How to enable a kv secret engine in vault using HTTP APIs - api

I am trying to enable kv secret engine at secret path in my vault setup..
I can easily do it using CLI
vault secrets enable -path=secret kv
But I have to make it work using Vault's HTTP APIs.
I have gone through documentation but could not find any endpoint for the above command.
Thanks in advance

This is covered under the System Backend/sys/mounts API reference page.
Issue a POST request to /v1/sys/mounts/<mountpoint> with a payload containing the type (kv) and various configuration options. For KV, you probably want to specify version: 2 (or type kv-v2) unless you want to stick to V1.
See the above link for details on the possible parameters.
Here is the example from the docs:
"type": "aws",
"config": {
"force_no_cache": true
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data #payload.json \


Google Cloud Platform swagger openapi config yaml file isn't properly rejecting requests that don't contain my api key in the header

I have this config file for my Google Cloud Platform API Gateway endpoint:
swagger: '2.0'
title: api-1
description: API Gateway First for Testing
version: 1.0.0
type: apiKey
name: key
in: header
- https
- application/json
summary: Simple echo service
operationId: echo-1
- api_key_header: []
description: OK
As you can see, I'm trying to require an API key in order for my server to call the API safely. In my opinion, an API key is necessary for security to prevent someone from figuring out my endpoint and spaming the GCP function.
I created an API key to use for this API endpoint (I censored a lot of data for privacy reasons):
I tried to call the endpoint in Postman like this:
curl --location --request POST 'https://<API CALLABLE ENDPOINT>' \
--header 'X-goog-api-key: <MY API KEY HERE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Test1"
The problem is that the Postman request works... always lol. No matter what incorrect API key I use for the header...
I noticed that there is no place where I'm directly referencing my API key name. I'm not sure where I'd put this. How do I alter this API Gateway to properly reject requests that do not contain the correct API key?
All available formats are specified on this documentation.
When requesting Api Key through the header, you have to match a specific name which is "x-api-key".
So for your openapi file, it gives the following securityDefinitions:
type: "apiKey"
name: "x-api-key"
in: "header"
And the curl request should have this header then:
--header 'x-api-key: <MY API KEY HERE>'

"INVALID" Service Account key on Google Cloud Platform

I use the GCP Text-to-Speech API to create greetings and interactive menus that are played to phone customers who call into businesses. I have successfully used the Text-to-Speech API in the past using this Google quick-start: Google Cloud Text-to-Speech
I used the same quick-start guide again for a new organization and project but I keep getting an invalid key error which I have been unable to debug.
Here are the commands I have used to invoke the service and the results:
# curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)”\
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d #request.json \ > synthesize-output-base64.txt
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "The request is missing a valid API key.",
I tried again with a different authentication header:
# curl -X POST \
-H "X-Goog-Api-Key:***my_API_key***.json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d #request.json \ > synthesize-output-base64.txt
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"reason": "API_KEY_INVALID",
"domain": "",
"metadata": {
"service": ""
I have re-verified the following configurations:
The Text-to-Speech API is enabled for my project.
The credential (service account) I am attempting to use is listed with the Text-to-Speech API as compatible. I verified that that service account key is the key that was used in the attempted authentications.
I compared my configuration on GCP with another working configuration I manage for a different company. There are no differences I can see.
I compared my key and the other company's working key and they are identical except for the specific user data.
The billing account for the project is active with valid payment card in place.
These two links were helpful but did not clear up the problem:
Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API - permission error
Google Cloud Text to Speech INVALID API KEY
Any help on this issue would be very appreciated!
The solution to this problem is to install the Google Cloud SDK.
The CLI was missing so the returned output from gcloud auth application-default print-access-token was an error.
I enabled the Cloud Text-to-Speech API
I created a service account with Editor role.
Note: Ensure you have set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to your service account private key file path.
Save the request body in a file called request.json,
Execute the following command:
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d #request.json \
Response body
"audioContent": "//NExAARcrn0ABhEudAgAjuem7vohckY3IAFgWvxrBkAD//ARvqc/QhCZ/6EJO6E9Dvo2cjHPQhLfWQ/rTU7yEznsoGBn8hJz5xbQiOgEfwDzD1DVARLPlzGNXylbM8s//NExA0SCnoAAUIQAd8vlrM9DPR//6t5fpUpS
sk3MbzGUvMhqOpdSsjmcpeY2Zz ...................
Everything worked as expected

