Generate Appointment Time Slots - sql

I have branch timing view as follows. Date will change based on sysdate
09/08/2020 07:00:00 AM 09/08/2020 02:00:00 PM
09/08/2020 04:00:00 PM 09/08/2020 06:00:00 PM
I want to generate appointment slots with 60 minutes duration like the following. 60 minutes is variable and i will pass it as parameter. I want to get the query result like this
7.00 AM
8.00 AM
9.00 AM
10.00 AM
11.00 AM
12.00 PM
1.00 PM
4.00 PM
5.00 PM
Exclude shift ending times( 2.00 PM and 06:00 PM) as no point in including them

Here is a recursive CTE approach:
with cte (time_from, time_to, lev) as (
select time_from, time_to, 1 as lev
from t
union all
select time_from + interval '1' hour, time_to, lev + 1
from cte
where time_from < time_to - interval '1' hour
select time_from
from cte;
And a db<>fiddle.

Another, non-recursive CTE approach, might be
SQL> with test (time_from, time_to) as
2 (select to_date('09.08.2020 07:00', ' hh24:mi'),
3 to_date('09.08.2020 14:00', ' hh24:mi')
4 from dual union all
5 select to_date('09.08.2020 16:00', ' hh24:mi'),
6 to_date('09.08.2020 18:00', ' hh24:mi')
7 from dual
8 )
9 select time_from + ((column_value - 1) * 60) / (24 * 60) time
10 from test cross join
11 table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
12 connect by level <= (time_to - time_from) * 24
13 ) as sys.odcinumberlist));
09.08.2020 07:00
09.08.2020 08:00
09.08.2020 09:00
09.08.2020 10:00
09.08.2020 11:00
09.08.2020 12:00
09.08.2020 13:00
09.08.2020 16:00
09.08.2020 17:00
9 rows selected.
These are dates with times - you'd apply TO_CHAR with desired format mask to display it as you want, e.g.
select to_char(time_from + ((column_value - 1) * 60) / (24 * 60), 'hh:mi am') time
which results in
07:00 AM
08:00 AM
09:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
01:00 PM
04:00 PM
05:00 PM
9 rows selected.
If you want to use "number of minutes" as parameter, then modify lines #9 and #12:
SQL> with test (time_from, time_to) as
2 (select to_date('09.08.2020 07:00', ' hh24:mi'),
3 to_date('09.08.2020 14:00', ' hh24:mi')
4 from dual union all
5 select to_date('09.08.2020 16:00', ' hh24:mi'),
6 to_date('09.08.2020 18:00', ' hh24:mi')
7 from dual
8 )
9 select to_char(time_from + ((column_value - 1) * &&par_minutes) / (24 * 60), 'hh:mi am') time
10 from test cross join
11 table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
12 connect by level <= (time_to - time_from) * 24 * (60 / &&par_minutes)
13 ) as sys.odcinumberlist));
Enter value for par_minutes: 20
old 9: select to_char(time_from + ((column_value - 1) * &&par_minutes) / (24 * 60), 'hh:mi am') time
new 9: select to_char(time_from + ((column_value - 1) * 20) / (24 * 60), 'hh:mi am') time
old 12: connect by level <= (time_to - time_from) * 24 * (60 / &&par_minutes)
new 12: connect by level <= (time_to - time_from) * 24 * (60 / 20)
07:00 AM
07:20 AM
07:40 AM
08:00 AM
08:20 AM
08:40 AM
09:00 AM
09:20 AM
09:40 AM
10:00 AM
10:20 AM
10:40 AM
11:00 AM
11:20 AM
11:40 AM
12:00 PM
12:20 PM
12:40 PM
01:00 PM
01:20 PM
01:40 PM
04:00 PM
04:20 PM
04:40 PM
05:00 PM
05:20 PM
05:40 PM
27 rows selected.


