DBVisualizer not able to connect to Kerberised Hive - hive

We have a HDP (3.1.0) cluster with Hive ( The cluster is Kerberised;
I am trying to connect to Hive with DBVisualizer, without success. The client (where I am using DBVisualizer from) is a Centos 7 Machine.
Kerberos related
On the client, here is the /etc/krb5.conf (copy/paste from one of the cluster's machine):
cat krb5.conf
renew_lifetime = 7d
forwardable = true
default_realm = COMPANY.LOC
ticket_lifetime = 24h
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
default_ccache_name = /tmp/krb5cc_%{uid}
#default_tgs_enctypes = aes des3-cbc-sha1 rc4 des-cbc-md5
#default_tkt_enctypes = aes des3-cbc-sha1 rc4 des-cbc-md5
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = server.company.loc
kdc = server.company.loc
I used kinit and here is the result of klist:
[florianc#localhost etc]$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: castelainf#COMPANY.LOC
Valid starting Expires Service principal
07/24/2020 09:12:03 07/24/2020 19:12:03 krbtgt/COMPANY.LOC#COMPANY.LOC
renew until 07/31/2020 09:11:59
Version: 11.0.4 (free)
Tools>Tool Properties>Specify overridden Java VM Properties here:
The JAR used for the driver is the one provided by the cluster in Ambari>Hive>JDBC Standalone jar
The database URL of the connection is:
The error returned when trying to connect is the following:
Could not open client transport for any of the Server URI's in ZooKeeper: Can't get Kerberos realm
Edit 1
Using these URIs:
Always return:
Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri <URI>: Can't get Kerberos realm


How can I change the Authentication method in connections between WinRm and Terraform with hyperv provider?

I'm trying to use an hyperv provider for create some virtual machines but I need to define some parameters for the HyperV API. The problem is that WinRm (that is the tool that try to connect with the host) can't access with my credentials using the Basic Auth. However, If I use the Negotiate Auth, it returns a successfully connection. So, I don't know how can I define a parameter in Terraform for that.
Here is my provider config's code in Terraform:
provider "hyperv" {
user = myusername
password = mypassword
host = myhost
port = 5985
https = false
insecure = true
timeout = "60s"
My winrm/config/client:
NetworkDelayms = 5000
URLPrefix = wsman
AllowUnencrypted = true
Basic = true
Digest = true
Kerberos = true
Negotiate = true
Certificate = true
CredSSP = true
HTTP = 5985
HTTPS = 5986
TrustedHosts = *
My winrm/config/service:
MaxConcurrentOperations = 4294967295
MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser = 1500
EnumerationTimeoutms = 240000
MaxConnections = 300
MaxPacketRetrievalTimeSeconds = 120
AllowUnencrypted = true
Basic = true
Kerberos = true
Negotiate = true
Certificate = true
CredSSP = true
CbtHardeningLevel = Relaxed
HTTP = 5985
HTTPS = 5986
IPv4Filter = *
IPv6Filter = *
EnableCompatibilityHttpListener = true
EnableCompatibilityHttpsListener = true
AllowRemoteAccess = true
Hy again guys. If someone have the same problem I resolve it on that way:
-I activate Administrador user from Local users.
-Then, one have to run this command in a CMD:
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
-Reboot the system
-Then, run winrm quickconfig in a CMD, and then it would work.
I hope it help you!

