Linq to SQL use case and Lag equivalent - sql

I have this SQL which I am trying to convert to LINQ , how can this be converted?
Is there an equivalent of Lag at all?
I see there is a case statement not sure how to use it
CASE WHEN ah.AuthPIFlg = 1 OR ah.AuthPINVFlg = 1 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' end AS chkReqPI,
lag(CASE WHEN ah.AuthPIFlg = 1 OR ah.AuthPINVFlg = 1 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' end, 1, null) OVER (ORDER BY ah.f_id, ah.AuthHist_ID) AS prevChkReqPI,
lag(ah.Cr8Dt, 1, null) OVER (ORDER BY ah.f_id, ah.AuthHist_ID) AS prevCr8Dt,
cu.UserName AS Cr8UserName,
lag(cu.UserName, 1, null) OVER (ORDER BY ah.f_id, ah.AuthHist_ID) AS prevCr8UserName,
FROM AuthHist Ah
ON Ah.Cr8User_ID = cu.User_ID
WHERE Ah.F_ID = #fid
return (from a in DbContext.AuthHist
join c DbContext.User on a.UpdtUserId equals c.UserId
where a.FId == fId
select new AuthHistEntity()
FId = a.FId,
checkReqPI = a.AuthPIflg = 1 || a.AuthPINVflg = 1 :

I have this SQL which I am trying to convert to LINQ , how can this be
You can use linq to do this, but it will be a bit more complicated.
For the case when in linq, you can directly use the ternary operator(?:) instead.
As for the Lag() function, we need to replace this function with another sql writing as follow:
(This is just to facilitate the understanding of the linq statement below, you do not need to change your sql statement)
select kh.AuthHist_ID,kh.F_ID,
CASE WHEN kh.AuthPIFlg = 1 OR kh.AuthPINVFlg = 1 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' end AS chkReqPI,
CASE WHEN (ch.AuthPIFlg is null or ch.AuthPINVFlg is null) then Null when (ch.AuthPIFlg = 1 OR ch.AuthPINVFlg = 1) THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' end AS prevChkReqPI ,
ch.Cr8Dt AS prevCr8Dt ,
kh.UserName AS Cr8UserName,
cu.UserName AS prevCr8UserName
( select -1+row_number() over (order by ah.f_id,ah.AuthHist_ID) as row1, * from
(select * from AuthHist a left join User u on a.Cr8User_ID = u.User_ID) Ah) kh
left join (select * from AuthHist a left join User u on a.Cr8User_ID = u.User_ID) cu ON kh.row1 = cu.AuthHist_ID
left join AuthHist ch on kh.row1 = ch.AuthHist_ID where kh.F_ID =#fid
Because the types of some fields are uncertain, I have create the AuthHistEntity class as follow, you can modify some details according to your needs.
public class AuthHistEntity
public int AuthHist_ID { get; set; }
public int F_ID { get; set; }
public string chkReqPI { get; set; }
public string prevChkReqPI { get; set; }
public string Cr8Dt { get; set; }
public string prevCr8Dt { get; set; }
public string Cr8UserName { get; set; }
public string prevCr8UserName { get; set; }
Here is the linq writing, you can try it:
var newUser = (from a in DbContext.AuthHist
join u in DbContext.User on a.Cr8User_ID equals u.User_ID
select new { a, u }).ToList();
var newAuthList = (from t in newUser
select new
row_1 = t.a.AuthHist_ID - 1,
data = t
int fid = 1;
var result = (from dt in
(from ch in newAuthList
join ah in DbContext.AuthHist on ch.row_1 equals ah.AuthHist_ID
into ot from otnew in ot.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { T1 = ch, T2 = otnew == null ? new AuthHist() : otnew
join nu in newUser on dt.T1.row_1 equals nu.a.AuthHist_ID
into yG from otnew in yG.DefaultIfEmpty()
where == fid
select new AuthHistEntity()
AuthHist_ID =,
F_ID =,
chkReqPI = ( == 1 || == 1) ? "True" : "False",
prevChkReqPI = (dt.T2.AuthPIFlg == null || dt.T2.AuthPINVFlg == null) ? null : ((dt.T2.AuthPIFlg == 1 || dt.T2.AuthPINVFlg == 1) ? "True" : "Flase"),
Cr8Dt =,
prevCr8Dt = dt.T2.Cr8Dt == null ? null : dt.T2.Cr8Dt,
Cr8UserName =,
prevCr8UserName = otnew == null ? null : otnew.u.UserName


