How to get daemon access token for self account - authentication

I am trying to create a web app whose main task is fixing appointment.
I do not want to access any mail data of the logged in user.
I only want to implicitly login using an outlook account (my account) to which I have admin access. I want to connect with this account, fetch its calendar events and display the events to the logged in user so that the user can select any available spots.
I have registered my app in the azure portal and provided all the application permissions (earlier I tried with Delegated permissions as well; but I guess delegated permissions are not for my use case).
Thereafter, I tried to fetch the token for my profile using:``,
client_id: 'my-client-uuid',
scope: '',
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_secret: '****myclientsecret****'
headers: {
Host: '',
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
).subscribe(resp => {
as suggested in this article.
However, my request fails while doing this and states that the request body must contain 'grant_type' when I am clearly sending that.
Can someone please suggest me how I can implicitly get data from my own outlook account in a web app.
Update: I used the suggestion from this, appears that the request is going through now. However, the browser throws CORS error saying that the server didn't have appropriate headers.
Update 2: Found this link, which seems to address the exact issue I am facing. I however already have the redirect URI for SPA. The issue still persists.


Cypress Inserting an already authenticated token

I have an application to test that requires MFA. I am trying to get my UI tests through Cypress to hit the application already authenticated.
I've seen a few posts about setting up a new Cypress command to handle logging in where it sends auth details to the 3rd party, gets the details back and puts this into local storage using something like cy.setLocalStorage.
But I already have an external method that I use for my API tests where it grabs me a valid Bearer token. This works fine for API calls on the application. So I'm wondering, is there a place I can simply insert this valid token for my UI tests with Cypress or do I need to go the kind of way as defined in the linked article below where I build a cy.login() command?
Edit: Should add that we actually have a service principal account for the API calls to bypass MFA.
Without having more information about the exact login and your application, if the token for your API tests is the same and sufficient for the login, then you can probably store it in the local or session storage depending on where your app is looking for the valid token.
The only important thing then is that you do this before the first cy.visit command to show your app that you are already authenticated / logged in like:
describe('Your Test', () => {
it('Login and page visit', () => {
// or sessionStorage.setItem()
localStorage.setItem('your_token_name', yourToken);
cy.visit('your app url')
However, I'm not sure if the MFA requires additional login steps that you might not cover with it. If in doubt, you can also think about disabling MFA for a test user used in your Cypress tests.
Besides that, as you've already written, it's often a good way to log in via request to avoid having to test third-party UIs that you have no control over changing, such as here an example for Azure AD Login.
You can also add session caching to the login command, or a wrapper command for your external method that grabs the token.
The request is only fired once, then the results are cached so the same token is restored each time you call the command.
Cypress.Commands.add('login', (username, password) => {
cy.session([username, password], () => {
method: 'POST',
url: '/login',
body: { username, password },
}).then(({ body }) => {
window.localStorage.setItem('authToken', body.token)

How do I get react-native-inappbrowser-reborn to trigger success upon successful Facebook login