Watson speech to text authentication

I am trying to get Transcribe from Microphone working on my server as a starting point.
The code is straightforward but I am having trouble with the token.
on IBMcloud I created a IAM-Service id with Access Policies
Viewer, Reader 14 Speech to Text service in all resource groups
created an apikey from that
created the token file
curl -k -X POST --output token \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey" \
--data-urlencode "apikey={apikey}" \
the response has 'access_token' but the javascript SDK 0.38.1 looks for 'accessToken'
when I start microphone I get a socket error 'wss://"
I checked token expiration.
I confirmed it is an auth problem:
curl -X GET ""{accessToken}"
responds "unauthorized"
I have researched and am unsure what to do next. My best guess is I am generating the token improperly.
I would leave the token generation to the code. All the SDKs have an IAMAuthenticator component. The full documentation for Node.js is here. It has a very simple example where you pass in the API key:
import { IamAuthenticator } from 'ibm-cloud-sdk-core';
const authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({
apikey: '{apikey}',
Thereafter, you instantiate the service, e.g., STT.

What is -u from cURL when adding an authorization header to an http request

I am trying to test one of Mix Panel's API endpoints. I'm using Postman to do this, and in Mix Panel's documentation they use cURL to show you how to make the request. When entering the URL, and the POST data for the request, it works in the sense that it hits the right place, and tells me that I need to be authenticated by adding an authorization header. What I'm confused on is, what should the key be for the header ? in their cURL example its -u API_SECRET, so would the authorization header key be 'username' ?
From documentation
# this uses a test project API secret, replace ce08d087255d5ceec741819a57174ce5
# with your own API secret
curl \
-u ce08d087255d5ceec741819a57174ce5: \
--data-urlencode params='{"from_date":"2016-01-01", "to_date": "2016-01-07"}' \
--data-urlencode script='function main(){ return Events(params).groupBy(["name"], mixpanel.reducer.count()) }'
If I wanted to create an AJAX query for example
method: 'POST',
url: '',
data: {
'params': '{"from_date":"2016-01-01", "to_date": "2016-01-07"}',
'script': '\'function main(){ return Events(params).groupBy(["name"], mixpanel.reducer.count()) }\''
headers: {
}).then(function success(response){
}, function error(response){
console.log('There was an error running JQL');
In this case, your API_SECRET is the username and there is no password. So using curl -u <API_SECRET>: without any "username" key is correct.
From the mixpanel documentation on an example call
Authorization steps The Data Export API accepts Basic access
authentication over HTTPS as an authorization method. To make an
authorized request, put your project's API Secret in the "username"
field of the Basic access authentication header. Make sure you use
HTTPS and not HTTP - our API rejects requests made over HTTP, since
this sends your API Secret over the internet in plain text.
Examples Here's an example of a properly-authenticated request made
with cURL:
curl \
-d from_date="2016-02-11" -d to_date="2016-02-11" -d event="Viewed Page"

Is there a sample code for using IBM Bluemix Container API?

I'm trying to create container in bluemix with API as it in In the document it mentions:
When using the API with the new model, the following HTTP headers shall be provided:
X-Auth-Token = Bluemix JWT Token
X-Auth-Project-Id = Space GUID
But I have no idea how to get or generate the Bluemix JWT Token. Can someone help me ?
You can get X-Auth-Token by cf oauth-token command. Then copy and paste rest of the part after bearer. And you also can get X-Auth-Project-Id by cf space --guid <space Name>. Please see below commands;
$ cf login -a api.<region> -u <space name> -o <org name> -s <space name>
$ cf ic login
$ cf oauth-token
$ cf space <space-name> --guid (space name where the container exists)
Try expanding the Authentication section on that page and the "Get TLS Certificate" to show more info
When you enter the values and click "try it out" you will see additional output generated with token info.
This is an alternative Method:
You can retrieve X-Auth-Token and X-Auth-Project-Id with this command:
cf login
CF_TRACE=true cf ic login
Copy all output in a .txt file and search for X-Auth-Token and X-Auth-Project-Id
here there is a simple example:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" --header "X-Auth-Token: asdlkfajdfdkaldkjfskl239049283049jsdfjksl29304" --header "X-Auth-Project-Id: sdfadf-0090-43ef-22932-23434234" ""
The output of API is like this:
"account_type": "TRIAL",
"country_code": "ITA",
"org_quota": {
"floating_ips_max": "2",
"floating_ips_space_default": "2",
"floating_ips_usage": 2,
"ram_max": "2048",
"ram_space_default": "2048",
"ram_usage": 2048,
"subnet_usage": -1,
"subnets_default": "5",
"subnets_max": 0
"space_quota": {
"floating_ips_max": 2,
"ram_max": 2048,
"subnets_max": -1