Best approach to ocurrences of ids on a table and all elements in another table - sql

Well, the query I need is simple, and maybe is in another question, but there is a performance thing in what I need, so:
I have a table of users with 10.000 rows, the table contains id, email and more data.
In another table called orders I have way more rows, maybe 150.000 rows.
In this orders I have the id of the user that made the order, and also a status of the order. The status could be a number from 0 to 9 (or null).
My final requirement is to have every user with the id, email, some other column , and the number of orders with status 3 or 7. it does not care of its 3 or 7, I just need the amount
But I need to do this query in a low-impact way (or a performant way).
What is the best approach?
I need to run this in a redash with postgres 10.

This sounds like a join and group by:
select u.*, count(*)
from users u join
orders o
on o.user_id = u.user_id
where o.status in (3, 7)
group by u.user_id;
Postgres is usually pretty good about optimizing these queries -- and the above assumes that users(user_id) is the primary key -- so this should work pretty well.


How can I order by a specific order?

It would be something like:
SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id ORDER("abc","ghk","pqr"...);
In my order clause there might be 1000 records and all are dynamic.
A quick google search gave me below result:
SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY case id
when "abc" then 1
when "ghk" then 2
when "pqr" then 3 end;
As I said all my order clause values are dynamic. So is there any suggestion for me?
Your example isn't entirely clear, as it appears that a simple ORDER BY would suffice to order your id's alphabetically. However, it appears you are trying to create a dynamic ordering scheme that may not be alphabetical. In that case, my recommendation would be to use a lookup table for the values that you will be ordering by. This serves two purposes: first, it allows you to easily reorder the items without altering each entry in the users table, and second, it avoids (or at lest reduces) problems with typos and other issues that can occur with "magic strings."
This would look something like:
Lookup Table:
CREATE TABLE LookupValues (
Order INT
users u
LookupTable l
u.Id = l.Id

Select entries from a list that do not occur in the query result

I use Postgres 9.1. I am running a query which is like
select count(distinct(user_id)) from users where user_id in (11,32,763,324,45,76,37,98,587);
Here the list of user_ids contains 600 entries. The result I am getting is 597. Thus there are 3 user_ids from the list, which are not present in the users. How do I get to know these 3 user_ids?
Please note that user_id is not the Primary Key of users
DISTINCT in your count-query only makes sense if user_id is not defined UNIQUE.
We don't need it either way for the query you ask for:
SELECT t.user_id
FROM unnest('{11,32,763,324,45,76,37,98,587}'::int[]) t(user_id)
LEFT JOIN users u USING (user_id)
WHERE u.user_id IS NULL;
Beware of NOT IN if NULL values can be involved on either side of the expression! IN / NOT IN with a long value list also scales poorly.
Optimizing a Postgres query with a large IN
Select rows which are not present in other table

Creating a denormalized table from a normalized key-value table using 100s of joins