I'm trying to setup a manual flow for Facebook login, as per the docs at:
I've got my test Facebook app working as expected, i.e., I can login using a private web browser window fine. The URL I'm using is:<app_id>&display=popup&response_type=token&redirect_uri=
Now within my React-Native app, I'm using react-native-inappbrowser-reborn to present a SFAuthenticationSession on iOS. As per their docs (at, I'm doing the following:
const redirectUri = ""
const url = ""+appId+"&display=popup&response_type=token&redirect_uri="
.then(() => {
InAppBrowser.openAuth(url, redirectUri, {
// iOS Properties
dismissButtonStyle: 'cancel',
// Android Properties
showTitle: false,
enableUrlBarHiding: true,
enableDefaultShare: true,
.then((response) => {
// Only gets to this point if user explicitly cancels.
// So this does not trigger upon successful login.
// catch handlers follow
Using the above, my app correctly open up an in-app browser and I can login fine using a test user for my test app. Upon successful login though, I don't get redirected back to the .then completion handler. It just stays in the in-app browser view and I see the same message from Facebook that I see when logging in using a web browser. It says something like "Success. Please treat the url the same as you would a password", or something like that.
I may be missing something here, but I thought the purpose of passing redirectUri as an argument to openAuth was so that upon redirection to that URI, the completion handler would be triggered.
Question: How do I redirect back to the completion handler upon login success?
I think that you already have a solution but thought it might be useful for someone else facing this issue. If you don't have a solution so far follow my instructions:
You can't directly redirect back to your application using deep link, since Facebook will not call a link `like myapplicationname://mycustompath´. It's only possible to call links using the https-protocol (https://...).
The solution I'd suggest you to use is to redirect using your own API (Facebook -> Your API -> Deep Link Redirection). You will understand why this is required in the most of the real world applications at the end of the instructions.
Starting from your react-native app call the authorize endpoint of Facebook with a redirection to your application and set the global deeplink of your app as redirect uri.
.then((response) => {
handleAuthorized(response, LOGINTYPE.FACEBOOK);
Now after login you'll be redirected to your API with the authorization code token as query parameter (e.g. https://YOURDOMAIN:PORT/auth/facebook?code=AVERYLONGCODESENTBYFACEBOOK)
Using this code token from the query parameter, you make another API Call to get the access_token for the user
Facebook's API will send you an answer as JSON with the access_token inside.
You can make another call using the access token of the user, to get the userId and the username
If you need the e-mail address for the user you have to make another call. Make sure you'd set the permission to read the e-mail address for your app on the developer portal of facebook.
The following request will return you the id, name and the email of the user
I think you want to save all these information to a database and create a session in order to keep the user logged in and therefore all the requests described will be useful for you in a real application.
After doing all the backend stuff, you're ready for the redirection using deep link. To do that, set a meta-tag to redirect the inappbrowser to your application:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL={YOURAPPSDEEPLINKNAME}://{SOMEPATHYOUWANTTOEND}" />

Keycloak API always returns 401

I'm trying to interact with Keycloak via its REST API. I have the master realm and the default admin user, and a test realm. Firstly, I get an access token for the admin account and test realm:
let data = {
grant_type : 'password',
client_id : 'test-realm',
username : 'admin',
password : 'admin'
let headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
That works ok. Then I try to make a call to create a user (or do anything else) and I get a 401 unauthorized error:
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`
data = {
rep: {
email: "",
username: ""
path: 'test-realm'
Is that not the correct way to include the token? Is the access token the one you use for authenticating other API calls? Shouldn't the admin account's token work for authenticating calls to other clients with the master realm? Would it be some setting in the master realm that I have to change in the admin console? Any help appreciated.
I got a 401 error because I generated the offline token by using http://localhost:8080 and then I tried to request the api by using http://keycloak:8080 which is not allowed. Unfortunately the log doesn't tell you that.
To debug JWT tokens I recommend
Is that not the correct way to include the token?
This is a correct way.
You just do something incorrectly.
Please, refer for an example from keycloak-request-token Node.js module:
You use
client_id : 'test-realm'
but there is
client_id: 'admin-cli'
Also, to create a user, you should use
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
You can refer for Node.js examples of Keycloak REST API here:
Examples of other useful stuff like:
custom login
storing Keycloak token in the cookies
centralized permission middleware
can be found in the same project: keycloak-nodejs-example
I fixed it by enabling the below "Service Accounts Enabled" button under Settings for admin-cli
I had this issue and solved it by making sure that there is no more than 1 minute between the first and the second API request. So, if you are doing this manually (2 curl requests), the token may expire and you may get error 401. Nevertheless, you should use admin-cli as mentioned above.
I came this issue recently and after struggling for a while i figured. using a realm name containing white spaces will trigger 401 unauthorized error when interacting with via SDKs or API.
change: realm name
to: realm-name

