How can i create a Laravel API to show ads added by admin based on impression count of users? - sql

I've an admin side in my laravel project where admin can add Ads along with impression and hours. For e.g if i add a add with impression = 2 and hours = 2. So, once the user have viewed this ad for 2 times then user will not be shown that Ad for the next 2 hours.
Here is the structure of admin ads table:
id | image |impressions| hours |
1 | image.png| 2 | 6 |
And there's ads_impression_log where i store the log of users who have viewed an ad
id | user_id | ad_id | impression_datetime |
1 | 1 | 1 | 2020-07-28 23:22:45 |
How can i create a laravel query so, that i get specific ad impression count and if impression count is within the hours show the user next ad.
This is my first question here. So, please ignore if there's some mistake :)

Ad Model
public function users(){
return $this->belongsToMany(App\Add, 'ads_impression_log', 'ad_id', 'user_id')
User Model
public function ads(){
return $this->belongsToMany(App\Add, 'ads_impression_log', , 'user_id', 'ad_id')
Impression count of a given user($user_id) for a given ad.($user_id)
We'll use the collection method filter here.
$user = User::with('ads')->find($user_id);
$ads = $user->ads->filter(function($value, $key){
return $value->id === $ad_id;
Now you can get the count of those impressions.
$count = $ads->count();
Impressions required for that ad.
You can do the comparison accordingly.
And to get the impression_date column from the pivot table you could do the following.
foreach($ads as $adImp){


Defender KQL to show blocked Bluetooth Devices with all relevant fields

I'm trying to write a query to report on BlueToothPolicyTriggered events, that will return all the details to show when a device was blocked by policy AND the details of that device.
Our BT policy basically should allow everything but block file transfer over BT. That seems to be working as expected, but before rolling out wider, want a quick way to 'see' if any other devices are being blocked incorrectly or be able to refer to it if a user reports an issue so we can get all the details of the device blocked to add an exception etc.
However (and I'm new to kql) it seems once I filter a table using an 'ActionType' the columns available to report on are restricted, and in this case we lose details of the BT device that has been blocked
This shows all events that have triggered the policy and whether it was 'accepted' or 'blocked' but not the details of the device
search in (DeviceEvents) ActionType == "BluetoothPolicyTriggered"
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend Result = tostring(parsed.Accepted)
| extend BluetoothMACAddress = tostring(parsed.BluetoothMacAddress)
| extend PolicyName = tostring(parsed.PolicyName)
| extend PolicyPath = tostring(parsed.PolicyPath)
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by DeviceName, BluetoothMACAddress
| sort by Timestamp desc
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, Result, ActionType, BluetoothMACAddress, PolicyPath, PolicyName, ReportId
Then I have this which will show every BT connection, the device details im looking for, but not whether it was blocked or accepted
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend MediaClass = tostring(parsed.ClassName)
| extend MediaDeviceId = tostring(parsed.DeviceId)
| extend MediaDescription = tostring(parsed.DeviceDescription)
| extend MediaSerialNumber = tostring(parsed.SerialNumber)
| where MediaClass == "Bluetooth"
| project Timestamp, DeviceId, DeviceName, MediaClass, MediaDeviceId, MediaDescription, parsed
| order by Timestamp desc
Ive been trying to somehow join these together (despite being the same DeviceEvents table) with not much success. I don't trust the output as im seeing entries saying a device was blocked when I know it wasnt.
| where ActionType == "BluetoothPolicyTriggered"
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend Result = tostring(parsed.Accepted)
| extend BluetoothMACAddress = tostring(parsed.BluetoothMacAddress)
| extend PolicyName = tostring(parsed.PolicyName)
| extend PolicyPath = tostring(parsed.PolicyPath)
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, Result, ActionType, BluetoothMACAddress, PolicyPath, PolicyName, ReportId
| join kind =inner (DeviceEvents
| extend parsed=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| extend MediaClass = tostring(parsed.ClassName)
| extend MediaDeviceId = tostring(parsed.DeviceId)
| extend MediaDescription = tostring(parsed.DeviceDescription)
| extend MediaSerialNumber = tostring(parsed.SerialNumber)
) on DeviceName
| where MediaClass == "Bluetooth"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, Result, ActionType, MediaClass, MediaDeviceId, MediaDescription,BluetoothMACAddress
| sort by Timestamp desc
Am i going about this completely wrong ?

How to make this very complicated query from three connected models with Django ORM?

