how to attach a task to run after the tasks from a plugin in gradle - kotlin

I have installed the detekt plugin in gradle-kotlin with
plugins {
This yields tasks for me when I run tasks:
Verification tasks
check - Runs all checks.
detektBaseline - Creates a detekt baseline on the given --baseline path.
detektGenerateConfig - Generate a detekt configuration file inside your project.
detektMain - EXPERIMENTAL & SLOW: Run detekt analysis for main classes with type resolution
detektTest - EXPERIMENTAL & SLOW: Run detekt analysis for test classes with type resolution
test - Runs the unit tests.
This generates checkstyle xml files. Unfortunately, I am forced to use teamcity, and in order to display the results of detekt in teamcity, it wants all the xml files to be rolled up into a zip file.
So my thought is that for each subproject, I want to run a task that copies the detekt output into a toArchive folder under the subproject's name, and then after detekt has run against ALL subprojects, I want to run the zip task.
The subprojects are each their own top level folder, per gradle practices:
$ tree -L 2
├── build
│   └── kotlin
├── build.gradle.kts
├── config
│   └── detekt
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
├── jobs
│   ├── build
│   ├── build.gradle.kts
│   └── src
├── lib
│   ├── build
│   ├── build.gradle.kts
│   └── src
├── settings.gradle.kts
But I can't even begin to see how to do this.
I don't really care where the output folder is. I was gonna do the toArchive folder at the top level that is in the gradle zip tasks docs. But I don't think it matters much.
I am new to gradle and I find it very confusing.


Build and run an executable locally with Conan

Say I have a simple hello world project in CMake that creates a binary under bin.
I build it with Conan using the latest CMake module.
In the, is this package method enough to announce the executable?
def package(self):
cmake = CMake(self)
Then, if I want to build the project and run the executable locally, but in Conan's context, which commands should I type?
The package method you've defined will use the installation structure defined by cmake.install() to define the package structure. For example, if your cmake.install() method installs binaries to the bin directory, the bin directory will be present in the package folder in your conan cache, i.e. ~/.conan/data/<package>/<version>/<user>/<channel>/package/<package_id>/bin.
This alone is enough to run the executable locally - you can execute it from the above path, put it onto your PATH - whatever you need. It's not convenient though. To add some convenience, you can use the VirtualRunEnv generator to consume executables. To illustrate with cmake:
$ conan install cmake/3.22.4# --build=missing -g VirtualRunEnv
This will install cmake 3.22.4 into your local cache, and generate the following files in your cwd:
You can use this in the same way you would a python virtual environment:
$ source
$ which cmake
And to restore the environment:
$ source
Restoring environment
$ which cmake
The second method is to use the deploy generator:
$ conan install cmake/3.22.4# --build=missing -g deploy
This will grab cmake and all of it's dependencies from the conan cache and dump them to your cwd. After running this command, the directory looks like the following:
├── cmake
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── ccmake
│   │   ├── cmake
│   │   ├── cpack
│   │   └── ctest
│   ├── licenses
│   │   └── Copyright.txt
│   └── share
│   ├── aclocal
│   ├── bash-completion
│   ├── cmake-3.22
│   ├── emacs
│   └── vim
├── deploy_manifest.txt
└── openssl
├── bin
│   ├── c_rehash
│   └── openssl
├── include
│   └── openssl
├── lib
│   ├── cmake
│   ├── libcrypto.a
│   └── libssl.a
└── licenses
You can then move this wherever you need to and put it on your system PATH if you so desire. The same principle would apply to your package - create the recipe in the local cache, and use generators to consume it.
To illustrate:
Place your package in the conan cache
$ conan create .
Consume it using VirtualRunEnv
$ conan install mypkg/0.1.0#user/channel --build=missing -g VirtualRunEnv
Consume it using deploy
$ conan install mypkg/0.1.0#user/channel --build=missing -g deploy
Instead of issuing conan install commands above, you can also list your package as a requirement in a conanfile.txt or for a consumer package, i.e. for a
def requirements(self):
And then you can use the virtual environment generators to collect environment information for all dependencies. In the directory containing the
$ conan install . -g VirtualRunEnv
Hope this helps.
VirtualRunEnv generator
deploy generator
Mastering Conan Virtual Environments
virtualrunenv generator (deprecated, I believe)
Conan generators

Simple way to add a Premake subproject inside a CMake project?

I use CMake for my C++ projects and I like to have my dependencies as Git submodules inside a third-party folder so I can have easy access to the code and the possible CMake targets I can link with.
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── src
│   └── main.cpp
└── third-party
└── CMakeSubmodule # OK
└── CMakeLists.txt # OK
My root CMakeLists.txt would typically contain :
target_link_libraries(myTarget PRIVATE SubmoduleTarget)
Now, I want to add a submodule that only uses premake :
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── src
│   └── main.cpp
└── third-party
└── PremakeSubmodule # !
└── premake5.lua # !
How would you do to simply add the submodule as a dependency ?
Do I have to manually convert all premake files to CMakeLists.txt ?
A convenient solution would allow to directly link to a target as follow, so I don't have to manually set the correct include directories and link to the lib files :
target_link_libraries(myTarget PRIVATE PremakeTarget) # Would be great

Does CMake has QMake's .qmake.conf alternative (automatically included file from parent directory) or other means to achieve similar result?

