Vue.js create menu querying database - vue.js

based on the following VueSchool tuto I'm trying to create a Vue app with a menu based on a list of applications found in an October server. I try to replace the static destinations[] by an applications[] filled from the database.
For that I use Axios and Vuex. I'm able to query the data, but I spent many hours trying to get it at the application loading, to create the menu, before the application is displayed...
I have a main.js an App.vue and a MenuApp.vue component for displaying the menu.
My problem is that my getter is always called before my mutation and that my application array is always empty when the menu is creating.
Is there a way to load and init properly all data before displaying my vue.js menu component ???
Or could I reload my menu component after the mutation ?
Thanks for help ;-)

You could use a "loading" layout, before load the main layout.
From "loading" layout, use async to load the applications list and all data you want to get before. At the end, just switch to main layout with applications list loaded.
From OctoberCMS side, I don't know how you are made the requests. But, try to use simple routes, calling router controllers, instead of using components. This will made a more direct request, and a better performance on your final project.


Implement onscreen console log component in Vue.js app

I'm building a Vue.js app that will be run on devices where I don't have access to a dev tools console, such as a game console. I've created a vue DebugPanel component that contains several tabs, one of them being a "log" to write to.
The UI is mostly working as I expect, but now I need to actually take what's in the console and have it output to the element in the component.
I'd like to use this solution of hijacking the consol.log function. This solution works great in a non-vue HTML page, but I'm having trouble with the best way to incorporate it into a Vue.js app.
The issue I'm having is that each tab section on my DebugPanel is hidden/shown based on a v-if attribute. The log element is only in the DOM when its tab element shown. So a call to document.getElementById errors.
Any thoughts on how to implement this in Vue.js?
You can just use Vuex store to pass data through all the app. And i think it would be better to use it in your app for global data.

How to show correct nested child tab when page is reloaded or refreshed in Vue

I am working on implementing nested tab view using custom tab component in Vue. When I refresh or reload the page for nested child tab, no active tab is shown. My question is how to show the active parent tab when page is refreshed/reloaded for the correct active child tab. Here I am providing the code to understand better.
To clarify more, Suppose, I am browsing here to Operation 2 Under the Operation Tab
Now, when I refresh the page, I got this-
I need to click the parent tab (Operation Tab) to see the active Child Tab (Operation 2)
Please, help me to solve this problem. Thank you.
If i'm understanding correctly, your goal here is to keep the selected tabs open after reloading/refreshing the page. In that case you need to store the state of that component by creating new items in localStorage manually by calling localStorage.setItem('key', 'value') and then grabbing that values back in the mounted() lifecycle hook of your component with localStorage.getItem('key', 'value'). Alternatively you can use use Vuex with vuex-persist plugin that will handle saving and loading the state of your app for you.
After your edit, it seems that you want the app to go to a specific route after a refresh. Perhaps you could implement vue-router, and save the most recent route in localstorage, then re-route the user to said most recent route when the app is refreshed.
You would need: implement vue-router so that the open tabs are saved into the route, use hooks or mixin to save most recent route to localstorage, use created() hooks in App.Vue to load the most recent route (if any) and use programmatic navigation to push user to the loaded most recent route.

Communicating with a completely separate vue component

Let's say I have a webshop and a shopping cart in the header that can unfold and remove things etc etc. Standard fare. Implementing this in vue seems easy enough.
Now I press a button somewhere else on the page (Where on the page doesn't matter) - how do I get the cart to update?
In other words, how do I connect an arbitrary event to a vue instance? I imagine making the entire page into a huge vue instance would work but that smells fishy, and would probably hit performance.
I would say that having Vue control only part of an application is what is fishy, but you can refer to your Vue instance externally. If it has a method named updateCart and you created it like
const vueInstance = new Vue(...);
then you could call vueInstance.updateCart(whatever); in your click handler.

what is the best way to use vue, vue-router to make a dashboard with keep-alive?

I'm using vue2, vue-router with keep-alive to develop a dashboard. What I want to achieve is following:
page should re-fetch when login -> logout -> login other account
(use beforeRouterEnter, beforeRouterLeave to re-fetch !? or use condition to keep alive component or not !?)
but vue-router can't use vue data to check page should keep alive or not...
in HTML template, it will render and render. If there has some vuex data show directly in HTML, it will error with not have the object inside object yet ex:
user: {
plan: {
xxx: ''
sure I can give vuex data all of property init data. It can avoid this thing happen, but if the page with keep alive, it still happens...
also, I can write many v-if in the template, but I think it's not a good idea to put v-if all around the template to make sure data exist..ex:
v-if="user.plan &&"
or add v-if in component root template, is that a good idea !?
use beforeMount without keeping alive, there is no problem but it's not a good user experience dashboard (when you change page, data disappear or you have already load page data but load again)
Is there anyone who really use Vue 2 and it's relative library (vuex, vue-router) to develop can tell me how you develop your SPA project !?

Attach/Render RactiveJS component outside of template

I've got an existing SPA that was developed using nested RactiveJS components. Which is great, and offers a ton of flexibility throughout the entire app. Currently I attempting to add in client side routing support using page. My navigation switches out high-level components using simple {{#visible}}{{/visible}} template markup on each component. This is a little troublesome in its current state as it always kicks off a re-render whenever the high-level component becomes visible again.
Is there a way to render a component, for example, called widget, without using the
method? I've already "registered" the component with the parent, but obviously when constructing it by means of
new App.components.widget
I am able to control how/when it's rendered/inserted/detached, but lose the recognition in the application's component hierarchy.
There is insert exactly for that. You don't even need to "register" it to the component you plan to put it to. You can use the different find* methods or nodes to easily retrieve a reference of your planned container element.
var instance = new YourDetachedWidget({ ... });
instance.insert('#your-container'); // This could be a node, selector or jQuery object