How do i convert this SQL to Entity Framework LINQ query

Can someone help me convert this SQL Query to EntityFramework LINQ?
DECLARE #UserId varchar(50) = '123'
COUNT(*) AS LikeCount,
(SELECT IIF(COUNT(*) > 0, 'true','false') FROM UserTrackLikes WHERE
UserId = #UserId AND TrackId = TL.TrackId) AS IsLiked
FROM TrackList AS TL
ON UTL.TrackId = TL.TrackId
You can use the query syntax:
int userId = 123;
var result = (from trackList in context.TrackLists
select new
LikeCount = trackList.Likes.Count(),
IsLiked = trackList.Likes.Any(x => x.UserId == userId)
Assuming that here, Likes is a collection of UserTrackLike, declared like this:
public ICollection<UserTrackLike> Likes { get; set; }

datediff with case statement in select query linq

select case statement in linq query.
Here is the query on sql:
select case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(varchar,Min([Order].CreatedOnUtc),101),convert(varchar,Max([Order].CreatedOnUtc),101)) = 0 then
case when (DATEDIFF(day,convert(varchar,Min([Order].CreatedOnUtc),101),convert(varchar,Max([Order].CreatedOnUtc),101))/30) = 0 then Sum([Order].OrderSubtotal) else
end as 'Account Value' from [order] where And Account.ID = #Act_ID
I am trying the code here:
var query = _orderRepository.Table;
query = query.Where(o => o.AccountId == accountId);
In query i am getting my value.
After query statement what should i write??
how do i write for case statement using linq???
#Manoj, may be the below code helps you. This sample C# project may solve the problem you have.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace DateDiffIssue
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Preparing data
var data = new Order[] {
new Order { AccountID = 1, CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.Parse("1.01.2017 10:00"), OrderSubtotal = 100 },
new Order { AccountID = 1, CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.Parse("1.01.2017 12:00"), OrderSubtotal = 150 },
new Order { AccountID = 1, CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.Parse("1.01.2017 14:00"), OrderSubtotal = 150 }
// Selection
var selected = (from item in data
let accountData = data.Where(w => w.AccountID == 1)
let minDate = accountData.Min(m => m.CreatedOnUtc).Date
let maxDate = accountData.Where(w => w.AccountID == 1).Max(m => m.CreatedOnUtc).Date
let isSameDate = minDate == maxDate
let basedOn30Days = (maxDate - minDate).TotalDays / 30
let isInside30Days = (int)basedOn30Days == 0
let accountDataSum = accountData.Sum(s => s.OrderSubtotal)
select new
AccountValue = isSameDate ? accountDataSum :
isInside30Days ? accountDataSum :
accountDataSum / basedOn30Days
// Print each order
// Wait for key
Console.WriteLine("Please press key");
internal class Order
public int AccountID { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOnUtc { get; set; }
public int OrderSubtotal { get; set; }

How can I count results from one into a group with different conditions? Linq query

