how to append all matching Ids to its array in coldfusion/cfml? - sql

I am trying to append all the emp ids to its corresponding array as shown in the image below. Is there a way to make it something like that with my code below. Here is my sql statement that I am trying to mimic that sql statement to an api as shown below. so, is it possibe? thanks for the help. Basically, I am only retrieving one empID, however I want to display all the EMPIDS
Basically, I want to do this with my code below:
ArrayAppend(myArray,[8,9],"false"); // merge=false
writedump(myArray) //adds the new array as a single element

Based on the chat, it looks like what was needed was a filter()
private array function my_api_second() {
return jsonData.filter(
function(item) { return item.keyExists("departmentNbr"); }


API parameters - filter with ARRAY_CONTAINS (cosmos db back end)

I have an API I am pinging which queries a cosmos db to return records.
I can filter on a simple string in my api call like so:
// return objects where '_Subject' field equals "filterTest"
string getUrl = $"...baseApiPath/?$filter=_Subject+eq+'filterTest'";
This is working perfectly.
But I cannot figure out the filter syntax to make my API query be based on ARRAY_CONTAINS.
// return objects where '_Attachments' field CONTAINS "945afd138aasdf545a2d1";
How would I do that? Is there a general reference for API filter syntax somewhere?
If you're asking about how to query, a query against a property with an array of values looks like this:
SELECT * FROM c WHERE ARRAY_CONTAINS(c._Attachments, "945afd138aasdf545a2d1")
Another example in this answer.

cross tab/pivoting in pentaho CDE

I am trying to create a dynamic pivoting in postgresql. my query is including 3 dimensions in which one includes a case statement. and one measure. I have tried various solutions found on web but none is working.
I am looking for a script which converts normal query to a pivoted table. pls help me with this.
You have 3 options, basically:
write your query in MDX, which can easily return a pivoted table; requires Mondrian schema first;
use a Kettle datasource and denormalise your data with PDI;
write a denormalisation function in your postFetch method of the table component: it gets the data coming from the query and manipulates it before passing it to the table renderer.
Code snippet to guide you through the process of denormalising in the postFetch of the component:
var resultset = data.resultset;
var metadata = data.metadata;
// doStuff - this is the bit you'll have to code according to your needs. The resultset array has 1 element for each row of data; the metadata array holds metadata info such as colName, colType and output index.
var newResultset = someFunction(resultset);
var newMetadata = someOtherFunction(metadata);
// set data to the new values
data.resultset = newResultset;
data.metadata = newMetadata;
// return the modified data object to the component
return data;

Dgrid selection mix-in issue with order

I've been having issues with the dgrid selection mix-in with multi selects.
Using the selection property (for example)
var selected = Object.keys(datatable.selection)
it returns an array of row ids as expected. However the ORDER of those ids seems to be "arbitrary". It seems perhaps that the order of selecting has an affect.
In any event, in the datatable, I want the selected rows to be returned in order that they display in the list, and they do not.
I can get them in the proper order using dojo.query(".dgrid-selected", datatable.domNode), and use the HTML element to get the row data, but this seems like a hack.
I cannot find a proper method to do this on the SitePen docs. Anyone?
I don't think that there is a direct way to do that. The Object.keys(datatable.selection) returns the array of ids in the order in which the rows are selected. You can use some built-in functions of d-grid and JS to achieve this. Below are the steps:
Get the id by Object.keys.
var selected = Object.keys(datatable.selection)
Create a list of objects comprising of id and rowIndex of element
var dataList= [];
for(var i=0; i< selected.length; i++){
dataList.push({id: selected[i], index: datatable.row(selected[i]).element.rowIndex});
Sort the list using index as the attribute:
dataList.sort(function(a, b){ return a.index- b.index; })
The resulting dataList would have the list of objects in order in which they appear in the grid.

cakephp dealing with blob images

I am saving images as blob to my db, as I have to send them later on to an app via api call.
Saving works fine, but I can't select the row when the blob field is filled.
For example:
returns id and the name of the picture.
doesn't return anything at all!
I can see the right statement in the sql output, but the find does not return any value.
Not even an empty array, the debug($this->Picture->find('all')) is just empty.
When I delete the content of the blob field, the $this->Picture->find('all') returns me the right row with all it's data.
The field in my DB is BLOB.
What goes wrong here? Any ideas?
The statement look like this:
SELECT `Picture`.`id`, `Picture`.`picture`, `Picture`.`name`, `Picture`.`type`, `Picture`.`created`, `Picture`.`modified` FROM `app`.`pictures` AS `Picture` WHERE `Picture`.`id` = 13 LIMIT 1
If I run it with the phpmyadmin, there is one row found.
I use this code in my function:
public function show_image($pictureId) {
$this->set('data', $this->Picture->findById($pictureId));
the show_image.ctp looks like this:
$this->autoRender = false;
I try to call the picture in my view like this:
$this->Html->image(Router::url(array('controller' => 'mycontroller', 'action' => 'show_image', $mydata['picture_id'])));

SQL: Use a predefined list in the where clause

Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
def famlist = selection.getUnique('Family_code')
... Where “””...
and testedWaferPass.family_code in $famlist
famlist is a list of objects
‘selection’ will change every run, so the list is always changing.
I want to return only columns from my SQL search where the row is found in the list that I have created.
I realize it is supposed to look like: in ('foo','bar')
But no matter what I do, my list will not get like that. So I have to turn my list into a string?
('\${famlist.join("', '")}')
Ive tried the above, idk. Wasn’t working for me. Just thought I would throw that in there. Would love some suggestions. Thanks.
I am willing to bet there is a Groovier way to implement this than shown below - but this works. Here's the important part of my sample script. nameList original contains the string names. Need to quote each entry in the list, then string the [ and ] from the toString result. I tried passing as prepared statement but for that you need to dynamically create the string for the ? for each element in the list. This quick-hack doesn't use a prepared statement.
def nameList = ['Reports', 'Customer', 'Associates']
def nameListString = nameList.collect{"'${it}'"}.toString().substring(1)
nameListString = nameListString.substring(0, nameListString.length()-1)
String stmt = "select * from action_group_i18n where name in ( $nameListString)"
db.eachRow( stmt ) { row ->
println "$row.action_group_id, $row.language, $"
Hope this helps!