Let's say we have repository structure like this (note the .qmake.conf files):
├── libraries
│   └── libFoo
│   └── libFoo.pri
├── projects
│   ├── ProjectX
│   │   ├── apps
│   │   │   └── AppX
│   │   │   └──
│   │   ├── libs
│   │   │   └── libX
│   │   │   └── libX.pri
│   │   └── .qmake.conf
│   └── ProjectY
│   ├── apps
│   │   └── AppY
│   │   └──
│   └── .qmake.conf
├── qmake
│   └── common.pri
└── .qmake.conf
QMake supports .qmake.conf files, where you can declare useful variables, and it is automatically included in your .pro file if found in parent directory.
This is how it helps to avoid dealing with ../../.. relative paths, for example:
Root repo/.qmake.conf file has REPO_ROOT=$$PWD declared.
project also has it's own repo/projects/ProjectX/.qmake.conf, which has include(../../.qmake.conf) included and PROJECT_ROOT=$$PWD declared.
project's application .pro file (repo/projects/ProjectX/apps/AppX/ can avoid writing ../../ and include all dependencies from sibling and parent directories like this:
This is convenient and tidy. You DO have to write ../../ once (and update it if repository tree changes), but only once per new .qmake.conf, and later you can use variables to refer to various useful relative paths in the repository in any number of .pro's you have.
Is three similar technique in CMake? How this kind of variable organization could be achieve with CMake, in most convenient way?
In CMake you can achieve similar result somewhat differently:
(regarding "useful variables" management)
CMake knows about 3 "types of variables":
vars with directory scope; directory scope variables behave in such a way that if you define them in some folder, they will automatically be visible in all subfolders. In brief, if you define some var in root CMakeLists.txt, it will be visible in all project subfolders. Example of defining "directory scope variable":
# outside any function
vars with function scope; function scope variables are variables defined within the function. They are visible in the current function scope and all scopes initiated from it. Example of function scope variable:
# note that the definition is within the function
# rest of the function body...
cache variables may be considered as "global variables", and those are also stored within CMakeCache.txt file within the root build folder. Cache variables are defined as follows (adding a new string variable):
set (MY_CACHE_VAR "this is some string value" CACHE STRING "explanation of MY_VAR")
Also, as already suggested within the comments, you can place variables definitions into the various "include files" and include them using CMake include statement.
In the end, here is the documentation about set, and include CMake statements.

CTest add tests in subdirectories

I have a CMake-based project that consists of several sub-components, which can all be independently compiled and tested. The directory layout looks like this:
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── comp1
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── src
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── foo.h
│   └── tests
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └──
└── comp2
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── src
│   ├──
│   └── bar.h
└── tests
├── CMakeLists.txt
I want to enable ctest, therefore in the root CMakeLists.txt I have include(CTest) and in the component-specific CMakeLists.txt files I have
In compX/tests/CMakeLists.txt I have the code to compile the test and the add_test()command. The tests get successfully compiled and I can manually run them. However, if I call ctest, it returns
No tests were found!!!
After playing a bit with this, it turned out that if I move the add_subdirectory(tests) call to the root CMakeLists.txt like this:
it works. But I find this quite ugly and messy, to put component-specific stuff into the root file.
Conversely, I tried to move the include(CTest) command one level down into the component-specific CMakeLists.txt. But ctest complains with this:
No test configuration file found!
Is there seriously no way to use ctest with a directory structure like above?
The CTest documentation isn't the clearest.
A project I'm working on has a similar directory structure composed of various units, and in each unit are src and tests subdirectories.
CMake documentation says to call "enable_testing()" at the top-level CMakeLists.txt file, and it further says this command will "enable CTest at the current directory and below." Which sounds recursive, right? Well it's not.
Every CMakeLists.txt must have enable_testing() called to enable automatic CTest discovery in that directory.
Thus, in your project, the toplevel CMakeLists.txt will need enable_testing(), then comp{1,2}/CMakeLists.txt will need it, and finally comp{1,2}/tests/CMakeLists.txt will need it.
Once you add those commands and rerun cmake, those directories will each contain a CTestTestfile.cmake file, which is what the ctest program will look for when it runs.

How do I setup a Minecraft Forge development environment?

I want to start creating awesome Minecraft mods, and it seems that the current way to do so is with Minecraft Forge. I already got Gradle and the JDK installed, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get anything to build.
How can I get a Forge development environment working?
After downloading the Forge Mod Development Kit (MDK) archive, it should contain the following files:
├── build.gradle
├── CREDITS-fml.txt
├── eclipse
├── forge-1.10.2-
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│   ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│   └──
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
├── LICENSE-new.txt
├── MinecraftForge-Credits.txt
├── Paulscode IBXM Library License.txt
├── Paulscode SoundSystem CodecIBXM License.txt
├── README.txt
└── src
└── main
├── java
│   └── com
│   └── example
│   └── examplemod
│   └──
└── resources
In the README.txt there are instructions on how to set it up, but to put it simple, open a console/terminal in forge-somewhere and run gradle setupDecompWorkspace. It should set up a development environment and then you should be able to run gradle build normally. Note that you have to re-run setupDecompWorkspace for every mod you want to develop/compile.
If you're not using an IDE, or the command fails because of heap memory, you can use gradle setupDevWorkspace instead. This doesn't decompile Minecraft, so you won't be able to check the sources (which you can't without an IDE or something anyway), but it doesn't use nearly as much RAM, which is useful if you're on a lower-end system.
Once you have downloaded the Forge .zip for the version that you plan on using, go to the same directory as your "gradlew.bat" file, hold shift-rightclick and open the command prompt.
gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace eclipse
Or if you're running with Intellij Idea (Which I recommend):
gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace idea
After that, it'll set up the Workspace as well as the correct coding software package that you wish to be using.