Room generate id with constructor - kotlin

I am usind Room DB and I have class which I need to generate id:
data class TaskEntity(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var uid: Long?,
#ColumnInfo(name = "title") var title: String?,
#ColumnInfo(name = "start") var startTime: Long?,
#ColumnInfo(name = "duration") var duration: Long?,
): Serializable {
) : this(null, "", 0, 0)
In the activity I will init the calss and set parameters at runtime:
var task: TaskEntity
task = TaskEntity() =
Dao class:
interface TasksDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM taskentity ORDER BY startTime ASC")
fun getAllTasks(): List<TaskEntity>
fun insert(item: TaskEntity)
fun delete(item: TaskEntity)
fun update(item: TaskEntity)
But the ID is always null as in the constructor. I have seen in some documentation in case its null it will be auto generated. What am I missing?

You have manually created the TaskEntity object, so it's uid is null
Also null or 0 initial value is allowed for integer field with primary key and autoGenerate flag
So i guess it is better to write
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var uid: Long,
// ...
) : this(0L, "", 0, 0)


Kotlin sealed class with data classes not recognizing subclass

I am trying to define a Kotlin sealed class which consists of a number of data classes. The latter are used to define data transfer objects (DTO) representing the mySQL tables in a room database. I introduced the sealed class to generalize the different DTOs and be able to refer to them all by their supertype (DTO - the common properties each specific DTO has, eg. "id", etc.).
This compiles alright, but I don't think Kotlin understands that the data classes are the "subclasses" of the sealed class - no matter whether I defined them all in the same file as the sealed (parent) class, or - the preferred choice - in the same package... both options should be valid choices, according to the Kotlin documentation.
Any idea, where I'm going wrong here? Thanks.
* supertype, common to all DTO types - generic part of any DTO class
* (properties declared abstract --> implementation delegated to inheriting concrete class)
sealed class Dto {
abstract val id: String
abstract var itemStatus: SmobItemStatus
abstract var itemPosition: Long
#Entity(tableName = "smobGroups")
data class SmobGroupDTO(
#PrimaryKey #ColumnInfo(name = "groupId") override val id: String = "invalid smob group entry",
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupItemStatus") override var itemStatus: SmobItemStatus = SmobItemStatus.NEW,
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupItemPosition") override var itemPosition: Long = -1L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupName") var name: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupDescription") var description: String? = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupType") var type: GroupType = GroupType.OTHER,
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupMembers") var members: List<String> = listOf(),
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupActivityDate") var activityDate: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "groupActivityReps") var activityReps: Long = 0,
) : Dto()
#Entity(tableName = "smobLists")
data class SmobListDTO(
#PrimaryKey #ColumnInfo(name = "listId") override val id: String = "invalid smob list id",
#ColumnInfo(name = "listItemStatus") override var itemStatus: SmobItemStatus = SmobItemStatus.NEW,
#ColumnInfo(name = "listItemPosition") override var itemPosition: Long = -1L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "listName") var name: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "listDescription") var description: String? = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "listItems") var items: List<SmobListItem> = listOf(),
#ColumnInfo(name = "listMembers") var members: List<String> = listOf(),
#ColumnInfo(name = "listLifecycleStatus") var lcStatus: SmobItemStatus = SmobItemStatus.OPEN,
#ColumnInfo(name = "listLifecycleCompletion") var lcCompletion: Double = -1.0,
) : Dto()
#Entity(tableName = "smobProducts")
data class SmobProductDTO(
#PrimaryKey #ColumnInfo(name = "productId") override val id: String = "invalid smob product id",
#ColumnInfo(name = "productItemStatus") override var itemStatus: SmobItemStatus = SmobItemStatus.NEW,
#ColumnInfo(name = "productItemPosition") override var itemPosition: Long = -1L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "productName") var name: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "productDescription") var description: String? = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "productImageUrl") var imageUrl: String? = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "productCategoryMain") var categoryMain: ProductMainCategory = ProductMainCategory.OTHER,
#ColumnInfo(name = "productCategorySub") var categorySub: ProductSubCategory = ProductSubCategory.OTHER,
