Windows.UI.Xaml.Application vs DependencyObject - c++-winrt

Why DependencyObject has no user defined default constructor just like Application?
inline Application::Application()
Windows::Foundation::IInspectable baseInterface, innerInterface;
*this = impl::call_factory<Application, Windows::UI::Xaml::IApplicationFactory>([&](auto&& f) { return f.CreateInstance(baseInterface, innerInterface); });
I compared with their attributes : Application has following attributes
and DependencyObject
the only defference is the StaticAttribute, but I don't think this will convince me. Please help. Many thanks!!!


Can I add to or change the default CSS class when using ValidationMessage in ASP.NET Core?

I am using ValidationMessage in a razor component to show validation message, like this:
<ValidationMessage For="#(() => ViewModel.CompanyNumber)" />
This generates this HTML code:
<div class="validation-message">The company number field is required.</div>
Is it possible to change the CSS-class? I want to use something else than validation-message. Adding class="myclass" is ignored by the controller. I've also tried with #attributes without success.
With .NET5 they added functionality to customize the validation classes on the actual input-fields (which issue 8695 was about) by way of setting a FieldCssClassProvider to the edit context. But there still seems to be no way of customizing the classes of the ValidationSummary or ValidationMessage components
Snipped directly from the .NET 5 docs
var editContext = new EditContext(model);
editContext.SetFieldCssClassProvider(new MyFieldClassProvider());
private class MyFieldClassProvider : FieldCssClassProvider
public override string GetFieldCssClass(EditContext editContext,
in FieldIdentifier fieldIdentifier)
var isValid = !editContext.GetValidationMessages(fieldIdentifier).Any();
return isValid ? "good field" : "bad field";
Using this will yield the below html for an invalid input. At least with this we can style the actual input elements. Just not the messages...
<input class="bad field" aria-invalid="">
<div class="validation-message">Identifier too long (16 character limit).</div>
You can change the validation-message class inside the css file app.css inside the wwwroot. Or site.css in in earlier previews.
.validation-message {
color: red;
The class is set in ValidationMessage.cs
protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
foreach (var message in CurrentEditContext.GetValidationMessages(_fieldIdentifier))
builder.OpenElement(0, "div");
builder.AddMultipleAttributes(1, AdditionalAttributes);
builder.AddAttribute(2, "class", "validation-message");
builder.AddContent(3, message);
Why don't you just copy the code for ValidationMessage.cs and write in your own property? There is nothing special about this class except for capturing a Cascading Parameter. Just take this file and make your own with a slightly different name then add:
[Parameter] public string AdditionalClassNames {get;set;}
protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
foreach (var message in CurrentEditContext.GetValidationMessages(_fieldIdentifier))
builder.OpenElement(0, "div");
builder.AddMultipleAttributes(1, AdditionalAttributes);
builder.AddAttribute(2, "class", string.IsNullOrEmpty(AdditionalClassNames) ? "validation-message" : $"validation-message {AdditionalClassNames}");
builder.AddContent(3, message);
Even better, it's not sealed! Just use it as a base class for a new version and add what I mentioned above.
It is not possible in ASP.NET Core 3.1. Hopefully, it will be included in next major version, see this feature request:

Syncfusion calender OnMonthCellLoaded custom event is passing a null to my command

Preface: Syncfusion provides a free Calender control called SfCalendar for Xamarin.Forms. This calender has an event called OnMonthCellLoaded. The problem with this event is that its eventargs is type MonthCell which does not inherit from System.EventArgs unfortunately. This is a problem because the eventargs of an event must inherit from System.EvenArgs in order for it to properly used by the Prism EventToCommand behavior.
Objective: I am trying to bind the OnMonthCellLoaded event using prism behaviors in order to set the data context of the MonthCell. I hope this is clear.
Current situation:
I have extended the SfCalendar calender like follow:
public class sfCalendarExtended : Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.SfCalendar
public event EventHandler<MonthCellEventArgs> OnMonthCellLoadedExtended;
public sfCalendarExtended()
this.OnMonthCellLoaded += SfCalendarExtended_OnMonthCellLoaded;
private void SfCalendarExtended_OnMonthCellLoaded(object sender, MonthCell e)
if (this.OnMonthCellLoadedExtended != null)
if (e != null)
var eventArgs = new MonthCellEventArgs() { Value = new MonthCell(e.Date) };
this.OnMonthCellLoadedExtended(this, eventArgs);
public class MonthCellEventArgs : System.EventArgs
public MonthCell Value { get; set; }
public MonthCellEventArgs()
This is my Xaml
<Controls:sfCalendarExtended x:Name="calendar">
<Syncfusion:MonthViewSettings DateSelectionColor="#dddddd" CellTemplate="{StaticResource weathertemplate}"/>
<prismbehaviors:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="OnMonthCellLoadedExtended" Command="{Binding BindMonthCellToDateCommand}"/>
Where controls is the alias for the namespace where the sfCalenderExtended class resides.
Now let's take a look at the Command implementation in my view model:
public DelegateCommand<MonthCellEventArgs> BindMonthCellToDateCommand { get; set; }
public ViewModel()
BindMonthCellToDateCommand = new DelegateCommand<MonthCellEventArgs>(
(MonthCellEventArgs obj) =>
// more code here
Now everything goes according to plan until I hit MonthCellEventArgs obj with the debugger and obj is always null.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Alright, so I have emailed Syncfusion about this and they have addressed this issue by changing the args parameter of MonthCellLoaded event handler to inherit from System.EventArgs. More information in their online forum here.
My solution above works if and only if I use Corcav behaviors (see link) instead of Prism behaviors.
We have fixed the issue’s with “System.ArgumentException has been thrown while using EventToCommand behavior in SfCalendar”. As per the implementation Monthcell is moved to EventArgs from View and it is deprecated in OnMonthCellLoaded event and use MonthCellLoadedEventArgs. Please find the Custom assemblies for this fix below.
Custom assemblies:
Please clear the NuGet cache before replacing the custom assemblies. Please find the link below,
Assembly Version:
Installation Directions:
Replace the files “Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.dll, Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.Android.dll, Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.iOS.dll” under following folders. Before replacing the new assemblies please take backup of old assemblies.
{Syncfusion Installed location} \Essential Studio\\Xamarin\lib\pcl\Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.dll
{Syncfusion Installed location} \Essential Studio\\Xamarin\lib\Android\Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.dll
{Syncfusion Installed location}\EssentialStudio\\Xamarin\lib\Android\Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.Android.dll
{Syncfusion Installed location} \Essential Studio\\Xamarin\lib\iOS\Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.dll
{Syncfusion Installed location}\EssentialStudio\\Xamarin\lib\iOS\Syncfusion.SfCalendar.XForms.iOS.dll
Vigneshkumar R

