Connecting inventory systems of merchants to marketplace - system

Before I start: I have absolutely no clue about programming whatsoever and basically just want to know if the thing I need is possible (within an appropriate timeframe and budget).
I have a marketplace and merchants who want to sell products on my marketplace. BUT these merchants also have a physical store.
So what I need is a program/system that is connected to the inventory systems of the merchants, which will synchronise the inventory every time actions happen. So something is bought in the offline store, inventory goes down in the online store as well and vice versa.
The biggest problem:
Almost every merchant has a different inventory system and I dont know if it's possible to develop a program that is compatible with every inventory system.
Another problem:
What i know, the inventory systems merchants have, have interfaces, which enable merchants to connect their self-created online shop with their offline store, so their inventory is synchronised. However, some said it costs money to activate those interfaces. My questions is if it's necessary that those interfaces are activated when I want to connect my not yet developed system with theirs?
If such thing is possible, perhaps someone can tell me how much it cost and how long it takes to program such a thing.
Ps: I don't know if all inventory systems are build up the same but I'm located in Germany if that's important.
I would appreciate any help I can get!

Generally StackOverflow is more about specific programming questions, but that's not going to stop me from answering as best I can :)
It would be impossible, or very tedious, to build a connected system if any of the merchants don't have an interface. Also, fun fact, you'll more often see interfaces called APIs (which just stands for application programming interface), so it may be helpful to look for any mention of that on their websites.
I think you may be right, unrestricted access to some APIs may, in some cases, be behind a pay wall, but it totally depends on the developer of the API. However, it doesn't make sense to me that a physical goods retailer would restrict access like that. To be fair I'm no expert, but it might be best to double check. If I'm wrong and they do restrict access, it will probably be worth the money to pay for access because that makes it significantly easier to work with.
I can't really guess how much it will cost, but I don't think it would take more than a week of coding per merchant.
Take this with a lot of skepticism, I've never done any coding work like this.


What's an insanely ballpark estimate for design & development of a big old intranet?

I work in a big organization, spread around the world, about 17,000 people. Have to ask for money wayyyyyy in advance for projects before even really knowing what they are.
So we're redesigning an old intranet. Spending a chunk of money we have on user research and UX design phase. More on the 1.0 and piloting it and dealing with content migration and all that fun stuff.
Any ideas (insane ballpark here) about how much $ to ask for the next phase (rolling it out, more testing, actually replacing the legacy intranet)? I know details are sparse but there are some silly budget deadlines that require me to pull a figure out of thin air before I even really know what our end users want. If I don't come up with a number, we get nothing and have to hunt around in various budgets to get cash.
What would you throw out for low / medium / high numbers here? Low being open source, out of the box functionality, not insane customization, no more UX research beyond what we're already doing, and off we go. Medium being a nicer step up, and high being paying someone like Igloo $400k to use their out of the box platform, and then another bunch of custom plugin development and design work on top of that.
Right now I'm thinking 250k, 500k, 750k. Am I in the right ballpark, or am I over in some other arena that's not even in the same league and hasn't seen a baseball game in years?
As you've all but acknowledged, it's an impossible question to answer. You are constrained by an illogical system which seeks to reduce risk by increasing control in the mistaken belief that accounting for all spend in advance will increase return on investment. Your challenge is to learn how to play that system to your advantage, secure your funding and achieve the freedom to deliver your project with minimal interference.
Fortunately, you are the best-placed person to do this. You have the best understanding of your organisational context and if you look at broadly similar (global, cross-functional) internal projects, you can get a good idea of how these projects are regarded and how they secure and maintain support and funding. Talk to colleagues and learn what you can. Ultimately you aren't looking for a right answer - you need to know what constitutes an acceptable answer and how to proceed when your guess proves to be "wrong".
Start looking externally to learn what you can about projects in similar organisations. Listening to others' experiences will give you a better understanding of potential risks, so dig deeper than the run-of-the-mill success stories. You might consider attending conferences, intranet-focused meetup groups and participating in online communities.
What is important is that you have a vision for your intranet project. As you go on, this vision may change. You will hear lots of assumptions about what people expect to be on the intranet. It's great to read you are conducting UX research as it's vital to understand what people actually need and use.
A guest presenter at a recent intranet event I ran showed us an intranet she'd built in-house over a five year period which was designed solely to help employees do their jobs effectively.
There were no generic calendar tools, no pages of content that no one ever looks at and no fashionable social features. Instead there was a lean, focused business tool, written in PHP, on which she'd spent GBP20,000 each year.
Equivalent value? Probably a month of Sharepoint consultancy.
It takes careful leadership and communication, but once you stop trying to deliver mediocre generic solutions based on what everything thinks "should" be on an intranet, you can ditch out-of-the-box tools and start focusing on your users' real needs.