Oracle sql create agenda

I have a table with interval dates and times. Can i create a full list with this data?
Table example:
Start_Date, End_Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Interval
01-jun-2021 02-jun-2021 08:00 10:00 30
03-jun-2021 04-jun-2021 10:00 12:00 15
01-jun-2021 08:00
01-jun-2021 08:30
01-jun-2021 09:00
01-jun-2021 09:30
02-jun-2021 08:00
02-jun-2021 08:30
02-jun-2021 09:00
02-jun-2021 09:30
03-jun-2021 10:00
03-jun-2021 10:15
03-jun-2021 10:30
03-jun-2021 11:00
03-jun-2021 11:15
03-jun-2021 11:30
03-jun-2021 11:45
04-jun-2021 10:00
04-jun-2021 10:15
04-jun-2021 10:30
04-jun-2021 11:00
04-jun-2021 11:15
04-jun-2021 11:30
04-jun-2021 11:45
This is a handy place to use a recursive CTE:
with cte (start_date, end_date, interval) as (
select to_date(start_date||start_time, 'DD-Mon-YYYYHH24:MI'), to_date(end_date||end_time, 'DD-Mon-YYYYHH24:MI'), interval
from t
union all
select cte.start_date + cte.interval * interval '1' minute, end_date, interval
from cte
where cte.start_date < end_date
select cast(start_date as timestamp)
from cte
order by start_date;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
You can use a recursive CTE, but the logic has to skip to the next day when you reach the end time; so this works:
with rcte (date_time, end_date, start_int, end_int, step_int) as (
start_date + to_dsinterval('0 ' || start_time || ':00'),
to_dsinterval('0 ' || start_time || ':00'),
to_dsinterval('0 ' || end_time || ':00'),
interval * interval '1' minute
from your_table
union all
when date_time + step_int < trunc(date_time) + end_int
then date_time + step_int
else trunc(date_time) + interval '1' day + start_int
from rcte
where date_time + step_int < end_date + end_int
select date_time
from rcte
order by date_time
2021-06-01 08:00:00
2021-06-01 08:30:00
2021-06-01 09:00:00
2021-06-01 09:30:00
2021-06-02 08:00:00
2021-06-02 08:30:00
2021-06-02 09:00:00
2021-06-02 09:30:00
2021-06-03 10:00:00
2021-06-03 10:15:00
2021-06-03 10:30:00
2021-06-03 10:45:00
2021-06-03 11:00:00
2021-06-03 11:15:00
2021-06-03 11:30:00
2021-06-03 11:45:00
2021-06-04 10:00:00
2021-06-04 10:15:00
2021-06-04 10:30:00
2021-06-04 10:45:00
2021-06-04 11:00:00
2021-06-04 11:15:00
2021-06-04 11:30:00
2021-06-04 11:45:00
db<>fiddle showing the anchor member including converting the times and interval to real day to second intervals types for later use; the anchor and recursive members with all the intermediate columns; and finally just this version with a single column.
You can format the resulting date value however you want, of course.