how to set up freeipa + rabbitmq

rabbitmq version 3.10.0
tell me how to write rabbitmq.conf correctly without using advanced.config
work BindDN in another server--> uid=myuserinfreeipa,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=mydc1,dc=mydc2
work SearchFilter in another server ---> "(&(uid=%u)(memberOf=cn=mygroupinfreeipa,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=mydc1,dc=mydc2)(!(nsaccountlock=TRUE)))"
work BaseDN in another server --> "cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=mydc1,dc=mydc2"
auth_backends.1 = ldap
auth_ldap.servers.1 = my.server.com
auth_ldap.timeout = 500
auth_ldap.port = 389
auth_ldap.user_dn_pattern = CN=${username},OU=Users,dc=mydc1,dc=mydc2
auth_ldap.use_ssl = false
ssl_options.cacertfile = /etc/rabbitmq/ca.crt
auth_ldap.dn_lookup_bind.user_dn = test
auth_ldap.dn_lookup_bind.password = password
auth_ldap.dn_lookup_attribute = distinguishedName
auth_ldap.dn_lookup_base = cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=mydc1,dc=mydc2
auth_ldap.log = network
tag_queries, [
{management, {constant, true}}
]%% rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap,
tail -f /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit#amqptest.log
LDAP CHECK: login for test
LDAP connecting to servers: ["my.server.com"]
LDAP network traffic: bind request = {'BindRequest',3,"xxxx",
LDAP network traffic: bind reply = {ok,
LDAP bind returned "invalid credentials": xxxx
LDAP connecting to servers: ["my.server.com"]
LDAP network traffic: bind request = {'BindRequest',3,"xxxx",
LDAP bind error: "xxxx" {'EXIT',

InfluxDB refuses connection from telegraf when changing from HTTP to HTTPS

In my centos7 server, I have set up Telegraf and InfluxDB. InfluxDB successfully receives data from Telegraf and stores them in the database. But when I reconfigure both services to use https, I see the following error in Telegraf's logs
Dec 29 15:13:11 localhost.localdomain telegraf[31779]: 2020-12-29T13:13:11Z E! [outputs.influxdb] When writing to []: Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Dec 29 15:13:11 localhost.localdomain telegraf[31779]: 2020-12-29T13:13:11Z E! [agent] Error writing to outputs.influxdb: could not write any address
InfluxDB doesn't show any errors in it's logs.
Below is my telegraf.conf file:
hostname = "local"
flush_interval = "15s"
interval = "15s"
# Input Plugins
percpu = true
totalcpu = true
collect_cpu_time = false
report_active = false
ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs"]
# Output Plugin InfluxDB
database = "GRAFANA"
urls = [ "" ]
insecure_skip_verify = true
username = "telegrafuser"
password = "metricsmetricsmetricsmetrics"
And this is the uncommented [http] section of the influxdb.conf
# Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled.
enabled = false
# Determines whether the Flux query endpoint is enabled.
flux-enabled = true
# The bind address used by the HTTP service.
bind-address = ":8086"
# Determines whether user authentication is enabled over HTTP/HTTPS.
auth-enabled = false
# Determines whether HTTPS is enabled.
https-enabled = true
# The SSL certificate to use when HTTPS is enabled.
https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/server-cert.pem"
# Use a separate private key location.
https-private-key = "/etc/ssl/server-key.pem"

RabbitMQ Web-MQTT WSS closes client connection. Insecure WS and other secure protocols work