count(pat.ID) as PatientEmail,
count(a.ID) as AlaEmails,
count(t.ID) as TrusteeEmails,
count(s.ID) + 1 as SpecialistEmail
from [dbo].[Users] as u
left join [dbo].[Patients] as pat
on u.ID = pat.ID and u.Email != ''
left join [dbo].[Patients] as a
on u.ID = a.ID and u.Email = ''
left join [dbo].[Trusteehips]as t
on u.ID = t.Trustee_ID
left join [dbo].[Specialists] as s
on u.ID = s.ID and u.Email != ''
where u.Active = 1 and u.Deleted = 0
public class UserEmails
public int PatientEmail { get; set; }
public int AlaEmails { get; set; }
public int TrusteeEmails { get; set; }
public ActionResult ReportByEmail()
var res = from u in context.Users
join p in context.Patients
on u.ID equals p.ID into pGroup
join t in context.Trusteeships
on u.ID equals t.Trustee.ID into tGroup
select new UserEmails
PatientEmail = pGroup.Count(g => g.Email != ""),
AlaEmails = pGroup.Count(g => g.Email = ""),
TrusteeEmails = tGroup.Count()
return View(res);
I tried to write this Linq code but it didn't work!
My count result is not shown in one row, I wrote code with same syntax (Group.Count()) and it worked fine, but here it didn't work!

Does ServiceStack.OrmLite.JoinSqlBuilder allow to build a simple query

I'm wondering if ServiceStack.OrmLite's JoinSqlBuilder allow to build the following simple query:
SELECT * FROM Table1 a
INNER JOIN Table2 b ON ...
WHERE a.Column1 = 1 AND (a.Column2 = 2 OR b.Column3 = 3);
The problem is to build (a.Column2 = 2 OR b.Column3 = 3) part.
JoinSqlBuilder has a list of methods such as Where<T>, And<T>, Or<T> that allow to add conditions for a query.
For example, if i do:
.Where<Table1Poco>(a => a.Column1 == 1)
.And<Table1Poco>(a => a.Column2 == 2)
.Or<Table2Poco>(a => a.Column3 == 3)
I will get:
... WHERE a.Column1 = 1 AND a.Column2 = 2 OR b.Column3 = 3;
Is there any way to build a.Column1 = 1 AND (a.Column2 = 2 OR b.Column3 = 3) with ServiceStack.OrmLite?
I know that i can do it with raw sql but it's not an option as i don't want to lose type safety and dialect independence.
I agree with kunjee that this is not really something a Micro-orm is good for. With that said, I can think of 2 potential options...neither of which are really something I would recommend over a full-blown ORM (EF or nHibernate) as a solution. But, maybe this will help solicit better options.
Option 1 - Build up a 'Where clause string' using reflection to keep some 'type safety'. You will still need to write a little SQL.
var jn = new JoinSqlBuilder<Table1, Table2>();
jn = jn.Join<Table1, Table2>(s => s.Column1, d => d.Field1);
//using ExpressionVisitor because I didn't see a way to allow a Where clause string parameter to be used
//on a JoinSqlBuilder method
var ev = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<Table1>();
SqlHelper.ToSqlField<Table1>(x => x.Column1) + "={0} AND (" +
SqlHelper.ToSqlField<Table1>(x => x.Column2) + "={1} OR " + SqlHelper.ToSqlField<Table2>(x => x.Column3) +
"={2})", "1", "2", "3");
var sql = jn.ToSql() + ev.WhereExpression;
Helper Class
public static class SqlHelper
public static string ToSqlField<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
//This should return something like 'Table1.Column1'
return typeof(T).Name + "." + GetMemberInfo(expression).Name;
// Stolen from FluentNHibernate.ReflectionUtility
public static MemberInfo GetMemberInfo<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expression)
MemberInfo memberInfo = null;
switch (expression.Body.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.Convert:
var body = (UnaryExpression)expression.Body;
if (body.Operand is MethodCallExpression)
memberInfo = ((MethodCallExpression)body.Operand).Method;
else if (body.Operand is MemberExpression)
memberInfo = ((MemberExpression)body.Operand).Member;
case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
memberInfo = ((MemberExpression)expression.Body).Member;
throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported ExpressionType", "expression");
if (memberInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not locate MemberInfo.", "expression"); }
return memberInfo;
Option 2 - Mess/Pollute your Classes and turn off Table prefixes in an ExpressionVisitor to allow the correct SQL to be generated. This will completely blow up if 2 classes have the same property and are used in a Where clause.
//Modify Table1 to include a reference to Table2
public class Table1
public string Column1 { get; set; }
public string Column2 { get; set; }
public Table2 Table2 { get; set; }
var ev = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<Table1>();
ev.PrefixFieldWithTableName = false;
var jn = new JoinSqlBuilder<Table1, Table2>();
jn = jn.Join<Table1, Table2>(s => s.Column1, d => d.Field1);
ev.Where(x => x.Column1 == "1");
ev.Where(x => x.Column2 == "2" || ((Table2)x.Table2).Column3 == "3"); //do cast to avoid InvalidOperationException
var sql = jn.ToSql() + ev.WhereExpression;