oracle sql Time to Resolve Calculation

I have a question and hopefully someone can help, because i have been stuck on this for a long time.
I have a column with remaining minutes for a task to expire and i want to calculate when this task will expire within the business days timeframe starting from the current sysdate day lets say weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00.
| Task No | Minutes Remaining | Expiration date |
| Task1 | 1800 | 27-10-16 9:45 AM |
| Task2 | 3400 | 28-10-16 9:45 AM |
| Task3 | 400 | 29-10-16 9:45 AM |
| Task4 | 180 | 30-10-16 9:45 AM |
| Task5 | 8400 | 31-10-16 9:45 AM |
| Task6 | 5000 | 1-11-16 9:45 AM |
OK, this was a fun problem. To summarize: You are given a date (which in Oracle always includes the time-of-day) from which you start measurement, and an initial duration in minutes. You need to find the expiration date (meaning date and time-of-day as always), which is calculated by adding the duration in minutes to the "clock-starting" date, but the clock should only run during business hours - 9 to 17, Monday to Friday only (not on weekends).
I assume if the "minutes remaining" is 0, then the expiration should be the same as the "clock-starting" date if it falls within work hours, or 9 am on the next work day otherwise.
To understand the solution, let's break it down in two parts. First let's consider a very special case: the "clock starts" on a Monday at 9 am. Then break down minutes remaining into an integer multiple of 2400 (5*8*60 = 2400 minutes in a full work week), plus an integer multiple of 480 from what's left (480 minutes to a work day), plus whatever is left, if anything. Then: the expiration date is the "clock-starting" date, plus however many weeks, plus however many whole days (between 0 and 4), plus the remaining minutes. One exceptional case here: if the "minutes remaining" is an exact multiple of 480 minutes, then expiration is at 5 pm on a certain work day, and not 9 am on the next work day. This requires special handling in the formula. All this is done in the outer query (at the bottom of the solution below).
Then we need to reduce the general case to this special case. This is done in the subquery prep in the solution. I simply increase the "minutes remaining" by the work minutes elapsed from 9 am on Monday at the beginning of the week. This is a relatively simple computation. Note that if the "clock starting" date is after 5 pm on a Friday (or any time on Saturday or Sunday), I must add exactly 2400 minutes, a full work week.
In the solution, I show a variety of "clock starting" dates, dt, and minutes remaining, rm. I tested a variety of situations, and I think the solution is correct, but you may want to test on more data (other situations I didn't include in the tests).
inputs ( task, min_rem, dt ) as (
select 'Task1', 1800, to_date('27-10-16 9:45 AM', 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi AM') from dual union all
select 'Task2', 3400, to_date('28-10-16 9:45 AM', 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi AM') from dual union all
select 'Task3', 400, to_date('29-10-16 3:45 AM', 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi AM') from dual union all
select 'Task4', 180, to_date('30-10-16 9:45 AM', 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi AM') from dual union all
select 'Task5', 8400, to_date('31-10-16 9:45 PM', 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi AM') from dual union all
select 'Task6', 5000, to_date('01-11-16 5:00 PM', 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi AM') from dual union all
select 'Task7', 0, to_date('01-12-16 5:00 PM', 'dd-mm-yy hh:mi PM') from dual
prep ( task, min_rem, dt, adj_min, adj_dt ) as (
select task, min_rem, dt,
min_rem + case when dt > trunc(dt, 'iw') + 5 + 17/24 then 2400
else (trunc(dt) - trunc(dt, 'iw')) * 480 +
least(480, greatest(0, 1440 * (dt - trunc(dt) - 9/24)))
trunc(dt, 'iw') + 9/24
from inputs
select task, min_rem, dt,
adj_dt + 7 * trunc(adj_min / 2400)
+ case when adj_min/480 = trunc(adj_min/480)
then mod(adj_min, 2400) / 480 - 1 + 8/24
else trunc(mod(adj_min, 2400) / 480) + mod(adj_min, 480) / 1440
end as expiration
from prep
order by task
----- ---------- ----------------- -----------------
Task1 1800 27-10-16 09:45 AM 01-11-16 03:45 PM
Task2 3400 28-10-16 09:45 AM 08-11-16 10:25 AM
Task3 400 29-10-16 03:45 AM 31-10-16 03:40 PM
Task4 180 30-10-16 09:45 AM 31-10-16 12:00 PM
Task5 8400 31-10-16 09:45 PM 24-11-16 01:00 PM
Task6 5000 01-11-16 05:00 PM 16-11-16 12:20 PM
Task7 0 01-12-16 05:00 PM 01-12-16 05:00 PM
7 rows selected

Oracle query to fetch every minute between two timestamps

I need a oracle query which returns every minute between given two timestamps. I referred this Stack Overflow question.
Can we improve the same query?
To get all the minutes between two datetime elements using Row Generator technique, you need to convert the difference between the dates into the number of minutes. Rest remains same in the CONNECT BY clause.
For example, to get all the minutes between 11/09/2015 11:00:00 and 11/09/2015 11:15:00:
2 (SELECT to_date('11/09/2015 11:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') date_start,
3 to_date('11/09/2015 11:15:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') date_end
4 FROM dual
5 )
6 SELECT TO_CHAR(date_start+(LEVEL -1)/(24*60), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') the_date
8 CONNECT BY level <= (date_end - date_start)*(24*60) +1
9 /
11/09/2015 11:00:00
11/09/2015 11:01:00
11/09/2015 11:02:00
11/09/2015 11:03:00
11/09/2015 11:04:00
11/09/2015 11:05:00
11/09/2015 11:06:00
11/09/2015 11:07:00
11/09/2015 11:08:00
11/09/2015 11:09:00
11/09/2015 11:10:00
11/09/2015 11:11:00
11/09/2015 11:12:00
11/09/2015 11:13:00
11/09/2015 11:14:00
11/09/2015 11:15:00
16 rows selected.
Above, CONNECT BY level <= (date_end - date_start)*(24*60) +1 means that we are generating rows as many as the number (date_end - date_start)*(24*60) +1. You get 16 rows, because it includes both the start and end window for the minutes.
You can create like this if you want all minutes from sysdate to 15 NOV:
SELECT to_char(TRUNC(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(level - 1, 'minute'),
' hh24:mi') min
FROM dual
(trunc((TO_DATE('16-NOV-2015','dd-mon-yyyy')) - sysdate) * 24 * 60);
you can also use below and give your values instead of systimestamp and systimestamp+1
select (systimestamp)+level/(24*60) as Rang_values
connect by level
select extract( minute from diff)+
extract(day from diff)*24*60 +
extract(hour from diff)*60 as diff
select systimestamp+1-systimestamp diff from dual

