Do Nuxt.js store functions only execute on client side. Or should I explicitly use proccess variable to make sure its run on the client side - vuex

Is it necessary that the store functions will be executed only client side or is there any case where the store functions can be invoked by Nuxt server too?

Store functions can absolutely be executed server side. For example, serverInit. They can also potentially be called in lifecycle hooks that happen serverside, like created and beforeCreate.
However, it's exceedingly rare that you should be worried about this. Generally, store actions or mutations are committed once on page load, and from then on as a result of user interaction which always happens client side.
So rather than using process.server checks everywhere, simply code your data fetching in your mounted hooks.


How to queue requests in React Native without Redux?

Let's say I have a notes app. I want to enable the user to make changes while he is offline, save the changes optimistically in a Mobx store, and add a request to save the changes (on the server) to a queue.
Then when the internet connection is re-established I want to run the requests in the queue one by one so the data in the app syncs with data on the server.
Any suggestions would help.
I tried using react-native-job-queue but it doesn't seem to work.
I also considered react-native-queue but the library seems to be abandoned.
You could create a separate store (or an array in AsyncStorage) for pending operations, and add the operations to an array there when the network is disconnected. Tell your existing stores to look there for data, so you can render it optimistically. Then, when you detect a connection, run the updates in array order, and clear the array when done.
You could also use your existing stores, and add something like pending: true to values that haven't posted to your backend. However, you'll have less control over the order of operations, which sounds like it is important.
As it turns out I was in the wrong. The react-native-job-queue library does work, I just made a mistake by trying to pass a function reference (API call) to the Worker instead of just passing an object that contains the request URL and method and then just implement the Worker to make the API call based on those parameters.

Client-only request strictly after SSR request in Nuxt

I have two Vuex actions that both issue an axios request. I need to call one after the other, however, the second should only be called on the client side.
The first one, let's call it fetchContent is going to give me an object with details about the content that I need to fetch. The second one, fetchAd is going to fetch an ad, and it needs to know the id of the content object.
Due to various constraints, the ad should only be fetched on the client side, so just doing two awaits inside fetch will not.
I also thought about handling fetchContent inside fetch and then calling fetchAd inside mounted, but then I can't be sure by the time the page is mounted I actually have the response from fetchContent.
Another scenario I thought of is to just issue the fetchAd call from inside fetchContent, but there are several different variations of fetchContent and embedding fetchAd in every one of them would yield unnecessary complexity.
What's a clean, best-practice solution here?

Why use Vuex in SSR?

My question is, what's the point of setting up Vuex for the server when the state will be overwritten when the client side hydration takes place?
I have some data (Helm env variables) that I want to store in the vuex store for later use.
These variables is only available to me on the server, so I started trying to add them to the store in my createApp script when running on the server.
The store state however is reset when the client side hydration kicks in, so no env variables left.
Google told me I should use like window.INITIAL_DATA to set the state again on the client:
But if have to use the window object to pass store data to the client, what's the point of using Vuex on the server at all?
Isn't it better to skip Vuex overhead on the server and just use Vuex on the client and populate it with INITIAL_DATA?
I'm probably missing something..
During SSR, we are essentially rendering a "snapshot" of our app. The asynchronous data from our components needs to be available before we mount the client side app - otherwise the client app would render using different state and the hydration would fail.
To address this, the fetched data needs to live outside the view components, in a dedicated data store, or a "state container". On the server, we can pre-fetch and fill data into the store while rendering. In addition, we will serialize and inline the state in the HTML after the app has finished rendering. The client-side store can directly pick up the inlined state before we mount the app.
Also to mention:
The data you access while SSR in any Component needs to come from somewhere if you want to share information across Components, this is what Vuex is there for.

Relay modern caching example

I would like to enable caching in my react native application. I am using GraphQL with Relay modern. I found out that caching is not enabled by default in relay modern, but they have exposed RelayQueryResponseCache from relay-runtime, which we can add to the fetchQuery function in our API. I read discussion here and here about it, but have not seen any example to get started. Can someone help me out on this?
Ok I came up with a solution. I think it misses few things but so far it serves our needs.
I have noticed that passing anything into QueryRenderer into cacheConfig results passing that value into fetchQuery function inside my environment.
So I have created a Component which loads the data by some relation and resolves it into the correct json structure requested by the query. Then I return this into the state. Then I extended my Component which contains QueryRenderer with the created 'cache loader'. Now when componentWillMount() is called I ask for the cached data. During this I have set this.state.loading = true so I am able to handle loading state. Reading from DB is async.
I am using this class in other components as well. Every one handles its cache data. I just pass it to QueryRenderer.
However I was thinking that this makes some extra logic need to add for each Component which is supported by this caching. Probably passing the cache resolver as cacheConfig and resolve the cached data immediately inside the environment would be much more cleaner.

How do you pass data to react components from express or koa without renderToString?

I'm unable to use React's server side rendering due to my use of client side libraries such as reqwest. I would like to pass some data to my react components, however. Is there a way to do this?
The easiest way to do this is by having api-client.js and api.js. In your browserify/webpack config you set up a client side version. For browserify put this in your package.json (feel free to edit and add webpack).
"browser": {
"./path/to/api.js": "path/to/api-client.js"
The second option is better in my opinion, but more difficult to implement. You create an abstract representation of your API that works like this:
var comments = require('./api').get('comments');
comments.getById('7').then(function(comment){ ... });
On the server api.js simply calls the correct functions, which all return promises. On the client it returns a promise, makes an ajax request to the server, which calls these functions, and sends back the response, and the api client resolves/rejects its promise.
This allows the api to automatically work, and allows you to do additional things like track unfulfilled promises, and pre-populate state on the client, etc. (see react-async for example).