is present in their combobox. For example, if they start typing wre, then tools that have similar characters will start appearing in the combobox such as wrench, torque wrench, power wrench, etc.
I've tried looking around for other people's solutions to this but either I didn't fully comprehend the existing solution (I'm fairly new to Access) or it wasn't what I was looking for. I've seen that people suggested using a listbox instead but I really don't want to go down that route.
I was thinking about using what the user types in the combobox and my VBA code will pick up the "change event" and requery the combobox on the fly by using their input as the like criteria for the new query.
Is this a possible route? Will it be slower? Is there a better route?
I'm hoping someone can show some examples on how to achieve what I'm looking for.
The search as you type feature is very useful! With a textbox and a listbox, you can setup a dynamic search tool that will filter a list for approximate matches as you type. The textbox has four events associated with it, as seen here.
The code behind the form looks like this. Pay attention to the part in bold. This is where we create a string of SQL commands, and utilize the SQL Like operator, to get dynamic matches as we type. Pay attention to the text in bold below.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit On
Private blnSpace As Boolean 'INCLUDE THIS LINE ON YOUR FORM
Private Sub btnClearFilter_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Me.txtSearch.Value = ""
End Sub
Private Sub txtSearch_Change()
Dim strFullList As String
Dim strFilteredList As String
If blnSpace = False Then
Me.Refresh 'refresh to make sure the text box changes are actually available to use
'specify the default/full rowsource for the control
strFullList = "SELECT RecordID, First, Last FROM tblNames ORDER BY First;"
'specify the way you want the rowsource to be filtered based on the user's entry
strFilteredList = "SELECT RecordID, First, Last FROM tblNames WHERE [First] LIKE ""*" & Me.txtSearch.Value &
"*"" OR [Last] LIKE ""*" & Me.txtSearch.Value & "*"" ORDER BY [First]"
'run the search
fLiveSearch Me.txtSearch, Me.lstItems, strFullList, strFilteredList, Me.txtCount
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtSearch_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
On Error GoTo err_handle
If KeyAscii = 32 Then
blnSpace = True
blnSpace = False
End If
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description &
vbCrLf & "Error " & Err.Number & "(" & Erl() & ")"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub txtSearch_GotFocus()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.txtSearch.Value = "(type to search)" Then
Me.txtSearch.Value = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtSearch_LostFocus()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.txtSearch.Value = "" Then
Me.txtSearch.Value = "(type to search)"
End If
End Sub
Finally, in a regular module, you will need this script.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit On
'************* Code Start **************
' This code was originally written by OpenGate Software
' It is not to be altered or distributed,
' except as part of an application.
' You are free to use it in any application,
' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
' OpenGate Software
Function fLiveSearch(ctlSearchBox As TextBox, ctlFilter As Control,
strFullSQL As String, strFilteredSQL As String, Optional ctlCountLabel As Control)
Const iSensitivity = 1 'Set to the number of characters the user must enter before the search starts
Const blnEmptyOnNoMatch = True 'Set to true if you want nothing to appear if nothing matches their search
On Error GoTo err_handle
'restore the cursor to where they left off
ctlSearchBox.SelStart = Len(ctlSearchBox.Value) + 1
If ctlSearchBox.Value <> "" Then
'Only fire if they've input more than two characters (otherwise it's wasteful)
If Len(ctlSearchBox.Value) > iSensitivity Then
ctlFilter.RowSource = strFilteredSQL
If ctlFilter.ListCount > 0 Then
ctlSearchBox.SelStart = Len(ctlSearchBox.Value) + 1
If blnEmptyOnNoMatch = True Then
ctlFilter.RowSource = ""
ctlFilter.RowSource = strFullSQL
End If
End If
ctlFilter.RowSource = strFullSQL
End If
ctlFilter.RowSource = strFullSQL
End If
'if there is a count label, then update it
If IsMissing(ctlCountLabel) = False Then
ctlCountLabel.Caption = "Displaying " & Format(ctlFilter.ListCount - 1, "#,##0") & " records"
End If
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 91 'no ctlCountLabel
Case 94 'null string
Case Else
MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description &
vbCrLf & "Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Line: " & Erl()
End Select
End Function
The code comes from this link:

MS Access vba save button error 3021

For various reasons, I want to set up a custom button on my forms to save the current record. I use a navigation form and want to trigger the same process (integrity-checks, user input etc.) whenever the entry is saved, thus whenever the user presses the "save"-button or switches to another form. The user will conditionally be asked to confirm the process and is thus able to cancel it as well.