I have a deployment of RabbitMQ that uses it's own certificates for end-to-end encryption. It uses both AMQP and MQTT-over-WSS to connect multiple types of clients. AMQP clients are able to connect securely, so I know that the certificate set up is good.
Clients using WS going to ws://hostname:15675/ws can connect fine, but obviously are not secure. Clients attempting to connect to wss://hostname:15676/ws have the connection closed on them. 15676 is the port you will see I have bound the web-mqtt ssl listener to, as shown below. I've gone through both the networking and tls help guide by RabbitMQ, and I see the port correctly bound and can confirm it is exposed and available to the client.
The relevant rabbit.conf:
listeners.tcp.default = 5671
listeners.ssl.default = 5671
ssl_options.cacertfile = /path/to/fullchain.pem
ssl_options.certfile = /path/to/cert.pem
ssl_options.keyfile = /path/to/privkey.pem
ssl_options.verify = verify_none
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = false
web_mqtt.ssl.port = 15676
web_mqtt.ssl.backlog = 1024
web_mqtt.ssl.cacertfile = /path/to/fullchain.pem
web_mqtt.ssl.certfile = /path/to/cert.pem
web_mqtt.ssl.keyfile = /path/to/privkey.pem
Basically, I'm wondering if I have the connection string wrong (wss://hostname:15675/ws)? Do I need to go to /wss? Is it a problem my client is a browser running on localhost -- not HTTPS? Do I have a configuration set incorrectly -- am I missing one?
If there is a better source of documentation/examples of this plugin beyond the RabbitMQ website, I would also be interested.
maybe the configuration mismatch
if there any password for the private file you need to add it also.
refer to the following sample rabbitmq.conf
listeners.ssl.default = 5671
ssl_options.cacertfile = <path/ca-bundle (.pem/.cabundle)>
ssl_options.certfile = <path/cert (.pem/.crt)>
ssl_options.keyfile = <path/key (.pem/.key)>
ssl_options.password = <your private key password>
ssl_options.versions.1 = tlsv1.3
ssl_options.verify = verify_peer
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true
ssl_options.ciphers.1 = TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
ssl_options.ciphers.2 = TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
ssl_options.ciphers.3 = TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
ssl_options.ciphers.4 = TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256
ssl_options.ciphers.5 = TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256
ssl_options.honor_cipher_order = true
ssl_options.honor_ecc_order = true
web_mqtt.ssl.port = 15676
web_mqtt.ssl.backlog = 1024
web_mqtt.ssl.cacertfile = <path/ca-bundle (.pem/.cabundle)>
web_mqtt.ssl.certfile = <path/crt (.pem/.crt)>
web_mqtt.ssl.keyfile = <path/key (.pem/.key)>
web_mqtt.ssl.password = <your private key password>
web_mqtt.ssl.honor_cipher_order = true
web_mqtt.ssl.honor_ecc_order = true
web_mqtt.ssl.client_renegotiation = false
web_mqtt.ssl.secure_renegotiate = true
web_mqtt.ssl.versions.1 = tlsv1.2
web_mqtt.ssl.versions.2 = tlsv1.1
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.1 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.2 = ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.3 = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.4 = ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.5 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.6 = ECDH-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.7 = ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.8 = ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA384
web_mqtt.ssl.ciphers.9 = DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
this is a working configuration file for the rabbitmq-server on ubuntu 20.04
restart the rabbitmq-server
list the listeners port (make sure that the SSL ports enabled) (rabbitmq-diagnostics listeners)
test the SSL (testssl localhost:16567)
also test the telnet (telnet localhost 16567)
please reffer : https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html#erlang-otp-requirements and
this is worked for me :-)

Negotiate Header was invalid error with Spring Security Kerberos extension/IE, Firefox/AD

