Recognising backslash in awk field separator - awk

Input is
AZE D11/879\x0Dabc\x0D\x0A\x1E!DEF F11/999
awk script sets field separator to "\x0D" (I have tried with and without escaping the backslash.
awk script is
BEGIN {FS="\\x0D"}
{print NF}
It should output 3 because there are 2 occurrences of the field separator but it outputs 1 which indicates it is not being recognized.

There are 2 ways to provide a regexp in awk - a static regexp (aka regexp literal) written as /regexp/ and a dynamic regexp (aka computed regexp) written as "regexp" and used in a regexp context. A field separator is just a regexp with some additional behavior so lets just consider regexps in general to explain what's going on in your example.
The split() function takes a field separator (a regexp for our purposes) as it's third argument so it provides a good test bed:
Using a static regexp:
$ awk '{print split($0,a,/\x0D/)}' file
The \ above is escaping the x, it's not a literal \. For that you need to escape the \ itself:
$ awk '{print split($0,a,/\\x0D/)}' file
What if we used a dynamic regexp instead of the above static regexp?
$ awk '{print split($0,a,"\x0D")}' file
$ awk '{print split($0,a,"\\x0D")}' file
$ awk '{print split($0,a,"\\\x0D")}' file
' is not a known regexp operator FNR=1) warning: regexp escape sequence `\
$ awk '{print split($0,a,"\\\\x0D")}' file
The behavior above is because awk first parses the string to convert it into a regexp (using up one layer of escape chars) and then parses it a second time when using it as a regexp (using up a second layer of escape chars).
Unfortunately when you specify a FS there is no option to specify it as a literal regexp, it's always specified using a string and thus is a dynamic regexp and so needs an extra layer of escaping:
$ awk -v FS='\x0D' '{print NF}' file
$ awk -v FS='\\x0D' '{print NF}' file
$ awk -v FS='\\\x0D' '{print NF}' file
' is not a known regexp operatorence `\
$ awk -v FS='\\\\x0D' '{print NF}' file
Now - what if you were using the wrong type of quotes in the shell part of the script, i.e. " instead of '? Then you introduce even more pain because now you're inviting the shell to also parse the string even before awk gets to see and parse it twice:
$ awk -v FS="\\\\x0D" '{print NF}' file
$ awk -v FS="\\\\\x0D" '{print NF}' file
' is not a known regexp operatorence `\
$ awk -v FS="\\\\\\x0D" '{print NF}' file
' is not a known regexp operatorence `\
$ awk -v FS="\\\\\\\x0D" '{print NF}' file
That's different from the case where the double quotes are using inside awk because that's all wrapped inside single quotes and so protected from the shell already:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS="\\\\x0D"} {print NF}' file
So - in the shell always use the most restrictive quotes (' over " over none) unless you have a very specific reason not to, and when using regexps or field separators always use literal /.../ rather than dynamic "...", again unless you have a very specific reason not to.
The odd, truncated looking error message above are because of the \rs the tool is trying to print due to the escape sequence we're providing, they're really all warning: regexp escape sequence '\^M' is not a known regexp operator

You need two backslashes for a literal backslash since \ is an escape character:
$ echo 'AZE D11/879\x0Dabc\x0D\x0A\x1E!DEF F11/999' |
awk 'BEGIN{ FS="\\\\x0D" } { print NF }'


Testing it awk for data with square brackets [syslog]