#ColumnInfo(name = "productActivityDate") var activityDate: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "productActivityReps") var activityReps: Long = 0L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "productInShopCategory") var inShopCategory: ShopCategory = ShopCategory.OTHER,
#ColumnInfo(name = "productInShopName") var inShopName: String = "dummy shop",
#ColumnInfo(name = "productInShopLocation") var inShopLocation: ShopLocation = ShopLocation(0.0, 0.0),
) : Dto()
#Entity(tableName = "smobShops")
data class SmobShopDTO(
#PrimaryKey #ColumnInfo(name = "shopId") override val id: String = "invalid smob shop id",
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopItemStatus") override var itemStatus: SmobItemStatus = SmobItemStatus.NEW,
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopItemPosition") override var itemPosition: Long = -1L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopName") var name: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopDescription") var description: String? = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopImageUrl") var imageUrl: String? = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopLocationLatitude") var locLat: Double = 0.0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopLocationLongitude") var locLong: Double = 0.0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopType") var type: ShopType = ShopType.INDIVIDUAL,
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopCategory") var category: ShopCategory = ShopCategory.OTHER,
#ColumnInfo(name = "shopBusiness") var business: List<String> = listOf()
) : Dto()
#Entity(tableName = "smobUsers")
data class SmobUserDTO(
#PrimaryKey #ColumnInfo(name = "userId") override val id: String = "invalid smob user id",
#ColumnInfo(name = "userItemStatus") override var itemStatus: SmobItemStatus = SmobItemStatus.NEW,
#ColumnInfo(name = "userItemPosition") override var itemPosition: Long = -1L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "userUsername") var username: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "userName") var name: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "userEmail") var email: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "userImageUrl") var imageUrl: String? = ""
) : Dto()
The reason, I believe Kotlin didn't make the desired connection between the sealed class and the data classes (= subclasses) is that it still asks me for an "else" branch in "when" expressions which act upon the members of the sealed class:
// ATO --> DTO
fun <DTO: Dto, ATO: Ato> ATO._asDatabaseModel(d: DTO): DTO? {
return when (d) {
is SmobGroupDTO -> {
id = (this as SmobGroupNTO).id,
itemStatus = this.itemStatus,
itemPosition = this.itemPosition,
name =,
description = this.description,
type = this.type,
members = this.members,
activityDate =,
activityReps = this.activity.reps,
) as DTO
is SmobListDTO -> {
id = (this as SmobListNTO).id,
itemStatus = this.itemStatus,
itemPosition = this.itemPosition,
name =,
description = this.description,
items = this.items,
members = this.members,
lcStatus = this.lifecycle.status,
lcCompletion = this.lifecycle.completion,
) as DTO
is SmobProductDTO -> {
id = (this as SmobProductNTO).id,
itemStatus = this.itemStatus,
itemPosition = this.itemPosition,
name =,
description = this.description,
imageUrl = this.imageUrl,
categoryMain = this.category.main,
categorySub = this.category.sub,
activityDate =,
activityReps = this.activity.reps,
inShopCategory = this.inShop.category,
inShopName =,
inShopLocation = this.inShop.location,
) as DTO
is SmobShopDTO -> {
id = (this as SmobShopNTO).id,
itemStatus = this.itemStatus,
itemPosition = this.itemPosition,
name =,
description = this.description,
imageUrl = this.imageUrl,
locLat = this.location.latitude,
locLong = this.location.longitude,
type = this.type,
category = this.category,
business =,
) as DTO
is SmobUserDTO -> {
id = (this as SmobUserNTO).id,
itemStatus = this.itemStatus,
itemPosition = this.itemPosition,
username = this.username,
name =,
email =,
imageUrl = this.imageUrl,
) as DTO
else -> null
} // when(DTO) ... resolving generic type to concrete type
It's caused by your use of generics on the method signature :
fun <DTO: Dto, ATO: Ato> ATO._asDatabaseModel(d: DTO): DTO?
There's a good thread on Reddit which is very like your example. See here:
So, to solve your problem, just change the method signature to return a type of DTO not DTO?
It's almost as if the compiler is forgetting that the DTO is a sealed class when you make it a generic parameter, so you need an exhaustive check.
As you as using is in a when statement Kotlin will smart cast the DTO to the right type anyway, so no need for the generic argument.
Here's a cut down example based on your code that works without the else:
package paul.sealed
sealed class DTO {
abstract val id: String
data class SmobGroupDTO(override val id: String = "invalid smob user id", val name: String = "") : DTO()
data class SmobListDTO(override val id: String = "invalid smob user id", val name: String = "") : DTO()
fun main() {
fun processDTO(dto: DTO): String {
return when (dto) {
is SmobGroupDTO -> "Group"
is SmobListDTO -> "List"

