How to connect toad, SQL developer and SSMS using ODBC? - sql

I need to connect oracle and SQL server databases using ODBC by the following application.
SQL Developer
Is there a way to connect these applications thru ODBC. If yes could you please help me with this.
I have already created DSN for both oracle and SQL, but other steps are unknown since I don't if I can connect these applications to a database using ODBC

I think you are misunderstanding and mixing things.
Toad is a product of Quest Software, an IDE ( Integrated Development Environment ) based on OCI. The best known version is the one which is designed to interact with Oracle databases..
SQL Developer is also an IDE, though less powerful than Toad, but
free. It is based on Java and it can connect to Oracle, MySQL, Postgres .
SSMS is SQL Server Management Studio , which is the client IDE to interact with Microsoft SQL Server.
CMD is also know as the command prompt for windows which it does't make any sense in this context.
If you want to connect Oracle to SQL Server you have two options:
Oracle HS or Heterogeneus Services
SQL Server Linked Server


SQL Server - Client Version

I am new to SQL Server and trying to familiarize myself with it, so I have some questions.
My background is Oracle and am wondering if it works very similar to SQL Server.
On a client machine we need to install a client version of Oracle, and with the installation it comes with a TNSNames.ORA file which has settings for all of the Oracle DB's which are located on an Oracle DB server.
I would assume that SQL server would follow something similar, install a client version of SQL server? If so, does SQL Server has something similar to local Oracle?
I've found how connect to SQL server from another computer, just wondering if I still would need a slim down/client version of SQL Server, I would assume yes.
Some of you might be asking, why don't you try it, don't have my second computer yet, would like this info. ahead of time.
Thank you
SQL Server client APIs include the low-level components needed to connect to and use SQL Server so there is generally no need to install other connectivity components. To name a few Microsoft ones:
ODBC: Latest version is ODBC Driver 13.1 for SQL Server
OLE DB: Latest is SQL Server 2012 Native Client
.Net Provider for SQL Server (SqlClient): included .NET framework
JDBC: Latest Microsoft version is 6.2
There are also a number of other open source and commercial APIs available for use in various programming languages and development frameworks (e.g. Tedious for Node.js).

No UI dialogs in MS Azure / SQL Server Management Studio

Recently, I purchased a licence for a Microsoft Azure SQL Server 2012 (packet "S0" - Standard, 250 GB)
When I connect with SQL Server Management Studio 2012 to this database, then all the user interface dialogs for creating tables, setting up users, etc. are gone.
You can only script and execute pure SQL statements.
Even the table editor is gone, so you even cannot edit the data in a table!
If I connect to a local database, then everything works. So the problem must be related to the Azure Database. Can anyone help ?
If this is Azure SQL Database, then keep in mind that this is not the same as SQL Server 2012 although you can use the same tools to connect to it. This behavior is therefore correct and normal. If you have installed or used an image for SQL Server on a VM then you should have everything as you expect.

Is their a way to connect to windows azure database using SQL Workbench or management tool

Hello guys,
Now its whole day ended and i am stuck where i was in morning..
I tried mostly lot of management tool and mysql workbench to connect to sql azure database so i can manage import / export database , tables and i can create dump of sql file for future use with my work and php projects.
but it was all helpless.. it does not connect to the db and to the azure server it seems azure are worst option.. :(
any suggestion will be helpful.
Always i get a new error code whenever i tried with SQL management tool 2005 and with MySQL workbench 5.x
Is your port 1433 open?
I would rather recommend a newer version of SQL management tool. Maybe an express version. SSMS 2012 Express supports special Azure SQL options like "Deploy Database to SQL Azure" etc, whereas SSMS 2005 seems very out of date.
I am not sure but does MySQL Workbench supports MSSQL anyways? I don't think so, but have not tried yet!

SQL Azure database using SQL Server Management Studio

I've been trying to work out whether it's possible to manage (i.e. add tables, modify them, create stored procedures) a SQL Azure database using some kind of GUI like SSMS and I keep coming up against different answers.
I found a post from the end of 2009 saying that it would be supported in SSMS but I'm not sure if that includes the Express version? Does anybody know what the most recent update of the express version is and whether it supports it?
I think I'm right in saying that it can't be done in Visual Web Developer 2010 (and I can't afford the full fat VS2010).
I'm prepared to consider alternatives though if anybody knows any full features GUI tools that work with SQL azure and I don't mind paying for a commercial license if it's not too expensive.
Yes, SQL Server 2008 R2's Management Studio does support working with SQL Azure databases.
Getting Started with SQL Azure Development
There are a couple of options
1) You can use SSMS (get the free version by downloading SQL Express v2008 or greater) with advanced services. This will give you SSMS. You can then connect to SQL Azure using SSMS. However - there is a limited set of functionality available via this tool.
2) You can use SSDT (stand-alone for free) or from within VS2010 SP1 or greater. Again, you can connect to SQL Azure, but there are some restrictions on what you can do.
I am using the SQL Express on AWS RDS (free usage tier) myself lately (and connecting via SSMS or SSDT). I prefer their implementation of SQL Server in the cloud to Microsoft's implementation of SQL Azure.

What Oracle driver should I install in my MS SQL server to be able to use DTS to copy data from the Oracle server to the MS SQL server?

I have an Oracle server (version 9, I believe) and a MS SQL server (version 2000). The MS SQL server is running MS Windows Server 2003.
I would like to use DTS to extract some data from the Oracle server and pour it into the MS SQL server. I'm having problems finding out what driver I should install on my MS SQL server for it to be able to communicate with the Oracle server. (I don't really care if it's ODBC or a "native" Oracle driver.)
When I looked at this a while back I was stunned by the sheer number of different Oracle drivers and versions out there. Any help with a direct link to the exact Oracle driver recommended would be greatly appreciated, and I wouldn't mind any other helpful tips you could provide either. :) (Apart from upgrading the server/OS, that's not going to happen any time soon...)
I understand that it's the Instant Client that I'm being recommended to install, but more specifically for my situation, on the page, are these the two packages I should install?
Because it's the latest version, and it should be able to connect to Oracle 9.
Instant Client Package - Basic: All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications
Because "all installations REQUIRE the Basic package", per information at the bottom of the Oracle webpage.
Instant Client Package - ODBC: Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications
Because I need to use ODBC.
Have I understood this correct?
My first choice would be the Instant Client:
Although this was not available for 9i, the 10g client will certainly connect to 9i without any problems, and the 11g probably would also.