What is the preferred process for sellling a personal project/product? [closed]

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I have begun work on a personal project that may end up having some real-world applicability. I am beginning to entertain the idea of selling licenses. I am sure some others here have done this before, and I was wondering what successfully processes you've used to do so.
There are many questions on SO regarding licensing, legal implications, etc. However, I have looked around and could not find a duplicate question for this one. To be clear, I am not looking for information on what licensing strategy to use, how to advertise your software, and so forth, but rather, for a checklist of things that should be done to increase the probability of success, and any possible gotchas I have not thought of. If anyone has any personal success stories, they would be very welcome.
For a little background, I am set on the idea of licensing a closed-source, compiled .NET DLL.
A few things off the top of my head:
Strong documentation, because formal technical support is unlikely
Specifying licensing terms and formalizing them with an attorney
Code obfuscation
Exploring license enforcement (either using a commercial package or custom code)
Building a website around the product, including real-world code examples since this is a library
Possibly offering some type of beta period, for feedback and getting the name out a bit
Offering instant/automated purchases
Marketing (oh boy)
Is it necessary (or wise) to start a one-man company to do this?
I will keep this list updated as answers come in. Thanks all!
Some tips:
Obfuscation: Be wary of obfuscating everything. An alternative is to obfuscate just the critical bits (licensing, premium features). The problem with obfuscating everything is that stack traces from error reports are ineffective. When an unexpected exception is caught, you'll want to give the user the option of automatically reporting its details - this really helps with QC.
License enforcement: If it's a utility that can be easily pirated, people WILL pirate it. An activations-based licensing system is ideal - and if it's not too draconian people will be less motivated to circumvent it. For instance, allow at least 3 activations per user (home computer, work computer, laptop). If it's a control library, then an activation-based may not be required - baking the serial number into the library may be enough because customers are unlikely to build their own product on a stolen assembly.
Instant/automated purchases: writing a custom licensing server and web page for this is fairly easy - you need only about 3 tables. LINQ to SQL is ideal for this sort of thing. For the payment gateway, I use PayPal - it's very easy to set up, has the features you need for selling activation codes, and allows multiple currencies. If you use PayPal, enable both PDT and IPN so you can give customers their activation codes both on the screen and via e-mail.
Marketing: try LOTS of things simultaneously - because it's hard to predict the success of any campaign. Especially without experience! Making yourself known amongst the influential people in the field into which you're selling can work very well.
Advertising: advertise on StackOverflow - that's what I'm doing! Google ad words is also worth trying because it's so cheap to set up - you'll know after spending $10 whether it will be effective for you or not.
And good luck with it!
You have most of the practical things listed out, in terms of actually getting a product from you to the customer -
However, there are a couple of things I'd also recommend.
Figure out how you want to handle all of your accounting/purchasing/billing/etc.
Rethink formal technical support (for money), but not at the exclusion of documentation
Talk to a lawyer regarding all of your licensing decisions, agreements, etc., as well as company structure
Talk to your accountant (and/or find one who is good at working with small tech companies)
Some of this will cost some money up front, but save headaches later.
The last two bullets are crutial - there are MANY options for how to setup yourself from a tax perspective, each of which has potential advantages and disadvantages depending on your specific situation.
For example, if you're in the US, there are many advantages to incorporation prior to doing anything on your checklist. If you decide to incorporate, you may want to do it in your state, but there are also advantages to incorporating in Nevada or New Jersey (very pro-corporate states legally). If you're successful, doing this early can save a huge amount of work over time and have significant benefits.
Also, if you incorportate, you might want to consider S vs C corps (S Corps are great if you're a one or two man operation). If you don't incorporate, you can run as a sole proprietorship or an LLC, both of which have advnatages and disadvantages. A lot of this depends on your product (what it does), your expected returns, etc. - having a good lawyer and a good accountant is a huge blessing.
If you're aiming at software development teams as customers then the sort of thing they are likely to expect to see (in addition to the ones you listed) are:
A download service for any additional items and/or patches that the user might need.
Tight version control/configuration management processes so that it's easy to find out what version of the product they have, what they need and what the differences are between versions.
Email/online bug reporting.
A demo/trial version of the product.
A good set of tutorials.
Community support e.g. developer forums. This is a good 'value added' service that can also help with the fact that you have concerns (as a one man company) over being able to provide 'formal technical support'. Hand out a few badges and reputation scores and get a free technical support team ;) ... but if sales take off, seriously consider providing 'formal technical support', it can make a huge difference to the perception of the product.
... and make sure that the website, download service, license server, forums etc are all properly secured and done to a professional standard. If any of the peripheral services are less than 100% then it all reflects badly on the product, especially when yours is a technical one.
You might not want to provide formal technical support, but you could look for creative alternatives like some sort of moderated forum for issue resolution. Also, provide at least an email address for someone to contact you.
Another thing is to hire some sort of designer to make your product, documentation, website, etc look good. It is generally easy to tell programmers who attempt design.

