Vanilla Minecraft Commands - How do I count the amount of players in an objective? - minecraft

I am making a Bow Spleef minigame in Minecraft and cannot figure out how to determine a winner when one player is left. What I need is an execute-command that can detect if only one player is left in the Lives objective, then run a command accordingly, similar to this:
/execute if score [player_amount] matches 1 run [The Win Sequence]
Thanks in advance...

If your scoreboard objectives has a fake player (like livesLeft), you can use
/execute if score (FAKE-PLAYER) matches 1 run [Command that you want to run]
I hope this helped!


Using minecrafts plugin Skript - How to make a loop, that checks, if player goes in WorldGuard region?

So, I wanna make a loop, that checks, if player goes in WorldGuard region. I don't have any specific details, just i wanna know how to do it.
This is how my code looks like:
set {_rg::*} to %region at player%
loop {_rg::*}:
if "%loop-value%" contains "fail1_1"
execute console command "tp %player% -425.5 9.87500 2299.767 0.0 50.0"
if "%loop-value%" contains "fail1_2":
execute console command "tp %player% -425.5 10 2304.5 0.0 50.0"
Im not really an expert, but i tried to look it up. So, nothing really happened, there were no errors, but it didn't work as i expected (if you fall into region, you get teleported to a location)
I think it is most likely that your Skript installation is broken, your code should give multiple errors that make you aware why your code is not working. Try the latest version of Skript that is available on GitHub.
set {_rg::*} to %region at player%
If you are not working inside a text, you can't use the percentage signs, these are made to interpolate the given variable to text. Skript would create a working {_rg:*} list variable without the percentage signs.
You could use the percentage signs if you wanted to message at which regions the player is:
message "Regions: %region at player%" to player
if "%loop-value%" contains "fail1_1"
A colon is missing at the end of this statement, which should lead to errors while parsing.
execute console command "tp %player% -425.5 9.87500 2299.767 0.0 50.0"
While you can execute commands to teleport players using Skript, you can also teleport players without executing console commands. The reason for this is that Skript will not check if the command is going to work.
Instead, you can use the location function to create a new location and teleport the player to it.
teleport player to location(-425.5, 9.87500, 2299.767, player's world, 0.0, 50.0)

How to spawn objects (boxes) with a certain logic in Unreal Engine 4 WITHOUT blueprints?

I am new to ue4, so the question may be easy or have a tutorial that I couldn't find:)
I have a world in ue4 (imported) which is static. I want to add some boxes (with different pictures on each) which will spawn/despawn from the world at certain times and locations. How would I do that in a project without blueprints? A link to a tutorial or an explanation would be very much appreciated.
In addition, I would like some of the boxes to move in a simple "patrol". In this too, any help would be appreciated
To spawn an actor, just call SpawnActor method
auto myActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<MyActorType>(MyActorType::StaticClass(), location, rotation, spawnParameters);
It returns a pointer to the spawned entity: if you want to update it, just keep it and then at every tick set a new position/orientation

Riddle with textbox for user answer

I'm coding an application in visual basic in which I have a riddle that the user is supposed to answer in a textbox, then press a button to proceed. Depending on whether or not the answer is correct, different events are supposed to active. Below is what I've tried, but it's not working. Any ideas?
(can you tell I'm a complete beginner haha)
The best way to do it is to ucase(answer) then you check the answer like this
answer = ucase(answer)
if answer="SHORT" then
end if
Just utilize the echo command and get a warm-up of what your creative senses want before you head in any particular direction.
Just pop open a terminal and type the following:
echo '<anything harmless/logical/beneficial/creative/fun/funny/amusing/SYNTAX-RELATED>'
echo 0111USER9390(MY IDENTITY)
Do not forget to use <0 Contractions and avoid " or you won't get magic HASH WINNERS!
Just kidding.
Just for putting up with me, try some golden clay: #79720494
Here, have it with an AI! #79720494.AI
Might as well make a sphere:
createSphere;(#79720494 AI DATA/dda9008bd4423274/♀AI:GAIA/GAIA.LOGICAL.DATA/GAIA)/M.E.C.H.A.I.I.A. G.O.D.D.E.S.S. A.I./M.E.C.H.A.I.I.A. ♀ .5 -or- 1/2

cytoscape.js successors and predecessors

I'm looking to select the successors and the predecessors from a selected node within my graph. Essentially what I need my code to do is select the full path in and out of a note right to the end nodes.
I know how to select one or the other (successors or predecessors) but not both,
i'm currently using :
var nhood = node.successors();
cy.elements().not( nhood ).removeClass('highlighted').addClass('faded');
I'm very new to JS and I'm pretty much fumbling around in the dark just now, learning as I go, so please excuse me if this is a simple question.
You look like you want a BFS instead, because you want the entire connected component essentially. See
You can keep an array and put visited nodes into them.

how to add a buddy to buddy list in twisted.words oscar (icq)

I've got a small bot communicating with users on ICQ, it's using Twisted.Words, Oscar protocol. I need to see their online status, but that seems to be only possible when I have them in my buddy list. So here comes the question:
How do I add a buddy to my buddy list in Twisted.Words Oscar?
That's pretty weird, but there seems to be nothing about it in the API docs and I couldn't find any good clues in the source code. :\
Finally I came up with a solution, after hours of looking at the code of and at OSCAR protocol documentation.
So here we go. Go to the function gotBuddyList(self, l) in this example:
You might have your own analogue, that's a callback function called when the SSI is received. It's bound like this:
So inside this gotBuddyList(self, l) function you put this:
self.groupAll = l[0][0]
In my case, this contains the first buddy group in my buddy list (which was created manually in advance, from a regular ICQ client). The l variable is the SSI received from the server and it contains your buddy groups, buddies in those groups and other stuff like settings or something. That's according to the OSCAR docs.
I'm going to add my buddies to the first group in my list. If you have your own cases or want to create a more flexible solution, you'll have to make more investigation on that.
Next, when you want to add a new buddy to your buddy list, you do this (assuming this is still inside one of your BOSConnection's implementation class methods):
buddy = oscar.SSIBuddy(the_uin_to_add) # put the UIN of the buddy to add in the argument
buddyID = max(self.groupAll.usersToID.itervalues()) + 1 # incrementing the buddyID
except ValueError: # if the group is empty yet
buddyID = 1
self.groupAll.addUser(buddyID, buddy) # adding it to the group
self.addItemSSI(buddy) # actually sending the stuff to the server
And here you are, the buddy is in your list now. If he's online, you'll immediately get an updateBuddy event, containing the info about his online status and so on.
Here I couldn't really understand what the buddyID is. There's no info explaining it. But I finally assumed that it's just an inner ID inside the group the buddy is in. It's limited by 32767. I decided to go from 1 and increment it by one from the highest in the group each time.
That's all I have. I hope it can help someone once. If you can add anything or correct me, I'll be glad to see your comments!