Difference in Start and End times grouping by hour

My table has info similar to below
Emp Date START_TIME END_TIME Code Minutes
--- -------- ------------------- ------------------- ---- -------
E1 11/1/2012 11/1/2012 6:55:00 AM 11/1/2012 7:01:00 AM C1 6
E1 11/1/2012 11/1/2012 6:57:00 AM 11/1/2012 8:01:00 AM C2 64
E2 11/1/2012 11/1/2012 6:57:00 AM 11/1/2012 8:00:00 AM C2 63
E1 11/2/2012 11/2/2012 7:35:00 AM 11/2/2012 8:01:00 AM C1 26
Expected Output is
Date Code Range Minutes
--------- ---- ----------------------- -------
11/1/2012 C1 6:30:00 AM-7:00:00 AM 5
11/1/2012 C1 7:00:00 AM-7:30:00 AM 1
11/1/2012 C2 6:30:00 AM-7:00:00 AM 6
11/1/2012 C2 7:00:00 AM-7:30:00 AM 60
11/1/2012 C2 7:30:00 AM-8:00:00 AM 60
11/1/2012 C2 8:00:00 AM-8:30:00 AM 1
11/2/2012 C1 7:30:00 AM-8:00:00 AM 25
11/2/2012 C1 8:00:00 AM-8:30:00 AM 1
Leaving out Emp field, I want to group by date, and code with total time spent in a span of 30 minutes each. And the limitation I have is to achieve this using select statements i.e. only through SQL queries coz PL/SQL is not allowed. Thanks in advance!
a solution involving the model clause.
first lets compute the amount of 30 minute blocks we need per entry.
SQL> select emp, start_time, end_time, code,
2 trunc(start_time, 'mi')
3 - (mod(to_char(trunc(start_time, 'mi'), 'mi'), 30) / 1440) start_block,
4 ceil(2*24*(end_time-(trunc(start_time, 'mi')
5 - (mod(to_char(trunc(start_time, 'mi'), 'mi'), 30) / 1440)))) blocks
6 from tab f
7 /
-- ---------------------- ---------------------- -- ---------------------- ----------
E1 11/01/2012 06:55:00 am 11/01/2012 07:01:00 am C1 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am 2
E1 11/01/2012 06:57:00 am 11/01/2012 08:01:00 am C2 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am 4
E2 11/01/2012 06:57:00 am 11/01/2012 08:00:00 am C2 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am 3
E1 11/02/2012 07:35:00 am 11/02/2012 08:01:00 am C1 11/02/2012 07:30:00 am 2
now, we generate rows to break this into 30 minute periods using the model clause.
SQL> with foo as (select rownum id, emp, start_time, end_time, code,
2 trunc(start_time, 'mi')
3 - (mod(to_char(trunc(start_time, 'mi'), 'mi'), 30) / 1440) start_block,
4 ceil(2*24*(end_time-(trunc(start_time, 'mi')
5 - (mod(to_char(trunc(start_time, 'mi'), 'mi'), 30) / 1440)))) blocks
6 from tab f)
7 select trunc(start_time) thedate, code, emp, range, minutes
8 from foo
9 model partition by(id)
10 dimension by(0 as f)
11 measures(code, emp, start_time, end_time, start_block, blocks,
12 sysdate as start_range,
13 sysdate as end_range,
14 cast(0 as number) minutes,
15 cast('' as varchar2(50)) range)
16 rules (start_range [for f from 0 to blocks[0]-1 increment 1] = start_block[0] + (30*cv(f)/1440),
17 end_range[any] = start_range[cv()] + (30/1440),
18 code[any] = code[0],
19 emp[any] = emp[0],
20 start_time[any] = start_time[0],
21 end_time[any] = end_time[0],
22 range [any] = to_char(start_range[cv()], 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss am') || ' - ' || to_char(end_range[cv()], 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss am'),
23 minutes [any] = case
24 when start_time[0] between start_range[cv()] and end_range[cv()]
25 then 1440 *(end_range[cv()] - start_time[0])
26 when end_time[0] between start_range[cv()] and end_range[cv()]
27 then 1440 *(end_time[0] - start_range[cv()])
28 else 1440 * (end_range[cv()] - start_range[cv()])
29 end );
-- -- -------------------------------------------------- ----------
C2 E2 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am 3
C2 E2 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am 30
C2 E2 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 08:00:00 am 30
C1 E1 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am 5
C1 E1 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am 1
C1 E1 11/02/2012 07:30:00 am - 11/02/2012 08:00:00 am 25
C1 E1 11/02/2012 08:00:00 am - 11/02/2012 08:30:00 am 1
C2 E1 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am 3
C2 E1 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am 30
C2 E1 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 08:00:00 am 30
C2 E1 11/01/2012 08:00:00 am - 11/01/2012 08:30:00 am 1
11 rows selected.
so we are partitioning by:
partition by(id)
ie by a unique reference. then we are going to generate rows with our dimension
dimension by(0 as f)
