Access Date Query Problem for Today's Date - vba

I have a set of data that includes a field called ReleaseDate, type of Date/Time, that gets written using NOW() at the time a record is added.
I can open the table and filter for today's date and get a result of 152 records.
I can run this following query, enter today's date at the prompts, and also get a result of 152 records.
SELECT ProductData.ReleaseDate, ProductData.Shift, ProductData.ExtrusionLine, ProductData.RollDensity
FROM ProductData
WHERE (((ProductData.ReleaseDate) Between [Please Enter Start Date mm/dd/yyyy] & " " & #12/30/1899# And [Please Enter End Date mm/dd/yyyy] & " " & #12/30/1899 23:59:59#));
If I run the following query no records are retrieved. I cannot figure out why.
SELECT ProductData.ReleaseDate, ProductData.Shift, ProductData.ExtrusionLine, ProductData.RollDensity
FROM ProductData
WHERE (((ProductData.ReleaseDate)=Date()));
From what I have read Date() as a criteria should return any records with today's date. Prompting for the date is not an option.

In addition to Gutav's answer, better use:
WHERE ProductData.ReleaseDate >= Date() AND ProductData.ReleaseDate < DateAdd("d", 1, Date())
as this can use an index on ProductData.ReleaseDate (faster). See my answer on Unable to use today's date as a criteria in a query

It's because ReleaseDate contains a time part (from Now()). You can strip that:
WHERE Fix(ProductData.ReleaseDate) = Date();


Pull data from table based on the date of the first record

I am querying some data from a sql table based on dates entered by the user as below :
dt = as.Date(some_date)
# Manipulate dates
end_date = as.Date(dt)
begin_date = as.character(as.Date(end_date) - 364)
What happens after this is that all records in the table where the date field falls between the begin and end date are pulled.
qry <- paste0("select * from table
where date>= '", begin_date, "' and date <= '", end_date; ")
But sometimes it might happen that I do not have 1 years of data but only 10 or 9 or 8 months.
So I want to be able to change the 364 value as per the first date in the table.
So is there any way in R by which I can pull the records starting with the begin date as end_date - 364 and if that date does not exist in the table change the begin date to the first available date and run the query again.
I understand that this will require two passes of the dates and the query but I want to be able to do it iteratively without manually checking for the dates.
Your query will give you one year of data or all the data available in table, which seems to be your requirement. However, if you need to know if there is more than one year of data before selecting the data, than you can use
SELECT MIN(date) FROM table
to get the earliest date available.

Selecting phone calls in where date is today

I'm trying to retrieve phone calls from our Avaya database in SQL 2012 and i can't seem to get the dates on my code right.
cmdCalls = String.Format("SELECT * FROM dbo.tblCallList WHERE CreateDate > cast('" & DateYesterday & "' as date)")
This is my query string
Dim DateYesterday As Date = Date.Today.AddDays(<insert number of days>).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
I can't seem to pull the data i need from the database, it does subtract the days from the date variable but the problem is its using the days as months on the query and it shows all the records from the month instead of day
The Dates formats on the database are '2017-06-08 12:04::00:000' for example
Use the current date in the database:
FROM dbo.tblCallList
WHERE CreateDate >= CAST(getdate() as date);

User is prompted for same query parameter more than once

I have a parameter query selecting information from my table based on the start date entered by the user and today's date. I want to search two fields in my table with the WHERE statement without entering the prompt for the starting date twice. Right now I have:
SELECT PatientSurvey.PatientID
FROM PatientSurvey
WHERE (PatientSurvey.[6MonthSurveyReturn] OR PatientSurvey.[12MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date();
This doesn't seem to work. But if I do the following:
SELECT PatientSurvey.PatientID
FROM PatientSurvey
WHERE (PatientSurvey.[6MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date() OR (PatientSurvey.[12MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date();
Then it prompts the user twice for the same input. How can this be prevented?
Add a PARAMETERS declaration to your query.
PARAMETERS [Enter the last date checked for:] DateTime;
SELECT PatientSurvey.PatientID
FROM PatientSurvey
(([PatientSurvey].[6MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date())
OR (([PatientSurvey].[12MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date());

time stamp field to output records from last 24 hours

I need to make an Access query output records that were only from last 24 hours. The field called " SYSADM_CUSTOMER_ORDER.CREATE_DATE" is the time-stamp field. I cant use the criteria ">date()-1", because that would give me records from after 12AM the previous day and I need to run the query at 4PM every day and only output records from after 4PM the previous day. Please give me the preoper SQL for me to copy and paste, based on my SQL below. thank you very much, Nathaniel
I think you should probably be using now() - 1, something like:
select * from sysadm_customer_order where create_date > now() - 1;
The date function returns the date with an implicit time of 00:00:00. You want now() which gives you both current date and time.

How to check Day & month from date which is in Database table

I have problem here...
I want to check Day & month of date which is in database.
There is date field is in database which is mm/dd/yyyy format If I use "select" query then whole Date is access but I want only these date's which having today's day & month
if today's date is 02/02/2010 then select only those date whose day is 02 & month is February.(Dont consider Year)
Please be free to ask if you have any problem for understand.
FROM {tablename}
WHERE DAY({datecolumn})=DAY(getdate())
AND MONTH({datecolumn})=MONTH(getdate())
I would use DATEPART to pull out the values you're looking for.