How to insert a horizontal line in a file - readme

I am trying to insert a horizontal line in a file and I don't know how to.

Insert a couple of dashes like this:
And the result will be:
If the text on top of the dashes enlarges instead, then move the dashes down 1 line.


I would like to MOVE just one line in Vim

yy and p should copy and paste 1 line of text.
But I have to go back and delete the original line.
should move lines from 2 to 5 to line 10. however I need to enable :set number
to see what lines I am moving
I would like to move just 1 line of text, sort of like yy+p and not use :2,3m10
to move just one line.
Is there something like mm+p ?
so it copies the current line into buffer and deletes the line and you p paste it where you want ?
:3m . moves line 3 to your current line.
Above line does the function I want. Can I set a key mapping so
that "mm" replaces ":3m." ? I find it easier to type. TIA
What you're describing is the default behaviour when using dd -it deletes a
line into the buffer and p will paste it.
So dd and p works.
If you're new to vim, then it might seem a little strange that 'yanking' (with
y) and 'deleting' (with d) both copy to the buffer, given the 'cut', 'copy'
and 'paste' behaviours of most other editors.
You can read more about it with :help change.txt and in particular :help registers.
Also, since you say you need to enable :set number, I wonder if you've come
across :set relativenumber? This is very useful - in the example below, the
numbers would look this way if the your cursor was on the line with
3 This is just
2 a small
1 example to
0 demonstrate
1 how relative
2 numbers can
3 be useful
Thus if you wanted to move the line 'a small' below the line with 'numbers
can', you could use the relative line numbers to know that 2k would put the
cursor on the line you want, where you'd hit dd, then you'd have this
situation (the deleted line is now in the buffer:
1 This is just
0 example to
1 demonstrate
2 how relative
3 numbers can
4 be useful
Then you can do 3j to move to the 'numbers can' line, and hit p. So
relative numbers are a nice way to move quickly to lines you can see. Also,
just for completeness, you can use relative numbers in a similar way on the
command line::-2m+3 (although I know this isn't what you're after). You can
even set both relative number and set number at the same time, in which case
it's like in the example above, only you have the absolute line number
displayed on the current line instead of a zero.

Pentaho : Text file output : Remove CR&LF from last line of the file generated

Pentaho -
Design : Text file output
Requirement :
- Read values from DB and create a csv file.
- I want to remove the CR & LF from the last line in the generated file.
This empty last line is causing problem while file parsing so I want to get rid of it.
Sample example here :
Test.ktr :
This produces output.csv in which last line contains CRLF (contains 3 lines - blank line at the end of file)
(To simulate values coming from database, contains 2 lines)
Put some logic between the Table input and CSV output, for example the Filter step which can remove empty lines.
I cannot tell you more, unless you tell me more about your specific case.
I could solve this using Shell Script component. After generating file I added a post process step to remove the empty line at the end of the file.
There could be other solutions but this fulfilled my requirement.
Thank you.

I was wondering if there is any way to treat delimiters inside quotes as merely characters and not delimiters

I have a massive amount of files that are all made using the same schema. They are put into a format where they are space delimited. A sample file row looks like this:
1 2 abc def "g h" 3
And when I try to use the schema INT, INT, STRING, STRING, STRING, INT, it fails for me because of the space inside the quotation marks.
I know this is where the error is because if I make a sample tab separated instead of space separated, no such error occurs, but that is not feasible for me to do with all of my data. I was wondering if there is any way to be able to indicate in a file upload that delimiters in quotes should not be treated as delimiters but rather as characters? (Rather that all quoted text should be treated as one string.)
I know this feature exists for new line characters, and so I was wondering about delimiters.
Thank you!
I figured it out. The error was there was an extra delimiter character at the end of the file. Now I just need to trim each line of the file before uploading.

Display 4-space indent as 2-space in Intellij IDEA

Is it possible without any code modification? Making a tab would insert 4 spaces, but in editor it would look like 2. I think it might be useful to display code from different libraries with the same indent size.
No. How could 4 spaces could look like 2? Only a Tab can look like any number of spaces.

insert a multiline string in Oracle with sqlplus

I have a SQL script that will insert a long string into a table. The string contains a new line (and this new line is absolutely necessary), so when it is written in a text file, the query is split to multiple lines. Something like:
insert into table(id, string) values (1, 'Line1goesHere
This runs ok in Toad, but when I save this as a .sql file and run it using sqlplus, it considers each line a separate query, meaning that each line will fail (beacuse insert into table(id, string) values (1, 'Line1goesHere, Line2GoesHere aren't well-formated scripts.
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "Line2GoesHere" - rest of line ignored.
Is there a way to fix this?
Enable SQLBLANKLINES to allow blank lines in SQL statements. For example:
insert into table(id, string) values (1, 'Line1goesHere
The premise of this question is slightly wrong. SQL*Plus does allow multi-line strings by default. It is only blank lines that cause problems.
You can also use not-well-known feature of Oracle's SQL: Perl style quoted strings.
SQL> select q'[f dfgdfklgdfkjgd
2 sdffdslkdflkgj dglk
3 glfdglkjdgkldj ]'
4 from dual;
f dfgdfklgdfkjgd
sdffdslkdflkgj dglk
SQL*Plus Manual
You can end a SQL command in one of three ways:
with a semicolon (;)
with a slash (/) on a line by itself
with a blank line
A blank line in a SQL statement or script tells SQL*Plus that you have
finished entering the command, but do not want to run it yet. Press
Return at the end of the last line of the command.
Turning SQLBLANKLINES on in this situation may be the answer, but even with it you still have to worry about the following SQL*Plus commands.
# ("at" sign) (Start of line)
## (double "at" sign) (Start of line)
# SQLPREFIX (Start of line)
. BLOCKTERMINATOR (Start of line and by itself)
/ (slash) (Start of line and by itself)
; SQLT[ERMINATOR] (Start of line and by itself, or at the end)
SQLPREFIX is something that you cannot turn off; it's a feature of SQL*Plus. BLOCKTERMINATOR can be activated or disabled. Slash on the other hand if it appears at the start of a new line will cause it to execute the contents in the buffer. SQL[TERMINATOR] has a similar behavior.
Another way of inserting newlines to a string is concatenating:
(on windows)
or just: