PyQt5 set qt_ntfs_permission_lookup - pyqt5

I want to use isWritable() from QFileInfo. According to the docs, you have to somehow set qt_ntfs_permission_lookup to 1 to get a meaningful result on Windows. The C++ code for this is
extern Q_CORE_EXPORT int qt_ntfs_permission_lookup;
qt_ntfs_permission_lookup++; // turn checking on
qt_ntfs_permission_lookup--; // turn it off again
How do I "translate" the extern statement into Python?

One possible solution is to create functions that change the state of that variable in C++ and export it to python. To export a C++ function to python there are options like pybind11, SWIG, sip, shiboken2, etc.
In this case, implement a small library using pybind11
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
extern Q_CORE_EXPORT int qt_ntfs_permission_lookup;
PYBIND11_MODULE(qt_ntfs_permission, m) {
m.def("enable", [](){
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
qt_ntfs_permission_lookup = 1;
m.def("disable", [](){
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
qt_ntfs_permission_lookup = 0;
m.attr("__version__") = VERSION_INFO;
m.attr("__version__") = "dev";
and you can install it by following these steps:
Visual Studio
git clone
python install
Also with the help of github actions I have created the wheels for some versions of Qt and python so download it from here, extract the .whl and run:
python -m pip install qt_ntfs_permission-0.1.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
Then you run it as:
from PyQt5.QtCore import QFileInfo
import qt_ntfs_permission


Standalone ROOT application doesn’t terminate upon closing a canvas

I’m making a standalone ROOT application which should terminate upon closing a canvas. The following is my experimental code.
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
int main(){
TApplication *myapp=new TApplication("myapp",0,0);
TCanvas *c1 =new TCanvas("c1","Canvas Test",800,800);
c1->Connect("TCanvas", "Closed()", "TApplication",gApplication, "Terminate()");
return 0;
The code compiles without any warnings. The canvas opens when I run it. But when I close the the canvas, application doesn’t terminate and the terminal doesn’t prompt. Any suggestions ?
_ROOT Version: 6.20
_Platform: Ubuntu 20.04
_Compiler: g++
Thanks to #bellenot from root-forum for providing the following solution. Apparently, for ROOT 6 & above, This should be done with a TRootCanvas object.
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TRootCanvas.h"
int main()
TApplication *myapp = new TApplication("myapp", 0, 0);
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Canvas Test",800,800);
TRootCanvas *rc = (TRootCanvas *)c1->GetCanvasImp();
rc->Connect("CloseWindow()", "TApplication", gApplication, "Terminate()");
return 0;

Jaeger Tracing not working with yaml-cpp version 0.6.x

I am trying to instrument my program with jaeger-tracing (c++).
I was able to view my traces when I compliled the program with yaml-cpp version 0.5.3, but when I changed my yaml-cpp version to 0.6.x, I am unable to view my traces.
Dont know why its happening.
JaegerProgram Source code;
#include <iostream>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
using namespace std;
// using namespace literals::chrono_literals;
void init(const char *FilePath)
auto yaml = YAML::LoadFile(FilePath);
auto config = jaegertracing::Config::parse(yaml);
auto tracer=jaegertracing::Tracer::make(
void ChildSpan(const unique_ptr<opentracing::Span>& parentSpan){
auto childSpan = opentracing::Tracer::Global()->StartSpan("Span2",{opentracing::ChildOf(&parentSpan->context())});
void FollowsSpan(const unique_ptr<opentracing::Span>& followFromspan){
auto followSpan = opentracing::Tracer::Global()->StartSpan("Span3",{opentracing::FollowsFrom(&followFromspan->context())});
void ParentSpan(){
auto span = opentracing::Tracer::Global()->StartSpan("Span1");
int main()
cout<<"Hello World"<<endl;
return 0;
compiling command - g++ -std=c++1z test.cpp -L /usr/local/lib/libyaml-cpp.a -ljaegertracing -lyaml-cpp
Yaml file
disabled: false
logSpans: true
type: const
param: 1
OS : ubuntu 18.04
jaegerTracing : master branch version
after little digging I found some fact, When I parse the above mention config file try to print the result I get the same value as written in config file, but when I parse same file using yaml-cpp-0.6.x the sampler.type is showing 'remote' and sampler.param to be '0.001' and when I manually change this change these values to be same as in config.yaml it has started showing traces. The error is present in parsing the yaml file as I could clearly see different values is loaded as configuration.

