PostGIS query to Select all Polygons from Polygon table having an intersecting geometry with one or more point in passed list of GeoCoordinates - sql

I have a polygons table in Postgres (using PostGIS extension) named polygon having two fields (geom, id).
If I want to query the id of the polygon which intersects with the geometry of input geo-coordinate then I can do it with the below query.
SELECT id, geom
FROM polygon
WHERE ST_Intersects(polygon.%s, ST_GeometryFromText(POINT(latitude logitude), 4326));
But now I have a use case where I am getting a lot of geo-coordinates in request(~60k), now I am breaking this into lists of 1k Geo-coordinate each and querying the id of the polygon intersecting with each geo-coordinate.
I am struggling with how to write. a query for this, or if anyone has a better solution for this please suggest.

Keep in mind that the right order of coordinate pairs is lon, lat, so creating a point with lat, lon in your query will return wrong results. Your query also misses the single quotes ' around the WKT coordinate, e.g. 'POINT(1 2)'.
That all being said, you could simply paginate your result sets using ORDER BY, LIMIT and OFFSET, e.g.
Getting the first 1000 records
SELECT id, geom FROM polygon
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom, 'SRID=4326;POINT(1 2)')
By changing the OFFSET value you are able to retrieve the next pages.
LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 1000;
and so on ..
LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 2000;
EDIT: One way to apply this query using multiple input points is to use a CTE / subquery (see comments), e.g.
WITH j(g) AS (
('SRID=4326;POINT(1 1)'),
('SRID=4326;POINT(1 2)')
-- ... add as many geometries as you want
SELECT id, geom FROM polygon, j
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom, g::geometry)


Fastest way to filter latitude and longitude from a sql table?

I have a huge table data where sample data is like below. I want to filter few latitude and longitude records from the huge table and I am using In clause to filter list of lat,lon values but when I try to run the query it takes more a min to execute what is the better query to execute it faster? the list of lat,lon is around 120-150
id longitude latitude
190 -0.410123 51.88409
191 -0.413256 51.84567
SELECT DISTINCT id, longitude, latitude
FROM geo_table
WHERE ROUND(longitude::numeric, 3) IN (-0.418, -0.417, -0.417, -0.416 and so on )
AND ROUND(latitude::numeric, 3) IN (51.884, 51.884, 51.883, 51.883 and so on);
If at least one of the ranges of values in X or Y is tight you can try prefiltering rows. For example, if X (longitude) values are all close together you could try:
SELECT distinct id,longitude,latitude
from (
select *
FROM geo_table
where longitude between -0.418 and -0.416 -- prefilter with index scan
and latitude between 51.883 and 51.884 -- prefilter with index filter
) x
-- now the re-check logic for exact filtering
where ROUND(longitude::numeric,3) in (-0.418, -0.417, -0.417, -0.416, ...)
and ROUND(latitude::numeric,3) in (51.884, 51.884, 51.883, 51.883, ...)
You would need an index with the form:
create index ix1 on geo_table (longitude, latitude);
First, the way you are looking for a list of latitudes and a list of longitudes is likely wrong if you are looking for points locations:
point: lat;long
Point A: 1;10
Point B: 2;10
Point C: 1;20
Point D: 2;20
--> if you search for latitude in (1;2) and longitude in (10;20), the query will return the 4 points, while if you search for (latitude,longitude) in ((1;10),(2;20)), the query will return only points A and D.
Then, since you are looking for rounded values, you must index the rounded values:
create index latlong_rdn on geo_table (round(longitude,3),round(latitude,3));
and the query should use the exact same expression:
select *
from geo_table
where (round(longitude,3),round(latitude,3)) in
But here again rounding is not necessarily the best approach when dealing with locations. You may want to have a look at the PostGIS extension, to save the points as geography, add a spatial index, and to search for points within a distance (st_dwithin()) of the input locations.

Find records by given latitude and longitude which intersects and circle within 2 mile radius using PostGIS?

I have a Postgres table with some data created by using a shapefile. I need to find all records which intersect within 2 miles radius from a given latitude and longitude. I used some queries including the following one.
SELECT * FROM us_census_zcta WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geom,
CIRCLE(POINT(40.730610, -73.935242), 2));
But none of them worked. What I am doing wrong here? How can I get the results I need?
The SRID is 4269 (NAD 83).
EDIT: After Mike Organek pointed me out that I have switched the lat-long in the above query. And then I tried a few things and the following query gave me 1 record.
SELECT * FROM us_census_zcta WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geom::geometry,
ST_SETSRID(ST_POINT(-73.935242, 40.730610), 4269)::geometry);
But how can I use Circle and find records which intersect within 2 miles radius from that given lat-long?
What you're looking for is ST_DWithin, which will check if records intersect within a given buffer. In order to use it with miles you better cast the geometry column to geography, as it then computes distances in metres:
For geography: units are in meters and distance measurement defaults to use_spheroid=true. For faster evaluation use use_spheroid=false to measure on the sphere.
SELECT * FROM us_census_zcta
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-73.935242, 40.730610), 4269)::geography,
3218.688); -- ~2 miles
Keep in mind that this cast might affect query performance if the indexes aren't set properly.
See also: Getting all Buildings in range of 5 miles from specified coordinates