We are configuring Spring Security Kerberos extension in OWF 7 (Ozone Widget Framework) on JBoss AS 7.1.1. We see the following error:
23:01:44,172 WARN [org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.web.SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter] (http-- Negotiate Header was invalid: Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAl4II4gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAbEdAAAADw==: org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Kerberos validation not succesfull
at org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator.validateTicket(SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator.java:69) [spring-security-kerberos-core-1.0.0.M2.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(KerberosServiceAuthenticationProvider.java:86) [spring-security-kerberos-core-1.0.0.M2.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.authentication.ProviderManager.doAuthentication(ProviderManager.java:120) [spring-security-core-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationManager.authenticate(AbstractAuthenticationManager.java:48) [spring-security-core-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.web.SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(SpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:131) [spring-security-kerberos-core-1.0.0.M2.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:355) [spring-security-web-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.java:79) [spring-security-web-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:355) [spring-security-web-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:149) [spring-security-web-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar:]
at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:237) [org.springframework.web-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar:3.0.5.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:167) [org.springframework.web-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar:3.0.5.RELEASE]
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:280) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:248) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:275) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:161) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.jboss.as.web.security.SecurityContextAssociationValve.invoke(SecurityContextAssociationValve.java:153) [jboss-as-web-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:155) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:102) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:109) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:368) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:877) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(Http11Protocol.java:671) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint$Worker.run(JIoEndpoint.java:930) [jbossweb-7.0.13.Final.jar:]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) [rt.jar:1.6.0_31]
Caused by: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: GSSException: Defective token detected (Mechanism level: GSSHeader did not find the right tag)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) [rt.jar:1.6.0_31]
at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:396) [rt.jar:1.6.0_31]
at org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator.validateTicket(SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator.java:67) [spring-security-kerberos-core-1.0.0.M2.jar:]
... 23 more
Caused by: GSSException: Defective token detected (Mechanism level: GSSHeader did not find the right tag)
at sun.security.jgss.GSSHeader.<init>(GSSHeader.java:80) [rt.jar:1.6.0_31]
at sun.security.jgss.GSSContextImpl.acceptSecContext(GSSContextImpl.java:287) [rt.jar:1.6.0_31]
at sun.security.jgss.GSSContextImpl.acceptSecContext(GSSContextImpl.java:267) [rt.jar:1.6.0_31]
at org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator$KerberosValidateAction.run(SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator.java:146) [spring-security-kerberos-core-1.0.0.M2.jar:]
at org.springframework.security.extensions.kerberos.SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator$KerberosValidateAction.run(SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator.java:136) [spring-security-kerberos-core-1.0.0.M2.jar:]
... 26 more
I saw a post on stack overflow ("Defective token detected" error (NTLM not Kerberos) with Kerberos/Spring Security/IE/Active Directory) and thought someone can help me with our situation.
Our setup:
JDK 1.6.0_31
JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago) Kernel 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 on an x86_64
Windows Server 2008 Active Directory
Spring Security Kerberos Extension M2 (configured following the instructions provided in their blog: http://blog.springsource.com/2009/09/28/spring-security-kerberos/ )
Firefox 21 (runs on a VM)
IE 10 (runs on a VM)
From the previous post listed above it appears like AD server is sending an NTLM token to IE and IE is sending this to application. We have our Application Server (JBoss), AD Server and client (IE, Firefox) on different machines
joined to the same domain. Below is the krb5.conf file from /etc folder of the linux box where JBoss is:
default_tgs_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts arcfour-hmac-md5 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
default_tkt_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts arcfour-hmac-md5 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
permitted_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts arcfour-hmac-md5 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
dns_lookup_realm = true
dns_lookup_kdc = true
passwd_check_s_address = false
noaddresses = true
udp_preference_limit = 1
ccache_type = 3
kdc_timesync = 0
kdc_timesync = 0
.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com = ENTERPRISELABS.MYCOMPANY.COM
enterpriselabs.mycompany.com = ENTERPRISELABS.MYCOMPANY.COM
mcc-ad01.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com = ENTERPRISELABS.MYCOMPANY.COM
mcc-ad03.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com = ENTERPRISELABS.MYCOMPANY.COM
scr0-i-1-069137.scr0.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com = SCR0.ENTERPRISELABS.MYCOMPANY.COM
kdc = mcc-ad01.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:88
master_kdc = mcc-ad01.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:88
kpasswd = mcc-ad01.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:464
kpasswd_server = mcc-ad01.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:464
kdc = mcc-ad03.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:88
master_kdc = mcc-ad03.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:88
kpasswd = mcc-ad03.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:464
kpasswd_server = mcc-ad03.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:464
kdc = scr0-i-1-069137.scr0.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:88
master_kdc = scr0-i-1-069137.scr0.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:88
kpasswd = scr0-i-1-069137.scr0.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:464
kpasswd_server = scr0-i-1-069137.scr0.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com:464
Under [domain_realm] block the first 2 entries won't have .mycompany in them. Is this a problem?
We generated the keytab file by running the following command:
ktpass /princ HTTP/jaguar.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com#ENTERPRISELABS.MYCOMPANY.COM /mapuser jaguar#ENTERPRISELABS.MYCOMPANY.COM -crypto all -pass password -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -out c:\jaguar-host.keytab
We copied the keytab file generated to the WEB-INF/classes folder of our application on JBoss. When we contacted our tech support they also mentioned that test user accounts created have 'Kerberos Authentication'
checkbox checked. I think when we login to the domain we are authenticated using kerberos not NTLM (I don't know whether it is correct or not). But, this didn't help us getting rid of the above problem.
I used fiddler and saw 'NTLM Authentication' in one of the screens. Please help us in debugging this problem. I think the problem is in AD somewhere and don't know where to look for answers. Do we have to follow any specific
steps to make sure our AD is configured right? Is there a way to configure AD server to send Kerberos token?
Are you sure that jaguar.enterpriselabs.mycompany.com is DNS A record hostname instead of CNAME alias?
I think I had a similar error message when I created the keytab using a DNS alias hostname (CNAME).
When browser asks KDC for the ticket, it always uses the DNS A record hostname, regardless of the hostname you have in browser address bar. Users can still use CNAME alias hostnames to access the site, but the keytab must be created using A record hostname.