403 Forbidden Error from google API Javascript client

I am getting 403 Forbidden Error from google API Javascript client. Following is my code:
gapi.load('client', function () {
console.log('gapi.client loaded.');
var discoveryUrl = '$discovery/rest?version=v4';
gapi.client.load(discoveryUrl).then(function () {
console.log('gapi.client.sheets loaded.');
clientId: '',
scope: '',
.then(function () {
return gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.get({
spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId,
function (response) {
function (response) {
My application is running in servlet container and oauth2 is handled at server side. If I want to add authToken how can I do it?
You may check in this documentation the reasons why you are getting a 403 Forbidden Error. It indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. A server that wishes to make public why the request has been forbidden can describe that reason in the response payload (if any).
If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the server considers them insufficient to grant access. The client SHOULD NOT automatically repeat the request with the same credentials. The client MAY repeat the request with new or different credentials. However, a request might be forbidden for reasons unrelated to the credentials.
If I want to add authToken how can I do it?
Follow this documentation about Authorize Requests. You can identify your application using an OAuth 2.0 token.
You may also check on these related threads:
Getting 403 forbidden when using the Google Sheets API and a service account
Make sure that you grant the service account access to the file.
Getting a 403 - Forbidden for Google Service Account
You will get this error if you are emulating a device within Chrome DevTools.
If you try going through the usual "Sign in with Google" flow, you will see the following error:
Error 403: disallowed_useragent
You can’t sign in from this screen because this app doesn’t comply with
Google’s secure browsers policy. If this app has a website, you can open
a web browser and try signing in from there.
You can let the app developer know that this app doesn’t comply with
Google’s secure browsers policy.
See Google's documentation on this topic.
A workaround is to switch to device emulation only after going through the authorization flows.

Log in to my web from a chrome extension

I've got a web where logged in users can fill out a form to send information. I wanted my users to do this from a chrome extension too. I managed to get the form to sen information working but I only want to be logged in users to be able to do that. It's like a twitter or Springpad extension when the user first opens up the extension, it would have to log in or register. I saw the following answer at stack overflow: Login to website with chrome extension and get data from it
I gave it a try and put this code in background.html:
function login() {
url: "http://localhost/login", type: "GET", dataType: "html", success: function() {
url: "http://localhost/login", type: "POST", data: {
"email": "",
"password": "mypassword",
dataType: "html",
success: function(data) {
//now you can parse your report screen
In my popup.html I put the following code:
var bkg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
$(document).ready(function() {
And on my server, which is in node.js, I've got a console.log that shows user information when he logs in, so I saw that when I load my extension, it does log in. The problem is how can I get the user to log in by itself, instead of manually putting my details in the code, how to stay logged in in the extension and when submitting the form, sending the user's details to the web.
I hope I've managed to explain myself correctly.
Before answering this question I would like to bring to your notice that you can make cross origin xhr from your content scripts as of Chrome 13 if you have declared proper permissions. Here is the extract from the page
Version note: As of Chrome 13, content scripts can make cross-origin requests to the same servers as the rest of the extension. Before Chrome 13, a content script couldn't directly make requests; instead, it had to send a message to its parent extension asking the extension to make a cross-origin request.
Coming to the point. You simply have to make an XmlHttpRequest to your domain from your extension (content script or background page) and wait for the response.
At Server
Read the request and session cookie. If session is valid send proper response, else send an error code. 401 or anything else.
At client
If response is proper display it, else display a login link directing to login page of your website.
How it works:
It will work if cookies in user's browser is enabled. Whenever user logs in to your website your server sets a session cookie which resides in user's browser. Now with every request that the browser sends to your domain, this cookie is transmitted. This cookie will be transmitted even if the request is from a Google Chrome Extension.
Make sure you display proper cues to user indicating that they are logged in to your application. Since your UI will be mostly inside the extension, it is possible that user might not be aware of their valid session with your website and they might leave an active session unattended which might be abused if user is accessing it from a public internet kiosk.
You can take a look at a similar implementation that I have done with my extension here.
So the user logs into your server and you know that. I am a bit confused if you then want the user to be able to browse your website with those credentials or a third party website with those credentials.
If it is your website then you should be able to set a cookie that indicates whether they are logged in. Then detect this server side when they navigate your site.
If it is a third party site then the best you can do is create a content script that either fills out the login form and autosubmits for them or analyze the login post data and send it along yourself, then force a refresh.