How to remove double quotes from column name while saving dataframe in csv in spark? - dataframe

I am saving spark dataframe into csv file. All the records is saving in double quotes that is fine but column name also coming in double quotes. Could you please help me how to remove them?
"IMS"|"20080628"|"183.0"|"16470.0"|"165653.256349"|"AUD"|"AUSTRALIA HOSPITAL"|"PFIZER"
Desirable Output:
"IMS"|"20080628"|"183.0"|"16470.0"|"165653.256349"|"AUD"|"AUSTRALIA HOSPITAL"|"PFIZER"
I am using below code:
df4.repartition(1).write.csv(Output_Path_ASPAC, quote='"', header=True, quoteAll=True, sep='|', mode='overwrite')

I think only workaround would be concat quotes to the column values in dataframe before writing to csv.
#| id|name|salary|
#| 1| a| 100|
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, concat, lit
cols = [concat(lit('"'), col(i), lit('"')).alias(i) for i in df.columns]*cols)
#| id|name|salary|
#|"1"| "a"| "100"|
csv("<path>", header=True, sep='|',escape='', quote='',mode='overwrite')
#cat tmp4/part*


How to properly import CSV files with PySpark

I know, that one can load files with PySpark for RDD's using the following commands:
sc = spark.sparkContext
someRDD = sc.textFile("some.csv")
or for dataframes:',') \
My file is a .csv with 10 columns, seperated by ',' . However, the very last column contains some text, that also has a lot of ",". Splitting by "," will result in different column sizes for each row and moreover, I do not have the whole text in one column.
I am just looking for a good way to load a .csv file into a dataframe that has multiple "," at the very last index.
Maybe there is way to only split on the first n columns? Because it is guaranteed, that all columns before the text column are only seperated by one ",". Interestingly, using pd.read_csv does not cause this issue! So far my workaround has been to load the file with
csv = pd.read_csv("some.csv", delimiter=",")
csv_to_array = csv.values.tolist()
df = createDataFrame(csv_to_array)
which is not a pretty solution. Moreover, it did not allow me to use some schema on my dataframe.
If you can't correct the input file, then you can try to load it as text then split the values to get the desired columns. Here's an example:
input file
read and parse
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
nb_cols = 5
df ="file.csv")
df = df.withColumn(
F.split("value", ",")
*[F.col("values")[i].alias(f"col_{i}") for i in range(nb_cols)],
F.array_join(F.expr(f"slice(values, {nb_cols + 1}, size(values))"), ",").alias(f"col_{nb_cols}")
#|col_0|col_1|col_2|col_3|col_4| col_5|
#| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|6,7,8,9,10,0,12,121|
#| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|6,7,8,9,10,0,12,121|

Splitting a column on a dot separator

How to split PySpark dataframe column with separator as dot (.). To me it doesn't seem to work when I use split used on a dot.
E.g. column with value abcd.efgh, should be split into two columns with values abcd and efgh.
This is the df based on your example.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as F
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
df = spark.createDataFrame([('abcd.efgh',)], ['c1'])
#| c1|
For splitting one can use split like this:
splitCol = F.split('c1', '[.]', 2)
df =

how to split one spark dataframe column into two columns by conditional when

I would like to replace a column of pyspark dataframe.
the dataframe:
I need:
dollar_price currency
9016 USD
Pyspark code:
new_col = F.when(F.col("price").isNull() == False, F.substring(F.col('price'), 1, F.instr(F.col('retail_value'), '|')-1)).otherwise(null)
new_df = df.withColumn('dollar_price', new_col)
new_col = F.when(F.col("price").isNull() == False, F.substring(F.col('price'), F.instr(F.col('retail_value'), '|')+1, 3)).otherwise(null)
new_df_1 = new_df.withColumn('currency', new_col)
I got error:
TypeError: Column is not iterable
Could you please tell me what I missed ?
I have tried
Split a dataframe column's list into two dataframe columns
but it does not work.
Try with expr as you are computing value from instr function.
#| price|
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
#| price|dollar_price|currency|
#|90.16|USD| 90.16| USD|

Pyspark number of unique values in dataframe is different compared with Pandas result

I have large dataframe with 4 million rows. One of the columns is a variable called "name".
When I check the number of unique values in Pandas by: df['name].nunique() I get a different answer than from Pyspark"name").distinct().show() (around 1800 in Pandas versus 350 in Pyspark). How can this be? Is this a data partitioning thing?
The record "name" in the dataframe looks like: name-{number}, for example: name-1, name-2, etc.
In Pandas:
df['name'] = df['name'].str.lstrip('name-').astype(int)
df['name'].nunique() # 1800
In Pyspark:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
df = df.withColumn("name", f.split(df['name'], '\-')[1].cast("int"))"name")).show()
IIUC, it's most likely from non-numeric chars(i.e. SPACE) shown in the name column. Pandas will force the type conversion while with Spark, you get NULL, see below example:
df = spark.createDataFrame([(e,) for e in ['name-1', 'name-22 ', 'name- 3']],['name'])
for PySpark:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
df.withColumn("name1", f.split(df['name'], '\-')[1].cast("int")).show()
#| name|name1|
#| name-1| 1|
#|name-22 | null|
#| name- 3| null|
for Pandas:
#0 1
#1 22
#2 3
#Name: name, dtype: int64

Add single quotes to the dataFrame column values

DataFrame is holding a column QUALIFY with values like below.
The values in this column are split by "|". I want values in this column to be like 'ColA','ColB','ColC' ...
With the below code I am able to replace | with ,',. How can I add a single quote at the start and end of value?
newDf = df_qualify.withColumn('QUALIFY2', regexp_replace('QUALIFY', "\\|", "\\','"))
Your solution is almost there - you just need to add a single quote to the start and end. You can achieve this using pyspark.sql.functions.concat:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, concat, lit, regexp_replace
concat(lit("'"), regexp_replace(col('QUALIFY'), r"\|", r"','"), lit("'"))
#| ColA| 'ColA'|
#| ColZ|ColP| 'ColZ','ColP'|
Alternatively, you can avoid regular expressions and achieve the same using split and concat_ws:
from pyspark.sql.functions import split, concat_ws
concat(lit("'"), concat_ws("','", split("QUALIFY", "\|")), lit("'"))
#| ColA| 'ColA'|
#| ColZ|ColP| 'ColZ','ColP'|
Split the column on | and then join the resulting array back to a string :
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
def str_list(x):
return str(x).replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
str_udf = F.udf(str_list, T.StringType())
df = df.withColumn("arr_split", F.split(F.col("QUALIFY"), "\|")) # escape character
df = df.withColumn("QUALIFY2", str_udf(F.col("arr_split")))
My sample output frame:
df.drop("arr_split").show() # Please ignore a and b columns
| a| b| abc| QUALIFY2|
| 1| 1|col1|col2|col3|'col1', 'col2', '...|
| 2| 2|col1|col2|col3|'col1', 'col2', '...|
| 3| 3|col1|col2|col3|'col1', 'col2', '...|
| 4| 4|col1|col2|col3|'col1', 'col2', '...|
| 5| 5|col1|col2|col3|'col1', 'col2', '...|
Below code worked for me, added the square brackets back to make it an array
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
def str_list(x):
return str(x).replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
str_udf = F.udf(str_list, T.StringType())
df = df.withColumn(column_name,str_udf(F.col(column_name)))
df = df.withColumn(column_name, F.expr("concat('[', " + column_name +", ']')"))