How can I ask Cognito to force re-authentication with a SAML IDP? - amazon-cognito

I have Cognito setup with SAML authentication to both Google and Okta. It works great.
I have a use case where when a user wants to approve a record, they need to provide their username and password (a second time, just for the approval). Unfortunately, this is the law set out by/for the FDA.
SAML has a mechanism to send a request to force authentication. Does anybody know how to get Cognito to send that request to the IDP?


Can I federate Cognito with "client credentials" flow (or other way to trust a server-side application authenticated elsewhere?)

I have an AWS REST API Gateway with Cognito authentication using the client credentials grant.
We have been creating new clients by hand and sharing the ID/secret with people who need to use our API. They send the ID/secret and "grant_type=client_credentials" to Cognito, it gives them a bearer token and they use the API with the token. All fine so far. (It is a CLI tool running on a schedule, not accessed by a browser. I specifically need to avoid any sort of "go to the browser to login".)
Now, we have a new "island" of users who have a local OIDC (Azure AD) provider that can issue them a bearer token from a curl to an endpoint.
Is there a way to make Cognito accept those tokens??
I have tried federating Cognito with a different oidc provider (I don't have AD, but a different provider), getting myself a bearer token from it and sending it to the API GW, and I just get 401'ed. I don't know if there is something I'm doing wrong or if it's not possible.
(Things I might be doing wrong seems to be a long list! I need to create a client in the other provider and add it's ID/secret/URL to Cognito, that works. I used the same client ID/secret to generate my bearer token. But when I'm in client creds flow in Cognito, I need to set a custom scope. Do I need to add that scope to my initial request to the other provider (The API GW doesn't require a scope, it is just a mock endpoint at the moment in testing). The client_id= in the request is for the client in the other provider, not the Cognito client ID. Should I set it to the Cognito client ID?)
OR do I need to write a custom authenticator for the API GW to validate the token? (Decode JWT, Check : issuer is allowed and signature is valid.)
And not use Cognito at all for these other users.
(If it was an HTTP API, I think I can create a JWT authoriser and it does it all for me, but it isn't and there are some features on REST APIs not available on HTTP (like WAF))
Sorry it's a bit short on details. I could spend days copy/pasting all the configs from ID provider/Cognito but if it fundamentally won't work I wasted my time!
(After trying it, I think maybe federation only works for actual users with a browser based login flow, not clients with a CLI flow. I can't find anyone saying client credentials flow does work anyway!)
Cognito is using the authorization server role. So in all cases, the tokens returned to client applications will be issued by Cognito. These apps will never deal with Azure AD tokens. Multiple types of client can coexist together:
Clients who use this flow might represent B2B connections. The business partner must always get Cognito tokens directly, and no federation is used here.
Browser clients will use this flow, and you can configure Cognito to implement authentication by making a second OIDC Connect redirect to Azure AD.
My blog post provides a walkthrough on how settings are configured. Cognito will act as a client of Azure AD and use a scope such as openid profile email.
After a user login, Cognito will receive Azure AD tokens, validate them, then issue its own tokens. Nothing will change in the API gateway, which will continue to verify Cognito tokens.

Single-sign-on authentication vs authorization

I'm implementing Facebook and Google SSO on my website using custom workflow (redirect urls, parsing on server side etc. - no javascript) and I got to the point I have access_token, token_type and expires_in and from Google also id_token and I am confused what to do next to authenticate the user.
I read a little about authorization vs authentication, and that Facebook and Google SSO is OAuth2 which provides authorization, but not authentication, from which I understand that this way my web application is authorized to do something on behalf of the user, but I cannot be sure the user is the one who I think he is? My main source is this: OAuth Authorization vs Authentication
So, my question is, what should I do to be able to can consider the user logged in.
Thank you
In your case google (and facebook) is authenticators. This services just tells your application that user who try to login to your system is the one who he wants to appear.
Assume you differentiate users by unique email.
Your application flow should be next:
The user try to login to application using google Application do all redirection google flow stuff and gives you tokens
Application need to store this tokens for future use
Application check if this user's email presented in database
If email is presented and google returns tokens (google authenticate your user successfully) you can login user in your app
If email isn't presented in database but google authenticate user successfully you can store this user (with email) to your database - sign it up - this is new user in your system
Same flow with Facebook. Surely you can extend this logic to be more your application specific.
SSO and OAuth are different. OAuth is authorization protocol.
You are dealing Google and Facebook oauth.
In case of oauth, after successful authentication(google/facebook) you will get access token. You can use token for maintaining the user session.
With this token user is authorized, Now you should check whether the user is present in your database, if yes then authenticate the user and redirect to your application.
SSO is user authentication service. There are way to implementing SSO like kerberos SSO, ADFS SSO.
We should never use OAuth2 access token for authentication.
For details, please refer
The OpenIDConnect, built on top of OAuth2, can be used for authentication.
Google supports OpenIDConnect
The basic idea is Google will issue the client app (your application) a ID Token after the user has login his Google account. You can then extract user information (e.g. email, unique user id) from this ID token and proceed your login flow.

