(MacOS) How to get a pointer to an application's NSStatusItem - objective-c

I am working in a system where I do not have reference to the application's NSStatusItem (or anything really). Is there a way to snag a reference to a previously created NSStatisItem? I can construct a new icon with statusItemWithLength but the associated menu and actions are lost.
A little bit of background, this is actually a Java application and there is currently no way to set a status icon to use Mac's template behavior. Previously we just changed the icon color manually, but BigSur doesn't throw an event when it decides to change the statusBar's color. I was going to attempt to set statusItem.button.image.template to true using native calls, but while prototyping in obj-c I ran into this issue.
Any help is appreciated.


Click and drag selection box in UWP

Is it possible to implement mouse click and drag selection box in GridView UWP Windows 10. Should it be done through simply drawing a rectangle, calculating coordinates of its points and evaluating position of other objects inside this box? Or are there some other ways?
Could you give a bit of sample code or a link?
The Universal Windows Platform does allow for Drag-And-Drop behavior. This includes drag from app and drop outside of app, drag and drop inside the app, and drag from outside the app and drop in the app.
The way to do this very simple (with room for heavy customization if you feel like it is needed): UWP XAML controls have a CanDrag and AllowDrop properties. The former is just a property of whichever control you're dealing with, the latter is an event that needs to be handled properly via code. If you want to further customize your app you can also handle the DragOver, which handles behavior when a dragged item is over a drop area but has not been "released" yet.
For further details and a bit example code please read Microsoft's own documentation for Drag-And-Drop. For a more built up example, you can check out the following Github repo.

How to have multiple proxy icons in Cocoa document windows?

Most Cocoa applications, provided they call NSWindow's -setRepresentedFilename:, will display a nice little proxy icon at the top-centre of their NSWindows.
Here's an example of the Preview app with a PDF document:
Xcode, somehow, manages to display 2 proxy icons - one for the project file and the other for the current document in the source display.
Does anyone know how they do that? window:shouldPopUpDocumentPathMenu: in NSWindowDelegate seems very close - you could probably position your custom path menus with this. But there doesn't seem to be anything that would allow you to actually display the two proxy icons themselves.
Any ideas?
Unfortunately Apple has access to APIs the rest of us don’t. Messing with the title bar is really hard.
The best I can suggest is making your window NOT have a standard title bar, and then placing the buttons yourself by calling [self standardWindowButton:X] for each of the close, resize, and miniaturize buttons you want. Then place your own document icon and title textField.
You’ll likely have to track when the window loses or gains key or main status and modify the buttons accordingly (Cocoa fetches new buttons each time this happens, not sure why). Whee! Good luck!

How do you hide the menu bar in a Cocoa app?

How do you programmatically hide the menu bar in a cocoa app? I would like to make full use of the screen area.
There are two good ways I know of to do this.
In Cocoa, you can call the NSMenu class method setMenuBarVisible: to show or hide the menu bar.
As of this writing, the documentation for the NSMenu class does not tell you the following additional information.
The menu bar will only be hidden for the app that calls this method.
The Dock will also be hidden at the same time.
(This is true at least in 10.9 and I have not tested any other versions.)
This is useful when you want to use an app in a full screen way where you have a cover window, a borderless window the size of the screen.
The nice feature of this (as opposed to playing with LSUIElement settings) is that your app can continue to be in the application switcher cycling, as well as visible in the Dock when other apps are active.
This allows users to still activate a full screen app through the Dock or application switcher.
That means you can still use your app's Dock menu to access a preferences window for your app or other features.
This is incredibly convenient if your app is indeed a full screen cover window that runs at a window level higher than other apps, but you still want to make preferences and the ability to quit your app available, and you want your app's visual functionality available when other apps are active.
Another option is via NSApplication's method setPresentationOptions: with the arguments from NSApplicationPresentationOptions enum, such as option NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar
With this approach be very wary of reading the documentation, although it gives you additional options, and is still app-specific only, you need to know that some of the options are mutually exclusive. There are rules you must follow, or you get nothing but exceptions spewed to the console.
3 There is a 3rd and crappy option. If you have a helper app that is a daemon, you can use it to change your app's LSUIElement state and basically relaunch your app. It's dumb and it takes you out of the app switcher completely, which is great if you really are writing something that should not be there, but that is rare.
There is also the NSView enterFullScreenMode:withOptions: method, although most apps for which that would be appropriate prior to 10.7 should probably use the modern full-screen-window API on 10.7 and later.

NSPanel in "Non-Activating"-Mode does not always show correct cursors

I've created a simple Cocoa-Application in XCode 4.6 with an NSPanel instead of the default NSWindow. When I enable the Non-Activating
option and start the application everything works fine:
The panel is displayed in front of everything else and when
the mouse cursor hovers over the panel's edges it changes from a normal
arrow-cursor to the appropriate resize-cursor, so the user knows that he can resize
the panel.
This works fine as longs as I don't click on any other application
as for example Safari or Finder.
From the moment I once give focus to another application,
I can click on and hover over my panel as much as I want, the
cursor style will not change anymore - it always stays an arrow and it's not possible to return to the normal behavior.
The panel stays selectable and in the front, you still can move and resize it,
but the mouse cursor stays an arrow all the time. You then cannot even change it
manually using something like: [[NSCursor crosshairCursor] set].
So I need to find a way to create a NSPanel that keeps the normal
even when you give focus to another application.
I have already tried to use an customized NSPanel-class,
where I have overwritten the canBecomeKeyWindow and
canBecomeMainWindow methods, so that they return YES
but even when I make my Panel KeyWindow and MainWindow...
[myPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
[myPanel makeMainWindow];
...it doesn't solve the cursor issue.
Would be great if someone could help me here :)
PS.: the Base SDK and the Deployment Target are set to 10.8 in my project
So I found out that the described issue has nothing to to with the panel's window-state. It really doesn't matter if it is set to key or to main, instead the cursor-problem (stays arrow all the time)is related to the application's activation state.
Everything works fine as long as the application that owns the panel is active but if you click on another application my application is deactivated and does not get activated again - even if you click on the panel - because the "non-activating"-option is enabled.
The problem is that i need the "non activating"-option because I am creating a status-bar-screen-capturing app that should be displayed and operate in front of everything else but without deactivating any running application. I could solve the cursor problem by
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps];
but then taking a screenshot of a fullscreen video running in Safari would deactivate Safari and minimize the video, which I don't want.
I don’t think it’s possible through normal APIs to change the cursor when your app isn’t active. I’m pretty sure the window system doesn’t allow it: it’d be a violation of the boundaries between apps—if you try to set a cursor from the background, and the foreground app also tries to set a cursor, who would win?
Of course the system can do it (like when you take a screenshot with ⌘⇧4), because that’s in the window system itself.

WebView (webkit) "Look Up In Dictionary" UI Bug - Mac App

I've found a bug with WebView that is easy to recreate but hard to solve and am looking for suggestions and preferably answers.
The bug is when you use Apple's built in dictionary "look up" command by any means, contextual menu, multi touch gesture (3 finger double tap), or the standard global hot key "cmd ctrl d". After invoking the dictionary look up command, a popover will appear with the definition of the word you highlighted. However, text on the page sometimes gets blurred and forms/fields no longer respond properly to input events like mouseDown.
Like I said earlier, it is pretty easy to duplicate. I've uploaded a sample project to GitHub.
Safari doesn't have this bug, so somehow Apple fixed it, but it still exists in the WebView object.
Calling -[WebPreferences setPreferencesIdentifier:] so that your WebView gets its own WebPreferences copy appears to be an effective workaround.