I have an ETL process which takes values from an input table which is a key value table with each row having a field ID and turning it into a more denormalized table where each row has all the values. Specifically, this is the input table:
StudentFieldValues (
FieldId is a foreign key from table Field, Day is a foreign key from table Days. The PK is the first 3 fields. There are currently 188 distinct fields. The output table is along the lines of:
StudentDays (
NumberOfClasses FLOAT NULL,
MinutesLateToSchool FLOAT NULL,
... -- the rest of the 188 fields
The PK is the first 2 fields.
Currently the query that populates the output table does a self join with StudentFieldValues 188 times, one for each field. Each join equates StudentId and Day and takes a different FieldId. Specifically:
SELECT Students.StudentId, Days.Day,
StudentFieldValues1.Value NumberOfClasses,
StudentFieldValues2.Value MinutesLateToSchool,
INTO StudentDays
FROM Students
LEFT OUTER JOIN StudentFieldValues StudentFieldValues1
ON Students.StudentId=StudentFieldValues1.StudentId AND
Days.Day=StudentFieldValues1.Day AND
AND StudentFieldValues1.FieldId=1
LEFT OUTER JOIN StudentFieldValues StudentFieldValues2
ON Students.StudentId=StudentFieldValues2.StudentId AND
Days.Day=StudentFieldValues2.Day AND
... -- 188 joins with StudentFieldValues table, one for each FieldId
I'm worried that this system isn't going to scale as more days, students and fields (especially fields) are added to the system. Already there are 188 joins and I keep reading that if you have a query with that number of joins you're doing something wrong. So I'm basically asking: Is this something that's gonna blow up in my face soon? Is there a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do? It's important to note that this query is minimally logged and that's something that wouldn't have been possible if I was adding the fields one after the other.
More details:
MS SQL Server 2014, 2x XEON E5 2690v2 (20 cores, 40 threads total), 128GB RAM. Windows 2008R2.
352 million rows in the input table, 18 million rows in the output table - both expected to increase over time.
Query takes 20 minutes and I'm very happy with that, but performance degrades as I add more fields.
Think about doing this using conditional aggregation:
SELECT s.StudentId, d.Day,
max(case when sfv.FieldId = 1 then sfv.Value end) as NumberOfClasses,
max(case when sfv.FieldId = 2 then sfv.Value end) as MinutesLateToSchool,
INTO StudentDays
StudentFieldValues sfv
ON s.StudentId = sfv.StudentId AND
d.Day = sfv.Day
GROUP BY s.StudentId, d.Day;
This has the advantage of easy scalability. You can add hundreds of fields and the processing time should be comparable (longer, but comparable) to fewer fields. It is also easer to add new fields.
A faster version of this query would use subqueries instead of aggregation:
SELECT s.StudentId, d.Day,
(SELECT TOP 1 sfv.Value FROM StudentFieldValues WHERE sfv.FieldId = 1 and sfv.StudentId = s.StudentId and sfv.Day = sfv.Day) as NumberOfClasses,
(SELECT TOP 1 sfv.Value FROM StudentFieldValues WHERE sfv.FieldId = 2 and sfv.StudentId = s.StudentId and sfv.Day = sfv.Day) as MinutesLateToSchool,
INTO StudentDays
Days d;
For performance, you want a composite index on StudentFieldValues(StudentId, day, FieldId, Value).
Yes, this is going to blow up. You have your definitions of "normalized" and "denormalized" backwards. The Field/Value table design is not a relational design. It's a variation of the entity-attribute-value design, which has all sorts of problems.
I recommend you do not try to pivot the data in an SQL query. It doesn't scale well that way. Instea, you need to query it as a set of rows, as it is stored in the database, and fetch back the result set into your application. There you write code to read the data row by row, and apply the "fields" to fields of an object or a hashmap or something.
I think there may be some trial and error here to see what works but here are some things you can try:
Disable indexes and re-enable after data load is complete
Disable any triggers that don't need to be ran upon data load scenarios.
The above was taken from an msdn post where someone was doing something similar to what you are.
Think about trying to only update the de-normalized table based on changed records if this is possible. Limiting the result set would be much more efficient if this is a possibility.
You could try a more threaded iterative approach in code (C#, vb, etc) to build this table by student where you aren't doing the X number of joins all at one time.

SQL aggregation question

I have three tables:
unmatched_purchases table:
unmatched_purchases_id --primary key
purchases_id --foreign key to events table
location_id --which store
item_id --item purchased
purchases table:
purchases_id --primary key
location_id --which store
transaction_id --primary key
trans_timestamp --timestamp of when the transaction occurred
item_id --item purchased
All three tables are very large. The purchases table has 590130404 records. (Yes, half a billion) Unmatched_purchases has 192827577 records. Credit_card_transactions has 79965740 records.
I need to find out how many purchases in the unmatched_purchases table match up with entries in the credit_card_transactions table. I need to do this for one location at a time (IE run the query for location_id = 123. Then run it for location_id = 456) "Match up" is defined as:
1) same customer_id
2) same item_id
3) the trans_timestamp is within a certain window of the purchase_date
(EG if the purchase_date is Jan 3, 2005
and the trans_timestamp is 11:14PM Jan 2, 2005, that's close enough)
I need the following aggregated:
1) How many unmatched purchases are there for that location
2) How many of those unmatched purchases could have been matched with credit_card_transactions for a location.
So, what is a query (or queries) to get this information that won't take forever to run?
Note: all three tables are indexed on location_id
EDIT: as it turns out, the credit_card_purchases table has been partitioned based on location_id. So that will help speed this up for me. I'm asking our DBA if the others could be partitioned as well, but the decision is out of my hands.
CLARIFICATION: I only will need to run this on a few of our many locations, not all of them separately. I need to run it on 3 locations. We have 155 location_ids in our system, but some of them are not used in this part of our system.
try this (I have no idea how fast it will be - that depends on your indices)
Select Count(*) TotalPurchases,
Sum(Case When c.transaction_id Is Not Null
Then 1 Else 0 End) MatchablePurchases
From unmatched_purchases u
Join purchases p
On p.purchases_id = u.unmatched_purchases_id
Left Join credit_card_transactions c
On customer_id = p.customer_id
And item_id = u.item_id
And trans_timestamp - purchase_date < #DelayThreshold
Where Location_id = #Location
At least, you'll need more indexes. I propose at least the folloging:
An index on unmatched_purchases.purchases_id, one on purchases.location_id and
another index on credit_card_transactions.(location_id, customer_id, item_id, trans_timestamp).
Without those indexes, there is little hope IMO.
I suggest you to query ALL locations at once. It will cost you 3 full scans (each table once) + sorting. I bet this will be faster then querying locations one by one.
But if you want not to guess, you at least need to examine EXPLAIN PLAN and 10046 trace of your query...
The query ought to be straightforward, but the tricky part is to get it to perform. I'd question why you need to run it once for each location when it would probably be more eficient to run it for every location in a single query.
The join would be a big challenge, but the aggregation ought to be straightforward. I would guess that your best hope performance-wise for the join would be a hash join on the customer and item columns, with a subsequent filter operation on the date range. You might have to fiddle with putting the customer and item join in an inline view and then try to stop the date predicate from being pushed into the inline view.
The hash join would be much more efficient with tables that are being equi-joined both having the same hash partitioning key on all join columns, if that can be arranged.
Whether to use the location index or not ...
Whether the index is worth using or not depends on the clustering factor for the location index, which you can read from the user_indexes table. Can you post the clustering factor along with the number of blocks that the table contains? That will give a measure of the way that values for each location are distributed throughout the table. You could also extract the execution plan for a query such as:
select some_other_column
from my_table
where location_id in (value 1, value 2, value 3)
... and see if oracle thinks the index is useful.