OAuth2 but require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

I have an app with confidential PII (social security number, payroll information). I'd like to enable users to login with OAuth IDs (Google, Linked In) for convenience but require those accounts have multi-factor authentication enabled in the identity provider, i.e. fail the login through OAuth2 if the user hasn't enabled MFA in their underlying identity provider account. This allows me to avoid exposing my confidential information to a weak GMail password.
Is there any way to do this?
Unfortunately, no.
In the case of Google and Linkedin, the authentication level is not linked to a specific scope. The Oauth response doesn't specify either if the user used an OTP token or not..
Even if the user is enrolled in MFA, the user can register the computer he's using as a trusted one and in this case, Google will never prompt him for an OTP. This behaviour may prevent many users to access your application.
Actually, I believe you could check on your own session / token to see if it was done through Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc and then require MFA / 2FA / OTP on the first use of that token. Does that make sense?
You could run your own TOTP microservice using Browser Authenticator which has the components you need to generate and verify a key and token in the browser and Node Authenticator which has the complementary server-side code.
Just add your own storage mechanism and an https call to microservice, update the session / token, and viola, you've added two-factor / multi-factor / one-time password authentication right on top of them.

Twitter API Authentication Flow Misunderstanding

I don't quite understand the api flow for twitter on a per-user basis for API transactions.
Here's my understanding of the user transaction flow:
1./ User signs into our web application.
2./ User authenticates with twitter and then the API sends the user back to a callback destination with a provided oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.
3./ We store the oauth information into a database.
4./ Now we have there access tokens and can send tweets on their behalf without needing them to log into the application again.
HOWEVER, this is not working correctly. When I try to supply the oauth token information, i'm getting invalid or expired token. OK so instead i supply the oauth token provided to me with the user oauth tokens given by the owner of the app and it works.
I think I'm mishandling the authentication process.
I'm reading here at the authentication docs.
Can anyone help me understand how i get my app to handle status updates on a per user level?
Ok. However I read for twitter there is no expiration
This is the actual transaction flow your application will take in order to use Twitter:
Register your application to Twitter to obtain an OAuth consumer_key and consumer_secret. This is for Twitter to identify the application that your user will authorize to access it's account.
When the user wishes to Tweet or access their Twitter resources through your app, The OAuth handshake process will redirect to Twitter, with the application's consumer_key so that the user will authenticate on Twitter directly. Once user authentication is successful, Twitter will provide your application with an access_token.
That's essentially what happens, except that Twitter uses OAuth 1 protocol so the handshake is more lengthier.
Access Tokens do expire for security reasons. It's like when you login to a system, the session is active for a period. When they do expire, you will have to request for an access token again.
I don't know if that explains your question.

Server side authorization with OAuth

is there a way to ask for an OAuth authorization without redirecting the user to the service and then back again to my app?
In detail, I'm creating a web service that need access to the Facebook Graph API, that requires the OAuth 2.0 authentication. Is that possible?
The authorization request has to happen for an authenticated (by the OAuth provider, not you) account, and for security reasons the authentication has to be a direct interaction between the end user and the OAuth provider.
Of course, the provider might decide the user is already authenticated properly (there is a fresh auth ticket in a provider-specific cookie for example) and skip the authentication sequence, but there is no way for you to force it to take your word that the user on whose behalf you are requesting the authorization indeed is an authenticated user of the OAuth provider.