in the latest ADF UI, there doesn't appear to be a way to add an IF Condition Block and reference another Block in the pipeline upon Success. The Old UI worked seamlessly, but the new one just allows you to add a new block - but not one from the existing Pipeline.
We could add the new IF Condition block to the exist pipeline and reference it to other Block easily.
As we know in the Data factory, the default green arrow means Success:
When we add the If Condition block and reference to other block, we could click the green arrow and it will be bold. We can enter 'Delete' key to delete it:
Now we can reference the block to other block, please see bellow gif:
I think the new Data Factory UI also is simple and easy to use.
I want to check the list of event listeners that are added. For example, I used the code cy.on('pan zoom resize', update); and added function called update in for loop. I do this many times. I also call'pan zoom resize', update); to remove the event listeners but I want to be sure about it.
The only think I can think of is using console.log but this method might not be helpful.
I also think that in some places people forgot to remove the event listeners and just always added. With too many repetitions this might cause problems.
There is a data field in the private cytoscape object called listeners. You can see that if you:
console.log() the cy object,
navigate to _private,
then open the emitter object
and lastly go to listeners
This is the array listing all the default and user defined event listeners with some metadata like the event, type and scope of the listener.
You can access this in your code by simply calling
The question now is, why do you need this information in the first place? Normally, you should be just fine if you call'eventXY', ...) before using any cy.on('eventXY', ...). Are you sure you need this for your application to work? Maybe elaborate more on the core problem (why you want these information in the first place).
Thanks and have a great day!
I'm creating dynamic structure and table type with DDIF_TABL_PUT and DDIF_TTYP_PUT fm's. I cant find package parameter in input parameters for these function modules so I used TR_TADIR_INTERFACE to assign package to my dynamically created objects. But beside it creates a record in TADIR table i can't see newly created objects in my local object tree.
Is this the right way to assign package to dynamically created objects and if not how to do it?
Also can I use this fm to assign package for program?
I'd recommend using the RPY_TABLE_* function modules instead since they cover TADIR and access control handling as well. Other than that, try updating the object list of the package (context menu action in SE80) - it is a common occurrence that generated objects do not appear in the UI because some buffer was not reset properly.
I am using mark t hughes view picklist custom control from open NTF.
Link to control on openNTF
I have set all the paramenters etc, however when I load the page with the control on, I get my custom error page, and the error below in my error logging database
Error on dialog1button5999 null property/event:
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=35: [ReferenceError]
'compositeData' not found
compositeData.picklistButtonClass + " domfindmebutton5999"
This is trying to set the styleClass of a button in the custom control here:
<xp:this.styleClass><![CDATA[#{javascript:compositeData.picklistButtonClass + " domfindmebutton5999"}]]></xp:this.styleClass>
I am also definately passing this parameter is with the default code:
I also followed the video Here to the letter, and still get exactly the same issue.
Has anyone come across this before or have any pointers as to where I should be looking to resolve it? Im not sure where to start, as all the instructions and video's explain how to complete the custom properties of the control, but there is never any mention of a need to actually modify any code WITHIN the custom control....
(as a side note, I am using bootstrap, should this make any difference)
This is because of the theme definition. Look at the Mark Leusink's blog entry here.
If a theme has a "concat" definition, that will be computed at a very early phase. To concat values, it needs to compute the initial value. However, in some cases (e.g. Repeat, Custom control, etc.), the initial value cannot be computed at the page-load section.
For such cases, you can override the theme with a special themeId, as Mark suggested.
I'm using openui5. There is a constructor Function for UI control Button,unable to see the prototype properties of the Button but the same thing when executed in browser console, shows up!
sap.m.Button.prototype.Move = function(){
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({text:"Hello"});
oButton.Move(); // throws undefined function!
The same code when executed browser in console, it works!
jsbin -->
After running the code I find that creating the first instance of sap.m.Button causes script to change the prototype of sap.m.Button. It's valid in JavaScript but not very smart if you ask me.
A first creation causes a synchronous request (no no as well) to fetch library-parameters.json.