in conjuction with part of the rules:
for f from 0 to blocks[0]-1 increment 1
so the start_range column is generated with
start_range [for f from 0 to blocks[0]-1 increment 1] = start_block[0] + (30*cv(f)/1440),
start_block[0] is in the first query, eg:
-- ---------------------- ---------------------- -- ---------------------- ----------
E1 11/01/2012 06:55:00 am 11/01/2012 07:01:00 am C1 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am 2
so for this row, it evaluates to
start_range[0 to 1] = 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am + (30minutes * the value of f)
start_range[0] = 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am + (30min*0) = 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am
start_range[1] = 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am + (30min*1) = 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am
the rest is pretty straight forward:
end_range[any] = start_range[cv()] + (30/1440),
means that for end-range on the current row, we take start_range and add 30 minutes.
the range column is a concatenation of start_range and end_range:
range [any] = to_char(start_range[cv()], 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss am') || ' - ' || to_char(end_range[cv()], 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss am'),
finally in order to calc minutes in that range:
minutes [any] = case
when start_time[0] between start_range[cv()] and end_range[cv()]
then 1440 *(end_range[cv()] - start_time[0])
when end_time[0] between start_range[cv()] and end_range[cv()]
then 1440 *(end_time[0] - start_range[cv()])
else 1440 * (end_range[cv()] - start_range[cv()])
end );
if start_time sits in the range, take the end of the range - start
if end_time sits in the range, take the end_time - start of the range
otherwise its end_range - start_range.
1440 just gets the answer as minutes.
now we can just group that all up:
SQL> with foo as (select rownum id, emp, start_time, end_time, code,
2 trunc(start_time, 'mi')
3 - (mod(to_char(trunc(start_time, 'mi'), 'mi'), 30) / 1440) start_block,
4 ceil(2*24*(end_time-(trunc(start_time, 'mi')
5 - (mod(to_char(trunc(start_time, 'mi'), 'mi'), 30) / 1440)))) blocks
6 from tab f)
7 select thedate, code, range, sum(minutes) minutes
8 from (select trunc(start_time) thedate, code, emp, range, minutes
9 from foo
10 model partition by(id)
11 dimension by(0 as f)
12 measures(code, emp, start_time, end_time, start_block, blocks,
13 sysdate as start_range,
14 sysdate as end_range,
15 cast(0 as number) minutes,
16 cast('' as varchar2(50)) range)
17 rules (start_range [for f from 0 to blocks[0]-1 increment 1] = start_block[0] + (30*cv(f)/1440),
18 code[any] = code[0],
19 emp[any] = emp[0],
20 end_range[any] = start_range[cv()] + (30/1440),
21 start_time[any] = start_time[0],
22 end_time[any] = end_time[0],
23 range [any] = to_char(start_range[cv()], 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss am') || ' - ' || to_char(end_range[cv()], 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss am'),
24 minutes [any] = case
25 when start_time[0] between start_range[cv()] and end_range[cv()]
26 then 1440 *(end_range[cv()] - start_time[0])
27 when end_time[0] between start_range[cv()] and end_range[cv()]
28 then 1440 *(end_time[0] - start_range[cv()])
29 else 1440 * (end_range[cv()] - start_range[cv()])
30 end ))
31 group by thedate, code, range
32 order by thedate, code, range;
---------- -- -------------------------------------------------- ----------
11/01/2012 C1 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am 5
11/01/2012 C1 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am 1
11/01/2012 C2 11/01/2012 06:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am 6
11/01/2012 C2 11/01/2012 07:00:00 am - 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am 60
11/01/2012 C2 11/01/2012 07:30:00 am - 11/01/2012 08:00:00 am 60
11/01/2012 C2 11/01/2012 08:00:00 am - 11/01/2012 08:30:00 am 1
11/02/2012 C1 11/02/2012 07:30:00 am - 11/02/2012 08:00:00 am 25
11/02/2012 C1 11/02/2012 08:00:00 am - 11/02/2012 08:30:00 am 1
I am pretty sure this can be cleaned up, and made more legible and more efficient as Oracle is not one of my strong suits, but it works and should give an idea of how to accomplish the task.
The key here is joining to a list of numbers to break up your records into half hour periods.
SELECT "Date",