Everything is running smoothly with one really odd and annoying exception: Whenever I click the save button on a new record and prompt a message within the "BeforeUpdate" event, I receive
RTE 3021 ("no current record")
Without the MsgBox, everything is fine. Even more strange:
When I trigger the save process by switching to another form using the navigation form (or simply press "outside" the form used for data entry), everything is fine as well.
Here is a minimalistic example (similar results with DoCmd.Save, Requery or acCmdSaveRecord):
Private Sub vt_save_Click()
Me.Dirty = False
End Sub
Private Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Test"
End Sub
Any ideas? I simply can't wrap my head around that error.
You could maybe try to run a query using the values in the form while checking if the record exists or not.
Is there a primary key on the table? if so, the primary key will be your focal point.
Private Sub vt_Save_Click()
dim rst as DAO>Recordset
Dim strSQL as String
Dim strID as string
strID = me.YourPrimaryKeyField
strSQL = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM YourTableName " & _
"WHERE (((YourTableName.YourFieldName) =" & me.PrimaryKeyField & "));"
set rst = currentdb.openrecordset(strsql)
if rst.recordcount = 0 then
currentdb.execute "INSERT INTO YourTableName ( List All Fields to Add ) " & _
"SELECT List All Field controls with values to add;"
End IF
'Anything else you want the code to do from here
If not rst is nothing then
set rst = nothing
End IF
End Sub
Repeat this process for the Form_LostFocus() event. If you want to make it easier, make this code a module and call within both event triggers on your form.
If this doesn't work please let me know and I will be happy to further assist.
The most straight forward and reasonable solution is to use an Error Handler - which I ignored so far tenaciously.
Private Sub save_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Me.Dirty = False
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 2101 Then
'ignore or message
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
Resume Exit_Here
End Sub

Transferring text range from 1 power point to another to change template

I am very new with Powerpoint VBA and would like to know if there is a short way to transfer one text range from PowerPoint A to another text range located in Powerpoint B in a specific sequence.
Page a1 = b1
Page a2 = b2
Page a3 = b3
The template is changing and I need to adapt 5 powerpoints of 100 slides so I tought it would be easier with this solution.
Thank you in advance for your help.
PRECISION : I don't want to copy and paste the text range but to copy the text inside the range to put it inside the new range. Please find below the code I already have but It doesnt' Paste it inside my new range.
Sub copier_texte() 'je veux copier le contenu de la forme, et non pas la forme en entier
Dim nb_slide As Integer
nb_slide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
With ActivePresentation
.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Copy 'je sélectionne uniquement le contenu de la forme
For i = 2 To .Slides.Count
Next i
End With
End Sub
Short Answer:
Is there're a short way to transfer one text range from PowerPoint A to another text range located in Powerpoint B?
I think that there's no short way to do it, but let's try something first!
Long Answer:
Note: This solution based not on your desired behaviour (since it's unclear for me and there're many and more "what if" cases), but on similar problem, so I think that it's legit. Anyway it's a good fundament to start of.