Android studio kotlin error : Execution failed for task ':app:kaptDebugKotlin'

I am trying to implement a room database for a league data but when I'm trying to compile, it's doesnt work. The error seem to be throw in the Database file. I hope you can help me
In the Dao, i select all the countryProperty and insert them in the database,
interface CountryDataBaseDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM DatabaseCountryProperty")
fun getData() : LiveData<List<DatabaseCountryProperty>>
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insertData(data : List<DatabaseCountryProperty>)
In the entity, countryProperty entity get the extra entity,
data class DatabaseCountryProperty constructor(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val imagePath: String?,
val extra: DatabaseExtraCountry?)
data class DatabaseExtraCountry constructor(
val continent : String?,
val subRegion : String?,
val worldRegion : String?,
val fifa : String?,
val iso : String?,
val iso2 : String?,
val longitude : Double?,
val latitude : Double?,
val flag : String?) {
fun List<DatabaseCountryProperty>.asDomainModel() : List<DevByteCountryProperty> {
return map {
id =,
name =,
imagePath = it.imagePath,
extra = DevByteExtraCountry(
continent = it.extra?.continent,
subRegion = it.extra?.subRegion,
worldRegion = it.extra?.worldRegion,
fifa = it.extra?.fifa,
iso = it.extra?.iso,
iso2 = it.extra?.iso2,
longitude = it.extra?.longitude,
latitude = it.extra?.latitude,
flag = it.extra?.flag
In the Database,
#Database(entities = [DatabaseCountryProperty::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
abstract class DataDataBase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract val countryDataBaseDao : CountryDataBaseDao
private lateinit var INSTANCE: DataDataBase
fun getDatabase(context: Context): DataDataBase {
synchronized( {
if (!::INSTANCE.isInitialized) {
INSTANCE = Room.databaseBuilder(context.applicationContext,,
The errors was that I didn't had the annotation embedded to declare the fact that the extra is a sub_class. So the code is,
data class DatabaseCountryProperty constructor(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val imagePath: String?,
val extra: DatabaseExtraCountry?)
data class DatabaseExtraCountry constructor(
val continent : String?,
val subRegion : String?,
val worldRegion : String?,
val fifa : String?,
val iso : String?,
val iso2 : String?,
val longitude : Double?,
val latitude : Double?,
val flag : String?) {
Add these in your build gradle.
id 'kotlin-kapt' in your plugin
kapt "" in your dependencies
Just Do a Try