Adding custom developed code to software product

In your opinion is it common and ethical to do custom software development for a Customer and then add that software to your base product which is available to your other customers?
My take on it is that:
It's a contractual issue between you
and the Customer.
It's done often (although maybe not 'common').
It's similar to the Customer paying to have their pet feature bumped up the development priority queue.
Can anyone point to any well known (or at least public) examples of this?
You are right, it should be a contractual obligation over who owns the source code. Many vendors will sell the finished product to the client but keep the source code, others will give the whole thing away (which is S.O.P. with our company)
I imagine it gets done, just not sure as far as the scope or depth of the copying.
I can't think of any well-known examples (primarily because business between two companies isn't often publicized), but a personal example is when we developed a much more flexible time-tracking system in one of our client applications and it turned out so well that we implemented it into our own personal time-tracking system (which wasn't that great out the gate).
From an ethical standpoint, I think it's actually quite simple: It's a matter of what your customer perceives you to be doing. Do they think you are customizing your product for them, or do they think they are paying for their pet requests to be bumped up in your feature queue?
As an extreme standpoint: if all custom made code could not be used anywhere else anymore then at some point you will not be able to continue your business anymore without violating that rule.
As the opposite extreme: if all custom made code would end up in a generic product then no customer would provide their specific problems to you anymore.
Of course both standpoints are quite extreme and are not likely to happen to that extent in my opinion.
Personally I would state very clearly to a new customer that in general all (custom) code could be used in other products and projects, unless it is agreed in advance to not do so for specific parts of the code. Then if it is really important to them that certain parts stay behind closed doors they will let you know.

What are the differences between programming in an IT department and a Product Development department?

