Checking whether host already joined an session -

we integrated into our app that allows students to join a video live-class with their teacher. When students try to join the live-class before their teacher, they should be notified accordingly. Is there a way to check whether a host has joined an session yet or not?

You can use this RESTFul api to see if a specific user is in a channel: You need to pass the teacher's id and channel name in the parameter and the api will return if this user is in that channel.


how to get load member list who has chatted with user A in PubNub

Am trying to integrate the PubNub chat with react native, so I just using PubNub API for it.
I know that PubNub is mainly working with channels. so group chats there is no issue.
But using PubNub with one-to-one means how the channel will be created with both sides and the users should we connect at the same channel does direct channel will create the channel automatically or manually we have to create. 
how should I display profile pic and name for both users in the member's list for both sides because User A will see User B pic and User B will see user A pic in chatted History 
I assume that you want to learn about 1-1 chat architecture.
I recommend that you read Inbound Channel Pattern post.

How to manage in RASA an unique user_id for many channels in parallel?

I have to design an e-learning tutorbot that has multiple possible channels living in parallel:
A live chat (to support learner with FAQ when browsing the e-learning application website)
A IM chat as Telegram (for asyncronous notifications)
An email (for anything else)
Take a part the connectors gateway communication logics.
My problem/question is mainly about how to manage user identification.
I want that a user is identified with an unique identifier (call it conversation_id) regardless of channel.
In the mentioned scenario user has one different ID for each channel:
An account_id on the website (e.g. solyarisoftware)
A chat_id on Telegram (e.g. 1234567890)
An email_address (e.g.
So, how to let RASA chatbot accept requests coming from the same user (but from different channels)? In other words, how can I map multiple channel IDs into a RASA unique ID, say the conversation_id ?
At the end of the day I need to generate a lookup table that map a UUID with all channel ids. Right?
But is not clear to me what's a good (simple) user experience. At first glance seems to me that that I need a sort of login/registration flow: each time user submit a request on channel X, only for the first time, the user must identify himself somewhere (with his email/account_id?). So by example trough Telegram, when the Telegram connector server receive a /start command, the bot must ask the user email(or account_id), to be able to associate 1-to-1 the TG chat_id with that email. Not perfect in terms of security, I admit.
Any experience/idea/suggestion?
I don't have an hands-on experience on this but it is something I have been thinking myself for a while.
Indeed the 'merge' of the different accounts (across channels) is something that we need to maintain ourselves, making sure each channel user ID is eventually mapped to a universal user ID (lookup table makes sense to me).
Since you have a website, an email address and multiple channels I would say the assumption is that users first registered on the web site. Each user has a unique email address and obtains an account secured by username/password, as well as a unique secret token.
When chatting on browser (ie Rasa WebChat) you can initialise the plugin with custom parameters (ie userId=1 or token=X), in this case the chat session is assigned to the given user id.
When using Telegram (or other messenger application) I would (at the very first access) ask the user if he/she has already registered. If yes then I would ask the token: this can be used to perform the map and link this Telegram user to the universal user Id. Same approach for other channels.
Depending on your needs you might need to deal with anonymous access (users don't provide the token) or maybe you want to provide a different token for each channel (more secure, but requires more work and an easy way to explain this to users).
Finally something to look at (I haven't tried myself) is the possibility to provide in the web site the option to open Telegram (or others) passing an extra parameter, which would allow you to perform the mapping. I don't know if this is possible, but it would simplify this process for your end users. Or the other way around: the users in Telegram could be provided with a link which opens the website, where they can login and be recognised.