I dont know how exactly your presentations looks like, so I made a reference one (Presentation A) and a "broken" one (Presentation B). Let's take a look on them:
Presentation A (5 slides: 1x"Title slide" with 2 triangle shapes, 3x"Title and Content" slides, 1x"Section Header" slide):
Presentation B (5 slides: 1x"Title slide" missing triangle shapes, 3x"Title and Content" slides with empty/without shapes(placeholders), 1x"Blank" slide (wrong layout)):
Both presentations are in the same folder:
Desired behaviour:
Some sort of synchronisation, if we miss a shape - then create one and put desired text to it, if there's one - put desired text only (based on Presentations A's shape). There're some "what if" cases in logic:
"What if" the number of slides in each presentation isn't equal? In which order compare slides then? (In our case the number is equal, so in code we drop that part and compare slides pair by pair).
"What if" the compared slides have a different layout? (In our case difference in blank layout, so we can easily handle it, but what we should do in general?)
...and many other cases not considered in this solution
Logic is plain and simple. The entry point to our routine is in the Presentation A, since it's an our reference file. From that point we acquire a reference to Presentation B (when opening it), and start iteration in two loops (thru each pair of slides and thru reference shapes).
If we found a "broken" (or not so, there's no check for that) shape by a reference one - we put text and some options in it or create a new one shape (or placeholder) otherwise.
Option Explicit
Sub Synch()
'define presentations
Dim ReferencePresentation As Presentation
Dim TargetPresentation As Presentation
'define reference objects
Dim ReferenceSlide As Slide
Dim ReferenceSlides As Slides
Dim ReferenceShape As Shape
'define target objects
Dim TargetSlide As Slide
Dim TargetSlides As Slides
Dim TargetShape As Shape
'define other variables
Dim i As Long
'Setting-up presentations and slide collections
Set ReferencePresentation = ActivePresentation
With ReferencePresentation
Set TargetPresentation = Presentations.Open(FileName:=.Path & "/Presentation B.pptm", _
Set ReferenceSlides = .Slides
End With
Set TargetSlides = TargetPresentation.Slides
'Check slide count
If ReferenceSlides.Count <> TargetSlides.Count Then
'What's a desired behaviour for this case?
'We can add slides to target presentation but it adds complexity
Debug.Print "ERROR!" & vbTab & "Reference And Target slides counts are not equal!"
'"mainloop" for slides
For i = 1 To ReferenceSlides.Count
Set ReferenceSlide = ReferenceSlides(i)
Set TargetSlide = TargetSlides(i)
'Check slide layout
If ReferenceSlide.Layout <> TargetSlide.Layout Then
'What's a desired behaviourfor this case?
'We can change layout for target presentation but it adds complexity
'But let's try to change a layout too, since we have an easy case in our example!
Debug.Print "WARNING!" & vbTab & "Reference And Target slides layouts are not same!"
TargetSlide.Layout = ReferenceSlide.Layout
End If
'"innerloop" for shapes (for placeholders actually)
With ReferenceSlide
For Each ReferenceShape In .Shapes
Set TargetShape = AcquireShape(ReferenceShape, TargetSlide, True)
If TargetShape Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "WARNING!" & vbTab & "There's no shape like " & ReferenceShape.Name
ElseIf TargetShape.HasTextFrame Then
With TargetShape.TextFrame.TextRange
'paste text
.Text = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
'and options
.Font.Size = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size
.Font.Name = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name
.Font.Color.RGB = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB
End With
End If
End With
End If
'Save and close target presentation
Call TargetPresentation.Save
Call TargetPresentation.Close
End Sub
Function AcquireShape(ByRef ReferenceShape As Shape, ByRef TargetSlide As Slide, _
Optional ByVal CreateIfNotExists As Boolean) As Shape
Dim TargetShape As Shape
With ReferenceShape
'seek for existed shape
For Each TargetShape In TargetSlide.Shapes
If TargetShape.Width = .Width And TargetShape.Height = .Height And _
TargetShape.Top = .Top And TargetShape.Left = .Left And _
TargetShape.AutoShapeType = .AutoShapeType Then
Set AcquireShape = TargetShape
Exit Function
End If
'create new
If CreateIfNotExists Then
If .Type = msoPlaceholder Then
Set AcquireShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddPlaceholder(.PlaceholderFormat.Type, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
Set AcquireShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(.AutoShapeType, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
End If
End If
End With
End Function
I know that it's hard to find any difference by a screenshot (it's can be even photoshoped, anyway there're a few difference for that purpose), but for a full answer, here it is:
As you see, it isn't a hard task to achieve something similar to your desire, but complexity of solution depends on inputs and on "what if" cases, hence there's no short way to overcome this task in general (in my humble opinion). Cheers!