How can I make a nested projection in a Linq query when using the group by clause?

I'm trying to work with grouped data coming back from SQL.
The method I'm writing is to provide the data for a "Case Status Overview" screen.
It must produce a nested XML document.
Now, I could do it the easy way, but I'm trying to learn whether it's possible to use the linq "group by" statement and then to project the data already nested. (the easy way would be just to pull back the data in a tabular fashion from the database and then for-loop through it forming the Xml document for output)
Here is the data hierarchy:
Every Case has a DebtType and every DebtType has a Client.
Here is the SQL that retrieves the data:
SELECT ClientNames.ClientID ,
ClientNames.ClientCode ,
ClientNames.ClientName ,
DebtTypes.DebtTypeID ,
DebtTypes.DebtTypeShortDesc ,
DebtTypes.DebtTypeLongDesc ,
Cases.CurrentStateCode ,
SUM(1 - CAST(Cases.CaseClosed AS INT)) AS OpenCaseCount ,
SUM(CAST(Cases.CaseClosed AS INT)) AS ClosedCaseCount ,
SUM(CAST(Cases.CaseOnHold AS INT)) AS OnHoldCaseCount ,
SUM(CAST(Cases.CaseReferred AS INT)) AS ReferredCaseCount ,
COUNT(Cases.CaseID) AS TotalCaseCount ,
SUM(Cases.CaseTotalPaid) AS TotalAmountPaid ,
SUM(Cases.CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount) AS TotalAmountOutstanding,
SUM(Cases.CaseTotalDebtWrittenOff) AS TotalAmountWrittenOff ,
SUM(Cases.CaseTotalDebtCancelled) AS TotalAmountCancelled
FROM ClientNames
INNER JOIN ClientDebtTypes
ON ClientNames.ClientID = ClientDebtTypes.ClientID
ON ClientDebtTypes.DebtTypeID = DebtTypes.DebtTypeID
ON ClientDebtTypes.ClientDebtTypeID = Cases.CaseClientDebtTypeID
GROUP BY ClientNames.ClientID ,
ClientNames.ClientCode ,
ClientNames.ClientName ,
DebtTypes.DebtTypeID ,
DebtTypes.DebtTypeLongDesc ,
ORDER BY ClientNames.ClientID,
Using Linqer it converts it to:
from clientnames in db.ClientNames
join clientdebttypes in db.ClientDebtTypes on clientnames.ClientID equals clientdebttypes.ClientID
join debttypes in db.DebtTypes on clientdebttypes.DebtTypeID equals debttypes.DebtTypeID
join cases in db.Cases on new { ClientDebtTypeID = clientdebttypes.ClientDebtTypeID } equals new { ClientDebtTypeID = cases.CaseClientDebtTypeID }
group new {clientnames, debttypes, cases} by new {
} into g
select new {
ClientID = (System.Int32?)g.Key.ClientID,
DebtTypeID = (System.Int32?)g.Key.DebtTypeID,
OpenCaseCount = (System.Int64?)g.Sum(p => 1 - Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseClosed)),
ClosedCaseCount = (Int32?)g.Sum(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseClosed)),
OnHoldCaseCount = (Int32?)g.Sum(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseOnHold)),
ReferredCaseCount = (Int32?)g.Sum(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseReferred)),
TotalCaseCount = (Int64?)g.Count(p => p.cases.CaseID != null),
TotalAmountPaid = (System.Decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseTotalPaid),
TotalAmountOutstanding = (System.Decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount),
TotalAmountWrittenOff = (System.Decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseTotalDebtWrittenOff),
TotalAmountCancelled = (System.Decimal?)g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseTotalDebtCancelled)
Now as I mentioned, I could stop there and right a for loop to create the Xml data.
But I'm trying to create a nested group (IGrouping<ClientName,IGrouping<DebtType,SummaryClass>>)
and then project the data in a nested format.
Now we're using LinqToXsd to create strong type wrappers for out Xml documents, but essentially all this means is that out output type is:
private class ClientSummary
public string ClientName { get; set; }
public IList<DebtTypeSummary> DebtTypes { get; set; }
private class DebtTypeSummary
public string DebtType { get; set; }
public IList<StateCodeSummary> StateCodes { get; set; }
private class StateCodeSummary
public string StateCode { get; set; }