I have a text file like this:
File1 [test]
File1 sgfg
File1 fdgsfg
File1 [rsyslog]
File1 moredata
File1 MAX_EVENTS = 256
File1 fgsfg
File1 [other]
File1 Not this
File2 [syslog]
File2 extra
File2 MAX_EVENTS = 12
With awk I would like to match field $2 when it contains [syslog]
Example this works
awk '$2~/\[syslog\]/' file
But I like to define field in advance using var.
Not working
awk -v var="[syslog]" '$2~var' file
awk -v var="\[syslog\]" '$2~var' file
awk -v var="syslog" '{test="["var"]"} $2~test' file
This works since both sub needs to be true as well as the text match, but complicated :)
awk -v var="syslog" 'sub(/^\[/,"",$2) && sub(/\]/,"",$2) && $2==var' file
Working cases:
$ awk -v var='[syslog]' 'index($2, var)' file
File2 [syslog]
$ awk -v var='syslog' '$2~"\\[" var "\\]"' file
File2 [syslog]
$ awk -v var='[[]syslog[]]' '$2~var' file
File2 [syslog]
Basically take care of the escaping, or don't use regex matching.
As Ed kindly mentioned in the comment, ] alone does not need to be escaped:
awk -v var='syslog' '$2~"\\[" var "]"' file
awk -v var='[[]syslog]' '$2~var' file
You didn't say if you wanted a full or partial match or if you wanted a string or regexp match so here's some options:
Full string match:
awk -v var='[syslog]' '$2 == var' file
Partial string match:
awk -v var='[syslog]' 'index($2,var)' file
Full regexp match:
awk -v var='[[]syslog]' '$2 ~ "^"var"$"' file
Partial regexp match:
awk -v var='[[]syslog]' '$2 ~ var' file
There are of course, many other ways to do that too including escaping regexp metachars within the awk script to make them literal, specifying the string between [...] in the var then adding them in the awk script, matching just at the start or end of the field, etc.
See How do I find the text that matches a pattern? for more info on the different kinds of matching and Is it possible to escape regex metacharacters reliably with sed (applies to awk too) for how to escape regexp metachars to make them be treated as literal.
How about something like this?
awk -v var="[syslog]" '$2 == var' my_file
A bit of explanation. If you don't need regular expression matching you can just use == operator which compares strings literally.
Your "Not working" examples weren't working because:
The regular expression is not correct. It matches a single character, any of s,y,l,o,g.
Escaping is not correct, this would have worked var="\\\\[syslog\\\\]". But awk should have warned you about this with the message awk: warning: escape sequence '\[' treated as plain '['.
Not sure, honestly.

How to extract string from a file in bash

I have a file called DB_create.sql which has this line
I want to extract only testrepo from this. So I've tried
cat DB_create.sql | awk '{print $3}'
This gives me testrepo;
I need only testrepo. How do I get this ?
With your shown samples, please try following.
awk -F'[ ;]' '{print $(NF-1)}' DB_create.sql
awk -F'[ ;]' '{print $3}' DB_create.sql
OR without setting any field separators try:
awk '{sub(/;$/,"");print $3}' DB_create.sql
Simple explanation would be: making field separator as space OR semi colon and then printing 2nd last field($NF-1) which is required by OP here. Also you need not to use cat command with awk because awk can read Input_file by itself.
Using gnu awk, you can set record separator as ; + line break:
awk -v RS=';\r?\n' '{print $3}' file.sql
Or using any POSIX awk, just do a call to sub to strip trailing ;:
awk '{sub(/;$/, "", $3); print $3}' file.sql
You can use
awk -F'[;[:space:]]+' '{print $3}' DB_create.sql
where the field separator is set to a [;[:space:]]+ regex that matches one or more occurrences of ; or/and whitespace chars. Then, Field 3 will contain the string you need without the semi-colon.
More pattern details:
[ - start of a bracket expression
; - a ; char
[:space:] - any whitespace char
] - end of the bracket expression
+ - a POSIX ERE one or more occurrences quantifier.
See the online demo.
Use your own code but adding the function sub():
cat DB_create.sql | awk '{sub(/;$/, "",$3);print $3}'
Although it's better not using cat. Here you can see why: Comparison of cat pipe awk operation to awk command on a file
So better this way:
awk '{sub(/;$/, "",$3);print $3}' file

