How can I make the styling I apply to nodes show for other users accessing the same data store in Graphileon? - graphileon

We are experimenting with using Graphileon to create a database of related terms. To do this, we are accessing a data store located on a server. We are able to see nodes and relationships that are added by other users, but the styling applied to these nodes is not carrying over.
Is there a way to make the styling universal for the entire data store and anyone accessing it? Or is any styling of nodes and relationships specific to the user who configured it?

In principle styling is specific to the user. Since you are having multiple users, you are probably not using the personal edition. Can you confirm this?


Storing relational data in MongoDB (NoSQL)

I've been trying to get my head around NoSQL, and I do see the benefits to embedding data in documents.
What I can't understand, and hope someone can clear up, is how to store data if it must be relational.
For example.
I have many users. They are all buying a product. So everytime that they buy a product, we add it under the users document in mongo, so its embedded and its all great.
The problem I have is when something in reference to that product changes.
Lets say user A buys a car called "Porsche". Then, we add a reference to that under the users profile. However, in a strange turn of events Porsche gets purchased by Ferrari.
What do you do now, update each and every record and change to name from Porsche to Ferrari?
Typically in SQL, we would create 3 tables. One for users, one for Cars (description, model etc) & one for mapping users to purchases.
Do you do the same thing for Mongo? It seems like if you go down this route, you are trying to make Mongo do things SQL way, which is not what its intended for.
I can understand how certain data is great for embedding (addresses, contact details, comments, etc) but what happens when you need to reference data that can and needs to change at a regular basis?
I hope this question is clear
DBRefs/Manual References were made specifically to solve this issue. Instead of manually adding the data to each document and then needing to update when something changes, you can store a reference to another collection. Here is the mongoDB documentation for details.
References in Mongo
Then all you would need to do is update the reference collection and the change would be reflected in all downstream locations.
When i used the mongoose library for node js it actually creates 3 tables similar to how you might do it in SQL, you can use object id's as foreign keys and enrich them either on the client side or on the backend, still no joining but you could do an 'in' query for the ID's then enrich the objects that way, mongoose can do this automatically by 'populating'

SharePoint groups and shared libraries/lists

This is going to be vague, hopefully not annoyingly so. I know very little about SharePoint, but I'm asking for someone who's more knowledgable but is under lots of crippling pressure. Unfortunately I'm going to be held responsible for the project (it's due before Christmas!!), so I need to see what I can figure out on my own to help out. Please allow my desperation and helplessness to excuse any problems with this question.
We've created an InfoPath form that generates xml files that will be uploaded to SharePoint. The data from these files will be aggregated and used to generate reports. The biggest issue is that the users will be spread out over three locations, and the info generated from each location needs to be firewalled from the others. But we need the xml files from all three locations to go to the same place in order to make the aggregation feasible with minimal manual work.
I've read something about SharePoint groups ( and figured that might be the way of doing it, so long as 1) the xml documents could all go to the same library/repository and 2) that shared repository would only show each group their own documents. For at least two users we also need a master view that shows all of the documents regardless of the group that created them.
That's the main question. Ultimately we'll also need a similar way of storing the generated reports (tables and charts) to the creators of the xml files AND a set of users at each location who won't be able to view or create those xml files. But first things first, I guess.
Is this possible and feasible? Any hints/links that could get us started down this path?
I think in your case the best option is to create a folder for each group, and set permissions on them to allow just the specific group of users to access that folder. The same with a separate library for reports. Then, you'd just setup a list view that flattens the folder hierarchy to view all items at once.
You could also set per-document permission programmatically in an event receiver, however, there's a pretty low limit (search for ACL) on the number of unique access control lists per library (it's 50.000 actually). So depending on the number of XMLs you are going to manage you may reach this limit.