public int TotalCount { get; set; }
public decimal TotalAmountPaid { get; set; }
Now I got as far as writing the following Linq:
var grouping = from cases in db.Cases
join clientdebttypes in db.ClientDebtTypes on cases.CaseClientDebtTypeID equals clientdebttypes.ClientID
join debttypes in db.DebtTypes on clientdebttypes.DebtTypeID equals debttypes.DebtTypeID
group cases by new ClientDebtTypePair() { ClientDebtType = clientdebttypes, DebtType = debttypes } into casesByClientDebtTypes
join clientnames in db.ClientNames on casesByClientDebtTypes.Key.ClientDebtType.ClientName equals clientnames
group casesByClientDebtTypes by clientnames;
var projected = from casesByClientDebtTypes in grouping
let client = casesByClientDebtTypes.Key
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType()
Client = new Client()
ClientID = client.ClientID,
DisplayName = client.ClientName1,
DebtTypes = from cases in casesByClientDebtTypes
let debttype = cases.Key.DebtType
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType.DebtTypesLocalType()
DebtType = new DebtType()
DebtTypeID = debttype.DebtTypeID,
Description = debttype.DebtTypeLongDesc,
DisplayName = debttype.DebtTypeShortDesc,
StatesCodes = from cases2 in cases
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType.DebtTypesLocalType.StatesCodesLocalType()
ClosedCasesCount = cases2.Sum(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseClosed))
which joins and groups the database tables and then tries to project the result a ClientSummary (the class names are different but that's because the above is a simplified view of the output classes). I fail completely when I've drilled all the way down to the Cases table and I find that I don't really understand how to do agregate functions. They appear to only be available on IGrouping<K, T>s and it seems I've just got confused.
I need to also ensure that the summaries are calculated server side, pulling back millions of cases would be bad.
Can anybody help me with this one? Is this even possible?
-------### UPDATE 1 ###-------
OK, been working on this again today.
I decided to use Linq2SQL to pull pack 2D data and then reformat it using Linq2Objects.
Here is what I started with:
var sql = from clientnames in db.ClientNames
join clientdebttypes in db.ClientDebtTypes on clientnames.ClientID equals clientdebttypes.ClientID
join debttypes in db.DebtTypes on clientdebttypes.DebtTypeID equals debttypes.DebtTypeID
join cases in db.Cases on new { ClientDebtTypeID = clientdebttypes.ClientDebtTypeID } equals new { ClientDebtTypeID = cases.CaseClientDebtTypeID }
group new { clientnames, debttypes, cases } by new
} into g
select new
Client = new Client{ ClientID = g.Key.ClientID, DisplayName = g.Key.ClientName1 },
DebtType = new DebtType{ DebtTypeID = g.Key.DebtTypeID, DisplayName = g.Key.DebtTypeShortDesc, Description = g.Key.DebtTypeLongDesc },
StateSummary = new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType.DebtTypesLocalType.StatesCodesLocalType()
StateCode = g.Key.CurrentStateCode,
OpenCasesCount = g.Sum(p => 1 - Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseClosed)),
ClosedCasesCount = g.Sum(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseClosed)),
OnHoldCasesCount = g.Sum(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseOnHold)),
ReferredCasesCount = g.Sum(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.cases.CaseReferred)),
TotalCasesCount = g.Count(p => p.cases.CaseID != null),
TotalAmountPaid = g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseTotalPaid),
TotalAmountOutstanding = g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseCurrentOutstandingAmount),
TotalAmountWrittenOff = g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseTotalDebtWrittenOff),
TotalAmountCancelled = g.Sum(p => p.cases.CaseTotalDebtCancelled),
var res = sql.ToList();
output.Clients = (from results in res