"RangeStart" + ((r - 1) / 48.0) AS "RangeStart",
"RangeStart" + (r / 48.0) AS "RangeEnd",
SUM(CASE WHEN r = 1 THEN "StartMinutes"
WHEN "END_TIME" >= "RangeStart" + ((r - 1) / 48.0) AND "END_TIME" < "RangeStart" + (r / 48.0) THEN "EndMinutes"
END) AS "TotalMinutes"
) T
( SELECT Rownum r
FROM dual
CONNECT BY Rownum <= 100
) r
ON "END_TIME" > ("RangeStart" + ((r - 1) / 48.0))
GROUP BY "Date", "Code", "RangeStart" + ((r - 1) / 48.0), "RangeStart" + (r / 48.0)
ORDER BY "Code", "Date", "RangeStart";
Here's another solution (it's not very elegant and uses hard-coded date literals to obtain the boundaries for the buckets - should probably be replaced by a sub-query to obtain them):
with v_data as (
select 1 pk, 'E1' emp, to_date('2012-11-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as date1, to_date('2012-11-01 06:55:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as start_time, to_date('2012-11-01 07:01:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as end_time, 'C1' as code, 6 as minutes from dual union all
select 2 pk, 'E1' emp, to_date('2012-11-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as date1, to_date('2012-11-01 06:57:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as start_time, to_date('2012-11-01 08:01:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as end_time, 'C2' as code, 64 as minutes from dual union all
select 3 pk, 'E2' emp, to_date('2012-11-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as date1, to_date('2012-11-01 06:57:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as start_time, to_date('2012-11-01 08:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as end_time, 'C2' as code, 63 as minutes from dual union all
select 4 pk, 'E1' emp, to_date('2012-11-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as date1, to_date('2012-11-02 07:35:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as start_time, to_date('2012-11-02 08:01:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') as end_time, 'C1' as code, 26 as minutes from dual),
v_buckets as (
to_date('2012-11-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + (rownum-1)/48 as bucket_start,
to_date('2012-11-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + rownum/48 as bucket_end
from dual
connect by rownum <96
select v3.date1, v3.bucket_start, v3.bucket_end, v3.code, sum(v3.time_spent_in_bucket) as minutes
from (
select v2.*, (least(end_time, bucket_end) - greatest(start_time, bucket_start))*1440 as time_spent_in_bucket from
select buck.*,
from v_buckets buck
join v_data v1
on (
-- time slot completely contained in one bucket
(v1.start_time >= buck.bucket_start and v1.start_time < buck.bucket_end and
v1.end_time >= buck.bucket_start and v1.end_time < buck.bucket_end)
-- time slot starts in bucket, expands to next bucket
or (v1.start_time >= buck.bucket_start and v1.start_time < buck.bucket_end and
v1.end_time >= buck.bucket_end)
-- time slot started in previous bucket, ends in this bucket)
or (v1.start_time < buck.bucket_start and v1.end_time > buck.bucket_start and
v1.end_time <= buck.bucket_end)
-- time slot began in previous bucket, expands to next bucket
or (v1.start_time < buck.bucket_start and v1.end_time >= buck.bucket_end)
) v2
) v3
where start_time is not null
group by date1, bucket_start, bucket_end, code
order by bucket_start, code
This is my try:
select trunc(trunc_start) as datetime, code, range , sum(duration) minutes
from (
select code, end_time, start_time, TRUNC_START ,
to_char(trunc_start,'hh:mi:ss AM')||'-'||to_char(trunc_start+1/48,'hh:mi:ss AM') as range,
when end_time-trunc_start between 0 and 1/48 then (end_time-trunc_start)*1440
when start_time-trunc_start between 0 and 1/48 then (trunc_start-start_time)*1440+30
else 30
end as duration
select s.*, n ,
trunc(start_time) + trunc((start_time-trunc(start_time))*48)/48 + (n-1)/48 as trunc_start
from s
join (select level n from dual connect by level <=48) a
on n-2 <= (end_time-start_time)*100
where trunc_start < end_time --eliminating fake intervals
group by code, trunc(trunc_start), range
order by 1, 3
sorry for the where :)
Here's some general example of ranges for you:
, sum(decode(greatest(sal,2999), least(sal,6000), 1, 0)) "Range 3000-6000"
, sum(decode(greatest(sal,1000), least(sal,2999), 1, 0)) "Range 1000-3000"
, sum(decode(greatest(sal,0), least(sal,999), 1, 0)) "Range 0-1000"
FROM scott.emp