make mosquitto-auth-plug on windows

I am currently trying to build the mosquitto-auth-plugin on windows but I am unsure which make process to use. The doc says to edit the file which I have done, then to 'make' the auth-plug -- this is were I am struck I have tried to make using GnWin & MinGW but neither has worked is there a way to build-make the library on windows or can I make it in Linux and copy the auth-plug.o to my windows machine?
I'm not aware of anybody having attempted to build mosquitto-auth-plug on Windows, and I'd be very surprised if that worked at all; as the author of the plugin, I paid no attention to portability outside Un*x, and so as to not raise hopes, I will not. :-)
That said, you cannot run (load) shared objects built on Linux on Windows. What may be possible, but it's been years since I did anything similar, is to cross compile with an appropriate toolchain.
I build it for Windows, using the HTTP and JWT backends only.
Had to fix:
Put __declspec(dllexport) to the mosquitto_auth_Xyz... functions in auth-plug.c.
Added alternative code for fnmatch(a,b) and strsep() in auth-plug.c, see below.
In log.c I fell back to use log=__log instead of log=mosquitto_log_printf as I failed importing the function from libmosquitto.
Compiled using Visual Studio 2017 Express with preprocessor definitions _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE and _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS put into place.
The code works fine!
For fnmatch(a,b) and strsep() in auth-plug.c change the #include to:
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#define fnmatch(a, b, c) PathMatchSpecA(a, b)
extern char* strsep(char** stringp, const char* delim)
char* start = *stringp;
char* p;
p = (start != NULL) ? strpbrk(start, delim) : NULL;
if (p == NULL)
*stringp = NULL;
*p = '\0';
*stringp = p + 1;
return start;
#include <fnmatch.h>

Calling a dll from fortran

I am aiming at calling a dll file from a fortran compiler. I am doing all this in windows using the mingw compiler.
The dll was created using a g++ compiler
The code for which I am trying to create a dll
// example_dll.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include "example_dll.h"
__stdcall void hello()
command entered in the command prompt
g++ -c -DBUILDING_EXAMPLE_DLL example_dll.cpp
g++ -shared -o example_dll.dll example_dll.o -Wl,--out-implib,libexample_dll.a
The above two commands creates the dll file.
The job now is to create a fortran script to compile the dll file previously created.
For this purpose I am looking forward to create a fortran file capable of linking to the dll previously created.
Any help will be appreciated.
Later I tried some of the possibilities. My updated files are as follows
C file for which the DLL is created is as follows
// example_dll.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "example_dll.h"
EXPORT void tstfunc (void)
EXPORT int Double11(int x)
printf("From the Double11\n");
return x;
.h file used to create the DLL is as follows
// example_dll.h
// the dll exports
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
// the exe imports
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
// function to be imported/exported
EXPORT void tstfunc (void);
EXPORT int Double11(int x);
Fortran file used to link the dll is as follows
! fortcall.f90
program ForCall
integer :: sum
integer :: inte3
SUBROUTINE write() BIND(C,NAME='tstfunc')
SUBROUTINE get_integer(inte,inte2) BIND(C,NAME='Double11')
END SUBROUTINE get_integer
CALL write
CALL get_integer(1,inte3)
print*,"the output is",inte3
After entering the following directive in the command prompt
gfortran -o dll_foo_test fortcall.f90 -L. example_dll.dll
The output will be as follows
From the Double11
the output is -2
At this point something is not right. The code is capable of passing a value from FORTRAN to the DLL, whereas the code is not returning the right value from the dll. Some junk value of -2 is being displayed instead of 1.
I would like to fix that part in the code.

How to create dll using gcc compiler/Mingw for visual basic?

How to create dll using gcc compiler/Mingw for visual basic?
The following is how I was able to get MinGW to build a DLL to be used in Excel 2003 VBA.
int __stdcall Foo(int x)
return x * x;
double __stdcall Bar(double x)
return x * x;
1) Start MinGW shell and create a directory called fooBar .
Close the Excel Workbook (if open).
mkdir -p fooBar
cd fooBar
rm *.a *.dll *.def
2) Compile and generate a .def file - Note: this dll will not work because it has mangled symbols.
gcc -shared -o fooBar.dll fooBar.cpp -Wl,--output-def,fooBar.def,--out-implib,libfooBardll.a
The generated fooBar.def will look something like:
_Z3Bard#8 #1
_Z3Fooi#4 #2
3) Modify the generated fooBar.def file by adding clean symbol aliases for the generated symbols. fooBar.def should now look something like:
_Z3Bard#8 #1
_Z3Fooi#4 #2
Bar = _Z3Bard#8
Foo = _Z3Fooi#4
4) Cleaup again (except for the modified fooBar.def)
rm *.a *.dll
5) Compile with .def file with clean symbol aliases for the generated symbols.
gcc -shared -o fooBar.dll fooBar.cpp fooBar.def -Wl,--out-implib,libfooBar_dll.a
6) Open Excel and add the following VBA code (make sure to use the proper path, doubt it will have mmorris in it):
Private Declare Function Foo Lib _
"C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\mmorris\fooBar\fooBar.dll" _
(ByVal x As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function Bar Lib _
"C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\mmorris\fooBar\fooBar.dll" _
(ByVal x As Double) As Double
7) If you want to call the functions from an Excel Workbook, in a cell type =Foo(5) or =Bar(5)
First some DLL-iquette:
All exported function should have C linkage.
All C++-exceptions thrown inside the DLL should be catched inside the dll.
Why? Because there is no standard C++ ABI on Windows.
Also use __declspec(dllexport) on functions that should be exported
Now how to make the DLL without needing any DEF file
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall square_int(int x) //I prefer manual mangling in this case to support static polymorphism
return x * x;
__declspec(dllexport) double __stdcall square_double(double x)
return x * x;
#ifdef __cplusplus
compile using
gcc fooBar.cpp -shared -Wl,--kill-at -o fooBar.dll
Now you should be able to call square_xxx as in mmorris answer. His solution probably works though.
This: might be useful to you.
VB (all versions) prefers the pascal calling convention.
Declare your external functions with WINAPI and export them in your .def file.