Your question has a number of different interpretations, below is my attempt to answer what I believe the question is. There are a number of stage to this solution.
1. Ensure we save the VBA we write
Firstly, we have to assume a master presentation, that is one that will hold the values to be copied into all others. This will need to be saved as a macro enabled presentation (pptm) to allow us to save our VBA. This is done via File > Save-As and while selecting the save location choose PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation in the Save as type box.
2. Enable Windows scripting runtime
Within the pptm 'master' presentation that we now have, open the VBA IDE (Alt+F11). In the menu bar select Tools > References... and tick Microsoft Scripting Runtime from the list that is presented. Click OK to close the references dialog box with your tick remembered. This is needed for some error handling in the code, it checks to see if the presentation exists before trying to open it.
3. Insert the provided code
Right-click on VBAProject in the upper right area (the Project explorer) and select Insert > Module.
In the main editing area paste the below (I have added commenting to describe what is happening): -
Option Explicit
Public Sub Update()
Dim AryPresentations(4) As String
Dim LngPID As Long
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim PP_Src As Presentation
Dim PP_Dest As Presentation
Dim Sld_Src As Slide
Dim Sld_Dest As Slide
Dim Shp_Src As Shape
Dim Shp_Dest As Shape
Dim LngFilesMissing As Long
Dim BlnWasOpen As Boolean
'If there is an error, this will handle it and stop the process
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
'Increase the size of AryPresentations and and the paths as shown in the example below
AryPresentations(0) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP2.pptx"
AryPresentations(1) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP3.pptx"
AryPresentations(2) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP4.pptx"
AryPresentations(3) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP5.pptx"
AryPresentations(4) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP6.pptx"
'PP_Src is this, our 'master' presentation
Set PP_Src = ActivePresentation
'This loops through each item in AryPresentations
For LngPID = 0 To UBound(AryPresentations, 1)
'We rememeber if you had it open already as if you did, then we won't close it when we are done
BlnWasOpen = False
'Check all currently open presentations to see if one if the presentation we are due to update
For Each PP_Dest In PowerPoint.Presentations
If Trim(UCase(PP_Dest.FullName)) = Trim(UCase(AryPresentations(LngPID))) Then Exit For
'If it was not already open, check it exists and if it does, then open in
If PP_Dest Is Nothing Then
If FSO.FileExists(AryPresentations(LngPID)) Then
Set PP_Dest = PowerPoint.Presentations.Open(AryPresentations(LngPID))
End If
BlnWasOpen = True
End If
If PP_Dest Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "File note found"
LngFilesMissing = LngFilesMissing + 1
'The below connects to the slide (Sld_Src) you want to pick up from, the shape (Shp_Src) you want to pick up from and then
'places it in the slide (Sld_Dest) you want it to go to into the shape (Shp_Dest) you want it to go in to
Set Sld_Src = PP_Src.Slides(1)
Set Sld_Dest = PP_Dest.Slides(1)
Set Shp_Src = Sld_Src.Shapes(1)
Set Shp_Dest = Sld_Dest.Shapes(1)
Shp_Dest.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Shp_Src.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
Set Shp_Dest = Nothing
Set Shp_Src = Nothing
Set Sld_Dest = Nothing
Set Sld_Src = Nothing
'Repeat the above for each piece of text to copy
'Finally save the changes
'Close the presentation if it was not already open
If Not BlnWasOpen Then PP_Dest.Close
End If
MsgBox "Process complete. Number of missing files: " & LngFilesMissing, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Complete"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There was an error: - " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error"
End Sub
4. Customise code
You'll want to add the paths and location of the changes in and then it should run.