If you run the code the second time it will have prototype.move because creating an instance of Button will not change the Button.prototype.
The capital M in Move would suggest a constructor function so I would advice changing it to lower case.
Since fetching the parameters is synchronous you can create the first instance and then set the prototype:
console.log("First Button creation changes Button.prototype");
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({text:"Hello"});
sap.m.Button.prototype.move = function(){
oButton.move(); // logs Move
My guess is that this is done to lazy load controls, if a Button is never created then the json config files are never loaded for these unused controls. It has a couple of drawbacks though.
You have to create an instance first before you can set the prototype.
The config files are synchronously loaded so when creating first instance of many controls with a slow connection would cause the app to be unresponsive.
A better way would be for a factory function to return a promise so you create the control the same way every time and the config files can be fetched asynchronously.
Looking at the config it seems to be config for the whole gui library so I can't see any reason why this is loaded only after creating a first instance. A library that changes it's object definitions when creating instances is not very easy to extend because it's unpredictable. If it only changes prototype on first creation then it should be fine but it looks like the makers of the library didn't want people to extend it or they would not make the object definition unpredictable. If there is an api documentation available then maybe try to check that.
It seems the "correct" way to extend controls is to use extend.
#HMR is right the correct way to extend a control is by using the extend function provided by UI5 managed objects, see
in the example below when debugging as mentoned by others you will notice that the control is lazy loaded when required, any changes you make prior are lost when loaded"my.Button");"sap.m.Button");
sap.m.Button.extend("my.Button", {
renderer: {}
my.Button.prototype.Move = function() {
var oButton = new my.Button({
text: "Hello"
It's not hiding the prototype per se. If a constructor function exits normally then you get that function's prototype. But, if a constructor function actually returns some other object then you get that other object's prototype, so it's not valid to assume that just because you added to the Button prototype that when you call new Button() that you will see your method on whatever you get back. I'm sure if you de-obfuscate that code you'll find that the constructor you are calling has a "return new SomeOtherInstanceOfButton()" or similar at the end of it.
Edit: Ok it's a bit difficult to see what's really going on in that sap code but, it looks like they have code that overwrites the prototypes of controls to add features to them, such as: sap.ui.core.EnabledPropagator, and those things aren't run until you actually instantiate a button. So if you change your code to instantiate the button on the page, then add to it's prototype, then construct and call the method, it works fine. Like so:
So I guess my answer is, when you run it from console it's finished mucking around with that prototype, whereas in your test you were adding to the prototype, then constructing the button for the first time (which changes the prototype again) then trying to call your old one, which is no longer there.
I got a question to which I have no answer after a couple of hours of trying and googling :(
I've created three dojo.dnd.Source components. It is used to couple a user to a project so to the left I've got projects and to the right I've got my users and in the center I got a canvas. I set up the relevant creators and checkacceptance functions and all is well.
Onto the center canvas a user can drop a project which is shown as a div containing all related users as div elements. The other dndtype that can be dropped is the user type, in that case I want to empty the canvas and show all projects to which te dropped user is related. As soon as I drop a project or user on the canvas the creator function is called. The problem is that the creator function returns 1 element that should be dropped, if I drop a user I need to draw several elements onto the canvas so the creator method isn't fully covering this since it returns only one element.
To cope with the default behaviour I tried to manually add projects to the canvas and returning only one, I know it ain't pretty :S It's working but I'm confronted with strange behaviour, if I move a project on the canvas it is treated as a user in stead of a project.
Bottom line, is there a way that you guys know of to drop one item and create multiple. I was searching to trigger the drop event myself but to no avail.
The event you are looking for is Source's onDrop event. Check the API docs for some more events you could use: there is a onDropExternal and onDropInternal for use inside and between Stores.
require(["dojo/dnd/Source"], function(Source){
var source = new Source({
onDrop = function(source, nodes, copy) {
//called only on the current target, when drop is performed
this.inherited(arguments); //execute the default onDrop function
//now add the node(s) to the other stores here
//you might be able to just do something like:
source2.insertNodes(nodes);//but this is untested ;)