group results by results.Client into resultsByClient
from resultsByDebtType in
(from results in resultsByClient
group results by results.DebtType)
group resultsByDebtType by resultsByClient.Key into resultsByDebtTypeByClient
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType()
Client = resultsByDebtTypeByClient.Key,
DebtTypes = (from resultsByDebtType in resultsByDebtTypeByClient
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType.DebtTypesLocalType()
DebtType = resultsByDebtType.Key,
StatesCodes = (from results in resultsByDebtType
let summary = results.StateSummary
select results.StateSummary).ToList()
That runs, but produces one Client/DebtType/Summary set for every result. So even though there is only one client in this case, I end up with 1300 clients, all identical.
I simplified it to the following:
output.Clients = (from results in res
group results by results.Client into resultsByClient
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType()
Client = resultsByClient.Key,
DebtTypes = null,
That produces 1300 clients. Next I tried this:
output.Clients = (from results in res
group results by results.Client.ClientID into resultsByClient
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType()
Client = new Client { ClientID = resultsByClient.Key },
DebtTypes = null,
And THAT produces ONE client (hurray!). Except I loose all the client information (boo!)
Guessing that as it's comparing client by refernce instead of by content I wrote the following:
public partial class Client
public static bool operator ==(Client left, Client right)
return left.ClientID == right.ClientID;
public static bool operator !=(Client left, Client right)
return left.ClientID != right.ClientID;
public override int GetHashCode()
return ClientID;
That did nothing. It repeatedly calls GetHashCode(), which I fudged to force it to return the same hash code for any matching ClientID, but it still created 1300 Client groups.
-------### UPDATE 2 ###-------
OK, I thought I would have a go at making the Linq2Sql output only simple values for grouping by:
And then changed the test Linq2Objects to:
output.Clients = (from results in res
group results by new { ClientID = results.ClientID, DisplayName = results.ClientName1 } into resultsByClient
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType()
Client = new Client { ClientID = resultsByClient.Key.ClientID, DisplayName = resultsByClient.Key.DisplayName },
DebtTypes = null,
That works. So anonymous types compare in the way I want them to, by content not reference (apparently)
This does not:
output.Clients = (from results in res
group results by new SiDemClient { ClientID = results.ClientID, DisplayName = results.ClientName1 } into resultsByClient
select new LoadCaseStatusOverviewScreenOutput.ClientsLocalType()
Client = resultsByClient.Key,//new Client { ClientID = resultsByClient.Key.ClientID, DisplayName = resultsByClient.Key.DisplayName },
DebtTypes = null,
That still creates 1300 groups.
So, anonymous types compare in a magical way that I don't understand. How can I make my Client class compare like an anonymous type?
-------### SOLUTION FOUND ###-------
-------### MANY THANKS TO Enigmativity ###-------
I needed to override the Equals() method instead of implementing the == operator.
Now the grouping works and I have a wonderful Xml document to reutrn!
public partial class SiDemClient
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is SiDemClient)
return this.ClientID.Equals(((SiDemClient)obj).ClientID);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return ClientID;
Many Thanks,
When you override GetHashCode you must also override Equals. The == & != operators are irrelevant.
Try with this:
public partial class Client
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Client)
return this.ClientID.Equals(((Client)obj).ClientID);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.ClientID.GetHashCode();
See if that helps.