How to use same account for multiple companies (Just like a same account can be used for multiple workspaces on Slack)

I am working on a web application which is based on Google App Engine (GAE). The requirement of the application is that one user can be associated with multiple company accounts.
My application has two main types of accounts. One is that main Admin/Company account. Other is the employee account (i.e. the persons who work under a company). Now, what I want to do is that to allow an employee to work under more than one companies, but he does not have to make a separate account for each company. His single account can be associated with multiple companies.
I have explored different platforms which are already supporting this feature. The major ones which I found are Slack and Asana. And my problem can be perfectly mapped to what Slack is doing right now i.e. I create a single account on Slack and I can join multiple workspaces on Slack using this single account.
I want to achieve the same in my application too. I am curious that how Slack is supporting this feature right now? Does it send some ID with every request to the server which indicates that the activity which just has been done is associated with the workspace under this ID? Or there is some unique sort of token associated with every workspace (on Slack API level)?
I do have such a model in my app. A unique auth_token is associated with every company account. So, I am thinking that when an employee wants to do an activity for a specific company he will send this unique token with the request to the server so that server knows for which company the activity was performed.
Does anybody know what is the best way of achieving this?
There are two different concepts at work here:
Relation between account and company / workspace
The data structure for the Slack account is designed such that it can be linked to multiple Slack workspaces, e.g. in SQL you would have a many-2-many relation between the accounts and the workspaces table.
Staying logged in
The way Slack and others Single-Sign-On provides like Google SSO keep you logged in is by settings a browser cookie. That cookie would usually be some kind of crypto hash and the SSO provider will use it to identify to which account the current user belongs to or to request a login via OAuth if the cookie is missing / invalid.
This can also be achieved partly with server sessions (which also uses cookies). Using server sessions is easier to implement than implementing your own (secure) cookie solution, however the user will only stay logged in as long as the browser stays open. But that should be sufficient for most solutions.
Note that tokens for the Slack API work very differently. e.g. they have to be generated per workspace, user and app.

Joining a twilio channel with a user who already exists

I have a React Native app which uses the Twilio Chat API to connect to a channel. I am using this repo:
I am using this.generalChannel.join() to join my general channel. This works for any new user.
I have the token generator running in the background as per the documentation in the readme of the repo.
However, when I try to login with an existing user's name, I get an error with the statusText of 'Member already exists'.
How can I log in to my Twilio Chat channel with an existing user?
In the channel object there is a state object. In there is status, which will equal joined if the user is already a member of the channel. Just do something like if(channel.state.status !== "joined") channel.join().
There is a distinction between member and user. A User is a user of the entire chat app. A Member is an instance of that a user being in a channel. You're trying to join a channel that the user is already a member of. Basically you don't need to call join() there.
A user can be a member of multiple channels, but can only be a single member in a given channel.

Two registration IDs active on one device

I have my app running on a Nexus 5 (Marshmallow) which has 2 active registration ids. Just want to know if that is normal by GCM behavior?
Here's how it's causing me trouble:
Android M has come up with Group permissions - which means the user chooses whether or not he wants the app to have access to his device identifiers (Android ID). Let's assume he denies it and I can't identify the device. The way my app functions is that a user can log in from multiple devices, all of which remain in sync. Because a user can be on mulitple devices, I must handle multiple registration IDs to send push messages (and I cant be sure of the number of devices the user is on, as they can deny providing the device identifiers). This means that I cant delete/update any registration ids on the server side, but only send every push message to all recorded IDs against a user, in the hope that all the devices on which that particular user is signed in will receive the messages.
Because I have a device which has two active registration IDs, I am getting 2 notifications for everything.
On the client end, we were noticing frequent changes in the Registration IDs, we have a class that keeps generating registration ids and updating the server.
Having multiple registration Ids can be a bug in the client app (which you have to deal with).
And the only way to ensure that there will only be one notification being sent per device is to implement canonical IDs on the server side. It is included in the webservice response as "canonical_ids".
Canonical IDs
If a bug in the client app triggers multiple registrations for the same device, it can be hard to reconcile state and the client app might end up with duplicate messages.
Implementing canonical IDs can help you more easily recover from these situations. A canonical registration ID is the registration token of the last registration requested by the client app . This is the ID that the server should use when sending messages to the device.
If you try to send a message using an old registration token, GCM will process the request as usual, but it will include the canonical ID in the registration_id field of the response. Make sure to replace the registration token stored in your server with this canonical ID, as eventually the old registration token will stop working.
Here is a related issue
android GCM get original id of canonical id which tackles how canonical ids work in the actual code