Importing Product in Adobe CQ5

I have a question on how we can import/synchronise products from our back-office to CQ5 front end.
The architecture to be is pretty simple - custom back-office managing all the products( basically it will be the source of truth). CQ5 driven web-site to show search results(driven by Adobe SearchAndPromote) and product details. Purchase transactions will be handled outside of CQ5.
I went through and I think have some idea in which direction we should move, but I would like someone to confirm that my understanding is correct.
1) I need to create scheduled job running on Author node that would call back-office and import products as json feed. I use annotation based #Service(Runnable.class) - Is there a way to set it so it rund on Author node only?
2) Create custom service(called my service above) that will actually create all the nodes in crx. If I have desktop and mobile versions of the site do I need to create all those dones twice? Are there any tips on easier way to create those?
3) Let CQ5 replicate those products to publish nodes.
Is there a easier way? I mean if I was using more standard web-app I would have one controller to show product details, two templates(one for mobile, one for desktop) and a service that would call back-office and return details for requested product. But Sling world is very different, and I want to check if I understand it correctly.
Here are some answers:
1) Here is a good article about different configs for different runmodes: you can create configs for pub and auth runmodes with certain flag your code will look for which will tell whether to execute import or not.
2) It depends. CQ tends to have copies of content for mobile site so it may make sense to do copies of nodes for mobile site but only in case you those nodes are pages (cq:Page and cq:PageContent) you create based on imported data. Otherwise you just need to save imported data somewhere and obtain it at some moment (via JCR queries or methods like .getNode()). In this case of course it makes sense not to copy your data.
3) It depends here as well. I would consider following forces you may have: should imported data be editable? how frequent are updates? how massive are updates? how critical is consistency across pubs? In case updates are not massive, not frequent and consistency matters import to auth followed by replication can work. Also it may be the case if you need to be able to edit imported data. In case updates are massive and/or frequent and consistency across pubs do not matter much (you can afford that some people may see different results from different pubs during import) I'd suggest run import on all pubs at the same time since massive replication of imported data may affect regular page/images replications.

Why create splunk dashboards vs views?

I'm trying to figure out why anyone would want to create a dashboard in Splunk. Views allow you to add forms along with any charts and searches, while dashboards do not. So, why would I want to make a dashboard? Is there any advantage of one vs the other?
Hmmm... not sure I'd agree with the answer above... They are all "views", one way of looking at it, is that forms and dashboards are all stored under the same locations, whether it be accessed through the GUI (under 'Manager>>User Interface>> Views'), or it be accessed through the CLI (e.g. $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<yourApp>/default/data/ui/views/). Additionally in advanced XML they all start with the opening tag, "<view>".
To add a bit more...
A dashboard is a type of view (typically referring to a view with no user control), in advanced XML, you start it with the <view> tag.
A form is a type of view (typically referring to a view with user control), in advanced XML, you start it with the <view> tag. It's just a mix-up in terminology.
Perhaps the confusion lies with the differences between Simple XML and Advanced XML. Ultimately Splunk will convert Simple XML to Advanced anyway when it reads it.
A dashboard is a special case of view.
A normal view would allow you to change search conditions and hence view the changed results.
Dashboards are useful to as they consist of multiple panels and can accumulate data from multiple datasources into one quick view.
For example if you want to view the number of errors and map that against the CPU on the box at the same time, the dashboard comes in handy

Is it possible to store and retrieve objects created using Objective-C? (in a database, for use in iOS app)

I'm working on an iOS app that creates "location sets" where each row contains a location name and a GeoPoint, and each set has its own name. Each of these sets are stored in an object inside our program (all belonging to the same class). Now we want to give users the capability to create sets and upload them to a database, allowing other users to access and download them to their device.
I've been looking in to back-end solutions for work like this, but pretty much everything I've found so far focuses on relational databases and adding and deleting rows and using SQL-like language to retrieve them. Is there a way to store these objects just as objects (and not unpack the info inside to tables), and then retrieve them? It feels like that would be a much simpler way of going about this.
I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to databases, so forgive me if there's info missing here that you would need to help me out. I'll make sure to keep checking back in case someone asks for more info.
Coredata might be useful for you as its based upon the entity. So you can play multiple things around it by using queries (predicates).
But if you just want to save and retrieve back, then as a simplest solution I would suggest to create array/dictionary with entity data, save that into NSUserDefaults so you can retrieve back same while re-launching the app.
Webservices for iOS development:
WSDL Webservices
Response data parsing, it would be either JSON or XML:
JSON Parsing
XML Parsing
Hope these links would be helpful for you.
I ended up using Parse's mobile back-end service. That was the type of service I was looking for. I've found other similar services since then, like Applilcasa and StackMob, but we're pretty happy with Parse so far.