Conditional querying based on the current date & time

I have an sql query in which I need to select the records from table where the time is between 3:00 PM yesterday to 3:00 PM today if today's time is more than 3:00 PM.
If today's time is less than that, like if today's time is 1:00 PM. then then my query should take today's time as 1:00 PM (which should return me records).
I need to get the time between 3:00pm yesterday to 3:00pm today if todays time is more than 3:00pm
if todays time is less than 3:00pm then get the 3:00pm yesterday to current time today
The best way of handling this is to use an IF statement:
WHERE x.date_column BETWEEN TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE -1, 'YYYY-MM-DD')|| ' 15:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
WHERE x.date_column BETWEEN TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE -1, 'YYYY-MM-DD')|| ' 15:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
Conditional WHERE clauses are non-sargable.
If I understand correctly, you want to get records within the last day. If the current time is 3 PM or later, the time should be set to 3 PM. If earlier than 3 PM, take the current time...
FROM DUAL) y ON x.date_column BETWEEN dt - 1 AND dt
dt - 1 means that 24 hours will be subtracted from the Oracle DATE.
There is no need for an IF statement. This can be solved easily with simple SQL.
My table T23 has some records with dates; here is a sample with times at 3.00pm:
SQL> select id, some_date from t23
2 where to_char(some_date,'HH24') = '15'
3 /
---------- ---------
14 16-MAY-11
38 17-MAY-11
62 18-MAY-11
81 19-MAY-11
As the current time is before 3.00pm my query will return records from 17-MAY and 18-MAY but not the record where ID=62...
SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') as time_now
2 from dual
3 /
18-MAY-2011 10:45
SQL> select id, to_char(some_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') as dt
2 from t23
3 where some_date between trunc(sysdate-1)+(15/24)
4 and least( trunc(sysdate)+(15/24), sysdate)
5 /
---------- -----------------
38 17-MAY-2011 15:00
39 17-MAY-2011 16:00
40 17-MAY-2011 17:00
41 17-MAY-2011 18:00
42 17-MAY-2011 19:00
43 17-MAY-2011 20:00
44 17-MAY-2011 21:00
45 17-MAY-2011 22:00
46 17-MAY-2011 23:00
47 18-MAY-2011 00:00
48 18-MAY-2011 01:00
49 18-MAY-2011 02:00
50 18-MAY-2011 03:00
51 18-MAY-2011 04:00
52 18-MAY-2011 05:00
53 18-MAY-2011 06:00
54 18-MAY-2011 07:00
55 18-MAY-2011 08:00
56 18-MAY-2011 09:00
57 18-MAY-2011 10:00
20 rows selected.