Awk: gsub("\\\\", "\\\\") yields suprising results

Consider the following input:
$ cat a
$ cat a.awk
{ sub("\\", "\\\\"); print $0 }
$ cat a_double.awk
{ sub("\\\\", "\\\\"); print $0 }
Now running cat a | awk -f a.awk gives
and running cat a | awk -f a_double.awk gives
and I expect exactly the other way around. How should I interpret this?
$ awk -V
GNU Awk 4.1.4, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 4.0.1, GNU MP 6.1.2)
Yes, its expected behavior of awk. When you run sub("\\", "\\\\") in your first script, in sub's inside "(double quotes) since we are NOT using / for matching pattern we need to escape first \(actual literal character) then for escaping we are using \ so we need to escape that also, hence it will become \\\\
\\ \\
| |
| |
first 2 chars are denoting escaping next 2 chars are denoting actual literal character \
Which is NOT happening your 1st case hence NO match so no substitution in it, in your 2nd awk script you are doing this(escaping part in regex matching section of sub) hence its matching \ perfectly.
Let's see this by example and try putting ... for checking purposes.
When Nothing happens: Since no match on
awk '{sub("\\", "....\\\\"); print $0}' Input_file
When pattern matching happens:
awk '{sub("\\\\", "...\\\\"); print $0}' Input_file
From man awk:
gsub(r, s [, t])
For each substring matching the regular expression r in the string t,
substitute the string s, and return the number of substitutions.
How could we could do perform actual escaping part(where we need to use only \ before character only once)? Do mention your regexp in /../ in first section of sub like and we need NOT to double escape \ here.
awk '{sub(/\\/,"&\\")} 1' Input_file
The first arg to *sub() is a regexp, not a string, so you should use regexp (/.../) rather than string ("...") delimiters. The former is a literal regexp which is used as-is while the latter defines a dynamic (or computed) regexp which forces awk to interpret the string twice, the first time to convert the string to a regexp and the second to use it as a regexp, hence double the backslashes needed for escaping. See
In the following we just need to escape the backslash once because we're using a literal, rather than dynamic, regexp:
$ cat a
$ awk '{sub(/\\/,"\\\\")}1' a
Your first script would rightfully produce a syntax error in a more recent version of gawk (5.1.0) since "\\" in a dynamic regexp is equivalent to /\/ in a literal one and in that expression the backslash is escaping the final forward slash which means there is no final delimiter:
$ cat a.awk
{ sub("\\", "\\\\"); print $0 }
$ awk -f a.awk a
awk: a.awk:1: (FILENAME=a FNR=1) fatal: invalid regexp: Trailing backslash: /\/

