Oracle SQL - Sum next X number of Rows - sql

I have a table in Oracle database whith projected sales per week and would like to sum the next 3 weeks for each week. Here is an example of the table for one product and what I would like to achieve in the last column.
I tried the Sum(Proj Sales) over (partition by Product order by Date), but I am not sure how to configure the Sum Over to get what I am looking for.
Any assistance will be much appreciated.

You can use analytic functions. Assuming that the next three weeks are the current row and the next two:
select t.*,
sum(proj_sales) over (partition by product
order by date
rows between current row and 2 following
) as next_three_weeks
from t;


Subtract from previous row based on certain rows

I have a table like this in SQL
I want to calculate the demand column just like the demand column I created in Excel.
This is the formula I used in Excel
This formula checks if the product type is of the same category and if yes, calculates the number of products that were taken by substracting the stock amount from the previous timestamp.
I want to implement the same in Microsoft SQL Server. Any help will be appreciated.
You can use:
select t.*,
(case when lag(stock) over (partition by type order by time) > stock
then lag(stock) over (partition by type order by time) - stock
else 0
from t;

SQL calculating running total as you go down the rows but also taking other fields into account

I'm hoping you guys can help with this problem.
I have a set of data which I have displayed via excel.
I'm trying to work out the rolling new cap allowance but need to deduct from previous weeks bookings. I don't want to use a cursor so can anyone help.
I'm going to group by the product id so it will need to start afresh for every product.
In the image, Columns A to D are fixed and I am trying to calculate the data in column E ('New Cap'). The 'New Cap' is the expected results.
Column F gives a detailed formula of what im trying to do.
Not sure what I've done for the post to be marked down.
The formula looks like this.
You want the sum of the cap through this row minus the sum of booked through the previous row. This is easy to do with window functions:
select t.*,
(sum(cap + booked) over (partition by productid order by weekbeg) - booked
) as new_cap
from t;
You can get the new running total using lag and sum over window functions - calculate the cap-booked first, then use sum over() for the running total:
select weekbeg, ProductId, Cap, Booked,
Sum(n) over(partition by productid order by weekbeg) New_Cap
from (
select *, cap - Lag(booked,1,0) over(partition by productid order by weekbeg)n
from t

Redshift - How to SUM number over last 4 weeks as a window function per row?

is it possible to SUM a number over a special time period in Amazon Redshift with a WINDOW-Function?
As an example I'm counting login numbers for different companies per day.
What I now want per row is, that it sums up the logins over the last 4 weeks (referenced by the date of the row): The field which I'm serarching for is marked yellow in the screenshot.
Thanks in advance for your help.
If you have data for each day, then you can use rows:
select t.*,
sum(logs) over (partition by company
order by date
rows between 27 preceding and current row
) as logins_4_weeks
from t;
Redshift does not yet support range for the window frame, so this is your best bet.

Year wise Average days SQL

Today i have below problem while perform an sql query. Please find below data.
I perform SQL query on my table and get the below resulted output. i perform Group by on ID, Name, Week, Year, Days now i want the Days column as average of All Days based on year column. means there is multiple value of year is exist so i need Avg of Days data in all rows of DAYS for particular row. expected result as per below.
Thanks in Advance!!!
Write in comment if you have any query.
You can use OVER:
Note: Just grouped by year (2016)

Joining a second instance of Sales table to get last weeks Sales

I have a Sales table showing product number, sales value, and sales volume per week. I need to build a report to display these values and volumes along with the equivalent values from the previous week. I also have a Weeks table which gives me the previous week number for the current week (for instance if current week is 2013-01, then the previous week value is 2012-52).
I therefore assumed it would be simple enough to join to another instance of Sales on product number and previous week number from the Weeks table. However Teradata is not letting me do this, initially it threw an error of Improper column reference in the search condition of a joined table and when I re-ordered the query to reference Weeks before the second instance of Sales it now tries to run but gives me a No more spool space error, so I assume my approach is incorrect. My SQL is as follows:
select s.Week_Number,
from SALES s
inner join WEEKS w
on s.Week_Number = w.Week_Number
left join SALES s_lw
on s.Product_Number = s_lw.Product_Number
and s_lw.Week_Number = w.Last_week_Number
Could anyone please suggest what I'm doing wrong here? It seems like this should be achievable.
I would suggest using a Window Aggregate Function to accomplish this with a single pass of the SALES table:
MAX(s.Sales_Value) OVER (PARTITION BY s.Product_Number
ORDER BY s.Week_Number DESC
MAX(s.Sales_Volume) OVER (PARTITION BY s.Product_Number
ORDER BY s.Week_Number DESC