Find SQL table rows where there are multiple different values - sql

I want to be able to filter out groups where the values aren't the same. When doing the query:
SELECT as category_id, as object_id,
object.value as value
WHERE = object.category
We get the following results:
category_id | object_id | value
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 2
1 | 3 | 2
2 | 4 | 3
2 | 5 | 2
3 | 6 | 1
3 | 7 | 1
The goal: Update the query so that it yields:
In other words, find the categories where the values are different from the others in that same category.
I have tried many different methods of joining, grouping and so on, to no avail.
I know it can be done with multiple queries and then filter with a little bit of logic, but this is not the goal.

You can use aggregation:
SELECT o.category as category_id
FROM object o
GROUP BY o.category
HAVING MIN(o.value) <> MAX(o.value);
You have left the FROM clause out of your query. But as written, you don't need a JOIN at all. The object table is sufficient -- because you are only fetching the category id.


How do you flip rows into new columns?

I've got a table that looks like this:
player_id | violation
1 | A
1 | A
1 | B
2 | C
3 | D
3 | A
And I want to turn it into this, with a bunch of new columns that refer to the types of violations, and then the sum of the number of each individual type of violation that each player got (not that concerned with what the columns are called; a/b/c/d would work great as well):
player_id | violation_a | violation_b | violation_c | violation_d
1 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0
2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0
3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1
I know how I could do this, but it would take a ton of lines of code, since there are in reality 100+ types of violations. Is there any way (perhaps with a tablefunc()?) that I could do this more concisely than spelling out each of the new 100+ columns that I want and the logic for them each individually?
In pure SQL I don't see how you could avoid declaring the columns yourself. You either have to create subselects or filters in every column ..
SELECT DISTINCT ON (t.player_id)
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'A') AS violation_a,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'B') AS violation_b,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'C') AS violation_c,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'D') AS violation_d
GROUP BY t.player_id;
.. or create a pivot table:
FROM crosstab(
'SELECT player_id, t2.violation, count(*) FILTER (WHERE t.violation = t2.violation)::INT
FROM t,(SELECT DISTINCT violation FROM t) t2
GROUP BY player_id, t2.violation'
) AS ct(player_id INT,violation_a int,violation_b int,violation_c int,violation_d int);
Demo: db<>fiddle

Find records which have multiple occurrences in another table array (postgres)

I have a table which has records in array. Also there is another table which have single string records. I want to get records which have multiple occurrences in another table. Following are tables;
veh_id | vehicle_types
1 | {"byd_tang","volt","viper","laferrari"}
2 | {"volt","viper"}
3 | {"byd_tang","sonata","jaguarxf"}
4 | {"swift","teslax","mirai"}
5 | {"volt","viper"}
6 | {"viper","ferrariff","bmwi8","viper"}
7 | {"ferrariff","viper","viper","volt"}
id | vehicle_name
1 | byd_tang
2 | volt
3 | viper
4 | laferrari
5 | sonata
6 | jaguarxf
7 | swift
8 | teslax
9 | mirai
10 | ferrariff
11 | bmwi8
I have a query which can give output what I expect but its not optimal and may be its expensive query.
This is the query:
select veh_name
from vehicle_names dsb
where (select count(*) from vehicle dsd
where dsb.veh_name = ANY (dsd.veh_types)) > 1
The output should be:
One option would be an aggregation query:
FROM vehicle_names vn
INNER JOIN vehicle v
ON vn. veh_name = ANY (v.veh_types)
COUNT(*) > 1;
This only counts a vehicle name which appears in two or more records in the other table. It would not pick up, for example, a single vehicle record with the same name appearing two or more times.