Retrieve data from api and put into room

I'm facing this error when putting data into room from my api:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to invoke no-args constructor for
retrofit2.Call<com.example.youbank.models.Customer>. Registering an
InstanceCreator with Gson for this type may fix this problem.
I have looked up this issue and tried multiple things to fix it but, i think there is something else wrong, which probably comes down to my lack of knowledge on this subject.
Sorry for the big copypaste of my code but i don't know where to fix this problem so im just including what i think is needed.
class HomeScreenMotionFragment: Fragment(), CoroutineScope {
private var job: Job = Job()
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = Dispatchers.IO + job
override fun onDestroy() {
private var _binding: FragmentHomeScreenMotionBinding? = null
private val binding get() = _binding!!
private val vm: CustomerViewModel by activityViewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
launch {
class CustomerViewModel(application: Application): AndroidViewModel(application) {
val readCustomer: LiveData<RoomCustomer>
val readAccount: LiveData<List<RoomAccount>>
val readCard: LiveData<List<RoomCard>>
private val customerRepo: CustomerRepository
private val accountRepo: AccountRepository
private val cardRepo: CardRepository
var cus: Customer
var a = listOf<Account>()
var cards = listOf<Card>()
init {
cus = Customer()
val customerDao = CustomerDatabase.getDatabase(application).customerDao()
customerRepo = CustomerRepository(customerDao)
readCustomer = customerRepo.readCustomer
val accountDao = CustomerDatabase.getDatabase(application).accountDao()
accountRepo = AccountRepository(accountDao)
readAccount = accountRepo.readAccounts
val cardDao = CustomerDatabase.getDatabase(application).cardDao()
cardRepo = CardRepository(cardDao)
readCard = cardRepo.readCards
suspend fun addCustomerToRoomDB(id: Int) {
val service: CustomerService = ApiService.buildService(
val req: Call<Customer> = service.getCustomerById(id)
req.enqueue(object: Callback<Customer> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<Customer>, response: Response<Customer>) {
cus = response.body()!!
a = response.body()!!.accounts
cards = response.body()!!.accounts[0].cards
override fun onFailure(call: Call<Customer>, t: Throwable) {
Log.d("get customer failed", t.cause.toString())
val roomCustomer = RoomCustomer(
0, cus.customerId, cus.fullName,, cus.address, cus.birthday.toString(),, cus.password)
val roomAccount = RoomAccount(0, a[0].accountId, a[0].accountNumber, a[0].accountType, a[0].balance)
val roomCard = RoomCard(
0, cards[0].cardId, cards[0].cardNumber, cards[0].ccv, cards[0].expirationDate, cards[0].cardType,
// Adding customer to roomdatabase
interface CustomerService {
suspend fun getCustomerById(#Path("id") id: Int): Call<Customer>
My models:
class Customer {
var customerId: Int = -1
var fullName: String = ""
var phone: String = ""
var address: String = ""
var birthday: Date? = null
var email: String = ""
var password: String = ""
lateinit var accounts: List<Account>
class Account {
var accountId: Int = -1
var accountNumber: String = generateAccNumber()
lateinit var accountType: AccountType
var balance: Double = 0.0
lateinit var cards: List<Card>
class Card {
var cardId: Int = -1
var cardNumber: Int = -1
var ccv: Int = -1
lateinit var expirationDate: String
lateinit var cardType: CardType
lateinit var cardStatus: CardStatus
My repositories:
class CustomerRepository(private val customerDao: CustomerDao) {
val readCustomer: LiveData<RoomCustomer> = customerDao.getCustomer()
fun addCustomer(c: RoomCustomer) {
class AccountRepository (private val accountDao: AccountDao) {
val readAccounts: LiveData<List<RoomAccount>> = accountDao.getAccounts()
fun addAccounts(a: RoomAccount) {
class CardRepository(private val cardDao: CardDao) {
val readCards: LiveData<List<RoomCard>> = cardDao.getCards()
fun addCards(c: RoomCard) {
My daos:
interface CustomerDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM customer_table")
fun getCustomer(): LiveData<RoomCustomer>
fun addCustomer(c: RoomCustomer)
fun deleteCustomer(c: RoomCustomer)
interface AccountDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM accounts_table")
fun getAccounts(): LiveData<List<RoomAccount>>
fun addAccount(a: RoomAccount)
fun deleteAccount(a: RoomAccount)
interface CardDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM cards_table")
fun getCards(): LiveData<List<RoomCard>>
fun addCards(c: RoomCard)
fun deleteCard(c: RoomCard)
My room models:
#Entity(tableName = "customer_table")
data class RoomCustomer(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val CID: Int,
val customerId: Int,
val fullName: String,
val phone: String,
val address: String,
val birthday: String,
val email: String,
val password: String
#Entity(tableName = "accounts_table")
data class RoomAccount(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val AID: Int,
val accountId: Int,
val accountNumber: String,
val accountType: AccountType,
val balance: Double
#Entity(tableName = "cards_table")
data class RoomCard(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val CID: Int,
val cardId: Int,
val cardNumber: Int,
val ccv: Int,
val expirationDate: String,
val cardType: CardType,
val cardStatus: CardStatus