Good day, everyone. Hope you're doing well. I'm a Django newbie, trying to learn the basics of RESTful development while helping in a small app project. We currently want some of our models to update accordingly based on the data we submit to them, by using the Django ORM and the fields that some of them share wih OneToMany relationsips. Currently, there's a really difficult query that I must do for one of my fields to update automatically given that filter. First, let me explain the models. This are not real, but a doppleganger that should work the same:
First we have a Report model that is a teacher's report of a student:
class Report(models.Model):
status = models.CharField(max_length=32, choices=Statuses.choices, default=Statuses.created,)
student = models.ForeignKey(Student, on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
headroom_teacher = models.ForeignKey(TeacherStaff, on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
# Various dates
results_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
report_created = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
#Other fields that don't matter
Here we have two related models, which are student and headroom_teacher. It's not necessary to show their models, but their relationship with the next two models is really important. We also have an Exams model:
class Exams(models.Model):
student = models.ForeignKey(student, on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
headroom_teacher = models.ForeignKey(TeacherStaff, on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
# Various dates
results_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
initial_exam_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
#Other fields that don't matter
As you can see, the purpose of this app is akin to reporting on the performance of students after completing some exams, and every Report is made by a teacher for specific student on how he did on those exams. Finally we have a final model called StudentMood that aims to show how should an student be feeling depending on the status of their exams:
class StudentMood(models.Model):
report = models.ForeignKey(Report, on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
student_status = models.CharField(
max_length=32, choices=Status.choices,
default=None, null=True, blank=False)
headroom_teacher = models.ForeignKey(TeacherStaff, on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
And with these three models is that we arrive to the crux of the issue. One of our possible student_status options is called Anxious for results, which we believe a student will feel during the time when he already has done an exam and is waiting for the results.
I want to automatically set my student_status to that, using a custom manager that takes into account the date that the report has been done or the day the data has been entered. I believe this can be done by making a query taking into account initial_exam_date.
I already have my custom manager set up, and the only thing missing is this query. I have no choice but to do it with Django's ORM. However, I've come up with an approximate raw SQL query, that I'm not sure if it's ok:
SELECT AS student_mood_id FROM
school_student_mood LEFT JOIN
school_reports report
ON student_mood.report_id = AND student_mood.headroom_teacher_id = report.headroom_teacher_id
JOIN school_exams exams
ON report.headroom_teacher_id = exams.headroom_teacher_id
AND report.student_id = exams.student_id
AND exams.results_date > date where the student_mood or report data is entered, I guess
And that's what I've come to ask for help. Could someone shed some light into how to transfer this into a single query?
Without having an environment setup or really knowing exactly what you want out of the data. This is a good start.
Generally speaking, the Django ORM is not great for these types of queries, and trying to use select_related or prefetches results in really complex and inefficient queries.
I've found the best way to achieve these types of queries in Django is to break each piece of your puzzle down into a query that returns a "list" of ids that you can then use in a subquery.
Then you keep working down until you have your final output
from django.db.models import Subquery
# Grab the students of any exams where the result_date is greater than a specific date.
student_exam_subquery = Exam.objects.filter(
).values_list('student__id', flat=True)
# Grab all the student moods related to reports that relate to our "exams" where the student is anxious
student_mood_subquery = StudentMood.objects.filter(
).values_list('report__id', flat=True)
# Get the final list of students
Student.objects.values_list('id', flat=True).filter(
Now I doubt this will work out of the box, but it's really to give you an understanding of how you might go about solving this in a way that is readable to future devs and the most efficient (db wise).
So, the issue I was running into, is that the school has exam cycles each period, and it was difficult to retrieve only the students' report for this cycle. Let's assume we have the following database:
| Student | Report ID | StudentMood ID | Exam Cycle Status | Initial Exam Date | Report created a |
| Student 1 | 1 | 1 | Done | 01/01/2020 | 02/01/2020 |
| Student 2 | 2 | 2 | Done | 01/01/2020 | 02/01/2020 |
| Student 1 | 3 | 3 | On Going | 02/06/2020 | 01/01/2020 |
| Student 2 | 4 | 4 | On Going | 02/06/2020 | 01/01/2020 |
And Obviously, I wanted to limit my query to just this cycle, like this:
| Student | Report ID | StudentMood ID | Exam Cycle Status | Initial Exam Date | Report created a |
| Student 1 | 3 | 3 | On Going | 02/06/2020 | 01/01/2020 |
| Student 2 | 4 | 4 | On Going | 02/06/2020 | 01/01/2020 |
Now, your answer, trent, was really useful, but I'm still having issues retrieving in the shape of the above:
qs_exams = Exams.objects.filter(initial_exam_date__gt=now()).values_list('student__id', flat=True)
qs_report = Report.objects.filter(student__id__in=qs_exams).values_list('id', flat=True)
qs_mood = StudentMood.objects.select_related('report') \
.filter(report__id__in=qs_report).order_by('report__student_id', '-created').distinct()
But this query is still giving me all the StudentMoods throughout the school year. Sooooo, any ideas?