Our company has recently decided that a good section of our IT department is actually doing product development and not internal IT development and now has created a new department.
What are the types of changes that developers should be looking to make during this type of transition?
Is there really any difference between internal development and product development?
I don't know how quickly the differences will assert themselves in an existing group which is transitioning from one role to the other, but having worked as both an internal developer and a product developer, two huge differences leap to mind: requirements and and testing.
As a developer of internal tools, I was pretty much given free reign regarding interface, organization, and even scope. Specs were in the form of an email saying "can you write something that does X?" Similarly, testing was almost non-existent. After whatever testing I was able to do, the tools would be deployed directly to their target audience and bug reports, when they came at all, were directly from those end-users, again usually via email or even hall-tackle.
Now that I'm doing product development, the difference is dramatic. Specs are 30-100 page Word documents and we have a dedicated testing department which makes darn sure that what we produce matches those specs. I'm much better supported by the project managers and have clear channels for any feedback I have on requirements or design. It could be argued that product development offers less freedom to the individual developer, but in exchange for being part of a (hopefully) better-organized and better-supported team.
[I work with Jeff.]
As others have mentioned, a key difference stems from the nature of the user:
When developing internal applications, you're typically dealing users from a single department or group who use a limited number of apps, and they're mostly a captive userbase.
When developing external products, you're dealing with users who see the whole enchilada, and they're paying customers who can take their business elsewhere.
That difference matters because a coherent user experience across multiple applications becomes much more important for paying customers who see the entire set of apps.
In the IT case, neither the business nor the users themselves are typically concerned about the fact that their app doesn't look and work like some other app that some other department uses. And if for whatever reason they did care, their ability to do anything about it is more limited. While it's possible to make a business case for consistency across apps (branding to internal employees, usability for employees who use multiple apps, reduced development costs resulting from the reuse of common libraries, patterns, services, etc.), this kind of concern typically takes a backseat to the development of new business functionality.
In the product case, the users do care about coherence across the entire set of apps, and they can do something about it if the experience is weak.
So one major difference is the relative importance of a coherent, quality user experience. But that goal itself has significant organizational ramifications that we're already starting to see.
We'll see an increased emphasis on "horizontal" activities that seek to establish standards and improve communications across teams, since such activities directly support the goal of producing coherent products. Cross-cutting teams (like user experience) will become more influential than they formerly were, we may see new cross-cutting teams (e.g. teams that look at architecture across many systems rather than just a single system), we'll probably see more presentations about what different apps do, more cross-training, etc.
App development teams will have less autonomy than they formerly had in charting their own course. The user experience team (working with end users, business stakeholders and engineering teams) will specify standards around visual design, interaction design, etc. and the app teams will be expected to adopt those. We'll see test practices become more standardized. Builds and deployments across apps will be more uniform and coordinated. Monitoring, alerting, response time SLAs and other operational metrics will be more uniform across apps. The app teams won't be able to define these for themselves anymore (though they can certainly contribute to the larger discussion).
Management will increasingly allocate resources in a way that seeks to optimize globally across the entire product instead of optimizing locally for individual apps. So where in the past the composition of individual app teams has been relatively fixed (developers, SQA, etc.), going forward we should expect to see more fluidity.
A huge difference is in your customer. IT developers have the rest of the company (and sometimes partner / subsidiary companies) as their primary customers. The Product Development developers have customers (i.e. the people who buy the product that is the companies reason for existing) as the primary customer.
Yes, very much so. There's a huge difference between performing an activity that drives revenue and invoices and one that's perceived as overhead.
My experiance is that people working on product development side of the house have bigger budgets, better training, better travel and more skilled employees. Having worked in a product development company it always felt like the lower skilled employees were thrown over to IT department.
In-house development is very process-orientated. They just want to deliver xyz functionality and have it work based on a company-wide strategy. It's not the iterative make-the-product better cycle you get when your primary product is your code. As a result, in-house stuff is often just 'good enough' whereas software companies probably tend to try to improve their product long after it 'just works'.
Note, in-house dev teams can get away with being 'good enough' but software development companies can get away with it for a while but will ultimately lose out to the ones who strive to improve.
I think moving between both environments could be a shock to the system in either direction but that's not to say they both can't be run in the same way - just that in my experience they probably won't. For example, UI is usually given a lower priority when it is in-house software as the customers are generally getting paid to use it rather than paying to use it.
I have been equals amounts of time in both types of organizations. The particular organization where I worked where the software development was part of an IT department treated the development of software as a cost center, where as software development as part of an product was seen as a profit center.
The two are very different. The skill level of developers in my case was vastly different-- those working on a public product were overall better skilled and cared more about the quality of their work. As a developer of a real public product you are actually making the company money.
In my internal software job I typically had a set of known fixed requirements mostly worked out. I designed a solution, but was always given a deadline that was unreasonable if quality was a concern (including code quality), rushed the coding, and delivered the result. Any bugs found that passed any short QA process typically only got fixed if they made formal requests for fixes.
Product development in my experience is almost the reverse. All the requirements are not fixed (only what I was working on for that week was fixed), design is usually dictated by someone who has worked on the product the longest. I get decide how long something takes (but got to really explain why and justify the time), and coding is usually not rushed. Experimenting with ideas generally is more difficult in product development because a product that is meant for public use should use tried and tested approaches.
Therefore, I would say that if creativity is really important then product development may not be for you because a particular idea that you personally have is unlikely to ever make it into the product unless you can make a business case for it and somehow make it more important than what the business has already been planning.
Choosing a particular library is also more difficult depending on how the software is deployed. For example software used by the government typically has to pass Common Criteria certification, which can eliminate certain library choices.