Room - How to set nullable Foreign Key

In my Kotlin Android codebase I have the following 2 entities..
tableName = ModuleConfiguration.tableName,
primaryKeys = [ModuleConfiguration.COL_ID],
foreignKeys = arrayOf(
entity = Module::class,
parentColumns = [Module.COL_ID],
childColumns = [ModuleConfiguration.COL_MODULE_ID],
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE
entity = Group::class,
parentColumns = [Group.COL_ID],
childColumns = [ModuleConfiguration.COL_GROUP_ID]
class ModuleConfiguration(
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_ID)
var id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_TABLE)
var table: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_FIELD_NAME)
var fieldName: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_FIELD_LABEL)
var fieldLabel: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_FIELD_TYPE)
var fieldType: ModuleConfigurationItemType,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_GROUP_ID)
var groupId: String?,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_MODULE_ID)
var moduleId: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_POSITION)
var position: Int,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_VISIBLE)
var visible: Int = 1, //Usually visible
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_READ_ONLY)
var readOnly: Int = 0, //Usually false
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_REQUIRED)
var required: Int = 0, //Usually false
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_CREATED_AT)
var createdAt: Long = CustomDateTimeUtil.getTodayInUTC(),
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_UPDATED_AT)
var updatedAt: Long = CustomDateTimeUtil.getTodayInUTC()
) : Cloneable, Serializable, Parcelable {
constructor(parcel: Parcel) : this(
parcel.readString() ?: "",
parcel.readString() ?: "",
parcel.readString() ?: "",
parcel.readString() ?: "",
fieldType = ModuleConfigurationItemType.valueOf(parcel.readString() ?:,
groupId = parcel.readString(),
moduleId = parcel.readString() ?: "",
position = parcel.readInt(),
visible = parcel.readInt(),
readOnly = parcel.readInt(),
required = parcel.readInt(),
createdAt = parcel.readLong(),
updatedAt = parcel.readLong()
) {
fun getViewType() : ModuleConfigurationItemType {
return this.fieldType
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return super.equals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return super.hashCode()
override fun clone(): Any {
return super.clone()
override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {
override fun describeContents(): Int {
return 0
companion object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<ModuleConfiguration> {
const val tableName = "module_configuration"
const val COL_ID = "id"
const val COL_MODULE_ID = "module_id"
const val COL_TABLE = "table"
const val COL_FIELD_NAME = "field_name"
const val COL_FIELD_LABEL = "field_label"
const val COL_FIELD_TYPE = "field_type"
const val COL_GROUP_ID = "group_id"
const val COL_VISIBLE = "visible"
const val COL_READ_ONLY = "read_only"
const val COL_REQUIRED = "required"
const val COL_POSITION = "position"
const val COL_CREATED_AT = "created_at"
const val COL_UPDATED_AT = "updated_at"
const val COL_CLIENT_ID = "client_id"
override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): ModuleConfiguration {
return ModuleConfiguration(parcel)
override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<ModuleConfiguration?> {
return arrayOfNulls(size)
and Group Entity
tableName = Group.tableName,
primaryKeys = [Group.COL_ID]
class Group(
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_ID)
var id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_NAME)
var name: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_CREATED_AT)
var createdAt: Long = CustomDateTimeUtil.getTodayInUTC(),
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_UPDATED_AT)
var updatedAt: Long = CustomDateTimeUtil.getTodayInUTC()
) : Cloneable, Parcelable {
constructor(parcel: Parcel) : this(
parcel.readString() ?: "",
parcel.readString() ?: "",
) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return super.equals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return super.hashCode()
override fun clone(): Any {
return super.clone()
override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {
override fun describeContents(): Int {
return 0
companion object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<Group> {
const val tableName = "group"
const val COL_ID = "id"
const val COL_NAME = "name"
const val COL_CREATED_AT = "created_at"
const val COL_UPDATED_AT = "updated_at"
const val COL_CLIENT_ID = "client_id"
override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): Group {
return Group(parcel)
override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<Group?> {
return arrayOfNulls(size)
My problem is that I am trying to set nullable foreign key, as you can see in entity named ModuleConfiguration, there is column named group_id, which is nullable.
#ColumnInfo(name = COL_GROUP_ID)
var groupId: String?,
Since, this column belongs to other entity named Group, I am trying to make it foreign key, but when I do that, I am getting following error
SQLiteConstraintException: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed (code 787)
On searching online, I found following answers on stackoverflow:
Android with Room - How to set a foreign key nullable
Nullable foreign key on room
but this did not help me as these answer suggest to change primitive types like int or long into non-primitive types like Integer or Long for allowing them to be null. I am already using String as type.
any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Cannot access elements with a specific attribute from my dao (Android Room)