how can i change menu view by user access role?

I have a web application project with MVC 4 and I use Telerik panel bar and bind it by site map for my menu.but now i want to each user according to user access roles in my program see particular items of menu and hide remind menu items . how can i do this work in MVC any tips or trick would be welcome
this is link of Telerik website that i use it for creating my menu just i use it in partial view and just render its action in my layout razor code
Assume you have this global class :
public class AccessControlList{
public static bool IsAdmin {
//put your code here
return false;
public static bool HasOpenFileAccess{
//put your code here
return true;
then in your view.cshtml you may have something like this :
.Items(itemAdder =>
.Text("Admin Menu")
.Items(subItemAdder =>
.Text("Open File...")
complete your AccessControlList class (AccessControlList.cs file) to check if the authenticated person has your required access or not.

how to use built-in content type negotiation and just get access to the decision

I wanted to take advantage of built-in content negotiator and just get access to decision what formatter is going to be used. I don't want to use Request.Headers.Accept and check for whether it is json or xml content type because there lot of things are involved in that decision. Is there a way I can check at controller level or override any class that tells me what formatter going to be used OR what request content type is?
thanks in advance.
You can run conneg manually:
var conneg = Configuration.Services.GetContentNegotiator();
var connegResult = conneg.Negotiate(
typeof(YOUR_TYPE), Request, Configuration.Formatters
And use the output whichever way you want:
//the valid media type
var mediaType = connegResult.MediaType;
//do stuff
//the relevant formatter
var formatter = connegResult.Formatter;
//do stuff
If you want to see what is going on then install a TraceWriter and you will see what the conneg does.
A TraceWriter looks something like:
public class TraceWriter : ITraceWriter {
public bool IsEnabled(string category, TraceLevel level) {
return true;
public void Trace(HttpRequestMessage request, string category, TraceLevel level, Action<TraceRecord> traceAction) {
var rec = new TraceRecord(request, category, level);
private void Log(TraceRecord record) {
and is installed like this,
config.Services.Replace(typeof(ITraceWriter), new TraceWriter());
If you want to manually invoke conneg then you can use,
Tugberk has a blog on this. Have a look.

NHibernate Validator: Using Attributes vs. Using ValidationDefs

I've been using NH Validator for some time, mostly through ValidationDefs, but I'm still not sure about two things:
Is there any special benefit of using ValidationDef for simple/standard validations (like NotNull, MaxLength etc)?
I'm worried about the fact that those two methods throw different kinds of exceptions on validation, for example:
ValidationDef's Define.NotNullable() throws PropertyValueException
When using [NotNull] attribute, an InvalidStateException is thrown.
This makes me think mixing these two approaches isn't a good idea - it will be very difficult to handle validation exceptions consistently. Any suggestions/recommendations?
ValidationDef is probably more suitable for business-rules validation even if, having said that, I used it even for simple validation. There's more here.
What I like about ValidationDef is the fact that it has got a fluent interface.
I've been playing around with this engine for quite a while and I've put together something that works quite well for me.
I've defined an interface:
public interface IValidationEngine
bool IsValid(Entity entity);
IList<Validation.IBrokenRule> Validate(Entity entity);
Which is implemented in my validation engine:
public class ValidationEngine : Validation.IValidationEngine
private NHibernate.Validator.Engine.ValidatorEngine _Validator;
public ValidationEngine()
var vtor = new NHibernate.Validator.Engine.ValidatorEngine();
var configuration = new FluentConfiguration();
.Register<Data.NH.Validation.User, Domain.User>()
.Register<Data.NH.Validation.Company, Domain.Company>()
.Register<Data.NH.Validation.PlanType, Domain.PlanType>();
this._Validator = vtor;
public bool IsValid(DomainModel.Entity entity)
return (this._Validator.IsValid(entity));
public IList<Validation.IBrokenRule> Validate(DomainModel.Entity entity)
var Values = new List<Validation.IBrokenRule>();
NHibernate.Validator.Engine.InvalidValue[] values = this._Validator.Validate(entity);
if (values.Length > 0)
foreach (var value in values)
new Validation.BrokenRule()
// Entity = value.Entity as BpReminders.Data.DomainModel.Entity,
// EntityType = value.EntityType,
EntityTypeName = value.EntityType.Name,
Message = value.Message,
PropertyName = value.PropertyName,
PropertyPath = value.PropertyPath,
// RootEntity = value.RootEntity as DomainModel.Entity,
Value = value.Value
return (Values);
I plug all my domain rules in there.
I bootstrap the engine at the app startup:
Now, when I need to validate my entities before save, I just use the engine:
if (!this._ValidationEngine.IsValid(User))
BrokenRules = this._ValidationEngine.Validate(User);
and return, eventually, the collection of broken rules.