Is a GROUP BY on UNIQUE key calculates all the groups before applying LIMIT clause?

If I GROUP BY on a unique key, and apply a LIMIT clause to the query, will all the groups be calculated before the limit is applied?
If I have hundred records in the table (each has a unique key), Will I have 100 records in the temporary table created (for the GROUP BY) before a LIMIT is applied?
A case study why I need this:
Take Stack Overflow for example.
Each query you run to show a list of questions, also shows the user who asked this question, and the number of badges he has.
So, while a user<->question is one to one, user<->badges is one has many.
The only way to do it in one query (and not one on questions and another one on users and then combine results), is to group the query by the primary key (question_id) and join+group_concat to the user_badges table.
The same goes for the questions TAGS.
Code example:
Table Questions:
question_id (int)(pk)| question_body(varchar)
Table tag-question:
question-id (int) | tag_id (int)
SELECT quesuestions.question_id,
GROUP-CONCAT(tag_id,' ') AS 'tags-ids'
Yes, the order the query executes is:
LIMIT is the last thing calculated, so your grouping will be just fine.
Now, looking at your rephrased question, then you're not having just one row per group, but many: in the case of stackoverflow, you'll have just one user per row, but many badges - i.e.
(uid, badge_id, etc.)
(1, 2, ...)
(1, 3, ...)
(1, 12, ...)
all those would be grouped together.
To avoid full table scan all you need are indexes. Besides that, if you need to SUM, for example, you cannot avoid a full scan.
You'll need something like this (look at the WHERE clause):
GROUP_CONCAT(tag_id,' ') AS 'tags_ids'
questions q1
JOIN tag_question tq
ON q1.question_id = tq.question-id
q1.question_id IN (
tag_question tq2
ON q2.question_id = tq2.question_id
JOIN tag t
tq2.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE = 'the-misterious-tag'
LIMIT does get applied after GROUP BY.
Will the temporary table be created or not, depends on how your indexes are built.
If you have an index on the grouping field and don't order by the aggregate results, then an INDEX SCAN FOR GROUP BY is applied, and each aggregate is counted on the fly.
That means that if you don't select an aggregate due to the LIMIT, it won't ever be calculated.
But if you order by an aggregate, then, of course, all of them need to be calculated before they can be sorted.
That's why they are calculated first and then the filesort is applied.
As for your query, see what EXPLAIN EXTENDED says for it.
Most probably, question_id is a PRIMARY KEY for your table, and most probably, it will be used in a scan.
That means no filesort will be applies and the join itself will not ever happen after the 15'th row.
To make sure, rewrite your query as following:
SELECT question_id,
FROM tag_question t
WHERE t.question_id = q.question_id
FROM questions q
First, it is more readable,
Second, it is more efficient, and
Third, it will return even untagged questions (which your current query doesn't).
If the field you're grouping on is indexed, it shouldn't do a full table scan.