How is it possible to sell code written in an interpreted language?

It seems to me that if you are writing in an interpreted language that it must be difficult to sell software, because anyone who buys it can edit it/change it/resell it without much difficulty.
How do you get around this? I have a couple of PHP apps that I'm reluctant to sell to people as it seems that it's too simple for them to change/read/edit/sell what I've produced.
Hardly anyone sells code. We sell the ability to create, edit, support and understand the code.
As a potential buyer of your application, I might find these features attractive:
The ability to change the code to suit my needs
The ability to read the code to better understand what it's doing
... and yes ...
The ability to sell my modifications
All three of those are features.
The third one might be a feature you can't afford to give me. Fix that through legal measures, not technical measures. That's what licensing is for. You could also sell more expensive licenses which do allow resale.
There are things you could do to remove the first two features, but bear in mind that in doing so you are reducing the overall value of your product to some people, and therefore its sale price.
For many people the primary reason for using Open Source software is not that it costs nothing -- it's that you get the source code.
People sell the service of creating web sites all the time. Also, even a compiled language can be altered, it`s just more difficult.
Most of the time the user base does not understand how to make the changes or what to do with the scripts so you are really selling your knowledge of how to install and change the scripts.
Don't sell the software, sell "licences".
I'll try to explain better, build the web app but provide hosting for it. this way your client will never get to "hold" the source code.
If you really must deliver the source code, Obfuscating is the way to go ;)
Possible routes to go:
Translate to a bytecode, binary or an obfuscated format
For instance, Splunk is written mostly in Python, and distribute bytecode. The EVE online client uses Stackless Python to compile to an executable binary.
Host the solution yourself
Put up a website, charge for use.
License the software
They get the source, but cannot legally modify or redistribute the source.
Open source the solution
Anyone can change the code, but you are the de-facto authority on it, and you can earn money by selling support, consultancy and customization services.
You could also consider a combination of approaches. E.g., partition your solution into several stand alone packages, and then open source some of them, and sell bytecode versions of other parts. What you then sell is the complete solution, as well as other services, and some people may benefit and enhance other parts of the solution.
Plenty of companies make money off of applications in interpreted languages and happily distribute the source code with them. Don't take this personally, but your program probably isn't going to be popular enough to have a large following of pirates. And anybody who would pirate your software probably isn't going to buy it in the first place. If they can't pirate it, they'll pirate somebody elses.
Whatever you do, please don't obfuscate your code. It's not an effective means of preventing infringement and it won't do anything other than make life miserable for you and your customers.
Protecting your secret bits is getting more and more difficult.
IMHO, your solution really depends on your target market. If you are targeting business, just give them the code with a good license, and possibly some type of defect so you can determine who gave your code away if that ever happens. Businesses will mostly pay for your app just to stay compliant; it's not worth the legal hassles. And if an individual gets your app for free, that's probably a good thing, since they will try to convince their current and future employers to buy it.
If you are targeting individuals, and can do it as a web app (which you obviously are with PHP), do it as a hosted service, and either sell a monthly subscription or allow free access and find another way to monetize it.
If you definitely need to or want to distribute it to individuals for whatever reason, you can give it away for free, and try to monetize customizations, add-ins, & other support features.
This is a problem that's been discussed a lot, and a few hours’ worth of really focused googling should reveal all the current philosophies on this.
I hope this helps.
Obfuscation may be a good way to go
With PHP you have the option of using the Zend Guard for PHP. I believe it compiles the source code in a way similar to what the php interpreter does,
so it should also increase performance. Of course the price of $ 600 may be too much for your liking ;-)
Anyway, I see no reason why you shouldn't distribute your code with an open source license (see the Open Source Initiative for a list of licenses available). You can find one that prohibits your customer from redistributing your app.
As Novelocrat points out in his comment, a license that prohibits distribution is per definitionem not an Open Source license, the term Open Source refers to a lot more than just the availability of the source code. (See also the answers to this related question for further discussion).