AWK that reads up to the /

I have the following lines of text :
170311 005201 0433 DE(N) itemhandling itemAddBarCodeData: Barcode(1/1) <0157357069/OK> ##[ti=7672,
170311 005323 0433 DE(N) itemhandling itemAddBarCodeData: Barcode(1/1) </NOREAD> ##[ti=7672,
I have the following script :
grep "itemAddBarCodeData" %myItemHandling% | gawk -F "[<>]+" -v OFS=, "{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i){if($i~/Barcode/){print substr($1,5,2)substr($1,3,2)substr($1,1,2),substr($1,8,6),$(i+1)}}}" > %myOutputPath%%myFilename%
What I need is a script that reads only the /NOREAD and the /OK so the output is like :
any help would be greatly appreciated
Complex gawk approach:
awk -F"[ />]" '{patsplit($1, a, /[0-9]{2}/); patsplit($2, b, /[0-9]{2}/);
printf("%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",a[3],a[2],a[1],b[1],b[2],b[3],$10)}' inpufile
The output:
-F"[ />]" - "composite" field separator
patsplit(string, array [, fieldpat [, steps ] ])
Divide string into pieces defined by fieldpat and store the pieces in array and
the separator strings in the seps array.
You can use this following script:
/\/[A-Z]+>/ { match($1"-"$2,/(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)(..)/,ts)
dt=mktime( sprintf("20%s %s %s %s %s %s",
ts[1], ts[2], ts[3],
ts[4], ts[5], ts[6]) )
dtd = strftime( "%d-%m-%y", dt )
dts = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", dt )
match ( $0, /\/[A-Z]+>/) # set RSTART and RLENGTH
print dtd, dts, substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
Run it like this: awk -v OFS=, -f script.awk yourfile
The important part is the second match function call, which matches
a string of capital letters [A_Z]
preceded by a /
followed by a >.
It should match the OK and NOREAD case and not the Barcode(1/1).
The variables
are set by the match function, we have to correct them by +1 and -2, because the match RE included / and >.
The first match, mktime, strftime and the sprintf function call are another way the format the date and time. The time functions are GNU AWK extensions.
Regular awk version:
awk '
gsub(/../,"& ",d)
printf "%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",T[3],T[2],T[1],T[4],T[5],T[6],R[2]
' file
With script in file:
gsub(/../,"& ",d)
printf "%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",T[3],T[2],T[1],T[4],T[5],T[6],R[2]
awk -f script.awk file
crammed on one line..
awk '{d=$1$2; gsub(/../,"& ",d); split(d,T); split($8,R,"[/>]"); printf "%s-%s-%s,%s:%s:%s,%s\n",T[3],T[2],T[1],T[4],T[5],T[6],R[2]}' file
You don't need grep when you're using awk. With GNU awk for gensub():
$ awk '/itemAddBarCodeData/{print gensub(/(..)(..)(..) (..)(..)(..).*\/([^>]+).*/,"\\3-\\2-\\1,\\4:\\5:\\6,\\7",1)}' file
Here's a pragmatic combination of awk and sed that is conceptually relatively simple:
On Linux and BSD/macOS:
awk -F'[ />]' -v OFS=, '/itemAddBarCodeData/ {print $1, $2, $10}' file |
sed -E 's/^(..)(..)(..),(..)(..)(..)/\3-\2-\1,\4:\5:\6/'
On a Windows system, invoked from cmd.exe, different quoting and line continuation rules apply (assumes the presence of ported GNU utilities):
awk -F"[ />]" -v OFS=, "/itemAddBarCodeData/ {print $1, $2, $10}" file ^
| sed -E "s/^(..)(..)(..),(..)(..)(..)/\3-\2-\1,\4:\5:\6/"
Note how:
"..." strings rather than '...' strings must be used to protect the embedded content from interpretation by the shell
Unlike with "..." on Unix, $ has no special meaning to cmd.exe, so it can be used as-is.
^ as the very last character on a line serves as the explicit line-continuation character, and the line must be broken before the | (whereas on Unix a line ending in | is implicitly continued).
This is only used for readability here; of course, you can place your command on a single line.

Why I can't use as delimiter in awk the string "?B?"

By running the following I am getting as a result the string "utf-8"
I thought that with this command I would had string "tralala" returned
echo "=?utf-8?B?tralala" | awk -F "?B?" '{print $2 }'
Why is that?
What delimiter should I use in order to get the string "tralala" ?
? is a regex metacharacter that means zero or one matches of the preceding atom. (I'm surprised awk didn't complain about the one at the start but .)
Try echo "=?utf-8?B?tralala" | awk -F '\\?B\\?' '{print $2 }' instead.
Awk delimiters are NOT strings, they are "Field Separators" (hence the variable named FS) which are a type of Extended Regular Expression with some additional features (e.g. a single blank char as the field separator when not inside square brackets means separate by all chains of contiguous white space and ignore leading and trailing white space on each record).
The difference between a string, a regular expression, and a field separator are very important to be aware of. You sometimes also see the word "pattern" used - do not use that term, it has no (or too many possible) meaning.
A ? is an RE metacharacter so you need to tell awk not to treat it as such in your case by either of these methods:
$ echo "=?utf-8?B?tralala" | awk -F '[?]B[?]' '{print $2}'
$ echo "=?utf-8?B?tralala" | awk -F '\\?B\\?' '{print $2}'
You don't strictly need to do that for the first ? as it's metacharacter functionality is not applicable when it's the first char in an RE:
$ echo "=?utf-8?B?tralala" | awk -F '?B[?]' '{print $2}'
$ echo "=?utf-8?B?tralala" | awk -F '?B\\?' '{print $2}'
but IMHO it's best to do it anyway for clarity and future-proofing.