How to find whether an unordered itemset exists

I am representing itemsets in SQL (SQLite, if relevant). My tables look like this:
ITEMS table:
| ItemId | Name |
| 1 | Ginseng |
| 2 | Honey |
| 3 | Garlic |
| ItemSetId | Name |
| ... | ... |
| 7 | GinsengHoney |
| 8 | HoneyGarlicGinseng |
| 9 | Garlic |
| ItemsetId | ItemId |
| ... | .... |
| 7 | 1 |
| 7 | 2 |
| 8 | 2 |
| 8 | 1 |
| 8 | 3 |
As you can see, an Itemset may contain several Items, and this relationship is detailed in the Itemset2Items table.
How can I check whether a new itemset is already in the table, and if so, find its ID?
For instance, I want to check whether "Ginseng, Garlic, Honey" is an existing itemset. The desired answer would be "Yes", because there exists a single ItemsetId which contains exactly these three IDs. Note that the set is unordered: a query for "Honey, Garlic, Ginseng" should behave identically.
How can I do this?
I would recommend that you start by placing the item sets that you want to check into a table, with one row per item.
The question is now about the overlap of this "proposed" item set to other itemsets. The following query provides the answer:
select itemsetid,
from (select coalesce(ps.itemid, is2i.itemid) as itemid, is2i.itemsetid,
max(case when ps.itemid is not null then 1 else 0 end) as inProposed,
max(case when is2i.itemid is not null then 1 else 0 end) as inItemset
from ProposedSet ps full outer join
ItemSets2items is2i
on ps.itemid = is2i.itemid
group by coalesce(ps.itemid, is2i.itemid), is2i.itemsetid
) t
group by itemsetid
having min(inProposed) = 1 and min(inItemSet) = 1
This joins all the proposed items with all the itemsets. It then groups by the items in each item set, giving a flag as to whether the item is in the set. Finally, it checks that all items in an item set are in both.
Sounds like you need to find an ItemSet that:
contains all the Items in your wanted list
doesn't contain any other Items
This example will return the ID of such an itemset if it exists.
Note: this solution is for MySQL, but it should work in SQLite once you change #variables into something SQLite understands, e.g. bind variables.
-- these are the IDs of the items in the new itemset
-- if you add/remove some, make sure to change the IN clauses below
set #id1 = 1;
set #id2 = 2;
-- this is the count of items listed above
set #cnt = 2;
SELECT S.ItemSetId FROM ItemSets S
(SELECT ItemsetId, COUNT(*) as C FROM ItemSets2Items
WHERE ItemId IN (#id1, #id2)
GROUP BY ItemsetId
HAVING COUNT(*) = #cnt
) I -- included ingredients
ON I.ItemsetId = S.ItemSetId
(SELECT ItemsetId, COUNT(*) as C FROM ItemSets2Items
WHERE ItemId NOT IN (#id1, #id2)
GROUP BY ItemsetId
) A -- additional ingredients
ON A.ItemsetId = S.ItemSetId
See fiddle for MySQL.

How to sort sql result using a pre defined series of rows

i have a table like this one:
id | name
1 | aa
2 | aa
3 | aa
4 | aa
5 | bb
6 | bb
... one million more ...
and i like to obtain an arbitrary number of rows in a pre defined sequence and the other rows ordered by their name. e.g. in another table i have a short sequence with 3 id's:
sequ_no | id | pos
1 | 3 | 0
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 2
2 | 65535 | 0
2 | 45 | 1
... one million more ...
sequence 1 defines the following series of id's: [ 3, 1, 2]. how to obtain the three rows of the first table in this order and the rest of the rows ordered by their name asc?
how in PostgreSQL and how in mySQL? how would a solution look like in hql (hibernate query language)?
an idea i have is to first query and sort the rows which are defined in the sequence and than concat the other rows which are not in the sequence. but this involves tow queries, can it be done with one?
Update: The final result for the sample sequence [ 3, 1, 2](as defined above) should look like this:
id | name
3 | aa
1 | aa
2 | aa
4 | aa
5 | bb
6 | bb
... one million more ...
i need this query to create a pagination through a product table where part of the squence of products is a defined sequence and the rest of the products will be ordered by a clause i dont know yet.
I'm not sure I understand the exact requirement, but won't this work:
FROM ids_table ids LEFT OUTER JOIN sequences_table seq
ORDER BY seq.sequ_no, seq.pos,,
One way: assign a position (e.g. 0) to each id that doesn't have a position yet, UNION the result with the second table, join the result with the first table, and ORDER BY seq_no, pos, name.