SQL - How to get a max value from a table and add it into another (sqlite3)

Just like the title says, how would i get the maximun value from one table and add it into a field into another table from the same database:
I currently have my main table "users":
username | password | Email | Highscore 1 | Highscore 2 | Highscore 3 |
I also have my other tables :
username | Score 1 |
username | Score 2 |
username | Score 3 |
The "user_scores" tables contains all the scores of all the users (for the 3 different game modes) whenever they play. Whenever the user finishes the game for a particular game mode, a new score gets added into a new row as well as their username associaed to it, to the table of scores for that gamemode
I want to filter out all the scores from a user (e.g user1) and then get their highest score from the game modes, (e.g filtering out all the scores of user1 from the user_scores1 table)
With this, i want to get the highest score of that specific user from that specific table , and add it into my main table "users" in the appropite field (e.g like the previous example ,filtering out all the scores of user1 from the user_scores1 table, then getting the highest score and adding that score into my main table "users" into highscores1 where the username is user1 )
Is this what you want?
update users
set highscore1 = (select max(score) from user_scores1 us where us.username =,
highscore2 = (select max(score) from user_scores2 us where us.username =,
highscore3 = (select max(score) from user_scores3 us where us.username =;

Creating Burn-Earn credits mapping

I have two tables where for every user earned credits and burned credits are logged. Based on user's purchase loyalty points (credits) are given which are saved in "earned_credits" table. And he can redeem it in next purchases (this data is saved in "burned_credits" table)
I need to find the mapping (relation) for each "burned_credits" transaction with entry in "earned_credits" table
The table structure for earned_credits include:
id | user_id | credits_earned | earn_id | created_at | valid_upto
The table structure for burned_credits include:
id | user_id | credits_burned | burn_id | created_at
The relation between burn_id and earn_id needs to be defined. I tried using loop function in python where earned_credits.valid_upto < burned_credits.created_at and sum(earned_credits.credits_earned) - sum(burned_credits.credits_burned) >= 0 but the logic is failing at point where partial credits are burned.

Use random var in behat tests to produce unique usernames

Right now I am creating users using something like the following
Given users:
| name | status | roles |
| kyle | 1 | authenticated user |
| cartman | 1 | admin |
Is there a possibility to add random strings in these names?
If I didn't misunderstand, you can do this instead.
Scenario: Create random users
Given I create "3" users
var $str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
var $status = [0, 1];
var $roles = ['authenticated user', 'admin', 'superman'];
* #Given /^I create "([^"]*)" users$/
public function createDummyUsers($count)
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$name = substr(str_shuffle($this->str), 0, 8);
$status = $this->status[array_rand($this->status, 1)];
$role = $this->roles[array_rand($this->roles, 1)];
echo "You've just created $name - $status -$role" . PHP_EOL;
You've just created mqBWAQJK - 1 - superman
You've just created WYuAZSco - 0 - admin
You've just created HCNWvVth - 1 - admin
You've just created EmLkVRpO - 1 -superman
You've just created pxWcsuPl - 1 -authenticated user
You've just created mLYrlKdz - 0 -superman
The RandomContext functionality from drupal/drupal-extension allows for usage like this:
Given I fill in "E-mail address" with "<?username>"
Given users:
| name | email | status | roles |
| <?standard> | <?standard> | 1 | authenticated |
| <?admin> | <?admin> | 1 | admin |
Each token (eg <?username>, <?firstname>) used in a feature will be randomly transformed with a (random string) value for that feature execution. This is implemented with the use of Behat's #Transform functionality, meaning that your tokens will be substituted before execution of that step - so it works to generate random inputs anywhere you might need to use random input as part of your feature.
You can reference the same token later in your feature, eg to verify that the random value input earlier has been returned correctly, and the randomly generated value will be recalled. So, the first and second usages of <?admin> in the example above will both be replaced by the same generated value.
If you are using drupal/drupal-extension then this can be enabled by adding Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\RandomContext to the enabled contexts in your behat.yml.
If you aren't using Drupal, then the source linked above will demonstrate how you could implement the same for your own usage.
I've created a solution on that you can try.
MinkFieldRandomizer is a random (with sense) information generator for filling browser form fields in Behat Mink Selenium tests. It brings the option to run your tests in a more realistic way changing the information you use to fill in the forms in every test you run.
You can easily add it to your project by Composer.
One example:
Then Fills in form fields with provided table
| "f_outbound_accommodation_name" | "{RandomName(10)}" |
| "f_outbound_accommodation_phone_number" | "{RandomPhone(9)}" |
| "f_outbound_accommodation_address_1" | "{RandomText(10)}" |
I hope you try it!
And you're welcome to add new functionalities or fork it or do wathever you want.