Redis on CentOS 8 - redis

I want to install redis 5.0.7 in CentOS 8 but 5.0.3 is the only avaliable rpm.
Is it safe to install from source?

If you trust the source provider -- e.g. you downloaded from one of redis' servers -- then you should be fine.
Their site shows they also provide hashes for integrity:
But, it also states the hashes don't match for the 'generic redis-stable.tar.gz tarball'


MarkLogic Cluster Upgrade Sequence

I'm trying to determine the correct upgrade process for a 3 node cluster running 9.x sitting behind a load balancer.
Looking at the cluster configuration we find :
Node 1 has forests and is the boot node ( likely the d-node ) and 300GB free.
Node 2 has no forests and has 700 GB free disk space ( likely an e-node ).
Node 3 has no forests and has 700 GB free disk space ( likely an e-node ).
Can I confirm that the correct cluster upgrade sequence from 9.x to 10.x Server is :
Shutdown node 3,2,1 ( in that order )
Deinstall converters then deinstall Server 9.x from Node 1
Deinstall converters then deinstall Server 9.x from Node 2 and Node 3
Install Server 10.x then install converters on Node 1 & restart Node 1
Install Server 10.x then install converters on Node 2 & 3 and restart both nodes.
Have I missed anything?
Is there anything I can look for on each node that tells me specifically that a node is an e-node or d-node?
Unless you are attempting to perform a rolling-upgrade (probably not necessary for a small 3-node cluster that only has one D-node), it is easiest to just shut them all down, uninstall the converters and MarkLogic, install the new version of server and converters, then start them all up and complete the upgrade in the Admin UI.
Stop MarkLogic Server (as described in step 1 of Removing MarkLogic).
Uninstall the old MarkLogic 9 release (as described in Removing MarkLogic).
If you want to uninstall MarkLogic 9.0-4 or later, and if the converters package was previously installed with it, you will have to perform a two-step uninstall: first uninstall MarkLogic Converters and then uninstall MarkLogic Server. For more detail, see MarkLogic Converters Installation Changes Starting at Release 9.0-4 and Removing MarkLogic.
Install the new MarkLogic 10 release (as described in Installing MarkLogic).
If you want to install MarkLogic 9.0-4 or later, and you plan to use the converters package with it, you will have to perform a two-step installation: first install MarkLogic Server and then install MarkLogic Converters. For more detail, see MarkLogic Converters Installation Changes Starting at Release 9.0-4 and Installing MarkLogic.
Start MarkLogic Server (as described in Starting MarkLogic Server).
Open the Admin Interface in a browser (http://localhost:8001/).
When the Admin Interface prompts you to upgrade the databases and the configuration files, click the button to confirm the upgrade.

OpenSSL upgrade - CentOS 7

I have a CentOS 7 installation running httpd-2.4.35 and openssl-1.0.2k, but due to vulnerability findings, I need to update OpenSSL to at lease 1.0.2s, preferably u. Unfortunately, I cannot find RPM for these packages, which would make it a lot simpler.
I have tried to upgrade the using the tarball provided by OpenSSL but, although the installation works, httpd still uses Openssl-1.0.2k. It seems that I am not doing all the actions that the RPM installation is doing. Does anyone know if I can find this newer OpenSSL1.0.2 RPM packages somewhere or how to force httpd (installed via RPM) to use another version of OpenSSL?
If you are using OpenSSL 1.0.2k from the RPM package provided by CentOS 7, you are going to receive OpenSSL security updates via yum update until June 2024. Red Hat with RHEL 7, upstream of CentOS 7, is backporting security fixes. This means that there is no rebase to a new version such as 1.0.2s, but 1.0.2k will get a patch added resolving the security flaw. A recently active Red Hat community discussion is covering almost the same topic and referring to the same explanation.
Unfortunately you are not referring to a specific security flaw to provide a specific example. If you would like to know which RPM package fixes CVE-2020-1971, you can visit and figure out there, that errata RHSA-2020:5566 contains the fix, thus RPM package "openssl-1.0.2k-21.el7_9". And if you are e.g. on "openssl-1.0.2k-19.el7" (which can be figured out using e.g. rpm -q openssl), this indeed means you should apply updates using yum update. for SLES 11

I would like to know if any of you can help me with the following problem.
I need to install the library on suse linux enterprise server 32 bits. I need the library because it is require by SANE software.
The operating system has some restriction, so i cannot run zypper or yast, But i can run rpm --nodeps -i to install rpm packages.
I also tried to download the libusb project and compile it, but the operating system does not have gcc installed on it.
I was wondering if any one has that works on SLES 32 bits or if any one has an ISO of SLES 32 bits.
Unfortunately you did not tell the used service pack, yet.
Assuming that you're using the latest SP4, I'd recommend to heck out and search for the keyword „slessp4-libusb-1_0-12986“.
The pages provides you 5 patches. Select architecture "i586, i686" in the result list. You'll then get the compiled and source RPM of libusb-1_0.
You need to login first to download these packages. Please note that you also need to have a valid subscription. Since SLES 11 SP4 is out of general support, you probably need to have an LTSS subscription.

Spring data redis mock

I need to do integration testing for a spring cloud application running with spring data on redis.
Tests work locally with the regular redis server instance and I need to run this on a Jenkins CI server that is controlled by the corporate CI engineering group.
Obviously I can attach to a redo server there so I used an embedded redis server (from here:
Running tests locally with this redis server works well since there is a test profile to inject the embedded server in place of the production one.
Now the problem is that when we run this in the Jenkins environment this is the error we see.
/tmp/1430170830037-0/redis-server-2.8.19: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /tmp/1430170830037-0/redis-server-2.8.19)
So this version of redis has specific dependency on a specific version of glibc. I tried a couple of other libraries but they all depend on the same underlying version of the embedded redis server.
Is there a spring data mock framework that can be used to get around this sort of issue?
This might come a little late for you, but there is indeed a Spring Data Mock framework that you can use, which let's you mock repositories (regardless of the specific backend solution) without a real database connection.
Here is a link:
You don't have a high enough version of libc6, that is causing the error.
From How to fix “/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found”? – Super User:
That means the program was compiled against glibc version 2.14, and it requires that version to run, but your system has an older version installed. You'll need to either recompile the program against the version of glibc that's on your system, or install a newer version of glibc (the "libc6" package in Debian).
So, you just need to upgrade your libc6 package. All versions of Ubuntu have at least version 2.15 because it's a faily important package (reference).
To upgrade it, use these commands in a terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6
p.s. This is answer from by minerz029

Fuse for linux not found in rpmforge repo

I am trying to install fuse via yum on our RHEL5 instance. Its not available in my yum list.
After checking, some sites suggests enabling rpmforge repo will provide the package in yum to install. I enabled rpmforge repo (latest for RHEL5), but there is no fuse in that as well.
I tried with EPEL repo as well, same result.
Can anyone help me to find the root cause of this?
Note: I can install fuse using src, but that is not working for the other software I am trying to install (s3fs), that's why I need the yum to get working so that I would have all the latest packages needed.
Thanks for the help.
-Noman A.
FUSE (kmod-fuse) has moved from RPMforge to ELRepo, since ELRepo focusses on hardware enablement for RHEL and derivative distributions (like CentOS or Scientific Linux).
Beware that in more recent releases of RHEL5, FUSE is part of the kernel.