Problem with ST_AREA regarding coordinate system

I want to select all polygons with area more than 350 square kilometers from my initial polygons and tried ST_Area. But my polygons are in WKID: 25832 (UTM 32N) and I read that ST_Area always calculates in WGS 84 (EPSG 4326)....
I tried it like this but did not work.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS projekt."Final_Selection";
CREATE TABLE projekt."Final_Selection" AS
SELECT (st_area/1000000), geom
FROM projekt."New_Pot" WHERE st_area>350 ;
and like this:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS projekt."Final_Selection";
CREATE TABLE projekt."Final_Selection" AS
SELECT (st_area(ST_Transform(geom,25832)))/10000000, geom
FROM projekt."New_Pot" WHERE st_area>350;
Does anyone have an advice for me? Thx in advance!
If you want to select geometries by their size in sqm use ST_Area with geography instead of geometry:
For geography types by default area is determined on a spheroid with units in square meters.
SELECT * FROM projekt."New_Pot"
WHERE ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom,4326)::geography) >= 350000
Note: keep in mind that using ST_Area in the WHERE clause might slow down your query significantly, as the area is being calculated in query time. If it isn't a one time query, consider creating an index with the area pre-calculated, e.g.
CREATE INDEX idx_geom ON projekt."New_Pot" (ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom,4326)::geography));
See also: Calculate the percentage of polygon inside the buffer in postgresql
In case you want to query polygons within a given radius: the easiest way would be to convert your geometry column to geography and from there use ST_DWithin, which will calculate the distance in metres when used with geography parameters:
SELECT * FROM projekt."New_Pot"
ST_Transform(geom,4326)::geography, -- your geometry converted to geography
ST_MakePoint(1,52)::geography, -- a given point
350000) -- a 350km buffer
Related post: Getting all Buildings in range of 5 miles from specified coordinates

SQL Network Length Calculation Lon/Lat

I currently have an Azure postgresql database containing openstreetmap data and I was wondering if there's a SQL query that can get the total distance of a way by using the lat/longs of the nodes the way uses.
I would like the SQL query to return way_id and distance.
My current approach is using C# to download all the ways and all the nodes into dictionaries (with their id's being the key). I then loop through all the ways, grouping all the nodes that belong to that way and then use their lat/longs (value divided by 10000000) to calculate the distance. This part works as excepted but rather it be done on the server.
The SQL I have attempted is below but I'm stuck on calculating the total distance per way based on the lat/longs.
Update: Postgis extension is installed.
SELECT as wId, node_id, (CAST(latitude as float)) / 10000000 as lat, (CAST(longitude as float)) / 10000000 as lon FROM public.current_ways
JOIN current_way_nodes as cwn ON = cwn.way_id
JOIN current_nodes as cn ON cwn.node_id =
wId node_id latitude longitude
2 1312575 51.4761127 -3.1888786
2 1312574 51.4759647 -3.1874216
2 1312573 51.4759207 -3.1870016
2 1213756 51.4758761 -3.1865223
3 ....
way_id length
3 ...
It would be much simpler should you also had the geometry in your table, i.e. the actual point instead of just the coordinates, or, even better, the actual lines.
That being said, here is a query to get what you are looking for:
SELECT w.way_id,
ST_Length( -- compute the length
ST_MAKELINE( --of a new line
ST_SetSRID( --made of an aggregation of NEW points
ST_MAKEPOINT((CAST(longitude as float)) / 10000000,(CAST(latitude as float)) / 10000000), --created using the long/lat from your text fields
4326) -- specify the projection
ORDER BY w.sequence_id -- order the points using the given sequence
)::geography --cast to geography so the output length will be in meters and not in degrees
) as length_m
FROM current_way_nodes w
JOIN current_nodes n ON w.node_id = n.node_id
GROUP BY w.way_id;

How to get the intersection length of touching geometries with ST_Touches

I am trying to develop a query in Postgis, where it can solve this problem:
I have a geometry and I wanna know which of the polygons that touches it, there is the highest contact area of this geometry. After I recognize this polygon I will take its value in a specific column and put this value in the same column but in my geometry.
Someone know how can I do that? I am a new user in postgresql/postgis.
As pointed out by #JGH in the comments, the overlapping area will be zero if you use ST_Touches alone. What you can do is to filter out only the geometries that do touch your reference geometry and then use ST_Intersection to get the intersection area, so that you can finally calculate the length of the intersection with ST_Length.
Data Sample
The geometry values depicted above are inside the CTE:
WITH j (id,geom) AS (
(1,'POLYGON((-4.64 54.19,-4.59 54.19,-4.59 54.17,-4.64 54.17,-4.64 54.19))'),
(2,'POLYGON((-4.59 54.19,-4.56 54.19,-4.56 54.17,-4.59 54.17,-4.59 54.19))'),
(3,'LINESTRING(-4.65 54.19,-4.57 54.21)'),
(4,'POLYGON((-4.66 54.21,-4.60 54.21,-4.60 54.20,-4.66 54.20,-4.66 54.21))'),
(5,'POINT(-4.57 54.20)')
'POLYGON((-4.62 54.22,-4.58 54.22,-4.58 54.19,
-4.62 54.19,-4.62 54.22))')) AS touch_length
'POLYGON((-4.62 54.22,-4.58 54.22,-4.58 54.19,
-4.62 54.19,-4.62 54.22))')
ORDER BY touch_length DESC
id | touch_length
1 | 0.03000000000000025
(1 Zeile)