I am making a toDoList app with multiple users. I have two entities. One is User and the other one is Task
#Entity(tableName = "tasks")
data class Task(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id : Int,
val taskUserId : Int,
val taskName : String,
val taskDescription : String,
var taskPriority : Int)
#Entity(tableName = "users")
data class User(
val userId : Int,
val userName : String,
val password : String)
As you can see the two entities need to have one thing in common and that would be the users id so I could query for tasks based on the users id. This is what my dao looks like:
interface UserDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM users")
fun getAllUsers() : LiveData<List<User>>
#Query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE taskUserId LIKE :userId ORDER BY taskPriority DESC")
fun getAllUsersTasks(userId : Int) : LiveData<List<Task>>
suspend fun saveUser(user : User)
suspend fun saveTask(task : Task)
And here are the other model elements:
class TaskRepository(private val userDao: UserDao) {
var userId : Int = 0
val allTasks = userDao.getAllUsersTasks(userId)
val allUsers : LiveData<List<User>> = userDao.getAllUsers()
suspend fun saveUser(user : User){
suspend fun saveTask(task : Task){
And the ViewModel:
class MainViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
private val taskRepository : TaskRepository
val allTasks : LiveData<List<Task>>
val allUsers : LiveData<List<User>>
private var userId : Int = 0
init {
val taskDao = UserTasksDatabase.getDatabase(application)!!.userDao()
taskRepository = TaskRepository(taskDao)
allTasks = taskRepository.allTasks
allUsers = taskRepository.allUsers
taskRepository.userId = this.userId
fun saveUser(user: User) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){
fun saveTask(task: Task) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){
fun setUserId(id : Int){
this.userId = id
fun getUserId() : Int{
return this.userId
When the user pushes the login or the sign up button I set the user's id in the viewModel
logInButton.setOnClickListener {
val userName: String = userNameEditText.text.toString()
val password: String = passwordEditText.text.toString()
val id: Int = IdMaker.generateId(userName)
val user = User(id, userName, password)
Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "Welcome $userName", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
fragmentManager!!.beginTransaction().apply {
replace(, MainFragment())
Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "The user already exists", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
But when i try to access the users in the main fragment and set them on my recyclerview I get nothing. And I can't really see what am I missing.
sharedViewModel.allTasks.observe(this, Observer {tasks ->
tasks.let { adapter.setTasks(it) }
I'm sorry if a question is a bit simple but I hope I will gain some insight in what am I missing.
Side note: The recyclerview is set up properly and tested.
I think you are not setting the TaskRepository.userId correctly.
class MainViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
private val taskRepository : TaskRepository
private var userId : Int = 0
init {
// init is called only once at the start of this viewModel's instance creation
// Here, you set your repository's userId to 0
taskRepository.userId = this.userId
At the instance creation of your MainViewModel, you set the userId of its TaskRepository instance to 0, which in your following codes is not changed anymore. Upon your login button click, you do call:
but the function alters only the viewModel's userId property, not the userId property of your TaskRepository instance. So try:
class MainViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
private lateinit var taskRepository : TaskRepository
val allTasks = taskRepository.allTasks
val allUsers = taskRepository.allUsers
// remove init {}
fun setUserId(id : Int){
// set up the repository only after userId is known
val taskDao = UserTasksDatabase.getDatabase(application)!!.userDao()
taskRepository = TaskRepository(taskDao, id)
And alter your TaskRepository class:
class TaskRepository(private val userDao: UserDao, private val userId: Int) {
val allTasks: LiveData<List<Task>>
get() = userDao.getAllUsersTasks(userId)
val allUsers: LiveData<List<User>>
get() = userDao.getAllUsers()