SQL: Find rows where field value differs

I have a database table structured like this (irrelevant fields omitted for brevity):
(PK) indicator_id
(PK) alternative_id
(PK) analysis_id
All fields are integers; the first three (labeled "(PK)") are a composite primary key. A given "analysis" has multiple "alternatives", each of which will have a "rank" for each of many "indicators".
I'm looking for an efficient way to compare an arbitrary number of analyses whose ranks for any alternative/indicator combination differ. So, for example, if we have this data:
analysis_id | alternative_id | indicator_id | rank
1 | 1 | 1 | 4
1 | 1 | 2 | 6
1 | 2 | 1 | 3
1 | 2 | 2 | 9
2 | 1 | 1 | 4
2 | 1 | 2 | 7
2 | 2 | 1 | 4
2 | 2 | 2 | 9
...then the ideal method would identify the following differences:
analysis_id | alternative_id | indicator_id | rank
1 | 1 | 2 | 6
2 | 1 | 2 | 7
1 | 2 | 1 | 3
2 | 2 | 1 | 4
I came up with a query that does what I want for 2 analysis IDs, but I'm having trouble generalizing it to find differences between an arbitrary number of analysis IDs (i.e. the user might want to compare 2, or 5, or 9, or whatever, and find any rows where at least one analysis differs from any of the others). My query is:
declare #analysisId1 int, #analysisId2 int;
select #analysisId1 = 1, #analysisId2 = 2;
r1.[rank] as Analysis1Rank,
r2.[rank] as Analysis2Rank
from rankings r1
inner join rankings r2
on r1.indicator_id = r2.indicator_id
and r1.alternative_id = r2.alternative_id
and r2.analysis_id = #analysisId2
r1.analysis_id = #analysisId1
and r1.[rank] != r2.[rank]
(It puts the analysis values into additional fields instead of rows. I think either way would work.)
How can I generalize this query to handle many analysis ids? (Or, alternatively, come up with a different, better query to do the job?) I'm using SQL Server 2005, in case it matters.
If necessary, I can always pull all the data out of the table and look for differences in code, but a SQL solution would be preferable since often I'll only care about a few rows out of thousands and there's no point in transferring them all if I can avoid it. (However, if you have a compelling reason not to do this in SQL, say so--I'd consider that a good answer too!)
This will return your desired data set - Now you just need a way to pass the required analysis ids to the query. Or potentially just filter this data inside your application.
select r.* from rankings r
inner join
select alternative_id, indicator_id
from rankings
group by alternative_id, indicator_id
having count(distinct rank) > 1
) differ on r.alternative_id = differ.alternative_id
and r.indicator_id = differ.indicator_id
order by r.alternative_id, r.indicator_id, r.analysis_id, r.rank
I don't know wich database you are using, in SQL Server I would go like this:
-- STEP 1, create temporary table with all the alternative_id , indicator_id combinations with more than one rank:
select alternative_id , indicator_id
into #results
from rankings
group by alternative_id , indicator_id
having count (distinct rank)>1
-- STEP 2, retreive the data
select a.* from rankings a, #results b
where a.alternative_id = b.alternative_id
and a.indicator_id = b. indicator_id
order by alternative_id , indicator_id, analysis_id
BTW, THe other answers given here need the count(distinct rank) !!!!!
I think this is what you're trying to do:
from rankings rm
join (
max(indicator_id) as indicator_id_max,
max(rank) as rank_max
from rankings
group by analysis_id,
having count(*) > 1
) as rm
on r.analysis_id = rm.analysis_id
and r.alternative_id = rm.alternative_id
You example differences seems wrong. You say you want analyses whose ranks for any alternative/indicator combination differ but the example rows 3 and 4 don't satisfy this criteria. A correct result according to your requirement is:
analysis_id | alternative_id | indicator_id | rank
1 | 1 | 2 | 6
2 | 1 | 2 | 7
1 | 2 | 1 | 3
2 | 2 | 1 | 4
On query you could try is this:
with distinct_ranks as (
select alternative_id
, indicator_id
, rank
, count (*) as count
from rankings
group by alternative_id
, indicator_id
, rank
having count(*) = 1)
select r.analysis_id
, r.alternative_id
, r.indicator_id
, r.rank
from rankings r
join distinct_ranks d on r.alternative_id = d.alternative_id
and r.indicator_id = d.indicator_id
and r.rank = d.rank
You have to realize that on multiple analysis the criteria you have is ambiguous. What if analysis 1,2 and 3 have rank 1 and 4,5 and 6 have rank 2 for alternative/indicator 1/1? The set (1,2,3) is 'different' from the set (4,5,6) but inside each set there is no difference. what is the behavior you desire in that case, should they show up or not? My query finds all records that have a different rank for the same alternative/indicator *from all other analysis' but is not clear if this is correct in your requirement.